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2003-2004 Academic Catalog

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College of Arts and Letters

Art Department
Communication Department
Criminal Justice Department
General Studies
History Department
Language and Literature Department
Schwob School of Music
Political Science Department
Theatre Arts Department

The College of Arts and Letters is comprised of the departments of Art, Criminal Justice, History, Language and Literature, Music, Political Science, and Theatre Arts, and Communication. The dean's office is located in 209 Faculty Office building.

Department of Art

Undergraduate Programs
Graduate Program

The Department of Art provides a broad curriculum of all aspects of the visual arts including drawing, printmaking, painting, sculpture, ceramics, photography, art education, art history, art criticism, graphic design and computer graphics. The Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in art is designed for students discovering their own creative talents or those desiring continued study in a graduate school while the Bachelor of Science in Education (BSEd) in art education prepares graduates for graduate school or for teaching art in the public schools. The graduate programs section of the catalog has information on the Master of Education in art education.

Undergraduate Programs

Expected Outcomes:

BFA graduates will demonstrate competence in: 

  • Media/technology 
  • Historical concerns 
  • Diverse cultures 
  • Art theory 
  • Criticism/aesthetics 
  • Portfolio 
  • Critiques

BSEd Art Education
BSED graduates will demonstrate competence in: 

  • Media/technology 
  • Historical concerns 
  • Diverse cultures 
  • Art theory 
  • Criticism/aesthetics 
  • Art education foundations 
  • Curriculum development 
  • Teaching administration 

Graduate Program

MED Art Education

The Master of Education (MEd) in Art Education provides graduate-level education for students seeking further training in the field of art education. Students are required to submit undergraduate transcripts and a portfolio for review and complete an interview with the department chair and program director. Graduate students wishing to enroll in 6000-level art studio courses must have successfully completed undergraduate course work in that area.

Expected Outcomes 

Graduates will demonstrate competence in: 

  • Studio concentration 
  • Art history and analysis 
  • Technical processes 
  • Teaching competencies 
  • Critical analysis 
  • Aesthetic inquiry 
  • Research in art 
  • Art education concepts 
  • Curriculum development in art 
  • Education foundations 

Department of Communication

The Bachelor of Arts (BA) in communication offers a broad background in theory and skills applicable to all communication contexts. Based on the premise that communication is a foundational aspect of society, the communication program is designed for students to acquire knowledge about effective interaction with others in a variety of environments. 

The general communication concentration may be used as a basis for continued study in graduate school, or for management, sales, the ministry, marketing and other professional fields relying on strong presentation skills. 

Admission Requirements 

To be admitted a student must: 
Possess an institutional grade point average of 2.5 

A review each semester to determine retention in the Communication Department is based on the following: 

  • Maintenance of a 2.5 grade point average in the major, 
  • If the grade point average falls below 2.5, the student has one semester to raise the grade point average to a 2.5 or re-apply to the department. 

Expected Outcomes

Communication graduates will have: 

  • Communication skills (e.g., writing, speaking and listening). 
  • Production skills (e.g., computer graphics, Internet sites, public relations). 
  • Research skills (e.g., library, surveys). 
  • A Critical analysis skills (e.g., apply principles and theory to situations). 
  • Adaptability in responding to persons (e.g., age, gender, cultural differences) and situations. 
  • Knowledge of communication history, theory and career opportunity. 

Department of Criminal Justice

The Department of Criminal Justice offers a one-year professional certificate, which is tailored to meet the needs of in-service criminal justice personnel. Certificate students are reminded that the certificate program does not guarantee admission to either the associate or the bachelor degree programs, and that they will be assigned to the current catalog requirements as of the date when they change from certificate to degree programs. Additionally, certificate students who are admitted to a degree program must immediately satisfy core requirements and Regents Exam requirements.

The Associate of Applied Science in Criminal Justice (AASCJ) degree is designed for students who are seeking a degree that will meet the minimum educational requirements of various law enforcement agencies for entry and/or promotion. All criminal justice majors are strongly encouraged to take and complete the associate degree in criminal justice before taking any bachelor degree criminal justice courses.

The Bachelor of Science (BS) degree enables students to demonstrate a general knowledge of law enforcement, legal research, corrections, and criminology. Students must take a minimum of thirty-nine (39) semester hours in CRJU courses in residence at Columbus State University.

Maximum credit for Professional Training/Academies will be twelve (12) semester hours in the associate and/or bachelor degrees. 

Students in degree programs are reminded that evening students may have to take some courses during the day to complete degree requirements.

Graduates of the criminal justice program find secure jobs with local, state, and federal government agencies such as city and state police, sheriffs' departments, probation and parole departments, Georgia and Federal Bureaus of Investigation, drug enforcement agencies, the Secret Service, correctional institutions, juvenile justice agencies, and private industrial security.

Information on the Master of Public Administration degree with the justice administration option may be found in the Political Science section of this catalog.

Expected Outcomes

Graduates will be able to demonstrate knowledge of: 

  • principles of criminal justice systems 
  • knowledge of law enforcement organization and procedures 
  • skills of legal research and analysis 
  • concepts of punishment and rehabilitation in the context of correctional systems 
  • major theories of criminal behavior 

BS graduates also will be able to demonstrate and apply knowledge about each of the above by passing the department exit exam.

General Studies 

Information about the Associate in Science (AS) in general studies can be found in the University College section. 

Department of History

The Bachelor of Arts (BA) in history is designed for students with a variety of personal, professional, and career goals. It equips the student for admission to professional and graduate schools leading to careers in teaching, law, journalism, the religious ministry, and administration.

As a program of study, history provides the student with a way of thinking about the human experience in time. History helps the student to reason systematically, to examine critically the relationships among people and events, and to reach thoughtful judgments about human affairs.

Expected Outcomes 

Graduates will demonstrate: 

  • A general knowledge of American and world history 
  • An awareness of varied historical interpretations 
  • The ability to conduct historical research 
  • The ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing 

Department of Language and Literature

Students can choose one of two tracks for the Bachelor of Arts (BA) in English: literature or professional writing. Both tracks offer courses of study that cultivate in students an appreciation for the power of language, while they sharpen students' reading, research, writing, and analytical skills. English majors study one foreign language through the 2002 level and pass an exit exam to complete their degree.
Students in the literature track study British and American writers, and may follow their interests into literary criticism, linguistics, world literature, African-American literature, women writers, and film. This program provides groundwork for students planning to go to graduate or professional school in the humanities, education, law, or any field that requires the skills and thoughtfulness that students of literature develop. English majors acquire writing skills that are valuable in any career. 

The professional writing track prepares students for writing careers in business or industry. The track offers courses in technical writing, news writing, desktop publishing, and business writing. Internships with Columbus-area organizations provide students with valuable hands-on experience. The program develops strong electronic research, writing, and editing skills.

Some students choose to obtain teacher certification while majoring in English. In addition, the department offers courses to satisfy Georgia requirements for an endorsement to teach English as a second language.

The department also offers the Bachelor of Arts in French with Teacher Certification and the Bachelor of Arts in Spanish with Teacher Certification.

The department offers minors in English (literature or professional writing tracks), linguistics, Spanish, and French.

Expected Outcomes

Graduates will demonstrate: 

  • The ability to express ideas in writing 
  • The ability to read critically 
  • An awareness of the interrelations between literature and other disciplines 
  • Knowledge of the principal genres and periods of literature 
  • The ability to apply research skills 
  • An understanding of the history and structure of language and its role in the human experience 

Schwob School of Music

Undergraduate Programs
Graduate Programs

Mission Statement

The mission of the Schwob School of Music at Columbus State University is to serve the educational and musical needs of its students and the larger community. Hallmarks and commitments of the school, which are linked to the larger university mission statements, include the following: 

  • An emphasis on undergraduate education; 
  • Affirmation of balanced performance and music educational values; 
  • A mixture of liberal arts and professional programs, realized through a strong core of general education for all students, contribution to that core through courses for non-majors, and degree programs for aspiring music professionals (BA in Music, BM in Performance, Piano Pedagogy, and Music Education, and MM in Music Education); 
  • Creative and scholarly work by faculty and students; 
  • Programs that reflect the best current professional practices in design and pedagogy, and that prepare students for the realities of the world of music in the 21st century; 
  • The use of technology in the creation, performance, and teaching of music; 
  • A student-centered environment; 
  • A diverse faculty and student body, including both U.S. nationals and persons from abroad; 
  • Service to the local community through the presentation of concerts, the preparation of teachers, professional development activities, and non-credit programs; 
  • Faculty and institutional service to the profession of music in higher education; 
  • Collaboration with other departments and programs on campus and with the public schools, other arts organizations, and other music professionals; 
  • Excellence in Performance; 
  • An emphasis on quality; 
  • A growing reputation as a center of excellence for undergraduate music study, creating a magnet effect throughout the state, the region, the nation, and abroad. 

Note: All degree programs, services, and personnel are available every academic year. Most courses required for degrees are offered every year; a few upper-level courses are offered in alternate years. Music electives are offered as needed or upon demand.

Undergraduate Programs

The baccalaureate program in music provides students a broad range of programs in music and music education with experiences that relate to the needs of the community, state, and region.

The Bachelor of Arts (BA) in music is a liberal arts degree program with a broad curriculum that includes the standard music history and theory courses but encourages diversification through many electives both within and outside of music. This program provides preparation for further study toward careers other than professional performance or public school teaching.

The Bachelor of Music (BM) in performance has instruction offered for piano, organ, voice, flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, bassoon, trumpet, horn, euphonium, trombone, tuba, violin, viola, cello, string bass, guitar, harp or percussion. The performance program is designed for the student who plans to teach at the university level or perform professionally. An emphasis in Piano Pedagogy is available, offering a comprehensive program with supervised teaching experience at all levels, as well as the study of teaching theories.

The Bachelor of Music (BM) in music education, with a concentration in either choral or instrumental music, leads to teacher certification by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission.

Expected Outcomes 

  • Applied music major proficiency, including sight-reading 
  • Knowledge of literature appropriate to the applied music major 
  • Rehearsal and conducting skills 
  • Proficiency in a secondary area, such as keyboard, vocal or guitar/recorder 
  • Understanding of music theory and aural/visual/verbal analysis 
  • Ability to apply knowledge of form and composition in all areas of music study 
  • Knowledge of various styles, cultures, and media, and ability to place music in historical/cultural/ stylistic contexts 
  • Ability to compose in original and historical styles 
  • Ability to improvise 
  • Knowledge of current technology related to all areas of music study 
  • Understanding of the interrelatedness of all areas of music study and the music professions 
  • Ability to form and defend value judgments about music 
  • Knowledge of capabilities (range, transposing characteristics, and normal use) of the voice and the major band and orchestral instruments and their normal function in homogeneous and heterogeneous ensembles 
  • Ability to sing at sight tonal and atonal melodies 
  • Knowledge of the basic principles of singing 
  • Ability to apply knowledge of pedagogical skills in vocal and/or instrumental idioms 
  • Ability to articulate, in oral and written form, the role and importance of music in society 
  • Ability to detect errors in music performance 
  • Knowledge of school music curricula (music education only) 
  • Knowledge of instrumental and vocal teaching methods and literature (music education only) 
  • Knowledge of curriculum/lesson planning (music education only) 
  • Knowledge of developmental theory, evaluation of learning, and program organization and administration (music education only) 

Requirements for Admission to the Major

In order to be accepted as a music major, each student must demonstrate aptitude in his/her major instrument or voice through a placement audition and interview with a member of the music faculty. All newly admitted music majors also must take placement examinations in music theory and piano. Music majors who take time off before completing degree requirements will be required to re-audition if they have missed a full academic year (fall and spring, or spring and fall).

General Requirements

All music majors are required to attend all master classes in their major instrument and must perform at least once each semester in a recital or master class. All students enrolled in applied music must be concurrently enrolled in a major music ensemble activity (orchestral, vocal or wind).

Students in the Bachelor of Arts program must complete at least 66 semester hours in disciplines outside of music. These hours may be earned as general education requirements, foreign language, general electives, and courses in a minor.

Graduate Programs

MM Music Education

The Master of Music in music education is designed to provide teachers of music with in-depth training and experience in one of three areas of concentration: general music, conducting, or pedagogy. The course of study in each of these areas aims to improve student expertise in handling instructional challenges and musical demands. Course content includes curriculum planning, lesson design, student motivation, use of technology and research, application of learning theory, techniques of recruitment, styles of administration, application of music theory and history, instructional and conducting techniques appropriate to various educational levels, score reading and analysis, and music literature. The degree leads to certification in Georgia and is accredited by both NASM and NCATE.

Admission Requirements

Regular admission - Students must satisfy the following four requirements: 

  • For the one-year program: either (1) hold a bachelor's degree in music education from an accredited college or university or (2) hold a bachelor's degree in some other music area from an accredited college or university (such as BM, BA, etc.) along with a Georgia teaching certificate or its equivalent from another state. For the two-year program: hold a bachelor's degree in some music area other than music education without a Georgia teaching certificate or its equivalent from another state. 
  • Present a minimum score of 800 on the aptitude test of the Graduate Record Examination or a minimum score of 44 on the Miller Analogies Test 
  • Present transcript(s) of all the student's undergraduate work that reveal at least a 2.75 grade point average on all work attempted for which a letter grade was awarded. 
  • Perform, either on videocassette or before an authorized Schwob School of Music faculty member, an audition revealing basic skills in the student's chosen area of concentration: general music, conducting, or pedagogy.

Provisional admission - Students must initially satisfy the following three requirements, then qualify for regular admission by the end of the first semester of attendance: 

  • For the one-year program, satisfy the requirement above for regular admission. For the two-year program, satisfy the requirement above for regular admission. 
  • Present a minimum score of 700 on the aptitude test of the Graduate Record Examination or a minimum score of 35 on the Miller Analogies Test. 
  • Present transcript(s) of all the student's undergraduate work that reveal either (1) at least a 2.5 grade point average on all work attempted for which a letter grade was awarded, or (2) at least a 2.5 grade point average on the most recent 45 semester hours of work attempted for which a letter grade was awarded. 

Students admitted on a provisional basis may retain this status for one semester only, during which they must qualify for regular admission by completing the appropriate requirement(s) as follows: (1) perform and pass the required audition, if not previously passed and/or (2) if admitted with provisional level GRE or MAT scores, enroll as full-time students taking required course work and completing the semester with a grade of B or better.

Non-degree admission - Students who undertake graduate work at the university without meeting all the requirements for regular or provisional admission are placed in non-degree status. Such students who subsequently satisfy all the regular admission requirements may apply a maximum of nine semester hours of this course work toward degree requirements.

Proficiency Requirements

Students pursuing the Master of Music Education degree must satisfy three proficiency requirements, two in music and one in education. The two music proficiencies must be passed before enrolling for the final semester of study. The education proficiency must be passed before a teaching certificate can be issued. Students may receive assistance in preparation for examination or re-examination or any of these proficiencies by enrolling in appropriate courses at the undergraduate level without credit toward the master's degree.
Music proficiency requirements - (1) pass a keyboard examination demonstrating facility at the keyboard, and (2) pass an aural skills examination demonstrating proficiency in sight singing and rhythm.
Education proficiency requirement - pass the PRAXIS II examination.

Independent Study

No more than six semester hours of independent study or special topics may be applied toward meeting requirements for the Master of Music in Music Education degree.

Credit by Transfer

A maximum of nine semester hours of applicable graduate work from an accredited graduate music program may be accepted toward the Master of Music in Music Education degree, provided the credit was earned not more than seven years prior to the date of completion of this degree. Any number of semester hours of applicable undergraduate work transferred from an accredited undergraduate music program may be accepted toward the first year of the two-year program for this degree. The Schwob School of Music will accept or reject proposed transfer credits based on the applicability of the credit to this degree program.


Students seeking the Master of Music in Music Education degree must satisfactorily complete a prescribed course of study of at least 35 semester hours numbered 5000 or above: 18 semester hours of professional core courses, 14 semester hours of area of concentration courses, and three semester hours of electives. Students who desire a teaching certificate and who have not taken SPED 3255 or its equivalent must take EDCI 6228 as their three semester hours of electives.

Students with an undergraduate music major in an area other than music education must enroll in the two-year program and complete the following 31 semester hours of course work prior to enrolling in courses at the 5000 level or above: 

EDCI 6225 Foundations of Education
EDCI 6226 Instructional Applications
EDCI 6227 Human Development
EDCI 6228 Special Education
EDUF 4205 Integrating Technology
MUSE 3202 Intermediate Conducting
MUSE 4205 Elementary School Music Methods
MUSE 4485 Student Teaching
Select one of the following courses:
MUSE 4206 Secondary School Choral Methods
MUSE 4207 Secondary School Instrumental Methods

Department of Political Science

Undergraduate Programs
Graduate Program

Undergraduate Programs

The Department of Political Science offers courses in all major parts of the discipline (American politics, political theory, comparative politics, international relations, public administration), and offers the Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree and political behavior/policy and pre-law options in the Bachelor of Science (BS) degree. The graduate program section of this catalog has information on the Master of Public Administration degree.

A political science degree is a pathway to law school, graduate school, or employment with government agencies or private sector organizations (businesses, interest groups, research organizations). While no specific undergraduate major is required for law school, the political science program addresses the communication skills, critical understanding of institutions, behaviors and values, and analytical thinking recommended for the study of law.

Expected Outcomes

Political Science graduates will:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the discipline of political science in terms of its history, content, purpose and methodologies 
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the sub-fields of political science (American politics, political theory, comparative politics, international relations, public administration), specific to their selected option (BA; BS political behavior/policy; BS pre-law) 
  • Demonstrate the ability to analyze materials (e.g. data, texts) and to think critically. 
  • Demonstrate the effective ability to communicate orally 
  • Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively in writing 
  • Be prepared to achieve their personal goals with regard to intellectual and social skills 
  • Be prepared to achieve their personal goals with regard to governmental employment, private employment, graduate and/or professional school 

Graduate Program

The Master of Public Administration (MPA) program is designed to promote achievement of students' professional objectives with regard to government agencies and health organizations. It is suitable also for not-for-profit organizations. The program offers curriculum options in:

  • general government, applicable to government agencies of all types and levels. 
  • health services administration, designed for students who wish to be better prepared for management in complex health organizations and programs; it is especially suited to students whose health careers move from providing direct services to supervisory and programmatic responsibilities. 
  • justice administration, designed to promote professional achievement in law enforcement, corrections, and related fields. 

The program is appropriate for mid-career students with undergraduate degrees in liberal arts or technical/professional areas. To provide access to in-service as well as pre-service students, classes are scheduled for evenings and Saturdays; selected justice administration courses are taught in a week-long format.

Expected Outcomes

  • Students will demonstrate knowledge of core and option subjects on the comprehensive examination. 
  • Graduates will express satisfaction with the contribution of the degree to their professional goals. 


An undergraduate degree from an accredited institution is required. Regular admission requires a minimum 2.75 undergraduate grade point average and either a minimum score of 800 on the general test of the Graduate Record Examination (total of verbal and quantitative scores) or a minimum score of 44 on the Miller Analogies Test. Applicants not meeting these criteria may be admitted as provisional students, if the department offering the option finds other indicators of probable success, such as professional achievement or upward trend of undergraduate grades.


In addition to the courses listed below, each option is subject to the following requirements:

  • All students must complete the common core for the degree. 
  • A minimum B average in core courses, with no more than two Cs, and a minimum grade of B in option courses are required for degree completion. 
  • No more than 17 semester credit hours in Abbott Turner College of Business courses, including transferred credit, may be credited toward the MPA degree. 
  • Satisfactory completion of the Comprehensive Examination (MPAC 7000) is required for graduation. The examination is based on courses taken and normally is completed in the last semester of enrollment. It is the responsibility of the student to register for MPAC 7000 in the appropriate semester. The examination is drawn up and graded by a committee appointed by the program director, which includes core and option faculty. The director is eligible to serve on the examination committee. A candidate who fails the examination will be eligible for re-examination during the next semester. Students in the general government and justice administration options may substitute MPAC 7999 (Thesis) for MPAC 7000. 

Department of Theatre

The Department of Theatre offers comprehensive undergraduate programs, with courses covering the basic areas of the discipline and a variety of program electives to meet students' curricular needs. Programs are accredited by the National Association of Schools of Theatre. The Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in theatre provides a broad theatrical background for students planning careers in professional, higher educational or community theatre. The Bachelor of Science in Education (BSEd) in theatre education provides certification to teach drama from preschool through secondary grades.

BFA graduates may pursue employment in the entertainment and related fields in a number of areas: arts management, technical theatre, public relations, acting, directing, play writing and design. Teacher certification qualifies students to teach in public and private schools in Georgia and other states.

Expected Outcomes

Theatre graduates will be able to demonstrate:

  • Knowledge of the theatre history and appreciation for dramatic literature of western civilization
  • Knowledge of and proficiency in theatre design and technology
  • Knowledge of and proficiency in acting and directing
  • BSEd graduates also will be able to demonstrate knowledge of and proficiency in the methods of teaching theatre.



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