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2003-2004 Academic Catalog

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Department of Military Science
Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC)


The university, in conjunction with the U.S. Army, maintains a Department of Military Science for those students who elect to combine military leadership and managerial training with a traditional academic program. Through ROTC, a student can earn a commission as a second lieutenant in the Active Army, Army Reserve, or Army National Guard. The Department of Military Science is staffed by active duty officers and noncommissioned officers. The military science curriculum is divided into the basic course (freshman/sophomore) and the advanced course (junior/senior). The basic course is open to all full-time students, male and female, enrolled in a four-year baccalaureate degree program or two-year graduate program. The advanced course is open to only those students who have met all requirements for the Basic course and are eligible for military service and have approval from the Professor of Military Science. The Department of Military Science has two, three, and four-year scholarships available for qualified students. A monthly stipend of $250, $350, or $400 is paid to those students who elect to contract with ROTC. Textbooks and other required course materials are furnished at no charge and are available (at a charge) through the university bookstore for the advance courses. Contact ROTC at (706) 568-2058.

Basic Course 
This program includes ten semester hours in leadership and general military subjects, which qualify students for the advanced course. Required military science courses are ROTC 1215, 1216, 2225, and 2226. Students may be exempted from the basic course if they are veterans, members of National Guard or Reserve units, or JROTC participants. The Professor of Military Science may also approve special cases. For students who will be academic juniors or beginning graduate school who desire to enter the advanced course, but have not completed the basic course may attend a five-week training course during the summer called Leadership Training Course at Ft. Knox, Kentucky, in lieu of the basic course. These students must contact the Military Science Department in the spring semester of their sophomore year. Students do not incur any military obligation as a result of enrolling in the basic course.

Advanced Course 
This program includes 17 semester hours in military science and attendance at the National Advanced Leadership Course at Ft. Lewis, Washington. Required courses are ROTC 3231, 3232, 3415, 4245, and 4795. Courses include training in leadership, management, and advanced military subjects. Arranged classes are available with the Professor Military Science's approval, the course option is 4899, Advanced Independent Studies in Military Leadership. Advanced course students are contracted with the U.S. Army and are paid a monthly stipend of $350 or $400 while in school. Cadets attending the National Advanced Leadership Course receive pay, transportation, housing, meals, and medical care. 

Special note regarding PEDS credit:
ROTC students may substitute ROTC 4419 for the PEDS activity course required in the Wellness area.


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