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2003-2004 Academic Catalog

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JADM - Justice Administration

JADM 3105. Law Enforcement Operations (3-0-3)
A study of historical and contemporary law enforcement organizations, duties and operational functions as well as current issues and future trends in the administration of police services.

JADM 3106. Community Policing (3-0-3) A study of the theoretical, historical and comparative perspectives on policing. Critical analysis of the function of police in modern society including an examination of various forms of police behavior.

JADM 3107. Forensic Evidence (3-0-3) A study of the theories, procedures and techniques of modern criminal investigation. An examination of the techniques of crime scene search, collection and preservation of physical evidence and rules of evidence governing admissibility of physical evidence will be emphasized.

JADM 3108. Police & Juvenile Delinquency (3-0-3) An examination of the unique aspects of law enforcement interaction with juveniles and their families. Police efforts at early detection, intervention and diversion will be emphasized.

JADM 3109. Crime, Criminals & Victims (3-0-3) Examination of the relationships between crime trends and patterns, criminals and their decision-making processes. Particular emphasis is placed on research and current trends concerning the victim in the criminal justice system, including victim rights and compensation, and the impact of victimization on the individual.

JADM 3125. Constitutional Issues (3-0-3) An examination of contemporary issues confronting the criminal justice system through a critical analysis of Supreme Court decisions and the Constitution.

JADM 4105. Correctional Institutions & Liability Issues (3-0-3) An examination of individual and agency liability as it relates to confinement and the correctional process as a whole.

JADM 4106. History Of Crime & Punishment (3-0-3) A historical study of trends in crime and punishment systems. Social, economic and other factors that influence criminality and societal responses in the United States will be emphasized.

JADM 4107. Justice Administration (3-0-3) A comprehensive examination of the necessary elements to organizational structure, supervision and management of modern law enforcement agencies. The relationship between the different units and agencies will be emphasized.

JADM 4108. Criminal & Deviant Behavior (3-0-3) Evaluation of the major theories concerning the causes of criminality and deviance. Specific categories of criminal offenders will also be examined.

JADM 4109. Advanced Substantive Law (3-0-3) A detailed study of the constitutional basis, historical development, statutes and recent court decisions concerning the conduct of the criminal justice system.

JADM 4125. Correctional Operations & Administration (3-0-3) An examination of theoretical bases and contemporary approaches to correctional administration; focus on organization, personnel management and policy formulation in both adult and juvenile facilities as well as a study of the social and political setting of correctional administration.

JADM 4126. Criminal Rehabilitative Programs (3-0-3) Review and analysis of rehabilitative strategies and programs used with both adult and juvenile offenders. Emphasis is on multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches.

JADM 4899. Independent Study (3-0-3) Independent research on a topic of particular interest designed to promote skill in research, analysis and scholarly writing. Topics must be assigned in advance by the instructor. This course may be repeated with permission of the department chair for a maximum of 6 credits.

JADM 5105. Effective Leadership In Justice Administration (3-0-3) A detailed examination of applied concepts of leadership and problem solving in law enforcement operations and administrations. Special emphasis is attached to current problems surfacing in law enforcement.

JADM 5106. Justice Administration Management (3-0-3)Critically examines the theories of motivation, leadership, and organization in the criminal justice context. Criminal justice administrative and management functions are studied emphasizing personnel management and organizational change.

JADM 5107. Public Budgeting (3-0-3) Examination of the way different levels of government manage money and the political issues public managers face when balancing their budgets. Focus in particular on budgeting, and examine different types of budgets as well as the various ways that governments raise money.

JADM 5108. Law & Criminal Justice Policy (3-0-3) Impact of law on police practices, court processes and corrections institutions and programs. Development, implementation and evaluation of judicial policies will be emphasized.

JADM 5109. Modern Policing (3-0-3) Analysis of police policies with particular attention to the current major problem areas from the point of view of both the administrator and the line operations officer. Integration of established scientific knowledge with practical police experience in the various areas of police functioning.

JADM 5125. Justice Administration Concepts (3-0-3) Basic principles and practices of administration and their applications to law enforcement. Relationship of theoretical administrative concepts and practical police problems.

JADM 5126. Applied Research In Justice Administration (3-0-3) Policy-relevant research designed to broaden program evaluation experience through assignments in evaluation planning, research design, data interpretation and analysis, and translation of findings to policy.

JADM 5127. Management In Justice Administration (3-0-3) An examination of contemporary personnel issues with regard to the criminal justice field. Current principles, practices and programs are analyzed.

JADM 5128. Public Finance Administration (3-0-3) An introductory public finance course designed to provide supervisors and middle-managers with the fundamental elements needed to efficiently administer public funds at precinct, office or divisional level and to provide input to executive management on the agency's budget formulation process. Emphasis is placed on accounting systems, financial controls and accountability.

JADM 5129. Legal Liability In Justice Administration (3-0-3) An extensive examination of the issues of criminal and civil liability and related concerns facing law enforcement managers today. Application of federal and state statutes, Constitutional precepts, applicable court decisions, rules and regulations, and departmental policies and procedures will be presented and analyzed.

JADM 5135. Professionalism And Ethics In Criminal Justice (3-0-3) The study of theories and practices in areas of legality, morality, values and ethics as they pertain to criminal justice. Included will be such topics as police corruption, brutality and methods of dealing with such practices, as well as the concept of professional conduct.

JADM 5555. Selected Topics In Justice Administration (3-0-3) Current issues in justice administration and related topics will be examined in class and in conference presentations. This course may be repeated with permission of the department chair for a maximum of 6 semester hours.

JADM 7105. Advanced Constitutional Issues (3-0-3) Examination of contemporary criminal justice and constitutional interpretation through a critical analysis of Supreme Court decisions.

JADM 7106. Criminal & Environmental Behavioral Issues (3-0-3) Critical evaluation of major theories concerning the causes of crime and an examination of specific categories of criminal offenders that focuses on the individual who violates social and legal norms and the consequences for both the individual and society.

JADM 7107. Community & Justice Relations (3-0-3) Analysis of the relationship and responsibilities of the criminal justice agencies to problems of social change and conflict between groups and individuals in the community. Interaction of government, media and citizen groups will be discussed.

JADM 7108. Legal Issues In Justice Administration (3-0-3) An examination of fundamental issues confronting the management of different criminal justice organizations through a critical analysis of Supreme Court decisions and the Constitution.

JADM 7109. Law & Socialization (3-0-3) A study of the creation and application of law, the activities of deviance control agencies and the concept of deterrence.

JADM 7125. Employment Law & Justice Administration (3-0-3) A study of civil rights and public employment law as it relates to justice administrators.

JADM 7126. Comparative Administration (3-0-3) A study of structures, procedures and processes of justice administration in contrasting social, cultural and political environments.

JADM 7899. Independent Study (3-0-3) Independent research on a topic of particular interest designed to promote skill in research, analysis and scholarly writing. Topics must be assigned in advance by the instructor. This course may be repeated with permission of the department chair for a maximum of 6 credits.

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Last Updated: 2/1/11