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2003-2004 Academic Catalog

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College of Arts and Letters
Degree Program Course Requirements

For general degree requirements, see the College of Arts and Letters and
the General Degree Requirements pages.

Master of Education
Art Education


Area 1 Professional Core                         Required Hours: 6 
EDUF 6115 Educational Psychology: Achievement for Diverse Learners 
EDUF 6116 Research Methods and Action Research 

Area 2 Concentration                              Required Hours: 27 
ARTE 6795 Seminar: Concepts in Art Education 
ARTE 6796 Seminar: Curriculum in Art Educ
ARTE 6797 Seminar: Research in Art Education
ARTE 7000 Graduate Exam/Exhibit 
ARTH 5125 Seminar: Research in Hist/Crit/Aest
Select five courses from the following: 
ARTS 5236 Drawing: Advanced Methods 
ARTS 5245 Crafts: Advanced Methods 
ARTS 5256 Painting: Advanced Methods 
ARTS 5265 Photographic Design: Adv Methods 
ARTS 5277 Printmaking: Advanced Methods 
ARTS 5285 Ceramics: Advanced Methods 
ARTS 5288 Sculpture: Advanced Methods 
ARTS 6236 Drawing 
ARTS 6256 Painting 
ARTS 6265 Photography 
ARTS 6277 Printmaking 
ARTS 6285 Ceramics 
ARTS 6288 Sculpture 
ARTS 6286 Graduate Problem: Studio 

Area 3 Electives                                   Required Hours: 3 
Select one course from the following: 
ARTE 6186 Graduate Problem: Art Education 
ARTH 6185 Graduate Problem: Art History 
ARTS 6698 Internship 
SPED 5205 Learning/Behavioral Characteristics of Children with Disabilities, Gifts, and Talents 

Total Hours Required:  36



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Last Updated: 2/1/11