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2003-2004 Academic Catalog

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College of Education
Degree Program Course Requirements

For general degree requirements, see the College of Education and
the General Degree Requirements pages.

Master of Education
Health and Physical Education,
Non-Traditional Masters Program


Area 1 Professional Core                    Required Hours: 15-24 
EDUF 6116 Research Methods and Action Research
EDCI 6225 Foundations of Educ: American Education
EDCI 6226 Foundations of Educ: Instructional Applications
EDCI 6227 Foundations of Educ: Human Devel, Motivation & Learning
EDCI 6228 Foundations of Educ: Special Education
EDUF 4205 Integrating Technology for Student Teachers
PELM 5485 Student Teaching in HPE

Area 2 Concentration                          Required Hours: 20-27 
Health Education (6-9 Hours):
Select six to nine hours from the following:
HESC 5107 Human Sexuality 
HESC 5108 Consumer Health 
HESC 5188 Contemporary Health Problems 
HESC 5795 Seminar in Alcohol and Drug Abuse 
Physical Education (17-21 Hours):
Required class - 3 hours
PELM 6116 Analysis of Teaching Behavior in Physical Education
Select three semester hours from the following: 
PELM 6215 Physical Education for Children 
PELM 6216 Middle Level Physical Education 
PELM 6217 Physical Education in the Secondary School 
Select three semester hours from the following: 
PELM 6115 Curriculum Development in Physical Education
PELM 6119 Assessment in Physical Education 
PELM 6135 Teaching P-12 Fitness
Select two to three semester hours from the following: 
PELM 6117 Social Dev in Physical Education: Working with At-Risk Students 
PELM 6118 Legal Issues In Physical Education and Sport 
PELM 6795 Contemporary Issues in Physical Education
Select three to ten semester hours from PELM classes above or: 
PELM 6219 Physical Education for Students with Disabilities
PELM 6226 Funding and Grants 
PELM 6515 Selected Topics in Physical Education
PELM 6899 Independent Study 

Area 3 Additional Hrs in Major            Required Hours: 10-12
HESC, PELM or other approved course

Area 4 Other Requirements                Required Hours: 0
EDUF 6000 MEd Exit Exam

Total Hours Required: 52-60




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Last Updated: 2/1/11