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2006-2007 Academic Calendar - Columbus State University

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2006-2007 Academic Calendar

Fall Semester 2006

Based on 45 days of 50-minute classes, 30 days of 75-minute classes, and 14 days of 160-minute classes for a three credit hour course.

Calendar Event Date(s)
Advising Week April 3-7
Early Registration, Phase I April 10 - May 2
Seniors, Post-baccalaureate, and Graduate April 10 - May 2
Freshman April 11 - May 2
Sophomores and Juniors April 12 - May 2
Non-degree, Transient, and Audit Students April 13 - May 2
Admissions Application Priority Processing Deadline May 1
Financial Aid Priority Processing Deadline May 1
New Student Orientation June 23, June 29-30, July 6, 7, 13, 14, August 10, 11
Early Registration, Phase II July 17-July 27
Early Registration Fee Payment Deadline*see fee deadline notes August 3
Late Registration August 15
Classes Begin August 17
Schedule Change August 17, 18
Refund: Reduction in Course Load*no refund (no even swaps)
*see reduction in course load notes
After August 18
Refund: Total Withdrawal* 100%
*see total withdrawal notes
April 3-August 16
Refund: Total Withdrawal* Pro Rata % Refund
*see total withdrawal notes
August 17-October24
Audit Forms Due August 24
No refund After October 24
eCore Classes Begin August 16
eCore Schedule Change August 16-18
Regents Registration in ISIS August 19-September 29
Freshman Convocation August 20
Labor Day Holiday (no classes, offices closed) September 4
eCore Withdrawal Deadline October 4
eCore Midpoint October 4
Midpoint of Semester October 10
Fall Break (no classes) October 12, 13
Regents Test dates (Turner Center) October 30-November 1
Thanksgiving Holiday Break (no classes, offices closed) November 22-26
eCore Final Exams November 27-29
Regents Test Results posted in ISIS December 1
Last Day of Classes December 8 (TuTh classes end Dec 5)
Final Examinations December 11-15
Graduation Ceremony December 16 (10:00 AM)
Grades Due December 19 (12 Noon)
December Holidays (offices closed) December 23-31

Spring Semester 2007

Based on 45 days of 50-minute classes, 30 days of 75-minute classes, and 14 days of 160-minute classes for a three credit hour course.

Calendar Event Date(s)
Admissions Application Priority Processing Deadline November 1
Financial Aid Priority Processing Deadline November 1
Advising Week November 6-10
Reduction In Course Load November 13, 2006 to January 9, 2007
Regent's Test Registration in ISIS November 13-December 8; January 4, 8-9
Outcomes Assessment By appointment only
Early Registration November 13 - December 8
Seniors, Post-baccalaureate, and Graduate November 13-December 8
Freshman November 14-December 8
Sophomores and Juniors November 15-December 8
Non-degree, Transient, and Audit Students November 16-December 8
Admissions Final Application Deadline*see fee deadline notes December 8
Application Deadline for Spring 2007 Graduation December 15
Early Registration Fee Payment Deadline December 8
New Student Orientation January 3
Late Registration January 4
Fee Payment Deadline for Late Registration January 4, 5p.m.
Classes Begin January 8
eCore Classes Begin January 8
Schedule Change January 8, 9
Refund: Reduction in Course Load*no refund (no even swaps)
*see reduction in course load notes
After January 9
Refund: Total Withdrawal* 100%
*see total withdrawal notes
November 13 to January 7
Refund: Total Withdrawal* Pro Rata % Refund
*see total withdrawal notes
January 8 to March 22
eCore Schedule Change January 8, 9, 10
Martin Luther King Holiday (no classes, offices closed) January 15
Audit Forms Due January 16
eCore Withrawal deadline February 22
eCore Midpoint February 22
Graduation Candidacy Deadline March 1
Midpoint of Semester March 1
Spring Break (no classes) March 5-11
Regents Test dates (Turner Center) March 20-21
eCore classes end April 12
eCore Final Exams April 16, 17, 18
Regents Test Results posted in ISIS April 23
Classes End April 30
Study Day May 1
Final Examinations May 1 (Evening Classes Only), May 2-5, 7
Grades Due May 9 (12 Noon)
Grades become official in ISIS (all sessions) May 11
Graduation Ceremony May 12 (10:00 AM)

Summer Term 2007

May Session

Based on 14 days of 160-minute classes.

Calendar Event Date(s)
Admissions Application Priority Processing Deadline March 15
Financial Aid Priority Processing Deadline March 15
Advising Week April 2-6
Early Registration
Seniors, Post-baccalaureate, and Graduate April 9 - May 1
Freshman April 10- May 1
Sophomores and Juniors April 11 - May 1
Non-degree, Transient, and Audit Students April 12 - May 1
Early Registration Fee Payment Deadline (May & May/June Sessions) May 1 (5 p.m.)
Graduation Application Deadline for Summer 2007 May 7
Classes Begin May 14
eCore Classes Begin May 14
Schedule Change May 14
eCore Schedule Change May 14 - 16
Reduction in Course Load* 100%
*see reduction in course load notes
April 9 - May 13
Reduction in Course Load*no refund (no even swaps)
*see reduction in course load notes
After May 15
Total Withdrawal* 100%
*see total withdrawal notes
April 9 - May 13
Total Withdrawal* Pro Rata % Refund
*see total withdrawal notes
May 14 - 25
Total Withdrawal* no refund (no even swaps)
*see total withdrawal notes
After May 26
Audit Forms Due May 21
Midpoint of Session May 23
Holiday (no classes, offices closed) May 28
Classes End June 1
Final Examinations June 4
Grades Due June 8 (12 noon)
Graduation Candidacy Deadline July 3
Official Grades Posted August 7

June Session

Based on 27 days of 85-minute classes, 13 days of 175-minute classes, and 7 weeks of instruction.

Calendar Event Date(s)
Admissions Application Priority Processing Deadline March 15
Financial Aid Priority Processing Deadline March 15
Advising Week April 2-6
Regents Registration in ISIS April 2 - June 15
Early Registration
Seniors, Post-baccalaureate, and Graduate April 9 - May 1
Freshman April 10- May 1
Sophomores and Juniors April 11 - May 1
Non-degree, Transient, and Audit Students April 12 - May 1
Admission Final Application Deadline May 18
Graduation Application Deadline for Summer 2007 May 7
Early Registration Fee Payment Deadline (June Session) May 31 (5 p.m.)
New Student Orientation June 6
Late Registration June 7
Late Registration Fee Payment Deadline June 7 (5 p.m.)
Classes Begin June 11
Schedule Change June 11, 12

Grant Registration Deadline

June 15

Reduction in Course Load*no refund (no even swaps)
*see reduction in course load notes
After July 11
Total Withdrawal* 100%
*see total withdrawal notes
April 9 - June 8
Total Withdrawal* Pro Rata % Refund
*see total withdrawal notes
June 11 - July 10
eCore Withdrawal Deadline June 15
eCore Midpoint June 15
Midpoint of Session July 3
Graduation Candidacy Deadline July 3
Holiday (no classes, offices closed) July 4
Regents Test dates (Turner Center) July 10
eCore Final Examinations July 23 - 25
Classes End July 26
Final Examinations July 26 (p.m.), 27, 28, 30, 31
Regents Results posted July 30
Grades Due August 2 (12 Noon)
Official Grades Posted August 7
Audit Forms Due August 23
Graduation Graduation Ceremony No Ceremony

Reduction In Course Load

If you drop a course but do not completely withdraw from school for the term, and the reduction in credit hours results in a change of fees, a refund will be made according to the following schedule:

Total Withdrawal

If withdrawing from all courses, according to the Board Regents' policy, the refund amount for a student is based on a pro rata percentage determined by the number of calendar days in the semester that the student completed.

Fee Payment Deadlines

All Fees must be paid by these deadlines. If there is a remaining balance on your account after either of these deadlines, you will be dropped from all courses. If your balance is zero, your registration will be confirmed automatically.

If you decide not to attend, you must drop your courses in ISIS before the first day of the term/semester. Failure to do so will result in your remaining officially registered and may result in the assignment of failing grades.

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