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Hazing Information and Policies - Columbus State University

Student Affairs

Hazing Information and Policies

Columbus State University is committed to education and measures which support a safe campus environment and experience for all students. Accordingly, incidents of hazing and other forms of harmful misconduct perpetrated upon any individual by another individual and/or organization shall be addressed through the University's student conduct investigative and hearing process as codified in the current student handbook.

The Stop Campus Hazing Act federal law defines hazing as:

"any intentional, knowing, or reckless act committed by a person (whether individually or in concert with other persons) against another person or persons regardless of the willingness of such other person or persons to participate, that—

  1. is committed in the course of an initiation into, an affiliation with, or the maintenance of membership in a student organization; and
  2. causes or creates a risk, above the reasonable risk encountered in the course of participation in the institution of higher education or the organization (such as the physical preparation necessary for participation in an athletic team), of physical or psychological injury including—
    1. whipping, beating, striking, electronic shocking, placing of a harmful substance on someone's body, or similar activity;
    2. causing, coercing, or otherwise inducing sleep deprivation, exposure to the elements, confinement in a small space, extreme calisthenics, or other similar activity;
    3. causing, coercing, or otherwise inducing another person to consume food, liquid, alcohol, drugs, or other substances;
    4. causing, coercing, or otherwise inducing another person to perform sexual acts;
    5. any activity that places another person in reasonable fear of bodily harm through the use of threatening words or conduct;
    6. any activity against another person that includes a criminal violation of local, State, Tribal, or Federal law; and
    7. any activity that induces, causes, or requires another person to perform a duty or task that involves a criminal violation of local, State, Tribal, or Federal law.

The federal law defines a student organization as:

"an organization at an institution of higher education (such as a club, society, association, varsity or junior varsity athletic team, club sports team, fraternity, sorority, band, or student government) of which two or more the members are students enrolled at the institution of higher education, whether or not the organization is established or recognized by the institution." (Note: If the same person or persons commit more than one hazing act close together in time and place, the incident should be reported as one incident.)

Reporting Alleged Incidents of Hazing

Complaints of hazing may be reported online at Incident Reporting Form or to the Dean of Students Office and should include as much information as possible, such as: (1) the type of misconduct alleged; (2) the name and contact information of the student organization or group; (3) the date(s), time(s), and place(s) of the alleged hazing; (4) the name(s) and contact information of any individual(s) with knowledge of the incident; (5) whether any tangible evidence has been preserved; and (6) whether a criminal complaint has been made. Where appropriate, Complainants may file a law enforcement report as well as an institutional report but are not required to file both.

Required Reporting

The University, under state law, is responsible for publicly reporting any hazing incident adjudicated from or after May 2021 wherein an individual or organization is found responsible for hazing under the University's code of conduct, or guilty of hazing under state law. As part of the federal Stop Campus Hazing Act, the University is also required to compile hazing statistics beginning January 1, 2025 and report incidents in the Annual Security Report.

Current Report

No incidents have been adjudicated since May 2021.

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