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CISM - Computer Information Systems - Columbus State University

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CISM - Computer Information Systems

CISM 2105. Introduction to Computer Information Systems (3-0-3) Introduction to the management and use of information systems and application software in business. Application software includes operating systems, spreadsheets, database, and network software.

CISM 3111. Structured Programming with COBOL 1 (3-0-3) An introduction to Common Business Oriented Language (COBOL) with special emphasis on the techniques of structured programming. Several computer projects to accompany lecture material are included.

CISM 3112. Structured Programming with COBOL 2 (3-0-3) Prerequisite: CISM 3111. Continuation of CISM 3131.

CISM 3115. Principles of Information Technology Management (3-0-3) Prerequisite: Completion of the Lower Division Business Core (Areas A & F and COMM 1110). Emphasis on management decisions involving single and multi-user systems, network architecture, database management systems, and the software development process. Students survey types of information systems used by modern organizations: transaction processing, decision support, executive information, functional area support, strategic, and expert systems.

CISM 3125. Information Systems Analysis (3-0-3) Prerequisite: CISM 3115. Emphasizes the initial phases of the system’s development life cycle as used in an information system feasibility study: investigation, analysis, and logical design. Applications consist of practical organization problems.

CISM 4135. Database Design (3-0-3) Prerequisite: CISM 3115. Investigation of database design technology translating user information needs into working databases with an emphasis on relational models and software.

CISM 4136. Object Oriented Analysis, Design, and Applications (3-0-3) Prerequisite: CISM 3115. Concepts of object-oriented analysis, design, and development are presented independent from any specific programming language. Students will develop a project in an object oriented language of their choice.

CISM 4145. Data Communication (3-0-3) Prerequisite: CISM 3115. The design and management of computer-based networks for business applications. Hardware, software, and security in a business environment are discussed.

CISM 4555. Selected Topics in Computer Information Systems (3-0-3) Prerequisite: CISM 4135 or CISM 4145. A research project on a current CISM topic, resulting in a senior thesis and formal presentation, is emphasized. Students also participate in field studies with local organizations, case study teams, and a seminar on current management issues in information technology.

CISM 4698. Internship (3 hours) Prerequisite: Approval of Department Chair. Placement is restricted and can not entail an individual’s current employment assignment. Substantial written proposal and final report are required. Nine hours work per week is required. Credit may be applied only as elective. (S/U grading.)

CISM 4899. Independent Study (3 hours) Prerequisite: Senior standing. Independent study in a selected area of computer information systems. Study will be directed by a faculty member representing chosen area of specialization. Candidates must present a minimum 1500-word plan through the instructor to the office of the Dean for approval.

CISM 6135. Decision Support Systems (3-0-3) This course covers modeling semi-structured managerial decisions in many functional areas of business: marketing, finance, operations management, accounting, and information systems. Students will be required to design, validate, and evaluate model-based decision support systems. Spreadsheet skills are emphasized. This course will also includes the science of decision making and management theory regarding the nature of managerial decisions. Open to MBA students only.

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