MODL - Refresher Course Modules
MODL 0088. Introduction to Microcomputers (1-0-1) Basic instruction in the use of personal computers to include instruction in: disk management, file storage and retrieval, basic word processing, spreadsheet, e-mail, and the use of the Local Area Network. This course, along with MODL 0089, MODL 0090, and MODL 0091, satisfies the computer literacy requirement at CSU. Non-degree credit.
MODL 0089. Introduction to the Internet (1-0-1) Instruction in the use of the Internet, search engines, and databases. Module will be directed to the individual student’s subject interest. This course, along with MODL 0088, MODL 0090, and MODL 0091, satisfies the computer literacy requirement at CSU. Non-degree credit.
MODL 0090. Word Processing (1-0-1) Instruction will involve the latest word processing software to include an overview of word processing, creating files, document formatting, text entry, retrieving, editing, and printing document files, and directory/files management. This course, along with MODL 0088, MODL 0089, and MODL 0091, satisfies the computer literacy requirement at CSU. Non-degree credit.
MODL 0091. Presentation Graphics (1-0-1) Basic instruction in the use of an electronic presentation graphics program, covering the use of templates, creation of on-screen slides, and the manipulation of slide text. This course, along with MODL 0088, MODL 0089, and MODL 0090, satisfies the computer literacy requirement at CSU. Non-degree credit.