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READ - Reading - Columbus State University

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READ - Reading

READ 0098. Developmental Reading 1 (4-0-(4) Skills for reading comprehension. Emphasis on vocabulary, literal and inferential skills, and analysis of content. Non-degree credit.

READ 0099. Developmental Reading 2 (4-0-(4) Prerequisite: READ 0098. Application of reading skills to the sciences, humanities, and current events. Non-degree credit.

READ 3115. Basic Reading Skills (2-0-2) Provides students with an introduction to reading - including terminology, emergent literacy, word recognition, and comprehension skills. Phonics mastery and other methods, materials, and techniques.

READ 4215. Formal and Informal Assessment of Reading Abilities (2-2-3) Prerequisite: Consent of Department. Application and analysis of formal and informal tests and techniques for evaluating reading abilities. Introduction to prescriptive techniques.

READ 6145. Assessment of Reading Difficulties (3-0-3) Prerequisite: Consent of department. Formal and informal evaluation of students with reading difficulties. Procedures for recommended remediation.

READ 6146. Methods and Materials in the Teaching of Reading (3-0-3) Prerequisite: Consent of department. Principles and strategies of teaching reading. Provides a balance between theory and practice of reading methodologies.

READ 6147. Trends, Issues, and Problems in the Teaching of Reading (4-0-4) Prerequisite: Consent of department. Examination of problem areas in reading instruction. Emphasis on word recognition and comprehension skills, vocabulary building, and the use of supplementary materials.

READ 6148. Psychology of Reading (3-0-3) Prerequisite: READ 6147. Explores the psychological foundations of reading as a communication system and reading as a learned behavior. A study of the effects of mental and physical aspects of maturation of learning to read.

READ 6149. Reading in the Content Areas (3-0-3) Prerequisite: Consent of department. Study of the necessary skills and common reading problems in subject-matter materials.

READ 6245. Adults and Literacy (2-2-3) Prerequisite: Consent of department. Study of the adult learner and reading difficulties. Course includes workplace literacy, computer usage, diagnosis, remediation, current practices and theories, and other aspects of reading.

READ 6246. Analysis and Correction of Reading Disabilities (2-2-3) Prerequisites: READ 6147 and consent of department. A study of the causes of reading disabilities, methods of diagnosing reading problems, and procedures and materials for correcting reading problems.

READ 6347. Diagnostic Procedures in Reading (0-6-3) Prerequisite: READ 6246. Utilization of diagnostic and achievement tests to determine reading difficulty. Formal and informal procedures for remedial and developmental classes. Test analysis and implications for correction of reading difficulties.

READ 6348. Remedial Procedures in Reading (0-6-3) Prerequisite: READ 6347. Emphasis on individual and group techniques for correcting reading difficulties. Development and implementation of remedial program based on diagnostic information of specific reading difficulty.

READ 6445. Practicum in Reading (0-6-3) Prerequisite: Consent of Department Chair. Clinical and laboratory experience in an approved situation.

READ 7235. Reading and Adult Education (2-4-4) Prerequisite: Consent of Department Chair. Survey of the reading needs in the adult population. Emphasis on both developmental and remedial demands. Multiple approaches to meet individual differences.

READ 7236. Development, Administration and Supervision of Reading Programs (2-4-4) Prerequisite: READ 7335. A study of the processes and products of reading programs, the administrative and supervisory roles and responsibilities, and survey of established reading programs. Examination of classroom practices. A field-based approach to planning, selecting, establishing and operating reading programs in specialized areas and public school systems.

READ 7237. Research, Multi cultural Education, and Disadvantaged Reader (2-4-4) Prerequisite: Consent of Department Chair. Structure and application of research projects in specialized areas of the reading program. A study of socio-cultural and economic impact on linguistic differences, dialect and usage styles. Adaptations of instructional techniques to meet the needs of students with divergent dialects and language bases. Study of materials designed to appeal to the reading-handicapped learner.

READ 7335. Clinical Procedures (Diagnostic, Remedial, and Supervision) in Reading (0-8-4) Prerequisite: Consent of Department Chair. Determinants of structure for diagnostic and remedial procedures in a clinical setting. Utilizing diagnostic techniques to determine remedial approach for disabled readers. Utilizing remedial techniques to alleviate problems experienced by the disabled reader. A study of the supervisor’s role in a reading clinic. Actual supervision of students involved in all phases of clinical procedures. (S/U grading.)

READ 7698. Internship (6-10 hours) Prerequisite: Consent of Department Chair. Supervised study to meet the needs of students in developmental, diagnostic and remedial reading and reading-related courses at the undergraduate and graduate level. Involves some student instruction under monitored conditions. (S/U grading).

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