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MPAH - Master of Public Administration - Health Services - Columbus State University

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MPAH - Master of Public Administration - Health Services

MPAH 6105. Strategies in Health Services Administration (3-0-3) An extensive overview of the administrative process in health care systems. Actual cases involving: planning, budgeting, finance and human resources management will be analyzed. Several types of health care organizations will be studied in the process.

MPAH 6115. Planning, Developing and Marketing Health Services (3-0-3) Methods, planning, development and promotion of health services in select health care settings. Relevant state and federal laws will be covered.

MPAH 6125. Microsystemsin Health Service Delivery (3-0-3) An analysis of various health management techniques. The internal functioning of health and service organizations, styles of leadership, decision making and organization communication, and the resultant impacts on quality of care.

MPAH 6135. Risk Management in Health Service Delivery (3-0-3) An analysis of the major areas of risk and financial loss in health care. Focus will be on the legal aspects of health care, infection control, patient/client safety and security, insurance, and quality assurance.

MPAH 6145. Cost Analysis Issues in Health Care (3-0-3) An analysis of the current methods of managing the costs of health care from the point of view of the consumer as well as the provider.

MPAH 6795. Seminar in Health Services Administration (3-0-3) Special topics and problems in health and human service delivery systems will be explored with emphasis on program improvement and development.

MPAH 6899. Independent Study (3 hours) Prerequisite: Department Chair Approval. A directed independent study that may take the form of extensive readings, investigations and research. May not be repeated for credit.

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