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Bachelor of Science in Education - Exercise Science - Columbus State University

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Bachelor of Science in Education - Exercise Science

Area A Essential Skills
Req. Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
Select one of the following courses:
MATH 1101/1111/1112/1113/1125/1131

Area B Institutional Options
Req. Hours: 5
COMM 1110
Select two of the following courses:
CSUS 1106/ITDS 2726/ITDS 2727/ITDS 2735/ITDS 2745/ITDS 2746/ITDS 2748/ITDS 2749/ITDS 2755/ LEAD 1705/LEAD 1706/LEAD 2705/LEAD 2706/LIBR 1105/UNIV 1105

Area C Humanities/Fine Arts
Req. Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2111/ENGL 2112/ITDS 1145*/ITDS 1155/ PHIL 1105
Select one of the following fine arts courses:
ARTH 1100/ITDS 1145*/MUSC 1100/THEA 1100

*ITDS 1145, though listed under both human-ities and fine arts, may be taken only once.

Area D Science/Math/Technology
Req. Hours: 10
Select one science course with a lab; the other course may be lab or non-lab:
ANTH 1145 (no lab); ASTR 1105/1305 (lab optional); ASTR 1106/1305; BIOL 1215 (lab included); BIOL 1125 (no lab); BIOL 1225 (lab included); CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L; CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L ; ENVS 1105 (no lab); GEOL 1121 (lab included); GEOL 1122 (no lab); ITDS 1215 (lab included); PHYS 1111/1311; PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 1125/1325 (lab optional)
Select one of the following courses or a science course from above:
CPSC 1105/MATH 1112/MATH 1113/MATH 1125/MATH 1131/MATH 1132/MATH 1127/MATH 1165/PHIL 2105

Area E Social Sciences
Req. Hours: 12
HIST 2110
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from the following courses:
ECON 2105/ECON 2106/PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101
Select one world cultures course from the following courses:
ANTH 1105/ANTH 1107/ANTH 2105/ENGL 2136/ENGL 2137/GEOG 1101/HIST 1111/HIST 1112/HIST 2116/ITDS 1146/ITDS 1156

Wellness Requirement
Req. Hours: 3
PELM 1205
Select any one PED course.

Area F Courses Rel. to Major
Req. Hours: 18
BIOL 2221 Human Anatomy and Physiology 1
BIOL 2222 Human Anatomy and Physiology 2
PELM 2105 Weight Control
PELM 2205 Intro to Physical Education/Rec
RESP 2105 Medical Terminology
Select one math/science course (advisor approval required)

Area G Prog. Requirements
Req. Hours: 41
EDUT 3215 Technology in the Workplace
HESC 3115 Applied Nutrition
PELM 2345 Emergency Care and First Aid
PELM 3135 Kinesiology
PELM 4131 Basic Exercise Physiology PELM 4132 Clinical Exercise Physiology
PELM 4135 Exercise Risk Identification
PELM 4137 Nutritional Bases Human Perform
PELM 4245 Physical Act for Stu w/ Disabilities
PELM 4331 Basic Exercise Physiology Lab
PELM 4337 Nutritional Bases Human Perf Lab
PELM 4698 Internship
PELM 5135 Prog Design in Exercise Science

Area H Program Electives
Req. Hours: 19
Upper division courses approved by advisor.
Courses required for students preparing to be athletic trainers include:
PELM 3235 Basic Princ of Athletic Training
PELM 4285 Recog/Eval of Athletic Injuries
PELM 4286 Adv Tech in Athletic Training

Total Hours Required: 123

Also see the program requirements listed on the College of Education page.

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