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Master of Education Secondary English Language Arts Education - Columbus State University

Hurricane Helene Campus Updates (9/25/2024)

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Master of Education Secondary English Language Arts Education

College of Education and Health Professions
Degree Program Course Requirements

For general degree requirements, see the College of Education and Health Professions and
the General Degree Requirements pages.

Area 1 Professional Core Required Hours: 7
EDUF 6115 Educational Psychology: Achievement for Diverse Learners
EDUF 6116 Research Methods and Action Research
EDUF 6795 Seminar: Foundations of Collaborative Student Support

Area 2 Secondary Educ Core Required Hours: 4
EDCI 6158 Trends/Issues in Mid/Sec Education
EDCI 6255 Teacher Inquiry and Investigation

Area 3 Concentration Required Hours: 18
EDSE 6117 Improved Teaching of English Language Arts Grades 6-12
Select one of the following (linguistics):
ENGL 5147, ENGL 5148, ENGL 5166, ENGL 5167 or ENGL 5168
Select three of the following (literature and composition):
ENGL 5***/6*** or
EDSE 6115 Trends in Young Adult Literature
Select one of the following:
EDCI 6118 Teaching Composition in Grades 4-12
EDRG 6148 Psychology of Reading
THEA 5205 Advance Creative Dramatics

Area 4 Electives Required Hours: 7
Recommended electives include:
EDCI 6159 Integrating Multicultural/Global Studies Throughout the Curriculum
Other recommended electives include studies to gain a gifted education endorsement, an ESOL endorsement or NBPTS licensure.

Total Hours Required: 36

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