Master of Music in Performance
For general degree requirements, see the College of the Arts, College of Education and Health Professions, and the General Degree Requirements pages.
Area 1: Performance
MUSA 6231 or 6251 or 6331 Applied Music
MUSA 6232 or 6252 or 6332 Applied Music
MUSA 6233 or 6253 or 6333 Applied Music
MUSA 6234 or 6254 or 6334 Applied Music
MUSA 7105 Graduate Recital
Area 2: Academics
MUSC 6115 Bibliography
MUSC 6740 Graduate Theory Seminar
Select one of the following courses:
MUSC 6125 Music of the Romantic Period
MUSC 6126 Music of the Baroque Period
MUSC 6127 Music of the Renaissance Period
MUSC 6128 Music of the Twentieth Century
MUSC 6129 Music of the Classical Period
Area 3: Concentration Courses
Wind Conducting:
MUSC 6555 Wind Ensemble Literature
Take four times:
MUSP 7080 Wind Ensemble Activities
Any 3-credit graduate MUSC or MUSE course
Take four times:
MUSP 6321 Guitar Ensemble
Any 3-credit graduate MUSC or MUSE course
MUSA 6211 Applied Harpsichord
Take three times:
MUSP 6305 Collaborative Piano
Strings, Woodwinds, Brass, Percussion, Harp
Any 3-credit graduate MUSC or MUSE course
MUSP 7070 Orchestral Ensemble Activites OR MUSP 7080 Wind Ensemble Activites (two
Any MUSP ensemble
Any MUSP ensemble
Any 3-credit graduate MUSC or MUSE course
MUSC 7090 Vocal Ensemble Activities (two times)
Any MUSP ensemble
Any MUSP ensemble
Area 4: Music Electives
Four hours additional electives (MUSA, MUSC, MUSE, MUSP) at the graduate level.
Area 5: Capstone Requirements
MUSC 7000 Oral Examination
MUSC 7999 Graduate Research Project OR MUSA 7907 Lecture Recital
Total Hours Required: 36