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Bachelor of Science/Master of Science in Computer Science - Columbus State University

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Bachelor of Science/Master of Science in Computer Science

For general degree requirements, see theD. Abbott Turner College of Business and Computer Science and the General Degree Requirements pages.

Area A Essential Skills Required Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
MATH 1113

Area B Institutional Options Required Hours: 4
COMM 1110
Select one of the following courses:
ITDS 1125/ITDS 1779/ITDS 2726/ITDS 2727/ITDS 2735/ITDS 2746/ITDS 2748/ITDS 2749/ITDS 2755
Select one of the following courses:
EURO 2105 /LEAD 1705/ LIBR 1105 /POLS 2401/ HIST 1111/HIST 1112/Foreign Language 1001, 1002, 2001, or 2002/Any Area C-E course with a study abroad component.
Note: the two extra hours may be used as electives.

Area C Humanities/Fine Arts/Ethics Required Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2111/ENGL 2112/ITDS 1145*/ITDS 1155/ITDS 2125/PHIL 2010
Select one of the following fine arts courses:
ARTH 1100/ ITDS 1145*/ MUSC 1100/ THEA 1100
*ITDS 1145, though listed under both humanities and fine arts, may be taken only once.

Area D Science/Math/Technology Required Hours: 11
Select two lab science courses from below:
ASTR 1105/1305; BIOL 1215K; BIOL 1225; CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L; CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L; GEOL 1112/1112L; GEOL 1121/1321; GEOL 1122/1322; GEOL 2225; PHYS 1111/1311; PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 1125/1325; PHYS 2211/2311; PHYS 2212/2312
Take the following course:

MATH 1131 (one extra hour will be applied to Area F)

Area E Social Sciences Required Hours: 12
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Take the following course:
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from the following courses:
ECON 2105/ECON 2106/ PHIL 2030/ PSYC 1101/ SOCI 1101
Select one world cultures course from the following courses:
ANTH 1105/ANTH 1107/ANTH 2105/ANTH 2136/ ENGL 2136/ GEOG 1101/ HIST 1111/HIST 1112/ ITDS 1146/ITDS 1156

Wellness Requirement Required Hours: 3
PHED 1205
Select any one PEDS course.

Area F Courses Related to Major Required Hours: 18
CPSC 1301 Computer Science 1
CPSC 1301L Computer Science 1 Lab
CPSC 1302 Computer Science 2
CPSC 2105 Computer Organization
CPSC 2108 Data Structures
MATH 1131 Calculus with Analytical Geometry 1 (1 hour from Area A or D)
MATH 1132 Calculus/Analytical Geometry 2

Area G Program Requirements Required Hours: 48
CPSC 3121 Assembly Language Programming 1
CPSC 3125 Operating Systems
CPSC 3131 Database Systems 1
CPSC 3165 Professionalism in Computing
CPSC 3175 Object-Oriented Design
CPSC 4175 Software Engineering
CPSC 4176 Senior Software Engineering Project
CPSC 4505 Undergraduate Research
*CPSC 5115G Algorithm Analysis and Design
*CPSC 5135G Programming Languages
*CPSC 5138G Advanced Database Systems
*CPSC 5155G Computer Architecture
*CPSC 5157G Computer Networks
MATH 2125 Intro to Discrete Mathematics
MATH 5125 Discrete Mathematics
STAT 1127 Introductory Statistics

Area H Program Electives Required Hours: 12
CPSC 3000, 4000, 5000U/G, or 6000 level

Students interested in the following should take:

Games, Modeling, and Simulation:
CPSC 3118 Graphical User Interface Development
CPSC 4111 Game Programming I
CPSC 4112 Game Programming II
CPSC 5125 Computer Graphics

Information Assurance:
CPSC 3119 Fundamentals of Computer Forensics
CPSC 5127 Computer and Network Security

Enterprise Software Development:
CPSC 3111 Structured Programming with COBOL 1
CPSC 3156 Transaction Processing

Web Development:
CPSC 2125 Internet Programming
CPSC 4125 Server-Side Web Developement
CPSC 5165 Web Developement Projects

Total Undergraduate Hours Required: 123

Area 1 Graduate Program Core Required Hours: 12
(Take courses from four of the six core areas) Area 1
[Core courses taken in Area G]
*CPSC 5115 Algorithm Analysis and Design
*CPSC 5135 Programming Languages
*CPSC 5155 Computer Architecture
*CPSC 5157 Computer Networks
(All courses taken to satisfy the Core Requirement for the MS degree must be taken for graduate credit.)

Area 2 Program Concentration Required Hours: 24
CPSC 6000 level (15 credits)
*CPSC 5138G Advanced Database Systems
CPSC 6985 Research and Thesis (6 credits)

Area 3 Graduate Exit Examination
In addition to the above, students must successfully complete CPSC 6000.

Total Graduate Hours Required: 36

Total Hours Required: 144

* satisfies both BSCS Area G and MSCS Area 1 Program Core requirements

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