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General Education Assessment Plan - Columbus State University

Hurricane Helene Campus Updates (9/25/2024)

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General Education Assessment Plan

The General Education Assessment Process has one goal: to improve student learning in the Core Curriculum. It does this by setting outcomes, assessing student work, and providing faculty the data they need to improve their core courses. In 2017, CSU embarked on a five-year Comprehensive Program Review of its General Education, the details of which are available at the links on this page. The Assessment Process is always open to improvement. Please review the plan below and submit feedback at the link to help the General Education Committee keep the Assessment Process on a track of continuous improvement.

CSU's General Education 

General Education Student Learning Outcomes  

General Education Student Learning Outcomes (Proposed Changes) 

General Education Course Requirements

General Education Assessment Diagram and Responsibilities

Outcome Assessment Rubrics

Area A1  Written Communications

Area A2 Quantitative 

Area B Communicating in a Global Environment

Area C Humanities and Ethics

Area C Fine Arts

Area D Natural Sciences

Area E Social Sciences

University System Of Georgia Policies

USG General Education Learning Goals

USG Core Curriculum 


General Education Committee

Committee Members

Committee Minutes

Email the members of this group:

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Ask Cody