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Immunization Information - Columbus State University


Immunization Information


The Board of Regents (BOR) of the University System of Georgia (USG) has established immunization requirements for all new students(first-year, transfer, and others) as directed by policy consistent with recommendations provided by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, developed collaboratively by the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia an the division of Public health of the Georgia Department of Human resources.

It is the policy of the Columbus State University's Health Services to comply with the mandatory immunization program established by the BOR of the USG. These requirements include documented proof of immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella, varicella (chicken pox), tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, and hepatitis B.

A brief summary of current immunization requirements is available on our immunization requirements and recommendations page.

Required Immunizations:

  • Two doses of MMR (Mumps, Measles, and Rubella) - Not required if born before 1957
  • One TDAP (Tetanus, Pertussis, and Diphtheria) shot within the past 10 years.
  • Two doses of chickenpox/varicella vaccine or a history of the disease
    • Required of all 1980 or later US-born students
    • Required for ALL foreign-born regardless of birth year
  • Three doses of the Hepatitis B vaccine
    • Required for all students 18 or under at the time of enrollment
  1. Print the Certificate of Immunization (PDF) and have the form completed and signed by your healthcare provider. A copy of your immunization record provided by your doctor or healthcare provider can be submitted in lieu of this form.
  2. Once your immunization record has been completed, you can submit your copy via email to or you may upload it to our system. Allow 5-7 business days to reflect in your MyCSU account.

If you fail to meet these requirements, a hold will be placed on your student account that will prevent registration for future classes.

  • ALL forms must be completed in English
  • Foreign documents or handwritten lab results are not acceptable
  • Incomplete immunization forms without dates or appropriate signatures, are not acceptable

Exemptions from immunization requirements:

  • Religious
  • Temporary or permanent medical conditions
  • Students enrolled in online degree programs

NOTE - The appropriate exemption section of the immunization form must be completed and a physician or healthcare providers signature will be needed for medical conditions.

Immunizations Against Disease During an Outbreak or Epidemic

During an epidemic or a threatened epidemic of any disease preventable by immunization at a University System of Georgia (USG) institution, and when an emergency has been declared by appropriate health authorities of this State, the President of the institution, in conjunction with the Chancellor and appropriate health authorities, may promulgate rules and regulations specifying diseases against which immunizations may be required.

Any individual who cannot show proof of immunity or adequate immunization and refuses to be immunized shall be excluded from any USG institution or facility until valid evidence of immunization against the disease is presented or the epidemic or threat no longer constitutes a significant public health danger.

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