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Dr. Troy Keller - Columbus State University

Columbus State University

headshot of Troy Keller, PhD

Troy Keller, PhD

Department Chair / Professor

Earth and Space Sciences, Department of


Jordan Hall 219

Personal Website
Subject Matter Expert

Biology, Geographic Information Systems

Education and Certifications

Postdoctoral Fellowship, Biology, Georgia Institute of Technology 2001
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Sensory Ecology, Bowling Green State University 1999
Ph.D. Biology, University if Michigan 1997
M.S. Biology, University of Michigan 1994
B.A. Zoology, Ohio Wesleyan University 1991


Troy Keller serves as a Professor and Chair of the Department of Earth and Space Sciences at Columbus State University (Columbus, Georgia). He teaches a broad range of graduate and undergraduate courses including Foundations of Environmental Science, Sustainability and the Environment, Stream Ecology, and Geographic Information and Global Positioning Systems. Currently, Dr Keller research includes bioremediation using algae to treat municipal waste water (Columbus Water Works, Inc), ecological recovery of headwater streams after dam removal (in partnership with The Nature Conservancy), and conservation and ecology of crayfishes (in collaboration with US Fish and Wildlife Service). He has a strong commitment to sustainability. He serves as a founding member of CSU’s Sustainability Committee and the faculty advisor for CSU’s Students for a Sustainable World.

Academic Areas

Geographic Information Systems
Aquatic Ecology
Water Resources Management
Environmental Sciences

Research Interests

Bio-remediation/Waste to Energy
Stream Restoration
Aquatic Invertebrate Conservation
Ecology/biology of invasive species

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