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Create Care CSU - Columbus State University

Student Affairs

Create Care CSU

Create Care CSU is a network made up of all members of the Columbus State University campus community, including you, that work together to promote a safe and successful environment. When you submit a report using the links below, please know that your report will be reviewed by appropriate individuals dedicated to connecting members of our campus community to specific support resources as well as upholding the standards with applicable codes of conduct for all.

What can you do to...

  • Make our campus safer?
  • Connect to campus resources for help?
  • Help students who need assistance?
  • Support the student conduct code?

Submit a Report

Behavioral Concern Report ButtonSubmit a Behavioral Concern Report to the Create Care Team

To report incidents, misconduct, threatening behaviors, or general behavioral concerns. For immediate safety concerns, call University Police at 706-507-8911.

Create Care Referral ButtonSubmit a Create Care Referral to the Create Care Team

To request assistance or services to support academic, non-academic, health, or well-being needs of yourself or others.

Title IX Report ButtonSubmit a Title IX Report to the CSU Title IX Coordinator

To report sexual misconduct, harassment, assault, dating or domestic violence, or other concerns related to sexual conduct.

Academic Misconduct Report ButtonSubmit an Academic Misconduct Report to the Associate Provost and the Dean of Students

To report academic misconduct such as cheating, plagiarism, submitting the work of others without attribution, and other prohibited academic behavior.

Who reviews my report?

Create Care Referrals and Behavioral Concern Reports are reviewed by the CSU Create Care Team. To contact the Create Care team, please email

Title IX reports are reviewed by the university's Title IX coordinator or a deputy Title IX coordinator. To contact the Title IX coordinator, please email

Create Care Resources & Partner Links

Ask Cody

Ask Cody