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Student Government Association - Columbus State University

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Student Life

Student Government Association

SGA acts as a liaison between the faculty and student body to ensure clear communication and problem solving on an institutional level. Our goal is to successfully serve students and support all student voices and concerns. Please feel free to reach out to one of our officers via email or stop by the SGA office suite located in Davidson if you have any concerns or just want to introduce yourself! 

SGA Forum Dates

  • August 29
  • September 12
  • October 3
  • October 17
  • November 7
  • November 21

Student Government Association Membership

If you are a registered student organization in good standing, you have the ability to be a member of the Student Government Association. In order to be a member, you will need to fill out the form below.

RSO Registration Form for SGA

As a member of SGA, you have the right to vote on business items, request funding, and sit on SGA standing committees and University Committees. Once our membership has been collected, we will base the Forum upon the member responses. Your responsibilities include:

  1. Represent their respective RSO, but also represent the student body as a whole.
  2. Be responsible for serving on at least one Senate or Institutional committees. Attend any meetings the committee may hold.
  3. Report to the Speaker of the Representatives about what was discussed in the committee meeting.
  4. Be responsible for relaying any new information regarding the student body to the Speaker of the Representatives.
  5. Complete monthly oversight reports.
  6. Attend at least 65% of scheduled Forum meetings.

Student Government Constitution

View or download the Student Government Constitution (PDF)

Student Government Bylaws (PDF)

Requesting Funding

Funds Request Form

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Ask Cody