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Student Complaints - Columbus State University

Academic Affairs

Student Complaints

Columbus State University takes student and consumer complaints very seriously. CSU works with students and consumers to resolve formal complaints in a timely manner. With that goal hand, this complaint process serves as an ongoing means for students to discuss concerns or register formal complaints that pertain to alleged violations of State consumer protection laws that include but are not limited to fraud and false advertising; alleged violations of State laws or rules relating to the licensure of post-secondary institutions; and complaints relating to the quality of education or other State or accreditation requirements. Post-secondary institutions participating in federal student financial aid programs are required to maintain formal grievance procedures.

Examples of Types of Complaints

Examples of Types of Complaints
Type of Complaint Resource(s)
Academic Suspension Academic Affairs: Legal Affairs
Admissions Appeals Academic Affairs: Legal Affairs
Disability Accommodations Accommodations Grievance Procedure (PDF)
Financial Aid Policy Appeals Financial Aid
Housing Policy Residence Life
Missing Deadline (add/drop, withdrawal, graduation) Appeals

Registrar Office Home


Non-Academic Misconduct Student Handbook
Academic Complaints/Grievances Academic Affairs: Legal Affairs
Academic Misconduct Student Handbook
Program Admission Appeals See Individual Program's Handbook, or Department
Grade Appeals Academic Affairs: Legal Affairs
Sexual Harassment Complaints Title IX
More on Consumer Information Consumer Information Home Page

The bulk of complaints, something that makes somebody discontented or unhappy in one's particular case, should be resolved within the University itself. This can be done initially by talking and communicating with the individual directly involved and/or his/her supervisors. As learners within a university community, students, faculty and staff are encouraged to demonstrate appropriate, effective, and respectful interpersonal communication. If issues occur, the parties involved should make a genuine effort to resolve them. If in the event efforts to reach a mutually reasonable solution are unsuccessful, students and consumers are advised to proceed to initiate a formal complaint. The objective of the Columbus State University Student/Consumer Complaint is to resolve concerns as quickly and efficiently as possible at the level closest to the student.

An academic complaint should be filed during the semester of occurrence but no later than sixty (60) days from the first day of the following academic semester. Generally, once a complaint is received it should be acknowledged within seven (7) business days. For more information about filing a formal complaint, visit the Complaint Process page.


Columbus State University provides world-class education and assures student success through creative inquiry and community, regional, and global partnerships.


  • To achieve academic excellence through teaching, research, creative inquiry and student engagement.
  • To achieve excellence in the student experience and prepare individuals for a life of success, leadership, and responsibility through community awareness, engagement, and service to others.
  • To achieve recognition as a leader in community development, regional economic development, and public-private partnerships.

Harmonious with our mission, Columbus State University welcomes your opinions and feedback about our policies, programs, and services in order to make changes that contribute to your success, development, and goal accomplishment. We also are committed to ensuring that students have access to appropriate procedures for articulating concerns and registering appeals. This page is designed to provide information and access to these resources.

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