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GREK - Greek - Columbus State University

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GREK - Greek

GREK 1001. Elementary Greek 1 (3-0-3) Introduction to the Greek language: pronunciation, fundamentals of grammar, reading, and translation.

GREK 1002. Elementary Greek 2 (3-0-3) Prerequisite: GREK 1001. Continued study of Greek grammar and syntax begun in Greek 1001, with further reading and translation.

GREK 2001. Intermediate Greek 1 (3-0-3) Prerequisite: GREK 1002. Continued study of Greek language: grammatical structure; composition practice; vocabulary; translation and analysis of classical thinkers and biblical writers; and study of Greek influences in western culture.

GREK 2002. Intermediate Greek 2 (3-0-3) Prerequisite: GREK 2001. Reading, translating, and analyzing major works of Greek literature - both prose and poetry - from the classical period and from the Bible. Students will increase their knowledge of linguistic, intellectual, and cultural influences of Greece on the modern world.

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