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Specialist in Education Early Childhood Education - Columbus State University

Hurricane Helene Campus Updates (9/25/2024)

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Specialist in Education Early Childhood Education

Area 1 Professional Core Required Hours: 6
EDUF 7115 Psychology of Teaching
EDUF 7116 Action Research: Assessing & Monitoring Student/School Achievement

Area 2 Concentration Required Hours: 12
EDEC 7126 Issues in Mathematics Education in Early Childhood
EDEC 7155 Cognitive Development in Young Children
EDEC 7899 Research in Early Childhood
Select two semester hours (7000 level or above) of advisor-approved courses in related area.

Area 3 Electives Required Hours: 12
EDCI 6115 NBPTS Pre-candidacy: Understanding Process/Principles
EDCI 6116 NBPTS Candidacy: Preparation & Documentation
Select six semester hours (6000 level or above) in early childhood courses or approved related field studies. A minimum of 18 hours must be completed at the 7000 level.

*To add a Reading Endorsement to your certification, the following courses must be completed with a 3.0 or greater GPA: EDRG 6118, 6245, 6148, and 6756.

The following course or course equivalent is required if not taken at the M.Ed. Level: EDEC 6156: Neurological, Psychological, and Physiological Dev: Conception to Age 10.

A publication is required for this program.

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