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Undergraduate Minors - Columbus State University

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Undergraduate Minors

The following is a listing of approved undergraduate minors offered at Columbus State University. The requirements for each minor are listed; at least one-third of the course work must be taken at Columbus State University. Courses applied toward a minor must be courses other than ones specified as requirements for the major degree program. The courses identified as part of the minor must satisfy the total credit hours required for the minor program.

African-American Studies. 15 semester hours selected from HIST 3115, HIST 3116, HIST 5566, ITDS 1146 (if not used in Area E), ENGL 3116, SOCI 3117, and THEA 2175.

Anthropology. 18 semester hours including ANTH 1105, two courses selected from ANTH 1107, 1145, or 2136, and nine semester hours of upper-division ANTH courses.

Art History. 18 semester hours to include ARTH 3115, ARTH 3127 ARTH 3128, and ARTH 3555; choose two of the following: ARTH 2125, ARTH 2126, or ARTH 2127.

Asian Studies. 15 semester hours including three semester hours in lower division CHIN and JAPN courses and 12 semester hours from the following courses: ARTS 2105, BUSA 3135, ENGL 3113, HIST 5555, HIST 5556, HIST 5558, MGMT 4116, POLS 3139, POLS 3147, POLS 4155, and POLS 4178. The following selected topics courses may also be used for the minor if the topic has an Asian focus: ARTH 3555, ARTS 3555, GEOL 3555, HIST 5555, HIST 5556, HIST 5558, ITDS 1156, and POLS 3555. At least nine semester hours must be in upper division courses and no more than nine semester hours may be in the same discipline. The director of the Center for International Education is responsible for advising and approval of topics and transfer courses.

Biology. 18 semester hours as follows: BIOL 2285, BIOL 3215, BIOL 3216, BIOL 3217, and BIOL 3218.

Chemistry. 18 semester hours of CHEM courses excluding CHEM 1151/1151L, CHEM 1152/1152L, CHEM 1211/1211L, and CHEM 1212/1212L.

Communication. 15 semester hours in COMM courses, excluding COMM 1110 and including nine semester hours at the 3000 level or above. Internships and independent study courses may not be used to satisfy requirements for this minor.

Computer Science. 18 semester hours including CPSC 1301, CPSC 1302, CPSC 2108, and nine semester hours of computer science courses at the 3000 level or above.

Criminal Justice. 18 semester hours including CRJU 1105, CRJU 2105, CRJU 2145, CRJU 3126, CRJU 3146, and CRJU 4165. A grade of "C" or better is required in each CRJU course.

Early Childhood Education. 18 semester hours including EDEC 3255, EDEC 3256, and six semester hours of approved electives.

Economics. 18 semester hours including ECON 2105, ECON 2106, ECON 3136, ECON 3145, ECON 3147, and ECON 3165. Grade of "C" or better is required for each course.

English (Literature Track). 18 semester hours of ENGL courses at the 2000 level or above, excluding ENGL 2111 and ENGL 2112, and including nine semester hours at the 3000 level or above.

English (Professional Writing Track). 18 semester hours to include ENGL 3157, ENGL 3158, and four of the following courses: ENGL 3155, ENGL 3156, ENGL 3159, ENGL 3176, ENGL 5146, and ENGL 5155.

Exercise Science. 18 semester hours to include EXSC 3135, EXSC 4131, EXSC 4132, EXSC 4135, EXSC 4137, and EXSC 5135.

Foundations of Business (for non-business majors). 18 semester hours including ACCT 2101, ECON 2106, CISM 2115, BUSA 3135, MGMT 3109, and MKTG 3109. Grade of "C" or better is required for each course.

French. 18 semester hours including FREN 2002, FREN 3101, FREN 3102, FREN 3115, FREN 3116, and one of the following courses: FREN 3165, FREN 4116, or FREN 4555.

Geography. 15 semester hours including GEOG 3556, GEOG 5128, GEOG 4000 and nine hours from the following courses: GEOL 3275, GEOL 5135, GEOL 5255 or ENVR 5225. A grade of C or better is required in each course.

Geology. 18 semester hours of GEOL courses with at least nine hours of upper division coursework. Courses taken to satisfy Area D of the Core may not be counted towards the minor.

Health Science. 18 semester hours as follows: HESC 2105, HESC 5106U, HESC 4115, HESC 2125, HESC 4105, and HESC 4106.

History. 15 semester hours in history courses including HIST 3125 and six semester hours at the 5000 level. Internships and independent study courses may not be used to satisfy requirements for this minor.

International Business (for business majors). 15 semester hours including ECON 2105, MGMT 4116, FINC 3156, MKTG 4145, and one of the following courses: CISM 3118, ECON 3165, BUSA 3555, or POLS 4166. Grade of "C" or better is required for each course.

Latin American Studies. 18 semester hours from the following courses: ANTH 5305, ANTH 5515, ANTH 5555, ARTH 3555, BUSA 3135, COMM 4555, ECON 3165, HIST 3135, HIST 3136, HIST 3137, HIST 5535U, MGMT 4116, POLS 3146, POLS 3555, SPAN 2002, SPAN 3150, SPAN 3160, SPAN 3170, AND SPAN 3175. Selected topics courses (ANTH 5305, ANTH 5515, ANTH 5555, ARTH 3555, COMM 4555, ECON 3165, and POLS 3555) must be approved by the Director of the Center for International Education.

Linguistics. 15 semester hours including ENGL 2136, ENGL 5147, ENGL 5165, ENGL 5168, and one of the following courses: ENGL 5148, ENGL 5166, or ENGL 5167.

Mathematics. 17 semester hours including MATH 1131, MATH 1132, and nine semester hours of mathematics courses at the 3000 level or above not including MATH 4555. If MATH 1131 or MATH 1132 is used to satisfy Area A or Area D of the core curriculum, one additional mathematics course, at any level, must be taken for each course used in the core.

Music. 18 semester hours including MUSC 1215, MUSC 2201, MUSA 1211, MUSA 1212, MUSA 2211, MUSA 2212, MUSA 3211, MUSC 3228, MUSC 3229, one semester of either MUSC 3070/3080/3090, and two semester hours of 3000-level electives. Students must perform an audition in their principal performing area and be accepted at a level consistent with an entering first-year music major. Internships and independent study courses may not be used to satisfy requirements for this minor.

Mental Retardation. 18 semester hours including SPED 3155, SPED 3215, SPED 4215, and six semester hours of approved electives.

Philosophy. 15 semester hours of philosophy courses, including PHIL 1105 and PHIL 2115, and 9 semester hours of upper division philosophy courses, including the history of philosophy sequence, PHIL 3115 and PHIL 3116. However, if either PHIL 1105 or PHIL 2115 is used to fulfill a core requirement in Areas A through E, the courses may be replaced by any other upper or lower division philosophy course.

Political Science. 18 semester hours in political science courses including POLS 2101 and 15 semester hours at the 3000 level or above. Internships and independent study courses may not be used to satisfy requirements for this minor.

Psychology. 17 semester hours of psychology courses at the 3000 level or above.

Sociology. 15 semester hours of sociology courses at the 3000 level or above.

Spanish. 18 semester hours including SPAN 2002, SPAN 3150, SPAN 3160, SPAN 3170, SPAN 3175, and one of the following courses: SPAN 3165, SPAN 4115, SPAN 4116, or SPAN 5555.

Theatre Arts. 18 semester hours of theatre courses excluding THEA 1100 and including THEA 1245, THEA 1365, THEA 3175 or 3176, and a minimum of one semester hour of THEA 1435.  A minimum of nine semester hours must be completed at the 3000 level or above. Internships and independent study courses may not be used to satisfy requirements for this minor.

Women's Studies. 15 semester hours including HIST 3169, ENGL 3117, and nine semester hours from the following: CRJU 2116, CRJU 3135, MPAG 5555, PHIL 3795, PSYC 3565, SOCI 2293, and SOCI 3129. Internships and independent studies may not be used to satisfy requirements for this minor.

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