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Specialist in Education - Secondary English Language Arts Education - Columbus State University

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Specialist in Education - Secondary English Language Arts Education

For general degree requirements, see the College of Education and the General Degree Requirements pages.

Area 1 Professional Core                    Required Hours: 9 
EDCI 7115 K-12 Curr Studies: Engl Lang Arts 
EDUF 7115 Psychology of Teaching 
EDUF 7116 Action Research: Assessing and Monitoring Student and School Achievement

Area 2 Specialist Studies                    Required Hours: 4 
EDCI 7158 Leadership in Curriculum Change 
EDCI 7359 Specialist Project

Area 3 Concentration                         Required Hours: 17
EDCI 6118 Tching Composition in Grades 4-12
Select 14 hours from:
ENGL courses, English language arts, and methodology

Cognate and related-field studies:
Depending on prior graduate studies in English language arts content and pedagogy, up to 9 credits may be earned in related-field studies in gifted ed, ESL, special education, and other fields.

Similarly, students who aspire to NBPTS licensure should consider applying to and enrolling in EDCI 6115: NBPTS Precandidacy and EDCI 6116: NBPTS Candidacy.

Total Hours Required: 30

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