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EDUL - Education, Leadership - Columbus State University

Hurricane Helene Campus Updates (9/25/2024)

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EDUL - Education, Leadership

EDUL 6225. A Vision for Learning (2-2-3)
Develops, articulates, and implements a vision for learning that is supported by the school community.

EDUL 6226. Curriculum Design for the High Achievement of All Students (3-0-3)
Investigates best research practices in curriculum development, curriculum alignment, standards, and benchmarks.

EDUL 6227. Obtaining and Using Resources Wisely (2-2-3)
Investigates the methods of obtaining and utilizing resources to improve student achievement for all students. Emphasis will be the utilization of funds at the local building level.

EDUL 6235. Research Based Instructional Strategies (3-0-3)
Investigates student motivation and research-based instructional strategies, authentic instructional pedagogy, thematic curriculum and creative effective school learning communities.

EDUL 6245. Organizing and Managing the Learning Environment (2-2-3)
Investigates theories and models of organization, fiscal applications, and operations. Provides training for building trust with faculty and establishing a safe and orderly learning environment for teachers and students.

EDUL 6255. Collaboration for Improved Student Achievement (2-2-3)
Investigates community-school collaborations. Leaders learn how to build and be a part of a viable team that focuses on high achievement for all students.

EDUL 6275. Public Policy and Ethics (3-0-3)
Investigates public policy as related to the school environment. Investigates the promotion of success for everyone in the school environment through ethical behavior in all situations.

EDUL 6279. Capstone Experience: Leadership for Improving Student Achievement (2-2-3)
Overview of the knowledge, dispositions, and performances needed by all educational leaders to promote increased student achievement and school improvement.

EDUL 6698. Internship in Leadership (1-6)
Provides professional learning experiences in partner schools. Internship provided in two semester hour increments during three semesters for a 12 month internship. Professional learning experiences include Strategic Leadership; Organizational Leadership; School Improvement; and Community Leadership. May be repeated for a maximum of six credit hours. (S/U grading)

EDUL 7000. Specialist Portfolio (0-0-0)
Satisfactory completion of this non-credit course indicates completion of the Specialist Portfolio for the EdS in Educational Leadership.

EDUL 7105.  School/System Strategic Plan (2-2-3)
Investigates factors involved in developing and implementing a school/system strategic plan; focuses on the many entities that should be included, the use of data in developing this plan and methods of assessing its success.

EDUL 7106. Curriculum Design for School/System Improvement (2-2-3)
Investigates strategies and procedures for designing and implementing curricula that lead to continuous school/system improvement. Focus will be on designing the scope and sequence of the curriculum to fit the appropriate situation.

EDUL 7107. School/System Reform and The Change Process (2-2-3)
Investigates how redirecting effort can change the focus of school/system reform. Focuses on identifying the dynamics of change and how to lead stakeholders through this process.

EDUL 7555. Selected Topics in Leadership (2-2-4)
The field of educational leadership is rapidly changing. To respond to that, a leadership faculty member may conduct a course from time to time dealing with salient issues.

EDUL 7698 Internship for School Improvement (1-6)
Identify, plan and implement major activities in leadership that provide related on-the-job experiences that focus on improving the teaching-learning environment. (S/U grading.)

EDUL 7793. Organizing and Implementing a Framework for a Data Driven Learning Community (2-2-3)
Course makes explicit practices needed to reduce achievement gap for diverse student populations. Candidates utilize data to drive the organizational improvements needed for today's new generation leadership team. Emphasis is placed on connection between school/system learning communities.

EDUL 7794. System Level Policy, Governance, and Ethics (2-2-3) Investigates school system accountability within the framework of public policy and ethical standards. Focuses on characteristics of effective practices with an emphasis on effective school research.

EDUL 7796. Team Building and The Communication Process (2-2-3)
Focus on knowledge and skills in building collaborative teams involving all stakeholders in the decision making process and effectively communicating internally and externally.

EDUL 7797. Budget Alignment to School/System Mission (2-2-3)
Financing educational programs and the budgeting process. Focuses on the allocation of funds that promote the school/system mission and goals. 

EDUL 7899. Independent Study (2-4)
Prerequisite: Departmental approval. A specialized investigation of a problem in educational leadership proposed by the student under the direction of an educational leadership faculty member.

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