MSAL - Military Science and Advanced Leadership
MSAL 1215. Introduction to Military Leadership (1-0-1)Co-requisite: MSAL 1215L. Introductory course about the fundamental components of service as an Army Officer. Major areas of instruction include: officership, leadership values and ethics, and communication skills. Leadership laboratory meets every Wednesday for two hours and focuses on hands-on practical leaderships skills in individual and unit military field craft. The Leadership Lab allows students to put classroom lecture theory into practice. A 1215L student starts at the "follower" level of leadership. As they progress through the program, they will gain self confidence through practical application of leader skills. There will be some Saturday events and one weekend field training exercise during the semester. Major areas of instruction include: officership, leadership values and ethics, and communication skills.
MSAL 1215L. Introduction to Military Leadership Lab (0-2-1)Co-requisite: MSAL 1215. Leadership laboratory meets every Wednesday for two hours and focuses on hands-on practical leaderships skills in individual and unit military field craft. The Leadership Lab allows students to put classroom lecture theory into practice. A 1215 student starts at the 'follower' level of leadership. As they progress through the program, they will gain self confidence through practical application of leader skills. There will be some Saturday events and one weekend field training exercise during the semester. Major areas of instruction include: officership, leadership values and ethics, and communication skills.
MSAL 1216. Military Leadership and Development (1-0-1)Co-requisite: MSAL 1216L. Learn key leadership theory and skills. Major areas encompass: leadership theory and application, problem solving, group interaction, goal setting, and decision making. Leadership laboratory meets every Wednesday for two hours and focuses on key leadership theory and skills. Major areas encompass: leadership theory and application in problem solving, group interaction, goal setting, and decision making. A 1216L student starts at the "follower" level of leadership. As they progress through the program, they will gain self confidence through practical application of leader skills. There will be some Saturday events and one weekend field training exercise during the semester. Major areas of instruction include: officership, leadership values and ethics, and communication skills.
MSAL 1216L. Military Leadership and Development Lab (0-2-1) Co-requisite: MSAL 1216. Leadership laboratory meets every Wednesday for two hours and focuses on key leadership theory and skills. Major areas encompass: leadership theory and application in problem solving, group interaction, goal setting, and decision making. A 1216L student starts at the "follower" level of leadership. As they progress through the program, they will gain self confidence through practical application of leader skills. There will be some Saturday events and one weekend field training exercise during the semester. Major areas of instruction include: officership, leadership values and ethics, and communication skills.
MSAL 2225. Innovative Military Team Leadership (2-0-2)Co-requisite: MSAL 2225L. Advanced leadership studies concentrated in the following areas: effective
writing and briefing skills, and individual and organizational leadership theory.
Leadership laboratory meets every Wednesday for two hours and focuses on key leadership
theory and skills. Major areas encompass: leadership theory and application in problem
solving, group interaction, goal setting, and decision making. A 2225L student starts
at the "follower and leader" level of leadership. As they progress through the program,
they will gain self confidence through practical application of leader skills. There
will be some Saturday events and one weekend field training exercise during the semester.
Major areas of instruction include: officership, leadership values and ethics, and
communication skills.
MSAL 2225L. Innovative Military Team Leadership Lab (0-2-1)Co-requisite: MSAL 2225. Leadership laboratory meets every Wednesday for two hours and focuses
on key leadership theory and skills. Major areas encompass: leadership theory and
application in problem solving, group interaction, goal setting, and decision making.
A 2225L student starts at the "follower and leader" level of leadership. As they progress
through the program, they will gain self confidence through practical application
of leader skills. There will be some Saturday events and one weekend field training
exercise during the semester. Major areas of instruction include: officership, leadership
values and ethics, and communication skills.
MSAL 2226. Foundations of Tactical Military Leadership (2-0-2)Co-requisite: MSAL 2226L. Tactics and Officership. Students learn principles of tactics and complete
case studies in small officer roles and ethics, and complete case studies in officer
leadership and institutional values. Leadership laboratory meets every Wednesday for
two hours and focuses on key leadership theory and skills. Major areas encompass:
leadership theory and application in problem solving, group interaction, goal setting,
and decision making. A 2226L student starts at the "follower and leader" level of
leadership. As they progress through the program, they will gain self confidence through
practical application of leader skills. There will be some Saturday events and one
weekend field training exercise during the semester. Major areas of instruction include:
officership, leadership values and ethics, and communication skills.
MSAL 2226L. Foundations of Tactical Military Leadership Lab (0-2-1)Co-requisite: MSAL 2226. Leadership laboratory meets every Wednesday for two hours and focuses
on key leadership theory and skills. Major areas encompass: leadership theory and
application in problem solving, group interaction, goal setting, and decision making.
A 2226L student starts at the "follower and leader" level of leadership. As they progress
through the program, they will gain self confidence through practical application
of leader skills. There will be some Saturday events and one weekend field training
exercise during the semester. Major areas of instruction include: officership, leadership
values and ethics, and communication skills
MSAL 2420. Military Leadership Training Course (3-0-3) Prerequisite: Approval of Department Chair. A five week summer camp conducted at Fort Knox, Kentucky.
The student receives pay, travel, lodging, and most meal costs are defrayed by the
Army. The environment is rigorous, and is similar to Army Basic Training. No military
obligation incurred. Open only to students who have not taken all four of MSAL 1000
and 2000 level classes, and who pass a physical examination (paid for by ROTC). Completion
of MSAL 2420 qualifies a student for entry into the Advanced Course. Three different
cycles are normally offered during the summer, but spaces are limited. Candidates
can apply for a space any time during the school year prior to the summer. (S/U grading.)
MSAL 3231. Adaptive Military Team Leadership (2-0-3)Co-requisite: MSAL 3231L. Prerequisites: MSAL 1215, MSAL 1216, MSAL 2225, MSAL 2226, or MSAL 2420,
or students with prior service (with approval of the Department of Military Science).
Students learn basic tactical principles to include: principles of war, tactical fundamentals,
troop leading procedures, operation orders, and defensive operations. Leadership laboratory
meets every Wednesday for two hours and focuses on key leadership theory and skills.
Major areas encompass: leadership theory and application in problem solving, group
interaction, goal setting, and decision making. A 3231L student starts at the "leader"
level of leadership. As they progress through the program, they will gain self confidence
through practical application of leader skills. There will be some Saturday events
and one weekend field training exercise during the semester. Major areas of instruction
include: officership, leadership values and ethics, and communication skills.
MSAL 3231L. Adaptive Military Team Leadership Lab (0-2-1)Co-requisite: MSAL 3231. Leadership laboratory meets every Wednesday for two hours and focuses on
key leadership theory and skills. Major areas encompass: leadership theory and application
in problem solving, group interaction, goal setting, and decision making. A 3231L
student starts at the "leader" level of leadership. As they progress through the program,
they will gain self confidence through practical application of leader skills. There
will be some Saturday events and one weekend field training exercise during the semester.
Major areas of instruction include: officership, leadership values and ethics, and
communication skills.
MSAL 3232. Military Leadership and Ethics in Changing Environments (3-0-3)Co-requisite: MSAL 3232L. Prerequisite: MSAL 3231. Students learn basic tactical principles to
include: offensive operations, team building, and overview and preparation for the
summer Leaders Development and Assessment Course. Leadership laboratory meets every
Wednesday for two hours and focuses on key leadership theory and skills. Major areas
encompass: leadership theory and application in problem solving, group interaction,
goal setting, and decision making. A 3232L student starts at the "leader" level of
leadership. As they progress through the program, they will gain self confidence through
practical application of leader skills. There will be some Saturday events and one
weekend field training exercise during the semester. Major areas of instruction include:
officership, leadership values and ethics, and communication skills.
MSAL 3232L. Military Leadership and Ethics in Changing Environments Lab (0-2-1)Co-requisite: MSAL 3232. Leadership laboratory meets every Wednesday for two hours and focuses on
key leadership theory and skills. Major areas encompass: leadership theory and application
in problem solving, group interaction, goal setting, and decision making. A 3232L
student starts at the "leader" level of leadership. As they progress through the program,
they will gain self confidence through practical application of leader skills. There
will be some Saturday events and one weekend field training exercise during the semester.
Major areas of instruction include: officership, leadership values and ethics, and
communication skills.
MSAL 3415. Military Leaders' Development and Assessment Course (3-0-3)Prerequisite: Approval of Department Chair. A five-week camp conducted at Fort Lewis, Washington.
Only open to (and required of) students who have completed all MSAL-3000 or MSAL 4000
level courses. The student receives pay, travel, lodging and most meal costs are defrayed
by the U.S. Army. The advanced Camp environment is highly structured and demanding,
stressing leadership at small unit levels under varying, challenging conditions. Individual
leadership and basic skills performance are evaluated throughout the camp. Although
this course is graded on a Pass/Fail basis only, the leadership and skill evaluations
at the camp weigh heavily in the subsequent selection process that determines the
type commission and job opportunities given to the student upon graduation from ROTC
and the university. (S/U grading.)
MSAL 3416. Military Nurse Summer Training Program (NSTP)(3-0-3)Prerequisite: Approval of Department Chair. Consists of three weeks of hands-on training as a Nurse
at an Army Medical Center. Only open to (and required of) nursing students who have
completed MSAL 3231, 3232, and 3415. The student receives pay, travel, lodging and
most meal costs are defrayed by the U.S. Army. The camp and clinical environments
are demanding, stressing leadership and nursing under varying, challenging conditions.
The leadership and skills evaluations weigh heavily in the subsequent selection process
that determines the job opportunities offered to the nurse upon graduation.
MSAL 4245. Applied Military Leadership Management (3-0-3)Co-requisite: MSAL 4245L, Prerequisite: MSAL 3232. Students learn advanced leadership development through practical application
of leading Corps of Cadets. Academic studies focus on staff functions, training management,
counseling programs, and ethics. Leadership laboratory meets every Wednesday for two
hours and focuses on key leadership theory and skills. Major areas encompass: leadership
theory and application in problem solving, group interaction, goal setting, and decision
making. A 4245L student starts at the "leader and manager" level of leadership. As
they progress through the program, they will gain self confidence through practical
application of leader skills. There will be some Saturday events and one weekend field
training exercise during the semester. Major areas of instruction include: officership,
leadership values and ethics, and communication skills.
MSAL 4245L. Applied Military Leadership Management Lab (0-2-1)Co-requisite: MSAL 4245. Leadership laboratory meets every Wednesday for two hours and focuses on
key leadership theory and skills. Major areas encompass: leadership theory and application
in problem solving, group interaction, goal setting, and decision making. A 4245L
student starts at the "leader and manager" level of leadership. As they progress through
the program, they will gain self confidence through practical application of leader
skills. There will be some Saturday events and one weekend field training exercise
during the semester. Major areas of instruction include: officership, leadership values
and ethics, and communication skills.
MSAL 4419. Military Physical Fitness Techniques (0-3-1) Open to all students on campus but required of all contracted ROTC cadets. Designed
to challenge students at all levels of fitness from basic to advanced. This is a hands-on
course. Students participate in and learn to plan, organize, and lead physical fitness
training/programs. Develops the physical fitness required of an officer in today's
Army. Emphasis is on the development of an individual fitness program and there is
no military obligation for taking the course. Satisfies the PEDS activity requirement
for ROTC students.
MSAL 4795. Dynamics of Military Leadership in a Complex World (3-0-3)Co-requisite: MSAL 4795L. Prerequisite: MSAL 4245. Students learn advanced leadership development
through practical application of leading Corps of Cadets. Academic studies focus on
military justice system, organizing for military operations, administrative and officer
career management, logistics, entering service as an officer. Leadership laboratory
meets every Wednesday for two hours and focuses on key leadership theory and skills.
Major areas encompass: leadership theory and application in problem solving, group
interaction, goal setting, and decision making. A 4795L student starts at the "leader
and manager" level of leadership. As they progress through the program, they will
gain self confidence through practical application of leader skills. There will be
some Saturday events and one weekend field training exercise during the semester.
Major areas of instruction include: officership, leadership values and ethics, and
communication skills.
MSAL 4795L. Dynamics of Military Leadership in a Complex World Lab (0-2-1)Co-requisite: MSAL 4795. Leadership laboratory meets every Wednesday for two hours and focuses
on key leadership theory and skills. Major areas encompass: leadership theory and
application in problem solving, group interaction, goal setting, and decision making.
A 4795L student starts at the "leader and manager" level of leadership. As they progress
through the program, they will gain self confidence through practical application
of leader skills. There will be some Saturday events and one weekend field training
exercise during the semester. Major areas of instruction include: officership, leadership
values and ethics, and communication skills.
MSAL 4899. Advanced Independent Studies in Military Leadership (3 hours)Prerequisite: Approval of Department chair. Course will consist of major readings in military leadership
and battlefield analysis. Students are required to write a minimum of three research
papers detailing and assessing the effect and impact of military leadership in current
situations and historical battles. Students are required to participate in all field
training exercises and physical training.