Bachelor of Science in Earth and Space Science - Environmental Science Track
For general degree requirements, see the College of Letters and Sciences and the General Degree Requirements pages.
Area A Essential Skills Required Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
MATH 1113 or MATH 1131*
*Extra hour applied to Area F
Area B Institutional Options Required Hours: 4
COMM 1110
Select one of the following courses:
ITDS 2727
ITDS 2735
ITDS 2748
ITDS 2755
Select one of the following courses:
LEAD 1705
POLS 2401
HIST 1112
Foreign Language 1001, 1002, 2001, or 2002
Any Area C-E course with a study abroad component.
Note: the two extra hours may be used as electives.
Area C Humanities/Fine Arts/Ethics Required Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2112
ITDS 1145*
ITDS 2125 (Historical perspectives on the Philosophy of Science and Mathematics)
PHIL 2010
Select one of the following fine arts courses:
*ITDS 1145, though listed under both humanities and fine arts, may be taken only once.
Area D Science/Math/Technology Required Hours: 11
Select two lab science courses from below: MATH 1131* or MATH 1132*
*Extra hour applied to Area F
Area E Social Sciences Required Hours: 12
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Take the following course:
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from the following courses:
ECON 2106
PSYC 1101
Select one world cultures course from the following courses:
ANTH 1107
ANTH 2105
ANTH 2136
GEOG 1101
HIST 1111
ITDS 1146
ITDS 1156
Wellness Requirement Required Hours: 3
PHED 1205
Select any one PEDS course.
Area F Courses Related to Major Required Hours: 18
“C”or better required in each course
GEOL 1121 Intro Geo 1: Physical Geology
GEOL 1121L Intro Geo 1: Physical Geology 1 Lab
Take the following physics sequence:
PHYS 1111 Introductory Physics 1
PHYS 1112 Introductory Physics 2
PHYS 1311 Introductory Physics 1 Lab
PHYS 1312 Introductory Physics 2 Lab
PHYS 2211 Principles of Physics 1
PHYS 2212 Principles of Physics 2
PHYS 2311 Principles of Physics 1 Lab
PHYS 2312 Principles of Physics 2 Lab
Take one of the following:
Area B ITDS course or 1 hour guided elective approved by advisor.
Area G Program Requirements Required Hours: 35
“C”or better required in each course
CHEM 2315 Quantitative Chemical Analysis Lab
ENVS 3105 Foundations of Environmental Science
ENVS 4206 Water Resources Management
ENVS 5405 Topics in Conservation (credit hours above 3 will count in area H)
GEOL 5117 Climate and Global Change
GEOL 5255 Environmental Geology
STAT 1127 Introduction to Statistics
Take one of the following:
ENVS 5125 Human Ecology
ENVS 5226 Culture and the Environment
Area H Program Electives Required Hours: 25
Any 3000+ BIOL, CHEM, ENVS, or GEOL course.
With advisor approval, any 3000+ ANTH or GEOG course.
Total Hours Required: 123