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Master of Arts in Teaching - Columbus State University

Hurricane Helene Campus Updates (9/25/2024)

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Master of Arts in Teaching

Program Description

The Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) program in secondary education is designed for individuals holding a bachelor's degree in a field closely related to a secondary certification field, who wish to obtain a teaching certificate and master's degree in secondary education with a concentration in Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Space Science, English, History, or Mathematics . Certification in this field is for grades 6 through 12. The M.A.T. provides professional and pedagogical studies that develop proficiency in the knowledge, skills, and habits of beginning teachers. Additional program information can be found on the CSU Department of Teacher Education website.

Career Opportunities

Successful completion of the M.A.T. program and passing scores on the appropriate Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators (GACE) basic skills, ethics, and content assessments and the edTPA (a teaching performance assessment completed during Clinical Experience III) allow the candidate to be recommended to the Georgia Professional Standards Commission for teacher certification at the T-5 level (i.e., the letter "T" indicates that the certificate is in a teaching field and the number "5" indicates that the candidate's highest degree is a master's degree recognized by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission).

Admission Requirements

  • Degree in closely related field or a minimum of 25 semester hours of approved coursework
  • Transcript evaluation to determine content courses needed for certification
  • Minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.75 (regular admission) or 2.50 (provisional admission) on all undergraduate work at an accredited United States institution in fulfillment of the requirements for a baccalaureate degree
  • A passing GACE content test score is required for admission. Candidates may be exempted from the GACE content test for program admission only, if they meet one of the following conditions:

    • Candidate holds a degree, earned within the last three years, in the content area in which he/she is seeking certification, and has grades of B or better, or a minimum 3.0 GPA, in content coursework
    • Candidate has at least 25 hours of content coursework, earned within the last three years, in the intended field of certification, and has grades of B or better, or a minimum 3.0 GPA, in content coursework

NOTE: Candidates having an exemption for GACE content tests for program admission must still have a passing GACE content test score before they can be recommended for certification at the completion of their program of study.

  • The successful applicant must not have a criminal record or discharge from the armed services that would prevent recommendation for related teacher certifications

NOTE: Candidates must meet all requirements for admission to Teacher Education during their first semester of enrollment in the MAT program. For a list of requirements, go to and click on “Masters Admission Requirements for Teacher Education.”

Learning Outcomes

Graduates will:

  • demonstrate continual growth and proficiency in planning inquiry-based instruction built on standards and knowledge of students,  
  • demonstrate proficiency in using a wide range of instructional strategies and differentiating instruction to help all students learn,   
  • demonstrate proficiency in developing and using multiple forms of assessment and using student assessment data to improve teaching and learning for all levels of learners,
  • display ongoing reflection and growth regarding values, commitments, dispositions, and habits associated with effective and professional teaching, including application of educational research in the analysis of teaching effectiveness and impact on student learning.

Additional Program Requirements

  • Students must earn a 3.0 GPA calculated on all graduate work attempted. "Academic Forgiveness" policy does not apply to graduate studies
  • Students cannot graduate with a grade of "C" or below in more than two (2) graduate courses
  • A minimum of 27 hours of the hours required for the degree must be earned in residence (75%). Asynchronous (online) and distance learning courses administered through Columbus State University constitute courses taken in residence
  • A maximum of nine (9) semester hours of transfer credit or courses taken at CSU prior to full admission to a masters degree program may be applied toward the degree. Courses with earned grades of "C" or below cannot be transferred. The student’s advisor and the coordinator of the program in which the student is enrolled must approve any courses transferred
  • All degree requirements must be completed within seven (7) years of first enrollment.

An active Tk20 account is a required resource for this program because selected assignments must be submitted electronically using this online platform. Tk20 ( is used by the university to maintain our accreditation, to demonstrate the quality of our academic programs, and to improve teaching and learning.

For additional information about the program and admission to CSU, contact COEHP Graduate Studies at 706-568-2301.

Program of Study

Area 1 Foundations Required Hours: 10
EDCI 6227 Foundations of Education: Human Development, Motivation & Learning
EDCI 6481 Clinical Experience I
EDCI 6796 Introduction to Teaching and Inquiry-Based Lesson Design
EDSE 6165 Literacy in the Content Areas
SPED 6111 Introduction to Special Education

Area 2 Teaching Field Studies Required Hours: 9-11
EDCI 6482 Clinical Experience II
EDUF 6111 Assessment in Education
SPED 6112 Teaching Exceptional Learners

Take one of the following based on your intended field of certification:

EDSE 6116 Teaching English Language Arts in Grades 6-12 (3 hours)

EDSE 6137 Curriculum and Methods in Secondary Science (3 hours)

EDSE 6145 Teaching Social Studies in Grades 7-12 (3 hours) and
EDSE 6205 Teaching the Diverse Learner in Social Studies (2 hours)

EDSE 6156 Curriculum and Methods in Secondary Mathematics (3 hours) 

Area 3 Professional Practice Required Hours: 9
EDCI 6483 Clinical Experience III
EDSE 6755 Secondary Education Seminar

Area 4 Advanced Studies Required Hours:  8
EDCI 6158 Trends and Issues in Middle and Sec Education
EDSE 6175 Program Evaluation Applied to the Educational Setting
EDSE 6212 Assessment in Secondary Education II

Take one of the following based on your intended field of certification (3 hours):

ENGL or EDSE English 5000G level or above

HIST or EDSE history 5000G or above

ISCI 5555 Contemporary Topics in Science

MAED 6705 Mathematics Seminar for Teachers

Biology, Chemistry, Astronomy, Atmospheric Science, Environmental Science, Geology, Physics, English,
or Mathematics Concentration Total Required Hours: 36

History Concentration Total Required Hours: 38
Note: A minimum of 25 semester hours of history coursework is required for admission to the MAT program. Coursework must include 6 hours of U.S. history, 6 hours of world history, 3 hours of non-western history, and HIST 3125 Historical Methods or an equivalent course. Additional content coursework may be required depending on content background. Prospective students who do not have a bachelor's degree in history must request a transcript evaluation and meet with the program coordinator to determine content courses needed for certification.

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