Transfer Students
CSU Policy
The university makes every effort to transfer credit for academic work completed at other institutions. In general, courses completed at a regionally accredited college or university will transfer. Credit is allowed for English 1101 and 1102 if the grade in each course is C or better.
Recognition for placement in advanced courses will be given for previous work that is substantially equivalent to, and at the same level as, prerequisites at Columbus State University. Regardless of the total number of semester credit hours allowed in transfer, a minimum of 36 semester hours must be taken in residence at Columbus State University after the student has qualified as a junior.
Requests for transfer credit will be considered for persons who have gained admission as transfer students and will be based on official transcripts supplied by colleges previously attended. For use in satisfying requirements for a degree, all work evaluated as valid transfer credit is subject to approval by the dean or chair of the academic unit which offers the degree sought. Quarter hours are converted to semester hours by using the formula of one quarter hour equals two-thirds of a semester hour. Students may view their academic record showing transfer course work online by visiting MyCSU. (Columbus State University Course Catalog)
Lower Division Policy
- Transfer students must have a āCā or better in ENGL 1101/1102, MATH 1111, ACCT 2101/2102, BUSA 2115, ECON 2105/2106, and MISM 2115 before registering for upper-level courses.
Upper Division Policy
- At least one-half of the 75 business credit hours required for the B.B.A. must be earned in the COB.
- At least one-half of the Area H major hours required must be satisfactorily completed in the COB.
- Courses taught at the 1000 or 2000 level at any institution may not be substituted for 3000 or 4000 level courses taught by the COB.
The Office of the Dean of the Turner College of Business & Technology determines the specific credit for work completed at other institutions that will apply toward the B.B.A. Transfer students should go to the COBCS Student Services Center to have credits evaluated to determine which credits will be accepted for the B.B.A. Allowance of transfer credit by the Office of the Registrar does not mean that all credit will be accepted toward a B.B.A. degree. Transfer credit will be accepted from AACSB accredited schools and senior institutions in the Georgia BOR system. Any exceptions must be approved by the discipline coordinator and the appropriate department chair.
Note: The following courses will not be awarded transfer credit:
- BUSA 4185
- MISM 4185
- FINC 4185
- MKTG 4185
Students Holding a Baccalaureate Degree
Students who wish to work towards a B.B.A. degree and have previously earned a bachelor's degree in a non-business discipline or non-degree seeking students should contact the COBCS Student Services Center to determine individual requirements.