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John S. Lupold Collection (MC197) - Columbus State University

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Archives and Special Collections

John S. Lupold Collection (MC197)

Biographical Note

John S. Lupold was born in 1942. He received his PhD in History from the University of South Carolina and joined the history faculty of Columbus College in 1970. Dr. Lupold has been actively engaged in scholarly research for several decades and has received numerous acknowledgements from the university community for his distinguished service and teaching achievements. Among his publications are the multi-volume series Chattahoochee Valley Sources and Resources, as well as co-authoring Bridging Deep South Rivers: The Life and Legend of Horace King, along with Thomas L. French, Jr.

Scope and Content

This collection consists of Dr. Lupold's research files, newspaper clippings, notes, index cards, books, publications, CDs, drawings and maps. The collection is divided into eight series: Series 1: George Baldwin (1856-1927) Correspondence (1 box); Series 2: Georgia Industry (2 boxes); Series 3: Robert Jemison (1802-1871) Correspondence (1 box); Series 4: Horace King (2 boxes); Series 5: Craig Lloyd (1 box); Series 6: Misc. Collection (4 boxes); Series 7: Speeches, Correspondence (1960s and 1970s) and Memorabilia (1 box); Series 8: Weracoba/Wynnton (1 box). Additionally there are nine boxes of unprocessed mixed media, rolled plans and a framed photgoraph, as well as four drawers in a metal cabinet of 8X5 cards. 1970s-2010s 18 boxes, two index card files (4 drawers) and loose materials (approximately 25 l f.)

Permission to Publish

Permission to publish material from the John S.Lupold Collection must be obtained from the Columbus State University Archives at Columbus State University. Use of the following credit line for publication or exhibit is required: John S. Lupold Collection (MC 197) Columbus State University Archives Columbus, Georgia

Box and Folder List

Series 1 - George Baldwin Correspondence

Box 1

  • Folder 1 - Baldwin, Georges J. Orbit., March 4, 1927
  • Folder 2 - Savannah Electric
  • Folder 3 - Notes on the George J. Baldwin Collection at the University of North Carolina
  • Folder 4 - Stone and Webster Interests in Columbus
  • Folder 5 - “The Savannah Electric and Power Company” by Henry Eason, 1866-1971
  • Folder 6 - 1884/1885
  • Folder 7 - 1892
  • Folder 8 - 1893
  • Folder 9 - 1894
  • Folder 10 - 1895
  • Folder 11 - 1902
  • Folder 12 - 1903
  • Folder 13 - 1904 (I)
  • Folder 14 - 1904(II)
  • Folder 15 - 1904 (III)
  • Folder 16 - 1905 (I)
  • Folder 17 - 1905 (II)
  • Folder 18 - 1906
  • Folder 19 - 1907
  • Folder 20 - 1909
  • Folder 21 - 1910
  • Folder 22 - 1911
  • Folder 23 - 1912
  • Folder 24 - 1913
  • Folder 25 - 1914
  • Folder 26 - 1915
  • Folder 27 - 1917
  • Folder 28 - 1918
  • Folder 29 - 1920
  • Folder 30 - 1921
  • Folder 31 - 1922

Series 2 - Georgia Industry

Box 1

  • Folder 1 - Abercrombie-Family History
  • Folder 2 - A geographic model of a Mill Complex, from Flour and Grits Milling IV-5
  • Folder 3 - “A Prehistory of the Southern Forest”, by Paul Hamel and Edward Buckner, 1998
  • Folder 4 - Agricultural Census, AL & GA, 1850 & 1860
  • Folder 5 - “Agriculture in Georgia from 1865-1950” by Paul Bulloch for HIS 699, August 15, 1977
  • Folder 6 - Agricultural Map of Georgia Showing Soil Ranges
  • Folder 7 - “American Methodists and Alcohol: A Study in the Social Creation of a 'sin'” by Raymond P. Cowan
  • Folder 8 - “An Origin of the New South: The South Carolina Homespun Company, 1808-1815”, by Richard W.Griffin, 1961
  • Folder 9 - Architectural Styles of the 19th Century
  • Folder 10 - Athens, Georgia - Notes on Manufacturing Plants in the 19th Century
  • Folder 11 - Augusta Hear Sites
  • Folder 12 - Banks in Georgia, 1860s
  • Folder 13 - Bradley Warehouse photo
  • Folder 14 - Cabbagetown: One Man's Vision, Drew Jubera, from Atlanta Weekly, November 13, 1988
  • Folder 15 - Callaway, Fuller
  • Folder 16 - Callaway Mills in Troup County, 1923
  • Folder 17 - Canals in Georgia and Alabama + Map
  • Folder 18 - “Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area and the Chattahoochee River Corridor” by Lenard E. Brown, 1980
  • Folder 19 - Comer, Alabama Planter Families
  • Folder 20 - Cotton and wool Factories in Georgia in 1862, a List
  • Folder 21 - “Cotton Ginning and Rural Life in Georgia, 1850-1900”, Prepared for Special Exhibits
  • Folder 22 - “Cotton Ginning Systems in the United States and Auxiliary Developments”, by Charles A. Bennett, 1962
  • Folder 23 - Cotton Ginning in Georgia, 1850-1900
  • Folder 24 - Cotton Manufacturing Statistics 1900-1919
  • Folder 25 - Crisp County Industry, 1880-1930
  • Folder 26 - Cuthbert Manufacturing Company from the Columbus Daily Enquirer, June 23, 1866
  • Folder 27 - “Disabling Sickness among the Population of Seven Cotton Mill Villages of South Carolina Relation to Family Income”, November 22, 1918
  • Folder 28 - Dixie Mill, LaGrange, Georgia
  • Folder 29 - “Early Water-Powered Industries in Athens and Clarke County”, by Louis De Vorsey, Jr., 1977
  • Folder 30 - Economic and Business Historical Society Conference, April 24-26, 1997 in Richmond, Virginia
  • Folder 31 - Economic Development 1865-1930 in Columbus for HIS 579
  • Folder 32 - Electric Power and Georgia's Mills, 1890-1930
  • Folder 33 - Elliott, J. Robert Judge
  • Folder 34 - Fairway Village, Fairway, Alabama
  • Folder 35 - “Fluvial Morphometry”, by Huhne and Boyan
  • Folder 36 - Georgia's Bridges and Dams Listed on the National Trust for Historical Preservation, 1987
  • Folder 37 - Georgia Business Collections at Emory University
  • Folder 38 - 1840 Georgia Industrial Census
  • Folder 39 - 1850 Georgia Industrial Census
  • Folder 40 - 1860 Georgia Industrial Census
  • Folder 41 - 1870 Georgia Industrial Census
  • Folder 42 - 1880 Georgia Industrial Census of Select Counties
  • Folder 43 - 1880 Georgia Industrial Census
  • Folder 44 - 1890 Georgia Industrial Census
  • Folder 45 - Georgia Cotton Mill Promoters and Owners, 1798-1865
  • Folder 46 - Georgia Factory and Whitehall, Georgia, October 14-15, 1977
  • Folder 47 - Georgia Industrial Heritage Project History Dept., Columbus College, 1994
  • Folder 48 - Georgia's Industrial Properties on the National Register, 1989
  • Folder 49 - Georgia Land and Lottery Locations, 1805, 1807, 1820, 1821, 1827 and 1832 (Map)
  • Folder 50 - 1840 Georgia Manufacturing Census
  • Folder 51 - “Georgia Pioneer Industries”
  • Folder 52 - Georgia State Gazetteer, 1879-1880
  • Folder 53 - Georgia's Timber Industry
  • Folder 54 - Georgia Water Power Report of 1880
  • Folder 55 - Graniteville Manufacturing Company, National Register Nomination Form
  • Folder 56 - “Gunnison”, by Cecil W. Anderson
  • Folder 57 - “Health Care of Blacks and Mill Workers in the Modern South”, by Patricia Jackson for HIS 766
  • Folder 58 - Historic Homes in Original Montgomery County, Georgia
  • Folder 59 - “History of the Santee Canal”, by F.A. Porcher, 1875
  • Folder 60 - House Types in Georgia
  • Folder 61 - Immigration from the American Issues Forum on “A Nation of Nations”
  • Folder 62 - “In the Vanguard: Augusta, Georgia, and the New South, 1870-1880”, by John deTreville, 1978
  • Folder 63 - “Independent Mills of the Troup County”, by Christine Rahm
  • Folder 64 - Industrial Architecture, General Information

Box 2

  • Folder 1 - Marcus B. Ely - Letters to his Wife During the civil War
  • Folder 2 - A Woman Doctor's Civil War: Esther Hill Hawks' Diary, book review by Gerald Schwartz
  • Folder 3 - Textile Entrepreneurs and their Impact on West Georgia, by Dr. John S. Lupold, 1987
  • Folder 4 - Textile Manufacturer's Directory of the United States, 1881, Compiled by W.C. Wycoff
  • Folder 5 - The Industrial Reconstruction of Columbus, Georgia, 1865-1881, by John S. Lupold, 1975
  • Folder 6 - “Textile Mills in Georgia: A Cultural Assessment”, by Linda Chesnut and Carson Pease, 1985
  • Folder 7 - “The Ante-Bellum textile Industry of Georgia, 1798-1865”
  • Folder 8 - “The Augusta Manufacturing Company in Peace, War, and Reconstruction, 1847-1877”, by Richard W. Griffin
  • Folder 9 - “The Cotton Mill Campaign in Florida, 1828-1863”, by Richard W. Griffin
  • Folder 10 - “The Machine Tools of a Southern Founder: Findlay's Steam Engine Manufactory, by Robert S. Davis Jr., 1985 - From Tools and Technology, Vol. VI
  • Folder 11 - “The Manchester Cotton Mills”, by Rachel Voyles, 1980 - For HIS 579, summer 1980
  • Folder 12 - “The Montgomery and West Point Railroad Co.”, by T.D. Clark, 1933
  • Folder 13 - “The Origins of the Industrial Revolution in Georgia”: Cotton Textiles, 1810-1865, by Richard W. Griffin, 1958
  • Folder 14 - “The Triumph and Tragedy of Alabama's Cotton Textile Industry, 1809-1865, by Richard W. Griffin
  • Folder 15 - Troup Factory
  • Folder 16 - Upson County Mills
  • Folder 17 - Water-Power Development in the United States, Report of the Commissioner of Corporations, 1912
  • Folder 18 - “Water-Power Development in Clarke County, Georgia: A Brief History”, by Jimmy Hunkle, 1983
  • Folder 19 - Water-Power Development at the fall of the Chattahoochee, HAER Report, 1977
  • Folder 20 - “Way-Side Glimpses, North and South”, by Lillian Foster - Pages 111-118 (Pertain to Columbus)
  • Folder 21 - West Point, Georgia, History
  • Folder 22 - “West-Point Manufacturing Company”, by Charlie Morgan
  • Folder 23 - West-Point Manufacturing Company
  • Folder 24 - Whittier Mill, Fulton County, Georgia
  • Folder 25 - “William Jennings Bryan on the Yellow Brick Road”, by John G. Geer and Thomas R. Rochon
  • Folder 26 - “Working in the Cotton Mill”, by Minnie W. Wimbish
  • Folder 27 - WPA Artists in Georgia
  • Folder 28 - WPA Inventory of Harris County

Series 3 - Robert Jemison Jr. - Correspondence Box 1

  • Folder 1 - 1844
  • Folder 2 - 1845
  • Folder 3 - 1846
  • Folder 4 - 1847
  • Folder 5 - 1849
  • Folder 6 - 1850
  • Folder 7 - 1851
  • Folder 8 - 1852
  • Folder 9 - January-June, 1853
  • Folder 10 - July-December, 1853
  • Folder 11 - January-June, 1853
  • Folder 12 - 1854
  • Folder 13 - 1855-1856

Series 4 - Horace King

Box 1

  • Folder 1 - Alabama Slave code, 1833
  • Folder 2 - Albany Bridge
  • Folder 3 - Apalachicola, Fl., 1837
  • Folder 4 - Asa Bates, March 28, 1799
  • Folder 5 - Bridge Building
  • Folder 6 - “Bridging Deep South Rivers” The Life and Legend of Horace King, Rough Draft (1)
  • Folder 7 - “Bridging Deep South Rivers” The Life and Legend of Horace King, Rough Draft (2) + Map and Photos
  • Folder 8 - Bridge Contracts in Post- Civil War Columbus, 1800's
  • Folder 9 - Building Bryce Hospital, 1800's
  • Folder 10 - “Business, Industry, and Politics in the Ante Bellum South”: The View from Tuscaloosa, Alabama, by George H. Daniels, 1988
  • Folder 11 - Cheraw and Sneedsborough Area of North Carolina & CD and Maps, 1740
  • Folder 12 - Civil War
  • Folder 13 - Clarkson Bridge
  • Folder 14 - Columbus Bridge Repair, June 1, 1857
  • Folder 15 - Early Columbus
  • Folder 16 - “Bridging Deep South Rivers” Corrected Copy (1)
  • Folder 17 - “Bridging Deep South Rivers” Corrected Copy (2)
  • Folder 18 - Dobbs Hall Litigation, 1875
  • Folder 19 - Eufaula, Alabama, 1823-1984
  • Folder 20 - Florence Bridge
  • Folder 21 - Fontaine Warehouse
  • Folder 22 - Franklin Bridge (14th Street) Columbus, Georgia
  • Folder 23 - Free Black in Alabama
  • Folder 24 - Free Black in America, 1800-1850
  • Folder 25 - Fort Gaines, 1850's
  • Folder 26 - Gillespie M. - “White Artisans in Georgia”, 1789-1860
  • Folder 27 - Girard in the 1860 Coly Directory
  • Folder 28 - Girard and Russell Co. Alabama Land & Maps
  • Folder 29 - Glass Bridge near West Point, Georgia, March 18, 1955
  • Folder 30 - Godwin Family & CD
  • Folder 31 - John Godwin, 1798-1859
  • Folder 32 - Godwin in Grand Period
  • Folder 33 - John Godwin's Will, 1854-1871
  • Folder 34 - Holland Creek Bridge
  • Folder 35 - Hopkins on Horace King, 1983
  • Folder 36 - Irwinton Bridge, 1847
  • Folder 37 - Ithiel Town, 1784
  • Folder 38 - Jemison and Horace King in Miss., 1860-61
  • Folder 39 - R. Jemison Letters (1)
  • Folder 40 - R. Jemison Letters (2), 1800's

Box 2

  • Folder 1 - Johnson's Stuff on LaGrange
  • Folder 2 - King Family in LaGrange
  • Folder 3 - King Family Piece (Theodora?) on Horace and Family
  • Folder 4 - King Family in South Carolina
  • Folder 5 - George King, 1850-1899
  • Folder 6 - King, Horace, 1808-1887
  • Folder 7 - King Horace Biography (Catalog of Photos for)
  • Folder 8 - King, Horace's Freedom
  • Folder 9 - King, Horace - Genealogy
  • Folder 10 - King, Horace's Continuing Legend
  • Folder 11 - King, Horace (Notes)
  • Folder 12 - King, Horace - Obits, May 28, 1885
  • Folder 13 - Stuff on Horace King
  • Folder 14 - “Horace King and the Town Lattice Truss”, Larry French and John Lupold, 1981
  • Folder 15 - John Thomas King, 1846-1926
  • Folder 16 - Washington W. King in Bartow Co., Georgia
  • Folder 17 - Lee Co., Alabama, Courthouse
  • Folder 18 - Lower Bridge in Columbus, 1832-1841
  • Folder 19 - Lowndes Co. Bridges
  • Folder 20 - Miscellaneous
  • Folder 21 - Maps
  • Folder 22 - Masonic
  • Folder 23 - Meeler and King's 1855 Warehouse
  • Folder 24 - Moore's Bridge in Carroll Co., Georgia
  • Folder 25 - Old Eufaula Bridge, Eufaula, Alabama (CDs)
  • Folder 26 - Photos & Disks
  • Folder 27 - Photographs for Horace King Book
  • Folder 28 - Photographs of Bridges
  • Folder 29 - Photographs of Columbus, GA, 1870-1880s
  • Folder 30 - Photographs of John Lupold & Thomas French
  • Folder 31 - Photographs used for “Bridging Deep South Bridges” - CDs
  • Folder 32 - Political Reconstruction
  • Folder 33 - Power Point (First Copy of)
  • Folder 34 - Pratt, Daniel
  • Folder 35 - Prince Hall Masons
  • Folder 36 - Receipts from Naval Iron Works and Navy Yard, 1863
  • Folder 37 - Receipts, Expenses…
  • Folder 38 - Red Oak & White Oak Bridges, Meriwether Co., Georgia, 1840
  • Folder 39 - Releases (Horace King)
  • Folder 40 - Alex I. Robison
  • Folder 41 - Sources for Horace King Book
  • Folder 42 - Spring Villa, Built CA. 1850
  • Folder 43 - Tallahassee - Cahaba
  • Folder 44 - Town's Cheraw Bridge
  • Folder 45 - Tuscaloosa Bridge
  • Folder 46 - Upper/Factory Bridge in Columbus, 1858 and Later
  • Folder 47 - Materials about West Point from Miriam Syler
  • Folder 48 - Wetumpka Bridge & CDs

Series 5 - Lloyd, Craig

Box 1

  • Folder 1 - Correspondence (Academic)
  • Folder 2 - 2005 GAH Meeting, Columbus, April 7-9, 2005
  • Folder 3 - History of CSU Archives (by Craig Lloyd)
  • Folder 4 - 2005 Lecture at Auburn - on Columbus Black Middle Class, 2004
  • Folder 5 - Lloyd Various Writings
  • Folder 6 - Miscellaneous & CD
  • Folder 7 - New Georgia Encyclopedia
  • Folder 8 - Old Collection - Accession - Approvals
  • Folder 9 - Review of Book on Herbert Hoover
  • Folder 10 - Student's Correspondence
  • Folder 11 - Ohio State Press Editing of Book on Herbert Hoover, 1972

Series 6 - Miscellaneous

Box 1

  • Folder 1 - Abstracts of Title to Alabama Warehouse Property, Lots 25-27, Parts of 28 and 29, 1841
  • Folder 2 - “An Outline History of Ft. Benning, GA and the Infantry School Concept”, by Robert Holcombe Jr., 1990
  • Folder 3 - Architects in Georgia Prepared in 1983
  • Folder 4 - “The Ashburn Case - A New Look”, by Kenneth Thomas Jr., 1814-1868
  • Folder 5 - Atlanta History Magazine Spring-Summer 1897 - Dr. Lupold Book Review Pages 73
  • Folder 6 - Baldwin, George J., 1856-1927
  • Folder 7 - Bartlett's Ferry Dam, 3/28/1975
  • Folder 8 - “The Bartlett's Ferry Hydroelectric Development”, by H.A. Hageman & T.B. Parker
  • Folder 9 - Bartlett's Ferry - “South Develops another Hydro Resource”, from Electric World, Jan. 22, 1927
  • Folder 10 - The Battle for Columbus, April 16, 1865
  • Folder 11 - Benning, Henry L. and Honors, Nov. 21, 1875
  • Folder 12 - Bibb City Historic District - Historic Places Registration
  • Folder 13 - Bibb City - Newspaper Articles
  • Folder 14 - Bibb Manufacturing Company & Photos, 1900
  • Folder 15 - Biggs House, 912 5th Ave., 1929
  • Folder 16 - Dr. John Lupold - Biographical, Nov. 29, 1979
  • Folder 17 - Black Businessmen in Columbus, 1873-74, 1900, 1921 and 1940
  • Folder 18 - Location of Black Businessmen and Professionals in Columbus in 1940
  • Folder 19 - Bonny Doon Neighborhood in East Highlands, 1900s
  • Folder 20 - “Boogerville - Surviving Hard Times in Boogerville: Erin R.M. Bagley and her Family through 1930-1950”, by Janet Fitzgerald for HIS 319, Winter 1998
  • Folder 21 - W.C. Bradley Company
  • Folder 22 - Buena Vista Road Photographs from the Industrial Index, 1923-1938
  • Folder 23 - Burrus Map of Columbus, 1861-1865, from Memory in 1928
  • Folder 24 - Callaway and Kudzu, Feb. 19, 1944
  • Folder 25 - “Callaway: A Spotlight on Reality”, Student Paper by Larry Dercio, 1992
  • Folder 26 - Callaway Strike of 1935
  • Folder 27 - “The Callaway Mills Strike of 1935”, by Kevin Littlefield, for his HIS 319, 15 March, 1995
  • Folder 28 - Camp Conrad - Spanish American War, 1898
  • Folder 29 - “Farish Carter, a Forgotten Man of the Old South”, by Ralph B. Flanders, 1931
  • Folder 30 - Farish Carter Correspondence from the 1840s and 1850s
  • Folder 31 - Jimmy Carter - “Jimmy Who?” by Richard Hyatt from the Georgia Journal, summer 1994
  • Folder 32 - Change Bills Issued by Columbus, 1838-1870
  • Folder 33 - Absalom H. Chappell Obit, 12 December 1878
  • Folder 34 - Loretto Chappell, June 22, 1975
  • Folder 35 - Chattahoochee Falls Company, 1887
  • Folder 36 - The Chattahoochee Indian Heritage Center, Fort Mitchell, Alabama
  • Folder 37 - Chattahoochee Legacy Program, 1990
  • Folder 38 - The Chattahoochee Railroad and Banking Company, 1835-1843
  • Folder 39 - City Mills & Photo
  • Folder 40 - City Mills Photographs by Michelle Viers, 2001-2005
  • Folder 41 - Clapp's Mill (from the Columbus Daily Inquirer, Aug. 18, 1871, Page 3)
  • Folder 42 - Clegg's Mill / Friedlander Bagging Mill, 1630 + 1638 2nd Ave.
  • Folder 43 - Clinton, Georgia - County Seat of Jones Co., 1822-1942
  • Folder 44 - “Columbus Antebellum Elite”, by Patty Chappel, Craig Cotton and Richard Hearn, 1996
  • Folder 45 - Columbus Armory during the Civil War
  • Folder 46 - Columbus Celebrates Georgia's Bi-Centennial, 1933
  • Folder 47 - Notes on Columbus College / CSU for HIS 579
  • Folder 48 - 19th Century Columbus Industrialists
  • Folder 49 - Columbus Archives Material - Material presented to the Genealogy Society by John S. Lupold
  • Folder 50 - Dedication of Columbus College Buildings, June 1, 1969
  • Folder 51 - Columbus Female College
  • Folder 52 - Columbus Gas Light History, May 1992
  • Folder 53 - Columbus and Georgia Counties: Origins of the Names
  • Folder 54 - “Columbus Georgia, 1828-1978”, by Dr. John Lupold
  • Folder 55 - “Columbus, Georgia, as a Center of Industry in the 19th Century”, by Stephen Goldfarb, 1977
  • Folder 56 - “Columbus Georgia - Unlimited Water Power
  • Folder 57 - “Columbus Homes, Stores and Scenes of the Long Ago”, by John F. Flournoy, 1928
  • Folder 58 - Columbus in the gilded Age for HIS 579
  • Folder 59 - Columbus Industry as Listed in the Georgia Journal and Messenger, June 13, 1849, Page 2
  • Folder 60 - Columbus in 1886
  • Folder 61 - Columbus Investment Company, Statement of their Condition in 1892
  • Folder 62 - Columbus Iron works, 1853
  • Folder 63 - Columbus Iron Works, 1980 Governor's Award in the Arts
  • Folder 64 - Columbus Iron Works Catalog, 1938-39
  • Folder 65 - Columbus Iron works - HAER Report, 1977
  • Folder 66 - Columbus Iron Works by Carl Anderson for Dr. Lupold's Class
  • Folder 67 - Columbus Iron Works Video, 1996
  • Folder 68 - Columbus Manufacturing Co. HAER Report, 1977
  • Folder 69 - Columbus and Muscogee County in 1860
  • Folder 70 - Columbus Power Co., from Electrical World and Engineer, Jan. 23, 1904
  • Folder 71 - Columbus School Map from 1949
  • Folder 72 - The Columbus State University Archives
  • Folder 73 - Columbus Stockade
  • Folder 74 - The Columbus Strikes of 1918-1921 by Frank Joseph Byrne, 1991
  • Folder 75 - Columbus Textile Strikes of 1918 and 1930s
  • Folder 76 - Columbus Unionist - from a List in the Collections of the Georgia Historical Society, 1800's
  • Folder 77 - Columbus and the Valley, 1930's
  • Folder 78 - Columbus Water Works Engineering News, 7 June, 188?
  • Folder 79 - Columbus Women, 1828-1975
  • Folder 80 - Columbus Women Mill Workers
  • Folder 81 - Comer Family Civil War letters, 1860-61
  • Folder 82 - Laura Beecher Comer Diary, 1862-63
  • Folder 83 - Community Power Structure, Columbus, 1973
  • Folder 84 - Mark Anthony Cooper
  • Folder 85 - Correspondence (I) 1970s and 1980s
  • Folder 86 - Correspondence (II), 1970s and 1980s
  • Folder 87 - Correspondence (III), 1970s and 1980s

Box 2

  • Folder 1 - Cotton Crop Mode of Receipt, 1865-1881
  • Folder 2 - Cotton Photographs from Ken Thomas
  • Folder 3 - Coweta Falls Manufacturing Company Rules and Regulations, 1845
  • Folder 4 - Coweta Falls Manufacturing Company
  • Folder 5 - “The Creek 'Town' and the Problem of Creek Indian Political Reorganization”, by Morris Edward Opler, 1952
  • Folder 6 - William Denson House, 930 5th Ave., 1998
  • Folder 7 - “The Development of Secondary Education for Black Student in Columbus, GA, 1920-1932”, by Becky Matthews, 1977
  • Folder 8 - “The Development of Southern Textiles, 1880-1945, an Annotated Bibliography”, by Sister Jean Elizabeth Scanlan, 1981
  • Folder 9 - Dictionary of Georgia Biography list Summited by John Lupold in 1979
  • Folder 10 - Dillard, Powell and Company, 1857-1866
  • Folder 11 - Dillingham Street Bridge, 1911
  • Folder 12 - Dinglewood, 1859
  • Folder 13 - “Eager Hands”: Labor for Southern Textiles, 1850-1860, by Tom Terrell, 1976
  • Folder 14 - Eagle and Phenix Dam, 1870 (?)
  • Folder 15 - Eagle and Phenix Mills
  • Folder 16 - Eagle and Phenix Mills - HAER Report, 1977
  • Folder 17 - Eagle and Phenix Savings Bank by Carl Anderson for Dr. Lupold's Class
  • Folder 18 - Eagle and Phenix Savings Bank, 1873-1891
  • Folder 19 - Eagle Manufacturing - War Material Made and Sold to the Confederate Govt., 1862-1864
  • Folder 20 - Eagle and Phenix Share Holders, August 31, 1922
  • Folder 21 - Eagle and Phenix Stock Holders, 1870-1871
  • Folder 22 - “East Highlands” Student Paper by Cynthia Story, Jean Taft and Kathy Norris, 1993
  • Folder 23 - Empire Mills & Plans
  • Folder 24 - Expansion of Columbus & Map, 1828-1971
  • Folder 25 - Photos from “Falls Project” & Negatives
  • Folder 26 - 1800's Fifth Ave. Lots 569, 571 and 574, Some Historical Data and Background Information
  • Folder 27 - Fort Benning
  • Folder 28 - Fort Mitchell, 1813
  • Folder 29 - 14th Street Bridge Concrete Bridge Built by the Hardaway Co., 1908
  • Folder 30 - “Fortifications along the Chattahoochee”, by Tom Wingo, 1990 for HIS 799, Winter 1990
  • Folder 31 - Garrett and Sons Wholesale Business, 1867
  • Folder 32 - George J. Golden, Will and Obit
  • Folder 33 - Georgia Industrial Census, 1900
  • Folder 34 - Georgia Industrial Census, 1920
  • Folder 35 - Georgia Industrial Census, 1930
  • Folder 36 - The Georgia Flag Controversy, Feb. 18, 1988
  • Folder 37 - Georgia Power Company, 1930
  • Folder 38 - “Georgia Suppliers to the Confederacy, 1861-1865”, by Robert Scott Davis, Jr., 1991
  • Folder 39 - Girard, Alabama Map, 1840's
  • Folder 40 - Goat Rock Dam, 1912
  • Folder 41 - Goat Rock - “The Generating System of the Columbus Power Co., Columbus, GA.”, from Electrical Engineering, June 1913
  • Folder 42 - Golden, Theo E. Sr.—Obit, 1937
  • Folder 43 - Golden's Foundry and Machine Co., and Plans, 1882
  • Folder 44 - Golden, John P.—Obit, 2 April, 1940
  • Folder 45 - John Godwin's Will, 1840
  • Folder 46 - Gordonido, 1420 Wynnton Road, 1913
  • Folder 47 - Gregg, William, 1800-1967
  • Folder 48 - Growth of Georgia and Alabama Fall Line Cities, 1960-1980
  • Folder 49 - Gunboats C.S.S. Jackson and C.S.S. Chattahoochee, 1862
  • Folder 50 - HAER Report on Columbus and its Historic Industrial Buildings, 1978
  • Folder 51 - HAER, Summer Projects, 1977, Columbus is Included
  • Folder 52 - Haiman Brothers, 1828-1842
  • Folder 53 - John M. Happoldt
  • Folder 54 - B.H. Hardaway Article concerning Dam Failures in the South in the Engineering News, Feb. 6, 1902
  • Folder 55 - Heritage Park
  • Folder 56 - Highland Hall, 1857
  • Folder 57 - John Hill, 1839-1898
  • Folder 58 - Hillcrest Historical Report by Carroll Calhoun and Map for HIS 499, summer 1995
  • Folder 59 - Lewis Hine Photographs of Children in his Study of Child Labor in Georgia
  • Folder 60 - Historical Background on the Site of the New Columbus Police Station
  • Folder 61 - The Historical Review of Georgia, 1980 - This Issue Devoted to the Columbus Area
  • Folder 62 - “Historical Columbus Foundation, 1966-2006 (and CD) by John S. Lupold, 2007
  • Folder 63 - Historic Columbus Foundation
  • Folder 64 - “History of Navigation on the Lower Mississippi”, by Floyd M. Clay
  • Folder 65 - House at 916-918 5th Avenue
  • Folder 66 - Photographs for Horace King Book
  • Folder 67 - Horace King, Bridge Builder by Thomas and Edward French
  • Folder 68 - Horace King in Albany & CD
  • Folder 69 - Horace King - Miscellaneous & CD
  • Folder 70 - Releases for Use of Photographs Used in the Horace King Book, 2003
  • Folder 71 - Howard and Echols Purchase of Water Lots on the Chattahoochee River, 1841
  • Folder 72 - Hydro-Electric Development in Columbus from the Ledger-Enquirer, March 27, 1938
  • Folder 73 - Indian Chiefs, Prints and Negatives
  • Folder 74 - “Industrial Archeology of Columbus, GA.”, by John S. Lupold, 1979
  • Folder 75 - “Industrial Development in Chambers County Alabama”, by Charlie Morgan
  • Folder 76 - Industrial Potential in Columbus, Columbus Times, October 7, 1846
  • Folder 77 - “The Industrial Reconstruction of Columbus, Georgia, 1865-1881”, by Dr. John S. Lupold
  • Folder 78 - “Industrial Workers in the Mid-Nineteenth Century South: Family and Labor in the Graniteville Textile Mill, 1845-1880”, by David C. Ward, 1987
  • Folder 79 - “The Origins of the Industrial Revolution in Georgia: Cotton Textiles, 1810-1865”, by Richard W. Griffin
  • Folder 80 - Jeffrey Genealogy and Family History
  • Folder 81 - G. Gunby Jordan
  • Folder 82 - E.J. Kirkland's Memories of Civil War, 1912

Box 3

  • Folder 1 - “Labor Disorders in Columbus, GA”, by James H. Creek, 1982
  • Folder 2 - Labor Uprising of 1934
  • Folder 3 - “The Laboring Voice: Southern Voice in the Sunday Herald”, by Brian Spear, 1897
  • Folder 4 - Abraham Lafkowitz House, 934 5th Ave., 1898/1900
  • Folder 5 - “Land Tenure around Auburn”, 1915, by Lawton, Tucker and Turner
  • Folder 6 - John Leconte, 1841-1846
  • Folder 7 - The Ledger, 1886-1986, A Century of service
  • Folder 8 - Letter from Mrs. Phillips to the National Labor Relations Board about Treatment of Union Members, October 29, 1934
  • Folder 9 - Letters from Cavett Taff of the Mississippi State Historical Museum
  • Folder 10 - The Liberty Theater, 1924
  • Folder 11 - “Like a Family: The Making of a Southern Cotton Mill World”, by Jacquelyn Dowd Hall Reviewed by Dr. Lupold, Jan. 1990
  • Folder 12 - “Limits of Industrialization in the Old South”, by Stephen Goldfarb
  • Folder 13 - Long and Farley Grocery Business
  • Folder 14 - Lower Southern Railroad Trestle 1978 Architectural Survey
  • Folder 15 - Lummus Cotton Gin Company & Photos and Negatives, 1898
  • Folder 16 - Manufacturing - “A Brief Treatise on Manufacturing in the South”, by E. Steadman, from Cotton History Review, April 1961
  • Folder 17 - Manufacturing in the Antebellum South
  • Folder 18 - “Manufacturing in the Antebellum South”, by Bateman and Weiss
  • Folder 19 - Map of Columbus in April 1865, Delineated by L.J. Murphy, 1872
  • Folder 20 - Map of Columbus, 1881
  • Folder 21 - Map of Columbus, 1907
  • Folder 22 - Map of Columbus, 1928
  • Folder 23 - Map of Georgia's Rivers Showing Areas that they drain
  • Folder 24 - Map of Proposed Annexation in Columbus
  • Folder 25 - McCrary House, 914 5th Ave., 1929
  • Folder 26 - John Mc Ilhenny and the Irish in Columbus
  • Folder 27 - “John Marshall Money…A Living Legend in Hardaway World”, 1980, by Debi Singletary
  • Folder 28 - 1911 Meddye Tiptou Willi's Trip to Alabama
  • Folder 29 - The Metcalf Stone, 1969
  • Folder 30 - Mill Workers “Like a Family: The Making of a Southern Cotton Mill World “, by Jacquelyn Hall, James Korstad, Mary Jones and Christopher Daly
  • Folder 31 - Mill Photographs, Locations are Unknown
  • Folder 32 - “Mill Workers and the War”, by Frederick B. Gordon, with the Story, the Crime against Columbus, 1918
  • Folder 33 - “Mills and Mill Villages”, by Sheree D. Morris, for HIS 766
  • Folder 34 - Minter System, Inc.
  • Folder 35 - The Mobile and Girard Railroad Company, 1845-1896
  • Folder 36 - Raphael Moses - A Talks Given by Dr. Lupold on December 11, 1975 at a Local Church
  • Folder 37 - Raphael Moses
  • Folder 38 - R.L. Mott, Death Reported, 21 July, 1881
  • Folder 39 - The Mott House - Paperwork for the National Register of Historic Places, 1840
  • Folder 40 - Muscogee Manufacturing Co.
  • Folder 41 - Muscogee Manufacturing - Notes from HAER
  • Folder 42 - Muscogee Manufacturing - Detail of Wages Used in Wage Comparison, 1921
  • Folder 43 - Muscogee Manufacturing and the Strike of 1934
  • Folder 44 - Muscogee Mills - National Register Nomination Form, 1973-1974
  • Folder 45 - Muscogee Mills Site and Plans for Muscogee Plaza
  • Folder 46 - Muscogee Railroad - Article in the Columbus Sun and Times, 21 August, 1866
  • Folder 47 - Native Americans in and Around Columbus - Notes of Dr. Lupold Concerning the History of Native Americans in the Area
  • Folder 48 - New-South-Progressivism for HIS 579
  • \Folder 49 - North and South Railroad - Article in the Daily Enquirer-Sun, 10 July, 1878
  • Folder 50 - North/South Notes
  • Folder 51 - North Highland/Bibb Photographs
  • Folder 52 - North Highlands Dam, 1902
  • Folder 53 - Occupational Data in Columbus from the 1859-1860 City Directory
  • Folder 54 - “Occupations of Free Blacks in Columbus, Georgia”, by John Mallory
  • Folder 55 - Old Mills in Georgia, 1981
  • Folder 56 - Opelika by Rev. F.L. Cherry, from the Alabama Historical Quarterly, 1953
  • Folder 57 - “Opening the South', by Amos Lockwood
  • Folder 58 - Oral History
  • Folder 59 - “Overlook”, by Heidi C. Reinold for HIS 579G, spring 1993
  • Folder 60 - Palace Mills, by Carl Anderson for Dr. Lupold's Class, 1848
  • Folder 61 - Parson Jack
  • Folder 62 - Pasaquan from the Atlanta Weekly Magazine, April 17, 1988
  • Folder 63 - Pearce, George Augustus, 1853
  • Folder 64 - People's Columbus and Gulf Navigation Steamers - Newspaper Advertisements from about 1890
  • Folder 65 - Pemberton, John
  • Folder 66 - Phenix City Cleanup
  • Folder 67 - James J. Philips Letters, 1860-1865
  • Folder 68 - Piedmont Manufacturing Company, National Register Application, 1876-1891
  • Folder 69 - Pine Mt. Valley Project, 1988
  • Folder 70 - Porter and Fell Stove Manufacturers, 1867
  • Folder 71 - Post Civil War Economic Growth in Georgia
  • Folder 72 - Post Civil War Industries of Savannah, Georgia, 1886
  • Folder 73 - Post WWII Consolidation for HIS 579
  • Folder 74 - The Power Station of the Columbus Railroad Co. at the City Mills Dam, HAER Report, 1977
  • Folder 75 - Private Property Acquired by Ft. Benning before Nov.15, 1920
  • Folder 76 - Progressivism in Columbus
  • Folder 77 -


    , 1984
  • Folder 78 - Proposal for an Industrial Museum at the Columbus Iron Works
  • Folder 79 - Railroads, 1856
  • Folder 80 - Reconstruction Notes, 1865-1881
  • Folder 81 - Reconstruction in Columbus for HIS 579
  • Folder 82 - Redd & Johnson Day Book (Copy)
  • Folder 83 - Registered Voters, 1880 Columbus, Georgia
  • Folder 84 - The Richest 108 Individuals in Muscogee Co., in 1860
  • Folder 85 - “Rich's Centre Vent Iron Water-Wheel”
  • Folder 86 -“ Riparian Rights in Georgia”, by William Agnor from Georgia Bar Journal, 1956
  • Folder 87 - “The Rise and the Fall of the Confederacy”, Rhodes Memorial Hall
  • Folder 88 - Riverdale Cemetery Map, 1889
  • Folder 89 - Rose Hill, by Joyce Bassett, July 23, 1979
  • Folder 90 - Rose Hill, 1826
  • Folder 91 - Rosedale Manufacturing Company Maps, 1890
  • Folder 92 - Sanborn Maps of Georgia Cities, 1885
  • Folder 93 - “Savannah; Lumber Center of the South Atlantic”, by John A. Eisterhold, from the Georgia Historical Society, winter 1973, Vol. LVII, #4
  • Folder 94 - Schley Family, 1835
  • Folder 95 - Philip T. Schley Letters, 1826(1) - 1836(4)
  • Folder 96 - Shamrock Steamer Stockholders, 1865
  • Folder 97 - John Sheffall's Map of John Bank's Land
  • Folder 98 - Thomas B. Slade Letters of 1865
  • Folder 99 - The Slave Ship Wanderer
  • Folder 100 - Social Register, Columbus, GA., 1936
  • Folder 101 - Some Early Visitors to Columbus and their Impressions

Box 4

  • Folder 1 - “Some Preliminary Observations on the Textile and Water powered Industries of Antebellum Columbus, Georgia”, 1860
  • Folder 2 - Southern Industrial Architecture
  • Folder 3 - St. Christopher's Normal and Industrial Parish School, 900 5th Ave., 1916
  • Folder 4 - St. Elmo from: “Greek Revival of the Chattahoochee Valley”, 1936, by Grady Lee Hicks
  • Folder 5 - St. Elmo Photos & Negatives
  • Folder 6 - Southern Business Directory, 1854
  • Folder 7 - Southern Economic Trends, 1850-1940
  • Folder 8 - Stone and Webster, Engineering and Construction Company, 1989
  • Folder 9 - “Streetcar Service in Columbus, Georgia”, by John R. Lassiter from Muscogiana Magazine, summer 1991, Vol. 2 # 1+2
  • Folder 10 - Summaries of Trade, 1876, 1877 and 1878
  • Folder 11 - “The Rise of Southern Textiles”, from New South, Old South, by Gavin Wright, 1986
  • Folder 12 - Strike of 1918 - Progressivism/Strike of 1918-1919
  • Folder 13 - Survey of the fall of the Chattahoochee as a Possible Site for a National Armory, 1827
  • Folder 14 - Swift, George P., 1814
  • Folder 15 - Swift Manufacturing Co. & Photos
  • Folder 16 - Taylor and Back with Gin Factory
  • Folder 17 - “The Second Fifth Ave. Fire, April 25, 1912”, by Brenda Graves for HIS 579, June 3, 1993
  • Folder 18 - Some Columbus Entrepreneurs, Engineers, etc…
  • Folder 19 - Telfair's Columbus History Index
  • Folder 20 - John Thomas Letters Concerning Organizing the Textile Workers in Columbus, 1919
  • Folder 21 - Letters of Samuel Tillinghast, 1840's-1860's
  • Folder 22 - Tom's Foods, 1976
  • Folder 23 - Trade Reviews, from the Columbus Enquirer-Sun, for 1881
  • Folder 24 - Union Organizing in Columbus, 1946-1947
  • Folder 25 - Union Railroad Depot, 1910
  • Folder 26 - Unionization in Columbus in the 1890's
  • Folder 27 - Water Lots on the Chattahoochee River
  • Folder 28 - Waverly Terrace
  • Folder 29 - “Waverly Terrace: A Revitalized, Enduring Community”, by Joan Williams
  • Folder 30 - The “White” Bank
  • Folder 31 - John G. Winter, 1860
  • Folder 32 - Woodruff, Robert Winship
  • Folder 33 - WWI and the 1920s in Columbus for HIS 579
  • Folder 34 - Wynnton Antebellum Architectural Tour for Dr. Lupold's Local History Classes
  • Folder 35 - Wynnton Village Historic District Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, 2005 & Map
  • Folder 36 - Wynnton School, 1837
  • Folder 37 - Young, William H., Jan. 22, 1807
  • Folder 38 - W.H. Young Letters to his Grandchildren, 1893

Series 7 - Speeches - Correspondence 1960's, 1970's - Memorabilia - Personal (Financial Matters)

Box 1

  • Folder 1 - “City Records and the Historian”, 1976
  • Folder 2 - Columbus 1900-1920, Industrialization and Changing Values Speech to “Profile Columbus” Group, 1975
  • Folder 3 - “Columbus Antebellum Elite”, a Speech Given by Dr. Lupold to GHS, October 26, 1996
  • Folder 4 - Columbus Industrialization, Planned Communities and the New Deal, Talk Given by Dr. Lupold at VAF
  • Folder 5 - Columbus Industry, Outline of the 2nd Half of a Presentation to the Columbus Rotary, Give by Dr. Lupold
  • Folder 6 - Columbus Neighborhoods - Speech Given at the Turner Center Anniversary
  • Folder 7 - “Community History as a Tool for building Historic Districts”, Speech Given by Dr. Lupold at Richmond Hill, May 1980
  • Folder 8 - “Evolution of Hydro-Power Development at the Falls of the Chattahoochee”, Talk Given at Interface '78
  • Folder 9 - 15th Street Project - Presentation Given to the Columbus City Council by Dr. Lupold Concerning and East-West Corridor
  • Folder 10 - Fort Benning - A Talk Given by Dr. Lupold about Ft. Benning History
  • Folder 11 - Genealogy Talk to the Muscogee County Genealogy Society
  • Folder 12 - “Germans and Americans: Celebration of a Heritage”, Evaluation by John S. Lupold, 1983
  • Folder 13 - “The Growth and Influence of the Eagle and Phenix Manufacturing Company, a Pioneer Large-Scale New South Textile Mill, 1865-1914”, by John S. Lupold
  • Folder 14 - “Historic Preservation in Columbus, Georgia, 1964-1978”, Written by Dr. Lupold for the Historic Columbus Foundation, 1978
  • Folder 15 - The History of the Jewish Community in Columbus, a Talk given by Dr. Lupold
  • Folder 16 - Indian Heritage Festival
  • Folder 17 - “Jews in the south”, Notes for a Speech to JLAS
  • Folder 18 - Leconte, John, Paper by John S. Lupold, 1841-1846
  • Folder 19 - “Milledgeville, Georgia's Antebellum Capital”, by James C. Bonner, Review by John S. Lupold, 1978
  • Folder 20 - “Paid In Kind”, by Glenda Major, 1989 - Review in Georgia Historical Quarterly by John S. Lupold
  • Folder 21 - Raphael Moses Address to the Columbus School, 1868
  • Folder 22 - “Revitalizing Foundries, Hotels, and Grist Mills in Columbus”, by John S. Lupold from: The Georgia Historical Quarterly, Vol. LXIII, #1
  • Folder 23 - Society for Industrial Archeology 6th Annual Conference, April 29, 1977
  • Folder 24 - Society for Industrial Archeology 8th annual Conference, April 26-29, 1979
  • Folder 25 - “Some Observations on the Transfer of Technology to a Deep South Mill Town”, by John S. Lupold in Georgia Journal of Science, Jan. and April, 1982, Vol. 40, nos. 1and 2
  • Folder 26 - Surveying - Lecture at the Mid-Winter Seminar for Land Surveyors and Engineers - Columbus, Georgia, Feb. 27, 1993
  • Folder 27 - “Textile Entrepreneurs and their Impact on West Georgia”, Speech to Georgia Trust, May 1987
  • Folder 28 - The New South - Speech given by Dr. Lupold
  • Folder 29 - The Value of Community History, Speech Given by Dr. Lupold, March 9, 1984 at Mercer University
  • Folder 30 - Waverly Terrace Speech Given by Dr. Lupold in August 1982
  • Folder 31 - “The World as it Appeared from fall of the Chattahoochee, 1521-1836”, Talk Given at the Columbus Museum
  • Folder 32 - “Waterpower and the Evolution of Georgia's Textile Industry”, by John S. Lupold
  • Folder 33 - “What's Right about America”, Speech to the Colonial Dames, 1978
  • Folder 34 - Correspondence, 1960s
  • Folder 35 - Correspondence, 1970s
  • Folder 36 - Memorabilia and Photos

Series 8 - Weracoba/Wynnton

Box 1

  • Folder 1 - St. Elmo Information Form & Draft
  • Folder 2 - Color Map of Districts
  • Folder 3 - City directory - Student Research
  • Folder 4 - Intrusions Village of Wynnton & Photos
  • Folder 5 - Dinglewood Historic District National Register of Historic Places & Maps, 2001
  • Folder 6 - Wynnton - Dinglewood Industrial Index Photos
  • Folder 7 - Loose Notes on these Historic Districts & Map
  • Folder 8 - Map of the Historic Districts, 1940
  • Folder 9 - The Millionaire's Colony Wynnton, Nov. 30, 1929
  • Folder 10 - Misc. Industrial Index
  • Folder 11 - Misc. Industrial/Index Photos
  • Folder 12 - Miscellaneous Photographs
  • Folder 13 - Overlook Nat'l Register Registration Form
  • Folder 14 - Photo Negatives
  • Folder 15 - Peacock Woods/Dimon Circle - Dismukes House
  • Folder 16 - Peacock Woods - Dimon Circle Industrial Index Photos
  • Folder 17 - Peacock Woods/Dimon Circle Architect - M.C. Barlow
  • Folder 18 - Peacock Woods/Dimon Circle Nat'l Register Form
  • Folder 19 - Peacock Woods/Dimon Circle Plats & Maps
  • Folder 20 - St. Elmo Correspondence and Maps
  • Folder 21 - Weracoba/St. Elmo Historic District Homes Listed in the Industrial Index
  • Folder 22 - St. Elmo Industrial Index + Photos
  • Folder 23 - Student Paper on Overlook, June 8, 1993
  • Folder 24 - Village of Wynnton - Helen Parrish by Richard Hecht, 1978
  • Folder 25 - Village of Wynnton - Samples of Subdivision Houses
  • Folder 26 - Village of Wynnton - 1912 News Fire & Incident at Wynn's Hill
  • Folder 27 - Village of Wynnton Industrial Index + Photos
  • Folder 28 - Village of Wynnton - Maps & Plats
  • Folder 29 - Village of Wynnton - Misc. Survey Forms
  • Folder 30 - Village of Wynnton - Nat'l Register Form
  • Folder 31 - Village of Wynnton (Photos)
  • Folder 32 - Village of Wynnton Photos
  • Folder 33 - Village of Wynnton - Student Papers & Notes, July 1999
  • Folder 34 - Wildwood Circle Industrial Index Photos
  • Folder 35 - Wildwood Circle Maps & Plats
  • Folder 36 - Wildwood Circle Misc. Photos
  • Folder 37 - Wildwood Circle Notes for Nat'l Register Registration Form
  • Folder 38 - Wildwood Circle NR Registration Form
  • Folder 39 - Wildwood Circle Student Research
  • Folder 40 - Wynnton Dinglewood Nat'l Register Form
  • Folder 41 - Winn's Paper on Stocking Strangler
  • Folder 42 - Wynnton district - Student Research
  • Folder 43 - Wynnton - 15th Street Information form & Notes
  • Folder 44 - Wynnton Place Information Form
  • Folder 45 - Wooten Place - Wynnton

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