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International Trumpet Guild Records (MC 326) - Columbus State University

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Archives and Special Collections

International Trumpet Guild Records (MC 326)

Organizational Note

The International Trumpet Guild (ITG) was established in 1974. It is an international organization dedicated to the promotion of communications among trumpet players around the world, as well as to improve the artistic level of performance, teaching, and literature associated with the trumpet. Prior to 2014, the archives of the ITG were held at Western Michigan University. In that year, they were transferred to the Columbus State University Archives in Columbus, Georgia.

Special Collections

In addition to the records of the ITG itself, there are three remarkable collections of music. The first (ITG SC1) consists of the personal scores, manuscripts and sheet music that belonged to Vincent Bach (1890-1976), cornet virtuoso and maker of brass instruments and mouthpieces. The Bach collection has many out-of-print and unique solo works as well as sheet music with publication dates from the 19th century. There are hundreds of solo works with piano written for cornet, bugle, flugelhorn or trumpet. There are also over 200 solo works with orchestra, wind band and in small chamber settings, apparently with all parts available and intact. The second special collection (ITG SC2)belonged to Gil Mitchell (1925-2016), famed trumpet soloist, conductor and co-founder of the US Army Herald Trumpets. Bach gave his collection to his good friend Mitchell who added it to his own extensive music collection. Mitchell's own collection contains manuscript pieces for trumpet ensembles of various sizes as well as a large number of trumpet solos with piano.

The third collection, Special Collection 3 (ITG SC3), consists of materials relating to Edna White Chandler (1892-1992), a performer, composer and teacher of the trumpet. these materials include manuscript and printed scores of her compositions, her autobiography, tape recordings and other materials.

Scope and Content

These archives contain documentation from the founding of the organization through the 2010s. These records are arranged in the following 10 series:

Series 1 - Publications of the ITG (Journal, Newsletter, etc.)

Series 2 - Publications received by the ITG (alphabetically arranged)

Series 3 - Constitution and By-Laws (chronologically arranged)

Series 4 - Board of Directors Meetings (chronologically arranged)

Series 5 - Correspondence (chronologically arranged) This series consists of the ITG official correspondence of a general nature. It includes outgoing and received correspondence of the president, as well as other officials of the ITG. There is significant overlap between and among the General Correspondence and the files of various working committees of the organization such as Commissions, Competitions, Conferences, and others.

Series 6 - Committees The ITG had several committees including: Commissioning and Recordings Committee, Competitions Committee (and various subcommittees); Membership Committee (with a subcommittee on Affiliated Chapters); Nomination Committee, Planning/Host/Annual Conference Planning Committee; Project Committee (with various subcommittees); Publications Committee and Publicity/Public Relations Committee

Commissioning and Recordings Committee The records of this committee, such as the choice of composer to write commissions, negotiating with the composers or agents, etc., are filed chronologically. The music is filed separately after the routine committee records, also by year and thereunder alphabetically

Competition Committee These folders contain materials relating to the following competitions: Conference Scholarship Competition, Ellsworth Smith Biennial Solo Performance Competition, Carmine Caruso International Jazz Trumpet Solo, Jazz Improvisation and Mock Orchestra Audition Competition.

Membership Committee This committee dealt with the recruitment and registration of members, including the local and international chapters, as well as the preparation of the member directories. The published directories are filed in Series 1 - Publications.

Membership Committee - Affiliated Chapters

Nomination Committee The sparse documentation of this committee, mainly from 1975-1976, is included in Series 5 - General Correspondence.

Planning/Host Committee The Planning Committee was also known at various time as the Annual Conference Planning Committee or the Host Committee.

Projects Committee

Most of the sparse documentation of this committee is included in Series 5 - General Correspondence. Among the projects were the Archives, the H. L. Clarke Recording (mainly 1978-1979) and Handbook/Manual (1979 and 1985). Correspondence and other documentation relating to the ITG Archives, including indexes and finding aids, are filed in Series 10 - Archives.

Public Relations Committee The documentation of this committee, mainly from 1975-1979 is included in Series 5 - General Correspondence.

Publications Committee This committee dealt with decisions on layout, editing, printing, distribution, mailing labels and other activities relating to the Journal, the Newsletter, brochures, posters, flyers and promotional materials. The documentation of this committee, mainly from 1978 and 1979, is included in Series 5 - General Correspondence.

Series 7 - ITG Conferences & Other Events The ITG annual conference/festival folders include only the material generated during the conferences, such as programs, recordings, papers presented, last minute logistical changes, etc. Other materials, such as invitations to presenters, negotiations with exhibitors/vendors, thank-you notes after the conference, etc. are filed with Series 6 - Host/Planning for Annual Conference Committee. For some annual conferences there is significant overlap with the General Correspondence (series 5) and the Planning Committee (Series 6). Materials relating to the annual business meetings held concurrently with the annual conference are filed in Series 4 - Board of Directors' Meetings, as are the annual midwinter and ad hoc meeting materials. The ITG's annual conference materials are filed first in this Series, followed by "Other Events", which include mostly music symposia, conferences, presentations and other events of interest to the ITG. These non-ITG event materials are filed alphabetically by name of event and chronologically thereunder.

Series 8 - Photographs

Processor's note - These materials are semi-processed and contain mostly group shots or candid photos taken at various events such as the ITG conferences or regional and international competitions and festivals, such as the International Brass Congress and other venues. Some were printed in the ITG Journal.Photographs of various ITG conference are filed chronologically by the date of the conference. Photographs of individuals and groups are arranged alphabetically. Some folders originally contained correspondence, usually related to a particular event. Correspondence has been moved to either Series 5 - Correspondence or Series 6 - Committees - Planning.

Series 9 - Audio-Visual (A/V) Materials

This series contains recordings of ITG annual conferences, meetings and other events and brass-related events. They are in a variety of formats, from reel-to-reel through cassette tapes and CDs up to and including hard-drives. Recordings of ITG annual conferences are arranged by date of conference. Other materials are arranged by date if available - if not, they are listed in no particular order.

Series 10 - Archives Discussions of an ITG archives began with the Projects Committee in 1980. It was first established within the Dalton Center Music Library at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, MI in January of 1983, where it remained until its transfer to the Schwob Library's archives Columbus State University's Archives. Various lists of recordings of music and meetings, as well as copies of finding aids and other materials developed by WMU, CSU or ITG staff relating to archival holdings or activities are filed in this series. The recordings themselves are filed under Series 9 -- A-V Materials.

1970s-2018 45 boxes (35 l.f.)

Special Collections (SC)

In addition to materials generated by the International Trumpet Guild, their archives also include the papers of 3 individuals: Vincent Bach (1890-1976), Gil Mitchell (1925-2016) and Edna White Chandler (1892-1992).

The Bach materials are Special Collection 1 (ITG SC 1) and consists of the personal scores, manuscripts and sheet music that belonged to Bach, a cornet virtuoso and maker of brass instruments and mouthpieces. Bach's collection has many out of print and rare solo works as well as sheet music with publication dates form the 19th century. There are hundreds of solo works with piano written for cornet, bugle, flugelhorn or trumpet. There are also over 200 solo works with orchestra, wind band and in small chamber settings, apparently with all parts available and intact.

The Gil material, Special Collection 2 (ITG SC2), belonged to Gil Mitchell (b. 1925), famed trumpet soloist, conductor and co-founder of the US Army Herald Trumpets. Bach gave his collection to his good friend Mitchell who added it to his own extensive music collection. Mitchell's own collection contains manuscript pieces for trumpet ensembles of various sizes as well as a large number of trumpet solos with piano.

The other collection, Special Collection 3 (ITG SC3), consists of materials relating to Edna White Chandler (1892-1992), a performer, composer and teacher of the trumpet. these materials include manuscript and printed scores of her compositions, her autobiography, tape recordings and other materials.

1800s-2015 13 boxes (approx. 14 l.f.)

Permission to Publish

Permission to publish material from the International Trumpet Guild Records (MC 326) must be obtained from the Columbus State University Archives at Columbus State University. Use of the following credit line for publication or exhibit is required:

International Trumpet Guild Records (MC 326) Columbus State University Archives Columbus, Georgia


Gift of the International Trumpet Guild in 2014.

Note to Researchers

See also:

MC 359 International Trumpet Association

International Trumpet Guild- Records

Series 1 - Publications of the International Trumpet Guild

These publications include: The Journal, Membership Directory, The Newsletter, and Trumpet, Jr.

International Trumpet Guild Journal

Many issues of the Journal had special supplements, often consisting of printed music, but sometimes reprints of articles from early brass-related periodicals. Many of these supplements were bound in the issue; others were issues of separate items. When present, these separate items are mentioned and placed in the folder with the appropriate issue. Those bound into the issue are not noted.

Series 1-Publications of the ITG-Box 1

  • Folder 1 - I.T.G. Journal, 1976-2012; Newsletters, 1976-1982 This folder contains a digital copy on a CD of all issues of the Journal published between October 1976 and June of 2012; all Newsletters published between October 1976 and May 1982, plus two early organizational newsletters; a cumulative index to the Journal and all supplements published with both the Journal and Newsletter. A copy of the last cumulative index in paper found of both the Journal and the Newsletter, 1976-2003, is also filed here.
  • Folder 2 - I.T.G. Journal, vols. 1 and 2 (2 copies), 1976-1977
  • Folder 3 - I.T.G. Journal, vols. 3-5, (2 copies of vol. 5), 1978-1980
  • Folder 4 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 6 (2 copies), 1981
  • Folder 5 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 7, nos. 1-4 (2 copies of each), 1982/1983
  • Folder 6 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 8, nos. 1-4, 1983/1984
  • Folder 7 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 9, nos. 1-4, 1984/1985 This includes "Regoer Delmotte Discography prepared by Alvin Lowrey & Michel Laplace as a Special Supplement to vol. 9, no. 4 (May 1986).
  • Folder 8 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 10, nos. 1-4, 1985/1986
  • Folder 9 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 11, nos. 1-4, 1986/1987 This includes "Congratulamini Mihi" by Giovanni Pierluigi de Palestrina as a Special Supplement to vol. 11, no. 1 (September 1986).
  • Folder 10 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 12, nos. 1-4, 1987/1988 This includes "The Four Horsemen" for 4 Cornets or 4 Trumpets by Gus Guentzela as a Special Supplement to vol. 12, no. 1 (September 1987).
  • Folder 11- I.T.G. Journal, vol. 13, nos. 1-4, 1988/1989
  • Folder 12- I.T.G. Journal, vol. 14, nos. 1-4, 1989/1990 This includes "Celebrating Harvest" for B-Flat Trumpet and Piano, edited by Sun Jun as a Special Supplement to vol. 14, no. 4, (May 1990).
  • Folder 13 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 15, nos. 1-4, 1990/1991 This includes"My Spirit Be Joyful" by Johann Sebastian Bach, arranged for brass quintet by Harry Herforth as a Special Supplement to vol. 15, no. 2, (December 1990).
  • Folder 14 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 16, nos. 1-4, 1991/1992 This includes "Mandate Against the Unauthorized Playing of Trumpets and Beating of Military Kettledrum, Dated the 23rd of July in the Year 1711", English Translation and Commentary by Edward H. Tarr as a Special Supplement to vol. 16, no.1 (September, 1981).

Series 1-Publications of the ITG-Box 2

  • Folder 1 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 17, nos. 1-4, 1992/1993
  • Folder 2 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 18, nos. 1-4, 1993/1994 This includes "Martini" by Giovanni Battista, Toccata Arranged for Brass Quintet by Peter Knudsviga as a Special Supplement to vol. 18, no. 2, (December 1993) . It also includes "Twentieth Century Music for Trumpet and Orchestra", second revised edition by Norbert A. Carnovale & Paul F. Doerksen (Brass Research Series: No. 13) as a Special Supplement to vol. 18, no. 3 (February, 1994).
  • Folder 3 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 19, nos. 1-4, 1994/1995 This includes "Richter Sonata" by Ferdinand Tobias, Transcribed and Arranged for C Trumpet and Organ by Leo Kappel as a Special Supplement to vol. 19, no. 3 (February 1995). There are also two Special Supplements to no. 4 (May 1995); "Fantaisie Brillante" for B-Flat Cornet & Piano by Joseph Forestier & J. Luce and "Thema and Variations" for E-Flat Cornet & Piano, Arranged by Kehrhahn & H.M. Lewis.
  • Folder 4 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 20, nos. 1-4, 1995/1996 This includes "A Calendar and Comprehensive Source Catalogue of Georg Philipp Telemann's Vocal and Instrumental Music with Brass by Matthew Cron and Don Smithers as a Special Suplement to vol. 20, no. 2 (December 1995). It also includes "Psalm from Two Portraits" by Joseph Turrin, for Flugelhorn & Piano as a Special Supplement to vol. 20, no. 3 (February 1996); . There are also two Special Supplements to vol. 20, no. 4 (May 1996); "Funeral Fanfare" for 3 B-Flat Trumpets, Timpani, and Snare Drum, by Konstantin Listov and a reproduction of Trumpet Notes, vol. XV, No. 8 of August, 1888.
  • Folder 5 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 21, nos. 1-4, 1996/1997
  • Folder 6 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 22, nos. 1-4, 1997/1998 This includes "I Remember..." by Dana Wilson, First Price winner if the ITG Composition competition for 1998 as a Special Supplement to vol. 22, no. 1 (September 1997. There is also a Special Supplement to vol. 22, no. 3 (February 1998); "Trumpet Voluntary" by John Stanley, arranged for Brass Quintet by Bryan Goff.
  • Folder 7 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 23, nos. 1-4, 1998/1999
  • Folder 8 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 24, nos. 1-4, 1999/2000 This includes "Prelude and fugue for Trumpet Choir" for Six B-Flat Trumpets, by Eric Ewazen as a Special Supplement to vol. 24, no. 2 , January 2000.

Series 1-Publications of the ITG-Box 3

  • Folder 1 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 25, nos. 1-4, 2000/2001
  • Folder 2 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 26, nos. 1-4, 2001/2002 This includes "Etude" No. 2 from the Charlier Companion by James Olcotta as a Special Supplement to vol. 26, no. 2, January 2002.
  • Folder 3 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 27, nos. 1-4, 2002/2003 This includes "La Reine d'Amour" for Cornet and Piano, by John Philip Sousa as a Special Supplement to vol. 27, no. 4, June 2003).
  • Folder 4 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 28, nos. 1-4, 2003/2004 This includes "Scriabiniana" by Timofei Dokshizer's Collection as a Special Supplement to vol. 28, no. 3, March 2004.
  • Folder 5 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 29, nos. 1-4, 2004/2005 This includes "Trumpet Salutations" by Nigel Coombes as a Special Supplement to vol. 29, no. 2, January 2006.
  • Folder 6 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 30, nos. 1-4, 2005/2006
  • Folder 7 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 31, nos. 1-4, 2006/2007 This includes "Bothnian Rhapsody" for Brass Quintet, by Jukka Viitasaari, 2003 as a Special Supplement to vol. 31, no. 3, March 2007.
  • Folder 8 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 32, nos. 1-4, 2007/2008
  • Folder 9 -- I.T.G. Journal, vol. 33, nos. 1-4, 2008/2009

Series 1-Publications of the ITG-Box 4

  • Folder 1 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 34, nos. 1-4, 2009/2010
  • Folder 2 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 35, nos. 1-4, 2010/2011
  • Folder 3 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 36, nos. 1-4, 2011/2012
  • Folder 4 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 37, nos. 1-4, 2012/2013
  • Folder 5 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 38, nos. 1-3, 2013/2014
  • Folder 6 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 39, nos. 1-4, 2014/2015
  • Folder 7 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 40, nos. 1-4, 2015/2016
  • Folder 8 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 41, nos. 1-4, 2016/2017
  • Folder 9 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 42, nos. 2, 4, 2017/2018
  • Folder 10 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 43, nos. 1-4, 2018/2019
  • Folder 11 - I.T.G. Journal, vol. 44, nos. 1-2, 2019/2020
  • Journal, Jr.: A Trumpet Newsletter for the Young and the Young at Heart
  • Folder 11 - Trumpet, Jr., vols. 1-4; vol. 5, no. 2; vol. 6, 2003-2008

Series 1-Publications of the ITG-Box 5

Membership Directories

  • Folder 1 - Membership Directories, 1974-1975, 1978-1979, 1981
  • Folder 2 - Membership Directories, 1984, 1986-1987, 1989-1991
  • Folder 3 - Membership Directories, 1993-1997
  • Folder 4 - Membership Directories, 1998-2002
  • Folder 5 - Membership Directories, 2003-2007


  • Folder 6 - Newsletter, vol. 1, no. 1, February, 1975
  • Folder 7 - Newsletter, vol. 1, no. 2, August, 1975
  • Folder 8 - Newsletter, vol. 2, no. 1, March 1976
  • Folder 9 - Newsletter, vol. 3, nos. 1-3, October 1976-May 1977
  • Folder 10 - Newsletter, vol. 4, nos. 1-4, October 1977-May 1978
  • Folder 11 - Newsletter, vol. 5, nos. 1-3, October 1978-May 1979
  • Folder 12 - Newsletter, vol. 6, nos. 1-3, October 1979-May 1980
  • Folder 13 - Newsletter, vol. 7, nos. 1-3, October 1980-May 1981
  • Folder 14 - Newsletter, vol. 8, nos. 1-3, October 1981-May 1982

Trumpet & Brass Programs

  • Folder 15 - Trumpet & Brass Programs, 1989/1990-1997/1998
  • Folder 16 - Trumpet & Brass Programs, 1998/1999-2001/2002

Series 2 - Publications

Series 2-Publications Received by the ITG-Box 1

Publications received by the ITG are filed alphabetically and thereunder chronologically.

  • Folder 1 -- Brass Bulletin, 88, IV 1994 This issue contains an advertisement for the ITG.
  • Folder 2 -- International Horn Society Newsletters, #8 and 9, 1975 and 1976 This folder also contains the Constitution of the International Horn Society (revised 1974)
  • Folder 3 -- International Society of Bassists - Newsletter, vol. 1, #1, Fall 1974
  • Folder 4 - International Trombone Association - Journal, 1975-1977 This folder includes: vol. III, January, 1975; vol. IV, January, 1976; vol. V, January, 1977
  • Folder 5 - International Trombone Association - Membership Directory, 1975-1976
  • Folder 6 - International Trombone Association - Newsletter, 1974-1977 This folder includes: vol. II, No. 1, August, 1974; vol. III, No. 1, September, 1976; vol. III, no. 2, May, 1976; vol. IV, no. 1, September, 1976, vol. IV, no. 2 February, 1977; vol. IV, no. 3, May, 1977; vol. V, no. 1, September, 1977
  • Folder 7 -- T.U.B.A. (Tubists Universal Brotherhood Association), 1975-1977 This folder contains The T.U.B.A. Journal, vol. IV, no. 2; Newsletter, vol. iii, nos.1-3 1975/1976 and the T.U.B.A. Membership Roster, 1976 and 1977

Series 3 - Constitution & By-Laws

The constitution and by-laws and revisions are filed here. Correspondence concerning revisions to these documents is filed chronologically in the General Correspondence.

Series 3-Constitution & By-Laws-Box 1

  • Folder 1 - Constitution & By-Laws (drafts and final), 1975
  • Folder 2 - Constitution & By-Laws (Revised), 1992
  • Folder 3 - Constitution & By-Laws - IRS notices and membership ballots on revisions, 1981-2003

Series 4 - Board of Directors Meetings

These folders may contain: agendas, minutes, committee reports and other attachments.

Series 4 - Board of Directors Meetings-Box 1

  • Folder 1 - Annual BoD Meeting, May 27 & 29, 1975
  • Folder 2 - Annual BoD Meeting, May 1977
  • Folder 3 - Annual BoD Mid-winter Meeting, November 12-13, 1977
  • Folder 4 - Annual BoD Meeting, June 6 & 7, 1978
  • Folder 5 - Annual BoD Meeting, May 29, 1979
  • Folder 6 - Annual BoD Meeting, June 7, 1980
  • Folder 7 - Annual BoD Meeting, May 31, 1981
  • Folder 8 - Annual BoD Meeting, May 23, 1982
  • Folder 9 - Annual BoD Meeting, May 22, 1983
  • Folder 10 - Annual BoD Meeting, June 14, 1987
  • Folder 11 - Annual BoD Mid-winter Meeting, January 30-31, 1988
  • Folder 12 - Annual BoD Meeting, May 17, 1988
  • Folder 13 - Annual BoD Mid-winter Meeting, January 7-8, 1989
  • Folder 14 - Annual BoD Meeting, August 9, 1989
  • Folder 15 - Annual BoD Mid-winter Meeting, February 17-18, 1990
  • Folder 16 - Annual BoD Meeting, June 5, 1990
  • Folder 17 - Annual BoD Mid-winter Meeting, January 5-6, 1991
  • Folder 18 - Annual BoD Meeting, May 21, 1991

Series 5 - Correspondence

This series contains correspondence of a general nature both to or from the ITG president or other ITG elected officials, or sent to them as a courtesy copy. Many elected officials of the ITG also served as committee chairs or members, so there is significant overlap between Series 5 - Correspondence and other series. Duplicate copies of correspondence were discarded unless there were annotations on them, in which case they were kept.

Following the formal establishment of the ITG in May/June of 1975, the correspondence becomes more voluminous and, at the same time, more fragmented. Various activities, committees and working groups were created. Several of these committees are represented by sparse surviving documentation, and a few lasted only a short time. The documents of these committees, including Finances, Nominations, Projects, Publicity and others are filed here in the General Correspondence. Those only three committees with significant amounts of surviving documentation which are filed seperetely from the General Correspondence. They are: Commissions & Recordings; Competitions; and Planning (also known as Host Committee or Annual Conference Planning). If an item clearly deals with one of these specific committees, it is filed in the appropriate folder. If,, however, a letter dealt with multiple subjects, or if with one of the under-documented committees, it is filed in the General Correspondence. Since many people served on multiple committees, as well as being elected officers, the majority of the correspondence falls into the "General" category.

Below is a partial list of the Presidents and their terms of office:

  • June, 1975-September 30, 1977 - Lloyd Geisler
  • October 1, 1977-September 30, 1979 - David R. Hickman
  • October 1, 1979-September 30, 1981 - Donald R. Whitaker
  • October 1, 1981-September 30, 1983 - Charles J. Gorham
  • October 1, 1983-September 30, 1985 - Donald P. Bullock
  • October 1, 1985-September 30, 1987 - Richard Burkart
  • October 1, 1987-September 30, 1989 - Vincent DiMartino
  • October 1, 1989-September 30, 1991 - Stephen Jones
  • October 1, 1991-September 30, 1993 - Stephen Jones
  • October 1, 1993-September 30, 1995 - Leonard Candelaria

The first four folders below contain mainly planning documents for the 1st ITG annual conference held May 27-30, 1975 in Bloomington, Indiana, and, at the same time, planning for the official organization of the ITG. They include correspondence on issues relating to the proposed organization, mission statements, nominations and elections of the first officers of the ITG, as well as specific planning for what became the 1st ITG conference. Since the committees and other officers had not been chosen (other than the Interim Steering Committee), the pre-planning correspondence with potential vendors, exhibitors and performers, as well as coordination efforts with other regional brass events also planned for around the same time, are placed in this series. In later years, the Planning Committee assumed responsibility for the planning, logistics and financial management of the annual meetings, and such documents are filed under that committee.

Series 5 - Correspondence-Box 1

  • Folder 1 - Correspondence (Pre-formation), 1973-1974
  • Folder 2 - Correspondence (Pre-formation), January-March, 1975
  • Folder 3 - Correspondence (Pre-formation), April-May, 1975
  • Folder 4 - General Correspondence, June-December, 1975
  • Folder 5 - General Correspondence (Progress Reports), 1975-1983, 1988 These reports were usually prepared by the ITG President, but there are occasionally reports prepared and distributed by the chairs of various committees, such as the annual conference committee. These reports are extremely useful as "snapshots" of what the main topics of interest were to the ITG at a given time, and provide a convenient guide to the more detailed General Correspondence and Committee files. A copy of each report is placed in the General Correspondence folder in its proper chronological order, as well as the copy filed in this folder.
  • Folder 6 - General Correspondence, January-June, 1976
  • Folder 7 - General Correspondence, July-December, 1976
  • Folder 8 - General Correspondence, January-June, 1977
  • Folder 9 - General Correspondence, July-December, 1977
  • Folder 10 - General Correspondence, January-March, 1978 Throughout the folders for 1978, 1979 and 1980 there are numerous items related to the project of the Herbert L. Clarke recording. The two Glenn Bridges recordings of Herbert L. Clarke are in this folder, one labeled "Old Cornet Soloists" (cassette tape) and the other one "H.L. Clarke" (reel-to-reel tape). They are filed with the accompanying lists from Bridges dated January 1, 1978.
  • Folder 11 - General Correspondence, April-June, 1978
  • Folder 12 - General Correspondence, ca. June, 1978 This folder contains drafts of text related to the H. L. Clarke recording undertaken by the ITG. It includes a biographical sketch of Clarke as well as lists of pieces on the recording and liner notes, with much of the technical information supplied by Glenn Bridges.
  • Folder 13 - General Correspondence, July-December, 1978
  • Folder 14 - General Correspondence, January-July, 1979 This folder contains correspondence from and about the Project Committee's activities, especially the H.L. Clarke recording.
  • Folder 15 - General Correspondence, August 1979 This folder contains correspondence from and about the Project Committee's activities, especially the H.L. Clarke recording. It also contains a copy of the newly published ITG Handbook, which was sent to all newly elected officers of the Guild.
  • Folder 16 - General Correspondence, September-December, 1979 This folder contains correspondence from and about the Project Committee's activities, especially the H.L. Clarke recording.
  • Folder 17 - General Correspondence, January-June, 1980
  • Folder 18 - General Correspondence, July-December, 1980
  • Folder 19 - General Correspondence, January-June, 1981
  • Folder 20 - General Correspondence, July-December, 1981
  • Folder 21 - General Correspondence, January-June, 1982
  • Folder 22 - General Correspondence, July-December, 1982
  • Folder 23 - General Correspondence, 1983

Series 5 - Correspondence-Box 2

  • Folder 1 - General Correspondence, 1984
  • Folder 2 - General Correspondence, 1985 This folder contains a copy of the newly revised ITG Handbook.
  • Folder 3 - General Correspondence, 1986
  • Folder 4 - General Correspondence, 1988-2016 (scattered)
  • Folder 5 - Karl Kletsch Memorial Fund/Cita Widmann, 1975-1991
  • Folder 6 - Karl Kletsch Memorial Fund/Cita Widmann, 1992-1993
  • Folder 7 - Karl Kletsch Memorial Fund/Cita Widmann, 1994-1998
  • Folder 8 - Legal Correspondence, 1975-1982 This folder contains the correspondence to and from the General Counsel of the ITG, Donald N. MacIntosh, beginning in May of 1975. His office managed such things as the incorporation and registration of the ITG as a non-profit organization, contracts concerning commissions and recordings, and anything else which required the services of an attorney. During 1978 and 1979 there was correspondence regarding the legal issues of releasing some of the early 20th century recordings of Herbert L. Clarke.
  • Folder 9 - Legal Correspondence - Contracts for Commissioned Works, 1978-1993

Series 6 - Committees

The main committees of the ITG included:

Commissions and Recordings CommitteeCompetitions Committees (including Conference Scholarship, Composition, Jazz Performance, Mock Orchestra, and Solo Performance)Membership Committee (with a subcommittee on Affiliated Chapters)Nomination CommitteePlanning/Host/Annual Conference Planning CommitteeProject Committee (with various subcommittees)Publications Committee andPublicity/Public Relations Committee.

There is considerable overlap between committee correspondence and Series 5, the ITG General Correspondence. Due to the small volume of materials relating to the Finance, Printing, Public Relations and Publicity Committees, their materials are filed with the General Correspondence, Series 5. The correspondence and other records of the Commissions and Recordings Committee and the Competitions Committee are filed separately. The sheet music generated by the Commissioning and Recording Committee and the Composition Subcommittee of the Competition Committee is filed after each of these committees' folders.

Committees-Commissions & Recordings

Series 6 - Committees-Box 1

These folders contain correspondence and other documents relating to the Committee (also known as the Commissioning & Recordings Committee or the Music and Recordings Committee) including selection of and negotiations with various composers, and payments. Composer contracts are filed in Series 5 - Correspondence, Legal. The names of composers corresponded with or discussed are noted for each folder. Composers who received a commission are so noted in the folder list. The sheet music of the commissions themselves is filed at the end of this committee.

  • Folder 1 - Commissions & Recordings, 1975 This folder contains materials relating to the initial organizational activities of the committee.
  • Folder 2 - Commissions & Recordings, 1976 This folder contains correspondence with or about: Alfred Blatter.
  • Folder 3 - Commissions & Recordings, 1977 This folder contains correspondence with or about: Samuel Barber, Alfred Blatter, Don McIntosh.
  • Folder 4 - Commissions & Recordings, 1978 This folder contains correspondence with or about:Adler, SamuelArnold, MalcomArutunian, Alexander Bach, Jan (received a commission) Badings, HenkBalcom, WilliamBarber, SamuelBassett, LeslieBennett, Richard RodneyBentzon, Neil ViggoBilik, JerryBoda, JohnBolcom, WilliamBrant, HenryDeJong, Conrad Dello Joio, Norman (received a commission) Donato, AnthonyEllis, DonErb, DonaldGenzmer, HaroldHamilton, IainHeiden, BernardHovhaness, AlanHowarth, Elgar Husa, Karel (received a commission) Ketting, OttoKupfermann, MeyerMangione, ChuckMcCabe, JohnPatterson, PaulPersichette, VincentSchibler, ArminSchmidt, WilliamSchuller, GuntherStout, AlanTippett, MichaelTull, FisherVizzutte, AlanWerle, Fred
  • Folder 5 - Commissions & Recordings, 1979 This folder contains correspondence with or about: Alder, Samuel (received a commission) Amram, DavidArnold, MalcomArutiunian, AlexanderBach, JanBarber, SamuelBassett, LeslieBennett, Richard RodneyBentzon, Niels ViggoBernstein, LeonardBrandt, HenryCopeland, AaronCorigliano, JohnCreston, Paul Dello Joio, Norman (notice dated February 27, 1979 of the completion of his commission work titled "Sonata for Trumpet & Piano") Druckman, JacobEllis, DonFinneyFrancaix, JeanFrackenpohl, ArthurFriedman, Stan George, Thom Ritter (letter of transmittal dated December 21, 1979 for his commissioned piece, "Fanfare No. 5") Hanson, HowardHarkin, EdwinHartleyHeiden, BernardJager, RobertKennan, KentKirschner, LeonMaltby, RichardMcBeth, FrancisMcCabe, JohnMennin, PeterMessiaen, OliverNegal, RobertPerschetti, VincentPresser, WilliamReynolds, VerneRochbert, GeorgeSchibler, ArminSchuller, GuntherSchumann, WilliamSmith, ClaudeStevens, HalseyStock, DavidTippett, MichaelTull FisherWerle, FloydWhearWhiteWilder, AlecZaninelli
  • Folder 6 - Commissions & Recordings, 1980 This folder contains correspondence with or about:Bach, JanBarber, SamuelBassatt, LeslieBenson, WarrenBernstein, LeonardBolcom, WilliamBrandt, HenryCampo, FrankCarter, ElliotChenette, StephenCinastera, AlbertoCorigliano, JohnCortes, RamieroDello Joio, NormanFetler, PaulFrankenpohl, Arthur Friedman, Stanley A. (received a commission for "Laude")George, Thom Ritter (letter of transmittal of his commissioned work, "Fanfare No. 5", dated October 1, 1980) Hanson, HowardHarkins, Edwin L.Hartley, Walter S. Heiden, Bernhard (received a commission) Husa, KarelJager, RobertKraft, WilliamLaMontaine, JohnLarson, LibbyLinn, RobertKennan, KentNagel, RobertNatoli, Joseph AnthonyPerschetti, VincentPremru, RaymondReynolds, VerneRochberg, GerogeSampson, DavidSchuller, GuntherSouthers, LeroyStock, DavidTippet, MichaelTull, FisherWashburn, RobertWilliams, John
  • Folder 7- Commissions & Recordings, 1981 This folder contains correspondence with or about:Barber, SamuelBenson, Warren Blatter, Alfred (received a commission for his piece "Andante and Scherzo") Bolcom, WilliamBorishansky, ElliotCorigliano, JohnGeorge, Thom RitterHanson, Howard Heiden, Barnhard (transmittal letter dated March 25, 1981 for his commissioned piece, "Concerto for Trumpet and Wind Orchestra") Husa, KarelNatoli, Joseph AnthonyPerschetti, Vincent Premru, Raymond (received a commission) Rochberg, George
  • Folder 8 - Commissions & Recordings, 1982 This folder contains correspondence with or about:Premru, Raymond
  • Folder 9 - Commissions & Recordings, 1983 This folder contains correspondence with or about the following composers, but mainly Raymond Premru and Robert Suderberg:Adams, ByronBach, JanBenson, WarrenCamphouse, MarkCampo, FrankCoffman, Janis MarshelleDruckman, JacobErb, DonaldHamilton, IanHarmon, JohnHowarth, ElgarHusa, KarelJager, RobertKraft, WilliamPanufnik, AndreiePeaslee, RichardPersichette, Vincent Premru, Raymond (including a letter of September 11, 1983 with errata and alterations of his commissioned trumpet concerto) Sampson, DavidSchikele, PeterSchmidt, William Suderburg, Robert (received a commission) Tull, FisherWarren, BensonWilliams, John

Committees - Commissions & Recordings

Series 6 - Committees-Box 2

  • Folder 1 - Commissions & Recordings, 1984 This folder contains correspondence with or about the following composers, but mainly Robert Suderburg and Fisher Tull.
    • Bach, JanBolcom, Williamdel Tradici, DavidGoldsmith, JerryGould, MortonHarbison, JohnHenderson, RobertHenza, Hans WernerPanufnik, AndrzejPrevin, Andre Schmidt, William (received a commission for his "Concerto for Trumpet and Orchestra") Schumann, WilliamSchwanter, JosephStockhausen, KarlSuderburg, Robert Tull, Fisher (received a commission his "Sonata for Trumpet and Piano") Williams, JohnZwilich, Ellen Taaffe
  • Folder 2 - Commissions & Recordings, 1985 This folder contains correspondence with or about the following composers:Effinger, CecilSchmidt, WilliamTull, Fisher
  • Folder 3 - Commissions & Recordings, 1986 This folder contains correspondence with or about the following composers:
    • Bach, Jan (received a commission)Reed, H. Owen (received a commission for his "Fanfare for Rememberance)Sapieyevski, Jerzy (received a commission for his "Arioso for Trumpet and Winds") Schmidt, William Suderburg, Robert (received a commission) Tull, Fisher
  • Folder 4 - Commissions & Recordings, 1987
    • This folder contains correspondence with or about the following composers:Adams, JohnBach, JanCampo, FrankDavis, Peter MaxwellDello Joio, NormanHolmboe, VagnIannaccone, AnthonyLindenfeld, HarrisLutoslawski, WitoldMuczinski, RobertPenderecki, KrzystofPrevin, AndreReed, H. OwenRodriquez, RobertSatterwhite, MarcSuderburg, RobertSapieyevsky, JerzyWilson, Dana
  • Folder 5 - Commissions & Recordings, 1988 This folder contains correspondence with or about the following composers: Rodriquez, Robert (received a commission) Sapieyevsky, JerzySuderburg, Robert
  • Folder 6 - Commissions & Recordings, 1989 This folder contains correspondence with or about the following composers:Adams, JohnBach, JanCampo, FrankLarson, LibbyLutoslavski, WitoldPenderecki, KrzystofPetrassi, GottfredoPeaslee, RichardRodriquez, Robert Xavier Sampson, David (received a commission) Sapieyevsky, JerzySnow, DavidTurok, PaulWilson, DanaZupko, Ramon
  • Folder 7 - Commissions & Recordings, 1990
    • This folder contains correspondence with or about the following composers:Adams, JohnBach, JanCampo, FrankLarson, LibbyLutoslawski, WitoldPeaslee, RichardPenderecki, KrzystofPetrassi, GottfredoRodriquez, Robert XavierSampson, DavidSnow, DavidSvoboda, TomasTichelli, FrankTurok, PaulWilson, DanaZupko, Ramon
  • Folder 8 - Commissions & Recordings, 1991
    • This folder contains correspondence with or about the following composers: Constantinides, Dinos (received a commission)Sampson, David (received a commission)Van Beurden, Bernard (received a commission)
  • Folder 9 - Commissions & Recordings, 1992
    • This folder contains correspondence with or about the following composers:Adams, JohnBerio, LucianoCorigliano, JohnGryc, StephenLutoslawski, WitoldPenderecki, KrzystofRorem, NedSampson, David
  • Folder 10 - Commissions & Recordings, 1993
    • This folder contains correspondence with or about the following composers:Adams, JohnBerio, LucianoCorigliano, John Ewazen, Eric (received a commission) Friedman, StanleyLutoslawski, WitoldPenderecki, KrzystofPrevin, AndreRorem, NedSchwantner, J.Snow, DavidTamberg, EinoTower, JoanWebber, A.L.Wilson, Dana
  • Folder 11 - Commissions & Recordings, 1994-1995
    • This folder contains correspondence with or about the following composers:Atehortua, Blas E.Bach, JanBolcom, WilliamCampo, FrankCrumb, GeorgeDenisov, EdisonGonzalez, Luis JorgeGorecki, HenrykGubaidulina, SofijaLarson, LibbyMeyer, KrzystowOstrovskaya, TatyanaPart, ArvoPeaslee, RichardRogers, RodneySchmidt, WilliamSchnittke, AlfredSnow, DavidStevens, JohnSuderburg, RobertTower, JoanVan Beurden, Bernard
  • Folder 12 - Commissions & Recordings, 2000 (?)
    • This is a draft report titled "ITG Accomplishments: Compositions, 1975-2000", compiled by Stephen Chenette. The scope of the work is described in these words: "Many works have been written or transcribed for performance at the annual conferences of the ITG. Some have been premiered at an ITG conference, while others were premiered elsewhere as compositions have been commissioned by the ITG, affiliated ITG chapters, universities, individuals and businesses. Other non-commissioned compositions and transcriptions have been written for performance at ITG Conferences. This document attempts to list all of the compositions and arrangements which owe their existence to the International Trumpet guild or its affiliate chapters. Works composed in the year of the performance at an ITG conference are presumed to have been written because of that conference performance." The paper has four sections:1. Compositions2. Possibilities: compositions to check3. Transcriptions and arrangements4. Possibilities: transcriptions to check"

Series 6 - Committees-Box 3

Committees - Commissions & Recordings - Sheet Music, 1979-1986

  • Folder 1 - "Triptych" by Samuel Alder (rev.), 1979
    • [The original version of this piece is in folder 1 of the over-sized box of music at the end of the collection.]
  • Folder 2 - Sonata for Trumpet and Piano by Norman Dello Joio, 1979
  • Folder 3 - "Laude: Four Character Sketches" for Solo Trumpet in Bb or C by Stan Friedman, 1980
  • Folder 4 - "Intradas & Interludes" by Karel Husa, 1980
  • Folder 5 - "Andante & Scherzo" by Al Blatter, 1981
  • Folder 6 - Concerto for Trumpet and Wind Orchestra by Bernhard Heiden, 1981
  • Due to its size, this folder has been moved to the oversize-music box at the end of the collection.
  • Folder 7 - Concerto for Trumpet and Strings by Raymond Premru, 1983
  • Folder 8 - "Incontri for 24 Trumpets in 4 Groups" by Benno Ammann, 1984
  • Due to its size, this folder has been moved to the oversize-music box at the end of the collection.
  • Folder 9 - "Parodie V" by Stanley Arnold Friedman, 1984
  • Folder 10 - "Chamber Music VII: Ceremonies for Trumpet and Piano" by Robert Suderburg, 1984
  • Folder 11 - Double Quintet Op. 81 for Trumpet Ensemble, by George Heussenstamm, 1985 William Pfund commissioned this piece for the University of Northern Colorado Trumpet Ensemble and the 1985 ITG Conference.
  • Folder 12 - "Fanfare for Remembrance" by H. Owen Reed, 1986 This folder contains copies of some notes and suggestions by the composer. The originals are filed with the committee's correspondence.

Series 6 - Committees-Box 4

Committees - Commissions & Recordings - Sheet Music, 1986

  • Folder 1 - Concerto for Trumpet & Orchestra by William Schmidt, I, 1986 This folder includes a program for its premier performance by the Orange County Pacific Symphony, conducted by Keith Clark, on April 5, 1986, as well as the piano reduction and the following parts: 1st Violin (3 copies); 2nd Violin (3 copies); Viola (3 copies); Cello (3 copies); Bass (3 copies)
  • Folder 2 - Concerto for Trumpet & Orchestra by William Schmidt, II, 1986 This folder contains the following parts: Trumpet in C; 1st & 2nd flute (2 copies); 1st & 2nd Oboe (2 copies); 1st & 2nd Bb Clarinet (2 copies); 1st & 2nd Bassoon (3 copies); 2nd & 3rd Bb Trumpet (2 copies); 1st & 2nd Horn in F (2 copies); 3rd & 4th Horn in F (2 copies); 1st & 2nd Trombone (2 copies); Bass Trombone
  • Folder 3 - Concerto for Trumpet & Orchestra by William Schmidt, III, 1986 This folder contains the following parts: Trumpet in C - 1st & 2nd Flute (2 copies); 1st & 2nd Oboe (2 copies); 1st & 2nd Clarinet in Bb (2 copies); 1st & 2nd Bassoon (2 copies); 2nd & 3rd Bb Trumpet (2 copies); 2nd & 3rd Bb Trumpet (2 copies); 1st & 2nd Horn in F (2 copies); 3rd & 4th Horn in F (2 copies); 1st & 2nd Trombone (2 copies); Bass Trombone; Tuba; Tympani; 1st Percussion (Bells, Xylophone, Tam Tam) (2 copies); 2nd Percussion (Chimes, 4 Tom Toms, Snare Drum, Marimba, Bass Drum) (2 copies); 3rd Percussion (Suspended Cymbal, 4 Temple Blocks, Triangle, 4 Wood Blocks) (2 copies)
  • Folder 4 - Concerto for Trumpet & Orchestra by William Schmidt, IV, 1986 This folder contains the following parts: 2nd Violin 1/10, 2/10, 3/10, 4/10, 5/10, 6/10, 7/10; Viola 1/10, 2/10, 3/10, 4/10, 5/10; Cello 1/8, 2/8, 3/8, 4/8, 5/8; Bass 1/7, 2/7, 3/7; Bass (3 copies)
  • Folder 5 - Concerto for Trumpet & Orchestra by William Schmidt, V, 1986 This folder contains the following parts: Handwritten Note; Piano Score; Trumpet in C; Tuba; Tympani; 1st Percussion (Bells, Xylophone, Tam Tam) (2 copies); 2nd Percussion (Chimes, 4 Tom Toms, Snare Drum, Marimba, Bass Drum) (2 copies); 3rd Percussion (Suspended Cymbal, 4 Temple Blocks, Triangle, 4 Wood Blocks) (2 copies); 1st Violin (8 copies) and a handwritten note regarding the borrowing of some parts.
  • Folder 6 - "Concerto for Trumpet & Orchestra" by William Schmidt, VI, 1986 Due to its size, this folder has been moved to the oversize-music box at the end of the collection.

Due to its size, this folder has been moved to the oversize-music box at the end of the collection.

Series 6 - Committees-Box 5

Committees - Commissions & Recordings - Sheet Music, 1986-1987

Folder 1 - Sonata for Trumpet and Piano by Fisher Tull, 1986

Folder 2 - Concerto for Bb Trumpet and Wind Ensemble by Jan Bach, 1987

Folder 3 - Concerto for Bb Trumpet and Wind Ensemble by Jan Bach, 1987

Folder 4 - Concerto for Bb Trumpet and Wind Ensemble by Jan Bach, 1987

Folder 5 - Concerto for Bb Trumpet and Wind Ensemble by Jan Bach, 1987

Folder 6 - "Chamber Music VIII" by Robert Suderburg, 1988

Series 6 - Committees-Box 6

Committees - Commissions & Recordings - Sheet Music, 1989-2015 & nd

Folder 1 - "Invocation of Orpheus" for Trumpet, Harp and Strings by Robert Xavier Rodriquez, 1989 This folder contains: Score and parts for Trumpet; Harp; Violin II; Cello

Folder 2 - "Arioso for Trumpet and Woodwind Quintet" by Jerzy Sapieyevski, 1989 This folder contains: Score and parts for Oboe; Clarinet in Bb; Horn in F; Bassoon; Flute; Trumpet in C

Folder 3 - "Trumpet Celebration for Five Trumpets and Two Electric Valve Instruments" by Dinos Constantinides, 1991

Folder 4 - "Triptych" for Solo Trumpet and Chamber Ensemble (2 large format copies) by David Sampson, 1991

Folder 5 - "Triptych" for Solo Trumpet and Chamber Ensemble (smaller large format copy) by David Sampson, 1991

Folder 6 - "Triptych" for Solo Trumpet. . " (Orchestra Parts) by David Sampson, 1991

Folder 7 - "Triptych" for Solo Trumpet. . ." (Chamber Parts: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Piano, Percussion, Violin 1 and 2, Viola, Violincello, Double Bass) by David Sampson, 1991

Folder 8 - "Triptych" for Solo Trumpet. . . Duplicate I by David Sampson, 1991

Folder 9 - "Triptych" for Solo Trumpet. . . Duplicate II by David Sampson, 1991

Folder 10 -"Praise the Trumpet" by Bernard van Beurden, 1991

Due to its size, this folder has been moved to the oversize-music box at the end of the collection.

Folder 11 -"Sonata for Trumpet and Piano by Eric Ewazen 1995

Folder 12 - "Slices of Time for Trumpet and Strings" by Lothar Klein, 1997

Folder 13 - "The Silkhouse Tattoo" by Harrison Birtwistle, 1998 The ITG and the Royal Academy of Music, London commissioned this work. This folder contains the 1st version, Full Score and Full Score (Rev.). It is in the over-sized box at the end of the collection.]

Folder 14 - "Litany for a ruined chapel between sheep and shore" by Maxwell Davies, 1999

Folder 15 - "Way of Life" for Bb Trumpet with audio and video by Anne LeBaron, 2006

Folder 16 - "Ehwaz" (Journeying) by Liza Lim, 2010

Folder 17 - "Blue Green Red" for Trumpet and Organ by Julian Wachner, 2013

Folder 18 - "The Lightning Fields" for Trumpet/Flugelhorn and Piano by Michael Dougherty, 2015

Folder 19 - "Motion for 6 Trumpets" by Wang Ning, no date

Folder 20 - "Someone with me... Three Commandments of Happiness" for Alto Saxophone, Trumpet and Piano by Volodymyr Runchak (with photo of composer), no date


Series 6 - Committees-Box 7

There were six Competitions Committees:

Carmine Caruso International Jazz Trumpet Solo CompetitionCompositionConference ScholarshipsEllsworth Smith Biennial Solo CompetitionJazz ImprovisationMock Orchestra Auditions

Materials relating to the various ITG competition programs are filed together. Sheet music submitted for the composition competitions isfiled by year and thereunder alphabetically in the oversized music boxes.

Folder 1 - Competitions - Committees, 1977- 1983, 1988-1994 & nd

Folder 2 - Competitions Committee, 1993-2015

Series 6 - Committees-Box 8

Committees-Competitions - Sheet Music

The sheet music described in this section is arranged in chronological order by year. The winner and second prize winner are the first two folders (if present) and non-winner submissions are in alphabetical order by name of composer thereunder.


Folder 1 - Competitions - Composition, 1984 "Five Pieces for Brass Quintet" (duration 15 minutes) by Kenneth N. Timm, second prize.


Folder 2 - Competitions - Composition, 1987 "Movement for Trumpet and Organ" by James Dowdy, first prize.

Due to its size, this folder has been moved to the oversize-music box at the end of the collection.


Folder 3 - Competitions - Composition, 1988 "If the Shew Fits for Jazz Orchestra" by Frank Mantooth, first prize jazz composition.

Folder 4 - Competitions - Composition, 1988 "For the Sake of Art" for jazz orchestra (dedicated to Art Farmer) by Frank Mantooth, first prize jazz compostion.

Folder 5 - Competitions - Jazz Composition, 1988 "Triptych for Trumpet and Jazz Orchestra" by T.E. Thompson, second prize.


Folder 6 - Competitions - Composition, 1989 "Arrays of Light for Solo Trumpet in C" by Betsy L. Schramm, first prize.


Folder 7 - Competitions - Composition, 1990 "Corollary III" for Trumpet and Piano by Brian Fennelly, first prize.


Folder 8 - Competitions - Composition, 1993 "La Pittura: A Tone Poem for Brass", By Stanley Friedman, first prize.


Folder 9 - Competitions - Composition, 1995 "Duologue 10" for Organ and Trumpet, Op. 10 by Dennis Janzer, first prize.


Folder 10 - Competitions - Composition, 1996 "Trio for Trumpet, Horn and Trombone", by Daniel Schnyder, first prize.

Folder 11 - Competition - Composition, 1996 "Trio Italiano for Trumpet, Horn and Trombone, Mary Jeanne Appledorm, second prize. Due to its size, this piece was moved from this folder to the over-size box at the end of the collection.


Folder 12 -Competitions - Composition, 1997 "Quintet for Trumpet in C and String Quartet" by James M. Brannigan, first prize. Due to its size, this piece was moved from this folder to the over-size box at the end of the collection.

Folder 13 - Competitions - Composition, 1997 "Slices of Time for Trumpet and Strings" by Lother Klein, 2nd prize, 1997


Folder 14 - Competitions - Composition, 1999 "Three Portraits for Trumpet, Mezzo and Piano" by Francisco Zacares Fort, first prize.


Folder 15 - Competitions - Composition, 2000 "Three Episodes" for Trumpet and Piano by James Currow (ASCAP), second prize.


Folder 16 - Competitions - Composition, 2001 "Masks" for C Trumpet and Piano by Dana Wilson, first prize.


Folder 17 - Competitions - Composition, 2002 "Eastwind Variations" for Trumpet and MIDI by Steven Winteregg, first prize.


Folder 18 - Competitions - Composition, 2003 "Spanish Dances for Brass Quintet" by Stanley Friedmann, Part I, first prize.This work was commission by the Louisville Brass in 2002.

Folder 19 - Competitions - Composition, 2003 "Spanish Dances for Brass Quintet" by Stanley Friedmann, Part II, first prize.

Folder 20 - Competitions - Composition, 2003 "Nordic Suite: A Brass Quintet in Three Movements" by Nick Lane, 2nd prize.

Folder 21 - Competitions - Composition, 2003 "Cleveland Sketches" for Solo Trumpet and Trumpet Quintet by Clint Needham.


Folder 22 - Competitions - Composition, 2004"The Moffett-Klein Phenomenon" for Solo Trumpet and Six-Part Trumpet Ensemble by Michael Galib, 1st Prize Winner, I.

Folder 23 - Competitions - Composition, 2004"The Moffett-Klein Phenomenon for Solo Trumpet and Six-Part Trumpet Ensemble" by Michael Galib, 1st Prize Winner, II.

Series 6 - Committees-Box 9

Committees-Competitions - Sheet Music - 2004 (cont.)

Folder 1 - Competitions - Composition, 2004"Aira & Scherzo" Solo Bb Trumpet and Five Bb Trumpets by Keith Amos (with CD)

Folder 2 - Competitions - Composition, 2004"Perspectives" by Clarence E. Barber (ASCAP) (with CD)

Folder 3 - Competitions - Composition, 2004"The Walls of Jericho" for solo trumpet and trumpet ensemble by Howard J. Buss (with CD)

Folder 4 - Competitions - Composition, 2004"Fanfare Nocturne & Dance" for Solo Trumpet and Trumpet Septet by Tom Clary (with CD)

Folder 5 - Competitions - Composition, 2004"Concertino" for trumpet solo and trumpet ensemble by Ashley Floyd (with CD)

Folder 6 - Competitions - Composition, 2004"Cherubim and Seraphim" by Mat Gates (with CD)

Folder 8 - Competitions - Composition, 2004"Irish Fantasia" for Solo Trumpet and Trumpet Ensemble by L. Gunter

Folder 9 - Competitions - Composition, 2004"Toccata for Trumpet Solo and Trumpet Ensemble" by David Haskins (with CD)

Folder 10 -Competitions - Composition, 2004"Out to Sea" by Ronald A. Hemmel (ASCAP) (with CD)

Folder 11 - Competitions - Composition, 2004"Voluntary #4" by David C. Hogg (No Recording), 2004

Folder 12 - Competitions - Composition, 2004"Scherzo for Trumpets" #9 by Stefan Johnsson (with CDs)

Folder 13 -Competitions - Composition, 2004"Windchimes" by Jon Kruger (with CD)

Folder 14 -Competitions - Composition, 2004"Feline Fantasia" #26, for 5 Trumpets and Solo Bb Trumpet by Joe Lewis (with CD)

Folder 15 -Competitions - Composition, 2004"Mass without Words" by John J. Lucania (with CD)

Folder 16 -Competitions - Composition, 2004"Call to Glory" by Doug Marshall (with CD)

Folder 17 -Competitions - Composition, 2004"Sextet # 1" for Piccolo Trumpet and Trumpet Ensemble by Roger Olynick (with CD)

Folder 18 - Compositions - Competition, 2004"Fanfare, Ballad and Burlesque" for Solo Trumpet and Trumpet Sextet by William D. Pardus (with CD)

Folder 19 -Competitions - Composition, 2004"The Great Trump" by Salam A. Sina (with CD)

Folder 20 -Competition - Composition, 2004"Game of Fifths" for Solo Trumpet in C and 6 Trumpets by Michael Stewart (with CD)

Folder 21 -Competitions - Composition, 2004"Konzerstuck # 1" for Solo Trumpet and Trumpet Ensemble by Daniel N. Thrower (with CD)

Folder 22 -Competition - Composition, 2004"Five Passages in Solitude" for Solo Trumpet and Trumpet Quartet by Benjamin S. Tucker (with cassette)

Folder 23 -Competitions - Composition, 2004"Illuminations" for Trumpet Ensemble by Roger C. Vogel (with CD)

Folder 24 -Competitions - Composition, 2004"Fantasy for Trumpet" for Solo Trumpet and Trumpet Sextet by David Wilborn (with CD)


Folder 25 - Competitions - Composition, 2005"Smoke, Fog, Mirrors" for Solo Trumpet, Brass Ensemble, and Vibraphone by Kari Henrik Juusela, co-1st prize winner.

Folder 26 - Competitions - Composition, 2005"Rhapsody for Trumpet and Brass Ensemble" by Jamie Keesecker, co-1st prize winner.


Folder 27 - Competition - Compositions, 2006"Nobody Move" for Solo Trumpet, Choir and Keyboard by Sam Stalos, 1st Prize, I, 2006

Folder 28 - Competition - Compositions, 2006"Nobody Move" for Solo Trumpet, Choir and Keyboard by Sam Stalos, 1st Prize, II, 2006

Folder 29 - Competitions - Composition, 2006"Yearnings of Prophets for Choir and Solo Trumpet", by Daniel Thrower, 2nd prize for 2006


Folder 30 - Competitions - Composition, 2007"Round House (Trains) from Round House Suite for Brass Trio" (with CD) by Sam Stalos, 1st prize for 2007


Folder 31 - Competitions - Composition, 2008"Hineni (Here I am, Impoverished)" for Clarinet, Trumpet and Piano by Stanley Friedman, 1st prize for 2008.

Series 6 - Committees-Box 10


Folder 1 - Competitions - Composition, 2009"Three for Three: a Mini Jazz Set" by Bob Gillis 1st prize

Folder 2 -Competitions - Composition, 2009"Trumpet Sonata # 1" by Thomas Reeve, 2nd prize

Folder 3 - Competition - Composition, nd"Strange Songs" for Trumpet and Piano by L. Ljubowski, nd

Folder 4 - Competition - Composition, nd

Committees - Membership

Series 6 - Committees-Box 11

Folder 1 - Membership Committee, 1975-1977, 1979, 1984

Folder 2 - Membership Committee, nd This folder contains undated flyers, blank membership forms, etc. related to membership.

Folder 3 - Membership Committee - Affiliate Chapters, 1975-1983, 1996

Folder 4 - Membership Committee - Affiliate Chapters - Manual, ca. 1985

Folder 5 - Membership Committee - Membership Lists, 1974-1976 These folders contain the monthly lists of members, mailing labels and drafts of the annual directories . The printed directories are filed under Series 1 - Publications of the ITG.

Folder 6 - Membership Committee - Membership Lists, 1977-1978

Committees - Planning (Host), 1976-1978

Series 6 - Committees-Box 12

The Planning Committee (also known as the Host Committee) took on increasing responsibilities as the ITG grew, and their files became more voluminous. Planning for each year's conference began immediately after the conclusion of the one before, and the Planning/Host Committee of the prior conference continued for several months as bills were paid, thank-you letters were written, and loose ends were tied up. There were thus two planning committees at work at any given time, as one was preparing the next conference and the other was concluding the preceding one. Materials relating to the planning, logistics, finances, etc. for the annual conference in Bloomington, Indiana at which the ITG was founded, are filed in Series 5 - General Correspondence.

Folder 1 - Planning - 1976 Annual ITG Conference/ 1st International Brass Congress, Montreux, Switzerland, 1976 The 1976 ITG conference was held in conjunction with the 1st International Brass Congress.

Folder 2 - Planning - 1977 Annual Conference, 1976-1977 & nd

Folder 3 - Planning - 1978 Annual Conference, May-December, 1977

Folder 4 - Planning - 1978 Annual Conference, January-February, 1978

Folder 5 - Planning - 1978 Annual Conference, March-April, 1978

Series 6 - Committees-Box 13

Folder 1 - Planning - 1978 Annual Conference, May-June, 1978

Folder 2 - Planning - 1978 Annual Conference, July-December, 1978 & nd

Folder 3 - Planning - 1979 Annual Conference, 1978-1979

Folder 4 - Planning - 1980 Annual Conference, 1979-1980

Folder 5 - Planning - 1981 Annual Conference, 1980-1981

Folder 6 - Planning - 1982 Annual Conference, 1981-1982

Folder 7 - Planning - 1983 Annual Conference, 1982-1983

Folder 8 - Planning - 1984 Annual Conference, 1983-1984 This annual conference was held in conjunction with the 2nd International Brass Congress.

Series 7 - Conferences and Events

In the case of ITG annual conference, this series contains documents relating to events occurring during the actual dates of the conferences, such as conference programs, posters, recital programs, copies of lectures and other presentations, some photographs, artist bios, etc. Materials relating to the planning and logistics of the annual conferences of the ITG are filed in Series 6 - Committees - Planning. Most photographs and slides are filed in Series 8 -- Photographs. Recordings are filed in Series 9 - Audio/Visual Materials. At last count these recordings included some 344 cassette tapes, 236 CDs, 130 reel-to-reel audio tape recordings, 3 DVDs, 15 DAT recordings, 9 VHS tapes, 2 external hard drives and 1 zip disc totaling approximately 1500 hours of audio/visual recordings. Materials relating to non-ITG conferences and events are filed after the ITG annual conferences, and are filed alphabetically by name of event, and chronologically thereunder.

International Trumpet Guild Annual Conferences

Series 7 - Conferences and Events-Box 1

Folder 1 - ITG 1975 Annual Conference, May 27-30, 1975 This conference was held in Bloomington, Indiana May 27-30, 1975. The ITG was formed during this meeting. This folder contains the conference brochure, program schedule, and list of participants.

Folder 2 - ITG 1976 Annual Conference/1st International Brass Congress, June 13-19, 1976 This folder contains correspondence, programs, logistics and information on attendees and performers. The Congress, hosted by the Institute for Advanced Musical Studies (IHEM), was held in Montreux, Switzerland. This event served as the 1976 Annual Conference of the ITG, as well as for the International Horn Society (HS), the International Trombone Association (ITA) and the Tubists Universal Brotherhood Association (T.U.B.A.), among others, for 1976.

Folder 3 - ITG 1977 Annual Conference, May 18-21, 1977 This conference was held at the University of Illinois-Urbana.

Folder 4 - ITG 1978 Annual Conference, June 7-10, 1978 This conference was held at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Folder 5 - ITG 1979 Annual Conference, May 30 - June 2, 1979 This conference was held at Arizona State University, Tempe.

Folder 6 - ITG 1980 Annual Conference, June 18-21, 1980 This conference was held at The Ohio State University, Columbus.

Folder 7 - ITG 1981 Annual Conference, June 1-4, 1981 This conference was held at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

Folder 8 - ITG 1982 Annual Conference, May 24-27, 1982 This conference was held at the University of Kentucky in Lexington.

Folder 9 - ITG 1983 Annual Conference, May 23-26, 1983 This conference was held at Ithaca College, Ithaca, New York.

Folder 10 - ITG 1984 Annual Conference, June 3-8, 1984 This conference was held at the Indiana University School of Music in conjunction with the 2nd International Brass Congress.

Folder 11 - ITG 1985 Annual Conference, May 28-31, 1985 This conference was held at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque.

Folder 12 - ITG 1986 Annual Conference, August 4-8, 1986 This conference was held at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London, England.

Folder 13 - ITG 1987 Annual Conference, June 15-18, 1987 This conference was held at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Folder 14 - ITG 1988 Annual Conference, May 18-21, 1988 This conference was held at the University of North Texas, Denton, TX.

Folder 15 - ITG 1989 Annual Conference, August 10-13, 1989 This conference was held at the University of California-Santa Barbara.

Folder 16 - ITG 1990 Annual Conference, June 6-9, 1990 This conference was held at the University of Maryland-College Park.

Folder 17 - ITG 1991 Annual Conference, May 21-25, 1991 This conference was held at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge.

Folder 18 - ITG 1992 Annual Conference, June 24-27, 1992 This conference was held at Rotterdam, Holland.

Folder 19 - ITG 1993 Annual Conference, May 19-22, 1993 This conference was held at the University of Akron (Ohio).

Folder 20 - ITG 1994 Annual Conference, June 15-18, 1994 This conference was held at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Folder 21 - ITG 1995 Annual Conference, May 29-June 3, 1995 This conference was held at Indiana University at Bloomington.

Folder 22 - ITG 1996 Annual Conference, June 6-8, 1996 This conference was held at California State University at Long Beach.

Folder 23 - ITG 1997 Annual Conference, August 4-9, 1997 This conference was held at Goteborg University, Sweden.

Folder 24 - ITG 1998 Annual Conference, May 27-30, 1998 This conference was held at the University of Kentucky in Lexington.

Folder 25 - ITG 1999 Annual Conference, May 19-22, 1999 This conference was held at the University of Richmond, Virginia.

Folder 26 - ITG 2000 Annual Conference, May 24-27, 2000 This conference was held at Purchase College, State University of New York.

Folder 27 - ITG 2001 Annual Conference, May 23-26, 2001 This conference was held at the University of Evansville, Indiana.

Folder 28 - ITG 2002 Annual Conference, July 2-6, 2002 This conference was held at Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester, England.

Folder 29 - ITG 2003 Annual Conference, May 21-24, 2003 This conference was held at Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas.

Folder 30 - ITG 2004 Annual Conference, June 15-19, 2004 This conference was held at the University of Denver, Colorado.

Folder 31 - ITG 2005 Annual Conference, June 21-24, 2005 This conference was held at Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand.

Folder 32 - ITG 2006 Annual Conference, June 6-10, 2006 This conference was held at Rowan University in Glassboro, NJ.

Folder 33 - ITG 2006 Annual Conference, June 6-10, 2006 This folder contains an index of recordings made at the 2006 conference.

Folder 34 - ITG 2007 Annual Conference, May 29-June 2, 2007 This conference was held at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst.

Folder 35 - ITG 2008 Annual Conference, June 1-5, 2008 This conference was held at the Braniff Centre, Alberta, Canada.

Folder 36 - ITG 2009 Annual Conference, May 26-30, 2009 This conference was held at Messiah College, Harrisburg, PA.

Folder 37 - ITG 2010 Annual Conference, July 6-10, 2010 This conference was held at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, Sydney, Australia.

Folder 38 - ITG 2011 Annual Conference, May 24-28, 2011 This conference was held at the Bemidji State University, Minneapolis, MN.

Folder 39 - ITG 2012 Annual Conference, May 22-26, 2012 This conference was held at Columbus State University, Columbus, Georgia.

Folder 40 - ITG 2013 Annual Conference, June 11-15, 2013 This conference was held at Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Folder 41 - ITG 2015 Annual Conference, May 26-30, 2015 This conference was held at Columbus, Ohio.

Series 7 - Conferences and Events-Box 2 - Conferences - Other Events and Conferences

Folder 1 - Brass Lab '75, St. Louis, Missouri, June 8-14, 1975

Folder 2 - Florida State Trumpet Festival, Tallahassee, February 8-9, 1991

Folder 3 - International Brass Symposium, Montreux, Switzerland, July 15-19, 1974

Folder 4 - New York Brass Conference for Scholarships, January 1976

Series 8 - Photos

Series 8 - Photos-Box 1

Folder 1 - ITG Annual Conference, Rotterdam, Holland, June 24-27, 1992

Folder 2 - ITG Annual Conference, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Ellsworth Smith Competition, June 15-18, 1994

Folder 3 - ITG Annual Conference, University of Indiana at Bloomington - Brass Fest, May 29-June 3, 1995

Folder 4 - ITG Annual Conference, University of Indiana at Bloomington - Caruso Competition, May 29-June 3, 1995

Folder 5 - ITG Annual Conference, California State University at Long Beach - Photos I, 1996 This folder contains 18 prints from roll 15 (Mike Anderson, Bill Pfund, Frank Campos, Richard Burkhart, Ed Tarr); 26 prints from roll 16 (Bryan Goff, Larry Johanson, Joan LaRue, Leonard Candelaria, Bill Pfund, Terry Warburton, with Andy Naumann chatting at exhibits, a double-belled euphonium, David Wood of Portland Sheet Music, and the arrival of Bob Nagel; 22 prints from roll 16a (Ed Tarr rehearsal, Ritchie Clenderin & Bob Nagel with Fresno State Univ. Brass Band, and Ed Tarr concert with Baroque Chamber Orchestra): and 16 prints from roll 17 (Ed Tarr Recital). All photos were taken by Henry Meredith.

Folder 6 - ITG Annual Conference, California State University at Long Beach - II, 1996 This folder contains 8 prints from roll 18 (Reception and Banquet); 24 prints from roll 19 (Banquet - "Steve Glover got 14 of these from ITG Journal fall 1996"); 25 prints from roll 20 (Awards etc. &t banquet (people incl. Bill Pfund, Kim Dunnick, Anne Hardin, Steve Glover, Bob Kasc, Ed Tarr, etc.) ("Steve got several of these for Fall '96 Journal"); 14 prints from roll 22 (Following Final Concert in Lobby "Steve Glover red'd many of these for the next Journal - incl. Anne Hardin posing for the Centerfold!"); 7 prints from roll 23 (ITG Long Beach, 1996. "Several to Steve Glover for Fall '96 Journal"); 20 prints from roll 26 (Banquet, Final Concert, After (Summit Brass) "Several Reprints were sent to Steve Glover for the Journal a few weeks later"); Photos taken by Henry Meredith.

Folder 7 - ITG Annual Conference, California State University at Long Beach -International Brass Fest I June 5-8, 1996 This folder contains photos of:International Trumpet Guild; Tubists Universal Brotherhood Ass. (Tuba); Raphael Mendez Brass Institute & Photos by Roberta (Bobbi) Abelson

Folder 8 - ITG Annual Conference, California State University at Long Beach - International Brass Fest II, June 5-8, 1996 This folder contains photos of:I.T.G.; Tubists Universal Brotherhood Ass. (Tuba); Raphael Mendez Brass Institute & Photo by Roberta Abelson

Folder 9 - ITG Annual Conference at Goteborg University, Sweden (I), August 4-9, 1997

Folder 10 - ITG Annual Conference at Goteborg University, Sweden (II), August 4-9, 1997

Folder 11 - ITG Annual Conference, University of Kentucky, Lexington (Photos by Bobby Abelson), May 27-30, 1998

Folder 12 - ITG Annual Conference - Ellsworth Smith Competition, October 23-24, 1998 This competition was held at Ohio State University before the 1999 annual meeting so that the winners could be announced in Richmond during the awards banquet.

Folder 13 - ITG Annual Conference - Ellsworth Smith International Trumpet Competition, December 2000 This competition was held in December before the annual meeting so that the winners could be announced during the 2001 awards banquet.

Folder 14 - 10th Anniversary Euro-Trumpet Guild Conference/5th Trumpet Festival of Bad Säckingen, Germany, 2000

Folder 15 - ITG Journal Photos, September 1993

Folder 16 - ITG Journal Photos, December 1993, February 1994, May 1994

Folder 17 - ITG Journal Photos, vol. 39, #1, October 2014

Folder 18 - Trumpet Exhibition - "Everything about the Trumpet" These photos are labeled (ETG) (European Trumpet Guild) and numbered 122 through 128.

Folder 19 - "Friendships! Communication!" These photos are numbered 130 through 179.

Folder 20 - Miscellaneous Photos (Stephen Jones)

Folder 21 - Miscellaneous Photos I

Folder 22 - Miscellaneous Photos II

Folder 23 - Miscellaneous Photos III

Folder 24 - Miscellaneous Photos IV

Folder 25 - Miscellaneous Photos & Negatives V

Folder 26 - Miscellaneous Photos VI

Series 8 - Photos-Box 2

Folder 1 - Miscellaneous Photos VII

Folder 2 - Miscellaneous Photos VIII

Folder 3 - Miscellaneous Photos IX

Folder 4 - Miscellaneous Photos X

Series 9 - Audio/Visual Materials (A/V)

These materials mainly consist of of recordings made at ITG annual conferences and other events. Recordings were made of lectures, performances, competitions and other occurrences at annual ITG conferences and events, such as the annual business meeting and other meetings. These recordings are in a variety of formats, including reel-to-reel tapes, cassette tapes, and CDs as well as in digital formats. Various numbering schemes were used over the course of the 40 years of recording activities.

Series 9 - Audio/Visual Materials-Box 1 - ITG Annual Conference - University of Indiana - Bloomington, May 27-30, 1975


Format: reel-to-reel tapes

7501 - "Basic Tone Production" (Part I), William Adam, May 20, 19757502 - "Basic Tone Production"(Part II), William Adam, May 20, 1975

7503 - "Cornetto & Performance of Early Music" (Part I), Allan Dean, May 28, 19757504 - "Cornetto & Performance of Early Music" (Part II), Allan Dean, May 28, 19757505 - "Cornetto & Performance of Early Music" (Part III), Allan Dean. Also includes "Research in Brass Instruments & Mutes (Part I), Dr. Ben Gossick, May 28, 1975

7506 - "Research in Brass Instruments & Mutes" (Part II), Dr. Ben Gossick, May 28, 19757507 - "Research in Brass Instruments & Mutes" (Part III), Dr. Ben Gossick, May 28, 1975

7508 - "Beginning Piccolo Trumpet Performance & Baroque Trumpet Performance" (Part I), Fred Sautter, May 28, 19757509 - "Beginning Piccolo Trumpet Performance & Baroque Trumpet Performance" (Part II), Fred Sautter, May 28, 19757510 - "Beginning Piccolo Trumpet Performance & Baroque Trumpet Performance" (Part III), Fred Sautter, May 28, 1975

7511 - "The Physics of Trumpets & Mouthpiece Design & Manufacture" (Part I), Ronald Schilke, May 28, 19757512 - "The Physics of Trumpets & Mouthpiece Design & Manufacture" (Part II), Ronald Schilke, May 28, 19757513 - "The Physics of Trumpets & Mouthpiece Design & Manufacture" (Part III), Ronald Schilke, May 28, 1975. Also includes "Indiana University Student Brass Quintet" (Part I), May 28, 1975

7514 - "Indiana University Student Brass Quintet" (Part II), May 28, 19757515 - "Indiana University Student Brass Quintet" (Part III), May 28, 1975

7516 - No Information, Probably "Manufacturers Talk" (Part I), May 29, 19757517 - No Information, Probably "Manufacturers Talk" (Part II), May 29, 1975

7518 - No Information, Probably "The Keyed Trumpet & its Music" (Part I), David Hickman, May 29, 19757519 - No Information, Probably "The Keyed Trumpet & its Music" (Part II), David Hickman, May 29, 19757520 - No Information, Probably "The Keyed Trumpet & its Music" (Part III), David Hickman, May 29, 1975:

7520 (Continued) -- "Symphonic Trumpet Performance" (Part I), Charles Schleuter, Excerpts from: Beethoven-Symphonys No. 3, No. 5, No. 2, No. 7, No. 8, Wagner-"Parsifal", May 29, 1975

7521 - "Symphonic Trumpet Performance" (Part II), Charles Schleuter, Excerpts from: Mussorgsky-"Pictures at an Exhibition", Mahler-Symphony No. 5, No. 7, No. 9, No. 1, Strauss-"Also Sprach Zarathustra", Strauss-"Don Juan", May 29, 19757522 - "Symphonic Trumpet Performance" (Part III), Charles Schleuter, Excerpts from: Handel-"The Messiah", J.S. Bach-"Suite No. 3", Stravinsky-"The Rite of spring", Stokes-"Watergate Gallop", Mahler-"Symphony No. 3, Berlioz-"Harold in Italy", Prokofiev-"Lieutenant Kije", Stravinsky-"L'Histoire du soldat", Debussy-"Fetes", Gershwin-"Piano Concerto in F", May 29, 19757523 - "Symphonic Trumpet Performance" (Part IV), Charles Schleuter, May 29, 1975

7523 (Continued) -- "Contemporary Music for the Trumpet" (Part I), Robert Levy (Begin Rev. 156), May 29, 19757524 - "Contemporary Music for Trumpet" (Part II), Robert Levy, Includes: Andricks from Seven Miniatures "Intonation", Blank from Three Pieces 3rd Movement, Cope-"Bright Angel", Gaburo-Excerpt from "Mouthpiece", May 29, 19757525 - "Contemporary Music for Trumpet" (Part III), Robert Levy, Includes: Ernst from "Exit", Diemente-"Something Else", May 29, 1975

7526 - I.T.G. Meeting (Part I), May 29, 19757527 - I.T.G. Meeting (Part II), May 29, 19757528 - I.T.G. Meeting (Part III), May 29, 1975

7528 (Continued) Cat Anderson Concert (Part I) (Begin rev. 150) "Yak-Cam-Inn-Us", May 29, 19757529 - Cat Anderson Concert (Part II) "Mood Indigo", "Give it one", May 29, 19757530 - Cat Anderson (Part III), "Green Thumb", "Is there anything Still There", Creole Love Song", "Boy Meets Horn", May 29, 19757531 - Cat Anderson Concert (Part IV), "El Gato", "Satin doll", May 29, 1975

7532 - "Trumpeters Talk" (Part I), Louis Davidson & Ron Modell, May 30, 19757533 - "Trumpeters Talk" (Part II), Louis Davidson & Ron Modell, May 30, 19757534 - "Trumpeters Talk" (Part III), Louis Davidson & Ron Modell, May 30, 19757534 (Continued) "Trumpet ensemble" (Part I) (Begins rev. 212), Robert Nagel, Includes: Reynold's "Music for Five Trumpets", May 30, 19757535 - "Trumpet Ensemble" (Part II), Robert Nagel, includes: Bottje-"Charade& Allegro", Dorsem (sp?)-"Trio in Major", Bach-"Charade" (Transcription)7335 (Continued) I.T.G. Meeting (Part I) (Begins rev. 712), May 30, 19757536 - I.T.G. Meeting (Part II), May 30, 1975

Series 9 - Audio/Visual Materials-Box 2 - Tape Annual Conference -- University of Illinois-Urbana, May 18-21, 1977

(Additional copies of 1977 recordings are housed in remote storage).


Format: Reel-to-reel tapes

1 - University of Illinois Jazz Band, John Garvey with Glenn Stuart, reel 1, May 18, 1977

2 - J. Aley, RI, May 21, 19773 - Great Hall Krannert Center, U of I Jazz Band with Glenn Stuart, May 18, 1977

4 - University of Illinois Jazz Band with Glenn Stuart, May 18, 1977

5 - T. Dokshrtzer with University of Wisconsin Wind Ensemble, Krannert Center, Great Hall 3. "Spiel Fur Blasorchester" op. 39, Ernest Toch, 4. Concerto for Trumpet, Alexander Arutunian, Mr. Dokshitzer, TPT, May 21, 19776 - Timoferi Dokshitzer, TPT, University of Wisconsin Wind ensemble, Eugene Corporon, Cond. 1. Theme & Variations op 43 A, Schoenberg - 2. Concerto for Trumpet, Hummel, T. Dokshitzer, TPT (Tail Out), May 1977

7 - II R. Nagel 5, 20, 1977, SMH, May 20, 1977

8 - Krannert Center Great Hall - US Army Brass Quintet, - 2/2 Stereo 15 IPS Dolby "A", May 19, 1977

Series 9 - Audio/Visual Materials-Box 3 - I.T.G. Recordings from 1977 (continued)

9 - US Army Brass Quintet - Krannert C. G. Hall 2/2 ST 15 IPS Dolby "A", May 19, 197710 - US Army Brass Quintet - Krannert C. G Hall, 15 IPS Dolby "A" 2/2 ST. R.I, May 19, 1977

11 - T. Dokshitzer with U. of Wisconsin Wind Ensemble - K. Center - PI 3 DBY "A" Tail, Out 15 IPS, May 21, 1977

12 - Marvin Stamm and U. of I Jazz Band, K.C. - G. Hall - Tail Out, May 20, 197713 - Marcin Stamm and U. of I Jazz Band -I.T.G. Conference - Reel 2 Dby "A" Tail Out, May 20, 1977

14 - Solo competition I.T.G. - K.G. - G. Hall 15 IPS Dby "A" - Contestants (in Order of Appear.) 5. Jane Hickman, 6. Thomas Schleuter, May 20, 1977

15 - Nagel PTI - "The Trumpet in Church Music", SMN, May 20, 1977

16 - A Festival of Trumpets - K.C. G. Hall, I.T.G. Conference - Reel I 15 IPS Dby "A" Tail Out, May 21, 1977

Series 9 - Audio/Visual Materials-Box 4 - ITG Annual Conference Recordings from 1977 (Continued)


17 - Solo Competition - I.T.G. Tail out Dby "A", Contestants (in Order of Appear.) Reel II 15 IPS, 3. Jeanne Downing - 4. Alan Hamant, May 1977

18 - Solo Competition - K. Center Dby "A", Contestants (in Order of Appear.), 1. Rick Chapman - 2. Michael Chunn, 15 IPS Tail Out, Reel I, May 20, 1977

19 - A Festival of Trumpets - I.T.G. conference - K.C. - Great Hall - Tail Out - 2/2 St. 15 IPS Dby "A", May 21, 1977

20 - Western Brass Quintet - K.C. Great Hall - 15 IPS Dby "A" Reel I, May 18, 197721 - Western Brass Quintet - K.C. Great Hall - 15 IPS Dby "A" Reel II, May 18, 1977

22 - Marvin Stamm & the University of Illinois Jazz Band, John Garvey Leader - K.C. Great Hall - I.T.G. Conference - 2/2 St. Dby "A" Tail Out, May 20, 1977

23 - J. Aley - SMN - 15 IPS Dby "A", May 21, 1977

Series 9 - Audio/Visual Materials-Box 5 -- ITG Annual Conferences, 1977-1980

This box contains Recordings from 1977-1980 & Programs from 1978, 79, 80

I.T.G. 7701 Western Brass Quintet

I.T.G. 7702 Glen Stuart with University of Illinois Jazz Band

I.T.G. 7703 US Army Brass quintet

I.T.G. 7704 Solo Competition

I.T.G. 7705 Robert Nagel

I.T.G. 7706 Marvin Stamm

I.T.G. 7707 John Aley Recital

I.T.G. 7708 Festival of Trumpets

I.T.G. 7709 Timoley Dokshitzer with University of Wisconsin Wind Ensemble

ITG Annual Conference -- University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, 1978

7801 - Recital: Ed Tarr Reel to Reel with Program and Bio

7802 - Recital: Phil Smith with Program and Bio, Reel to reel

7803 - New World Brass Quintet and University of Minnesota Brass Choir, Program and Bio's, Reel to Reel

7804 - Lecture: Cichiwicz & Lecture: Fred Grin & bio's, Reel to Reel

7805 - Mock Orchestral Contest - St. Louis Symphony Trumpet Section & Program and Bios, Reel to Reel

7806 - Recital: Joyce Johnson, Program & Bio, Reel to Reel

7807 - The Ohio State University Trumpet Ensemble & Florida State University Trumpet Ensemble, Program & Bio, Reel to Reel (Not University of Florida as in Program)

7808 - Lecture/Demonstration: George Hitt & Lecture:/Demonstration: Adolph Herseth, Bios, Reel to Reel

7809 - Tokyo Brass Ensemble? Hosei Soken Lecture? Bio for Tokyo Brass Ensemble, Reel to Reel

7810 - Hosei Soken, Remainder of Lecture, Less than 1 Side, Reel to Reel

7811 - Recital: American Brass Quintet, Bio & Program, Reel to Reel

7812 - Festival of Trumpets, Bio & Program, Reel to Reel

7813 - Solo Concert, Program, Reel to Reel

7814 - Recital: Fred Gron, bio & Program, Reel to Reel

7815 - Tokyo Brass Ensemble, Bio & Program, Not Sure if this is 1st Part or 2nd Part - No Recordings of: Clark Terry Lecture-Dems, June 7, 1979

ITG Annual Conference- Arizona State University, Reel to Reel, Arizona State University, May 30-June 2, 1979

7901 - "Overture & Finale" Welcome by Harold Hives & Theo Mertens Brass Quintet concert & Clifford Lillya "Trumpet Talk for Teachers", May 30, 1979

7902 - Bob Reeves "The Mouthpiece Connection" & I.T.G. Meeting (side one only)

7903 - Len Soliff & Tom Ferguson Quartet Concert, May 30, 1979

7904 - Ray Criseren Lecture & Student Jazz Improvisation Contest Winners Concert, May 31, 1979

7905 - (Side 1) Student Jazz Improvisation Contest, Winners Concert (Cont.) - (Side 2) David Hickman & William Neil, May 31, 1979

7906 - (Side 1) David Hickman & William Neil - (Side 2) Claude Gordon Lecture, May 31, 1979

7907 - Claude Gordon Lecture, Armando Ghitalla Concert, May 31, 1979

7908 - Armando Ghitalla Concert, May 31, 1979 - Bernie Glow Lecture Demo "Studio Lead Trumpet Playing", June 1, 1979

7909 - Bernie Glow Lecture, William Cordwell "New Possibilities in trumpet Design", Frank Kaderabeek "Orchestral Trumpet Playing", June 1, 1979

7910 - Frank Kaderabeek Lecture-Demo, Dallas Symphony Trumpet Section Lecture-Demo, June 1, 1979

7911 - Concert: Festival of Trumpets, Torelli through Erickson7912 - Festival of Trumpets: Dorsam through Jacob, June 1, 1979 - Dr. David Dibbel Lecture "Can surgery Improve Trumpet Playing?" - Richard Giangiulio "The Role of Orthodontics in correcting Selected Embouchure Problems" (Halfway through Side 2), June 2, 1979

7913 - Richard Giangiulio Lecture, concert Student Solo Contest Winners, Malcolm McNab "Studio Trumpet Playing", June 2, 1979 - No Recording of Dinner Banquet or Final Concert of? Brass Quintet

ITG Annual Conference, the Ohio State University, June 18-21, 1980

8001 - Opening Session & Stacy Blair Concert, June 18, 1980

8002 - Carmina Caruso Lecture, June 18, 1980

8003 - Louisville Orchestra Trumpet Section "Varied Demands - from Standards to First Auditions - from Bach to Baryshnikov"

8004 - Leon Whitsell "Neurological & Psychological Problems Affecting Trumpet Playing", June 19, 1980

8005 - New York Concert & Sacbut Ensemble "Cornet & Slide-Trumpet in Renaissance & Early Baroque Brass Ensemble", June 19, 1980

8006 - Mock Orchestra Trumpet Audition Finalists, June 19, 1980

8007 - Jazz Solo Competition Winners, June 20, 1980

8008 - Robert Fliason "Brasses in 19th Century America", June 20, 1980

8009 - Bobby Slew Concert with Ohio State University Jazz Ensemble, June 20, 1980

8010 - Bobby Slew Lecture "Yoga Breathing & High Register Playing", June 20, 1980

8011 - Wilfred Cardiso Lecture-Demo "How to Play Trumpet in a Symphony Orchestra", June 20, 1980

8012 - Bo Nilsson Concert, June 20, 1980

8013 - Solo Competition Winners in Recital, June 21, 1980

8014 - Edwin Hawkins "Contemporary Trumpet Techniques", June 21, 1980

8015 - "Festival of Trumpets" Reel 1, June 21, 19808016 - "Festival of Trumpets" Reel 2 - Tape 1, Side I, Uber through Telemann, Side II Holmes through LoPresti - Tape 2, Side I, Scheidt Through Husa, Side II Vivaldi, Program Included in 8015, June 1980

8017 - Vizzutti Concert, June 21, 1980


Dizzy Gillespie & Lis Quartet, June 18, 1980Arnold Jacobs "Respiratory & Motivational Applications for Brass Playing", June 19, 1980The New York Brass Quintet, June 19, 1980The Canadian Brass, June 21, 1980

Series 9 - Audio/Visual Materials-Box 6 - ITG Annual Conference Recordings, 1980

Format: Videocassettes

Caruso - Tape 1NY Cornet & Sacbut Ensemble - Tape 2NY Cornet & Sacbut Ensemble - Tape 1Leon Whitsell - Tape 1Bobby Shaw - Tape 1Bobby Shaw - Tape 2Harkins - Tape 1Harkins - Tape 2

Series 9 - Audio/Visual Materials-Box 7 -- ITG Annual Conferences, 1981

ITG Annual Conference - the University of Colorado, Boulder, June 1-4, 1981

ProgramFormat: Reel 7 ½ ips ¼ Trk.

8101 - Opening Session /1st Part of 10:00am concert, June 1, 1981

8102 - The Denver Symphony Trumpet Section, June 1, 1981

8103 - University Trumpets (Northwestern & University of Illinois), June 1, 1981

8104 - Mike Vax, Jazz Concert, June 1, 1981

8105 - Conpetition: Mock Orchestra Audition Finalists, June 2, 1981

8106 - Vincent DeMartino/Versatility in Trumpet Performance, June 2, 1981

8107 - University of Wisconsin Brass Quintet, June 2, 1981

8108 - Pedagogy Panel, June 2, 1981

8109 - Rolf Smedvig, Trumpet Recital, June 2, 1981

8110 - Solo Competition Winners, June 3, 1981

8111 - Stanley Friedman "Scoring for Trumpets from a Composer's Perspective" Featuring: Richard Giangiulio, June 3, 1981

8112 - James Bucke, Cornet/Trumpet Soloist and Clinician, June 3, 1981

8113 - Festival of Trumpets Concert, Tape 1, June 3, 19818114 - Festival of Trumpets Concert, Tape 2, June 3, 1981

8115 - Jazz solo Competition Winners in Concert, June 4, 1981

8116 - Gerald Endsley "Nineteenth Century Instruments and Music", June 4, 1981

8117 - Melvyn Broiles, Lecture/Recital, June 4, 1981

8118 - Mini Sessions TBA, June 4, 1981

8119 - Tokyo Brass, June 4, 1981

Series 9 - Audio/Visual Materials-Box 8 - I.T.G. Recordings from 1982-1983

ITG Annual Conference, May 24-27, the University of Kentucky, Lexington, May 24-27, 1982

ProgramFormat: Cassette Tape

8201 - Opening Fanfares and Introductions, University of Kentucky, Trumpet Ensemble, Bert Truax, May 24, 1982

8202 - George Vosbrugh "Playing Trumpet in the Chicago Symphony", May 24, 1982

8203 - Franz Streitwieser "Clarino Parts of Pre-Classic Times-Horn or Trumpet?" Prelude - Florida State Trumpet Ensemble, May 24, 1982

8204 - Marvin Stamm with the Northern Illinois University Jazz Ensemble, May 24, 1982

8205 - MISSING - Doc Sereinsen and Xebron, May 25, 1982

8206 - Lecture/Recital: Philip Smith, "Stylists Considerations in trumpet Performance", May 25, 1982

8207 - Prelude - University of Missouri Trumpet Ensemble, Pedagogy Panelm May 25, 1982

8208 - Prelude - Tennessee Tech Trumpet Ensemble, Clifford Blackburn "Instrument and Lead Pipe Design" (Need to Check Tape), May 25, 1982

8209 - MISSING - The Empire Brass Quintet, May 25, 1982

8210 - Jazz Improvisation Contest Finalists, May 26, 1982

8211 - Prelude - East Texas State University Trumpet Ensemble, Ray Kopczyk "Dental Considerations for Brass Players, May 26, 1982

8212 - Lecture/Recital: Kenji Tumiya, "Orchestral Performance Considerations in Japan, Europe, and the US", May 26, 1982

8213 - ITG General Meeting, May 26, 1982

8214 - The Army Brass Quintet, May 26, 1982

8215 - Solo Competition Finalists, May 29, 1982

8216 - Robert Nagel Lecture/Recital: "Brass Music of China", May 29, 1982

8217 - Festival of Trumpets Concert, May 29, 1982

8218 - Banquet Presentations, May 29, 1982

8219 - Guy Touvron Concert, May 29, 1982

8220 - Trumpet Ensembles (Content?)

ITG Annual Conference, Ithaca College, New York, May 23-26, 1983

ProgramFormat: Cassette

8301 - Opening Fanfares - The Ithaca College Trumpet Ensemble, May 23, 1983

8202 - Ithaca College Dean - Lecture: John Ridgeon, "Does Analysis Really Lead to Paralysis?" May 23, 1983

8303 - John Ridgeon (continued), May 23, 1983

8304 - Lecture/Demo: Bob O'Donnell, "Preparation for Today's Trumpet Player", May 23, 1983

8305 - Lecture/Demo: Manny Laureano, "What do you Mean I didn't Make the Finals?" - Prelude: University of Toronto, Faculty of Music, Trumpet Quintet, May 23, 1983

The Annepolis Brass Quintet (MISSING or Not Recorded), May 23, 1983

8306 - Competition: Student Mock Orchestra Audition Finalists, May 24, 1983

8307 - The Chicago Brass Quintet Concert, May 24, 1983

8308 - The Syracuse Symphony Orchestra Trumpet Section Lecture/Recital, May 24, 1983

8309 - Dr. Martin Lessen Lecture/Demo - "The Development of the Chromatic Trumpet and the Current Development of the Compensating System" - Prelude - Mansfield State Trumpet Ensembles, May 24, 1983

The Jeff Tyrik Sextet Concert (MISSING or Not Recorded), May 24

8310 - Student Jazz Improvisation Contest Finalists, May 25, 1983

8311 - Janis Marshelle Coffman Lecture/Recital - "The Expatriate Route: It's Your Choice" - Prelude - Potsdam Trumpet Ensemble, May 25, 1983

8312 - Charles Schlueter Lecture/Recital - "Trumpet Playing as a Conceptual Process" - World Premiere: "Concerto for Trumpet and Strings" by Raymond Premru, Anthony Plog - Solo (Possibly on 8313 with ITG General Meeting), May 25, 1983

8313 - ITG General Meeting May 25, 1983

8314 - Ensemble de Cuivres D'Aquitaine Concert, May 25, 1983

Series 9 - Audio/Visual Materials-Box 9 - ITG Recordings from 1983 (cont.)-1984

8315 - Student Solo Concert Finalists May 26, 1983

8316 - Anatoly Selianin Lecture/Demo - "The Peculiarities of Trumpet Method Development for Trumpet Playing in Russia", May 26, 1983

8317 - Festival of Trumpet Concert, Part 1, May 26, 19838318 - Festival of Trumpet Concert, Part 2, May 26, 19838319 - Festival of Trumpet Concert, Part 3, May 26, 1983

The Woody Shaw quintet Concert (MISSING or Not Recorded), May 26

International Brass Congress, Indiana University School of Music, June 3-8, 1984

The 1984 ITG Annual Conference was held concurrently with the Brass Congress.

ProgramFormat: Cassette

Cassettes # 1-5 Missing

6 ab - Gala Jazz Concert (Part 1), June 3, 19846 c - Gala Jazz Concert (Part 2), June 3, 1984

7 - ITG: Jazz Competition Finalists, June 4, 1984

8 - ITA: IBC 2 Trombone Choir, June 4, 1984

9 - HIS: Douglas Hill - The Modern Horn, June 4, 1984

10 - TUBA: Brian Bowman/Daniel Pecantoni, June 4, 1984

11 - NY Cornet and Sacbut Ensemble, June 4, 1984

12 - ITG: Charles Schlueter, June 4, 1984

13A - ITA: Stuart Dempster, June 4, 1984

13B - ITA: Carsten Svanberg, June 4, 1984

13C - ITA: Slide Hampton, June 4, 1984

14 - HIS: Froydis Welcre Recital, June 4, 1984

15 - TUBA: Chester Schmitz, June 4, 1984

16 - IBC 2: Careers in Pedagogy, June 4, 1984

17A - TUBA: Rich Matteson, June 4, 1984

17B - ITG: Dr. Betty Scott, June 4, 1984

17C - TUBA: Mock Orchestra Audition, June 4, 1984

18 - ITG: Festival of Trumpets, June 4, 1984

19 - IBC 2: the Scandinavian Brass Ensemble, June 4, 1984

20 - TUBA: John Fletche Clinic, June 5, 1984

21 - ITG: Ralph Dudgeon and Burkemeir, June 5, 1984

22 - HIS: IB Lanzky Otto, June 5, 1984

23 - ITA: The Slokar Quartet, June 5, 1984

24 - ITA/TUBA: Low Brass Presentation, June 5, 1984

25 - IBC 2: the Arban Concert, June 5, 1984

26 - IBC 2: Louis Van Hancy's German Band, June 5, 1984

27 - Future and Careers in the Music Industry, June 5, 1984

28A - TUBA Competition, June 5, 198428B - TUBA Competition, June 5, 1984

Series 9 - Audio/Visual Materials-Box 10 - ITG Annual Conference Recordings, 1984 (Cntinued)

International Brass Congress, Indiana University School of Music, June 3-8, 1984 (Continued)

29 - ITG: Jim Sheppard Lecture, June 5, 1984

30 - Horn/IBC2 session, June 5, 1984

31 - ITA: Paris Trombone Quartet, June 5, 1984

32 - ITG: Solo Competition Finals, June 6, 1984

33 - TUBA: Tokyo Basi-Tuba Quartet, June 6, 1984

34 - ITA: Paris Trombone Quartet, June 6, 1984

35 - HIS: John MacDonald Clinic, June 6, 1984

36 - IBC2 Program: Arnold Jacobs, June 6, 1984

37 - ITG Business Meeting, June 6, 1984

38 - ITA/TUBA: Joint Session "Doubling", June 6, 1984

39 - HIS: Francis Orval, June 6, 1984

40 - Writing for Brass/Panel, June 6, 1984

41 A - ITA/TUBA: Ashley Alexander, June 6, 198441 B - ITA/TUBA: David Stenbach, June 6, 1984

41 C - T.U.B.A.: Mock Auditions, June 6, 1984

42ab - Trombone/IBC2 Concert, June 6, 1984

42c - Trombone/IBC2 Session, June 6, 1984


44 - IBC 2: The Budapest Modern Brass Ensemble, June 6, 1984

45A - ITA: Edwin Anderson, June 7, 1984

45B - ITA: Carsten Svanberg, June 7, 1984

45C - ITA: Recreational Trombone, June 7, 1984

46 - TUBA/IBC2 Concert (Content?): Melvin Callerston/Michael Lind?, June 7, 1984

47 - HIS: Horn Competition, June 7, 1984

48 - ITG: Mock Orchestra Competition Finalists, June 7, 1984

49 - HIS: Horn concert (Douglas Hill, Francis Orval, Gail Williams, Westwood Wind Quintet), June 7, 1984

50 - IBC 2: Cleveland Orchestra Brass Section, June 7, 1984


52 - IHS: General Meeting, June 7, 1984

53 - Jack Peterson, June 7, 1984

53 A - HIS: Sheldon Kishner, June 7, 1984

54 - TUBA/IBC2 Concert: (TUBA Presentation to the Congress), June 7, 1984

55 - IBC 2 Concert: (Presentation of Commissioned work?), June 7, 1984

56 - HIS: Gail Williams, June 8, 1984

Series 9 - Audio/Visual Materials-Box 11 - I.T.G. Recordings, 1984 (concluded)-1985

International Brass Congress, Indiana University School of Music, June 3-8, 1984 (Concluded)

57 - TUBA: James Self Clinic, June 8, 1984

58 - ITG: Bernard Adelstein, June 8, 1984

59 - ITA: Glenn Dodson/Charles Vernon clinic, June 8, 1984

60 - IBC 2: Student Composition Winners, June 8, 1984

61 - IBC 2: Brass Showcase, June 8, 1984

62 - IBC 2: Mass Brass ensemble, June 8, 1984

63ab - Final Gala Concert, June 8, 198463cd - Final Gala Concert, June 8, 1984

ITG Annual Conference, the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, May 28-1931, 1985

ProgramFormat: Cassette

1 - Stacy Blair, Trumpet and John Campbell, Organ - Recital, May 30, 19852 - Stacy Blair, Trumpet and John Campbell, Organ (copy 2) - Recital May 30, 1985

3 - Mell Broiles Lecture, May 30, 19854 - Mell Broiles Lecture (copy 2), May 30, 1985

5 - Evening Concert with Hakan Hardenburger, Gyorgy Geiger, Rob Roy McGregor, Louis Ranger, Robert Birch, and Edward Tarr, Tape 1, May 30, 19856 - Evening Concert Tape 1 (copy 2), May 30, 19857 - Evening Concert Tape 2, May 30, 1985

8 - Student Solo Competition, May 31, 19859 - Student Solo Competition (copy 2), May 31, 1985

10 - Gyorgy Geiger Lecture May 31, 198511 - Gyorgy Geiger Lecture (copy 2), May 31, 1985

12 - Wilder Duo, May 31, 198513 - Wilder Duo (copy 2), May 31, 1985

14 - Festival of Trumpets May 31, 198515 - Festival of Trumpets, Tape 1 (copy 2), May 31, 1985

16 - Festival of Trumpets, Tape 2, May 31, 198517 - Festival of Trumpets, Tape 2 (copy 2), May 31, 1985

18 - Final Concert: Santa Fe Symphony, May 31, 198519 - Final Concert: Santa Fe Symphony (copy 2), May 31, 1985

Series 9 - Audio/Visual Materials-Box 12 - ITG Annual Conference, 1986

ITG Annual Conference, the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London, England, August 4-8, 1986

ProgramFormat: ¼" Reel

1 - August 5 & 7, Lecture: John Ridgeon - "What is a Natural or Instinctive Player?", August 5 & 6, 1986Concert: Fine Arts Brass, August 4, 1986

2 - Masterclass: Manny Laureano "So, I've Got a Job. Now What?", August 5, 1986

3 - Lecture: "The Music of Edward Gregson - The Brass Band - Its Contemporary Repertoire", August 5, 19864 - Lecture: "The Music of Edward Gregson - the Brass Music of Edward Gregson", August 7, 1986

5 - Student Mock Orchestra, Pt 1, Finalists and Excerpts Listed in Conference Program, August 5, 19866 - Student Mock Orchestra Pt 2, August 5, 19867 - Student Mock Orchestra Pt 3, August 5, 1986

8 - Chicago Brass Quintet Pt 1, August 5, 19869 - Chicago Brass Quintet Pt 2, August 5, 1986

10 - Ensemble de Trompettes de Paris Pt 1, August 6, 198611 - Ensemble de Trompettes de Paris Pt 2, August 6, 1986

12 - Student Solo Competition Final Pt 1, August 6, 198613 - Student Solo Competition Final Pt 2, August 6, 1986

14 - Lecture/Recital: Gaeton Berton/Michel La Place - The French Tradition Pt 1, August 6, 198615 - Lecture/Recital: Gaeton Berton/Michel La Place - The French Tradition Pt 2, August 6, 1986

16 - Lecture: Jean-Pierre Mathez: "Organization et Communication - Why-How-What Subjects-For Whom?", August 7, 1986

17 - Lecture/Recital: John Wallace/Tim Souster Pt 1, August 7, 198618 - Lecture/Recital: John Wallace/Tim Souster Pt 2, August 7, 1986

19 -Lecture/Recital: Crispian Steele-Perkins Pt 1, August 8, 198620 - Lecture/Recital: Crispian Steele-Perkins Pt 2, August 8, 1986

21 - Festival of Trumpets Pt 1, August 8, 198622 - Festival of Trumpets Pt 2, August 8, 1986

23 - Arturo Sandoval Pt 1, August 8, 198624 - Arturo Sandoval Pt 2, August 8, 1986

25 - Lecture/Recital: Philip Jones/Rod Franks Pt 1, August ?,198626 - Lecture/Recital: Philip Jones/Rod Franks Pt 2, August ?,1986

Series 9 - Audio/Visual Materials-Box 13 - I.T.G. Recordings from 1987-1988

ITG Annual Conference, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, June 15-18, 1987

ProgramFormat: Cassette

1 - Concert: Western Brass Quintet, June 15, 1987

2 - Lecture/Recital: Maria Guarneri: "Making Music", June 15, 1987

3 - Lecture: Susan Slaughter and Gary Smith "Auditioning for an Orchestra", June 15, 1987

4 - Concert: Mackus Stockhausen, June 15, 1987

5 - Concert: Eastman Brass Quintet, June 15, 1987

6/1 - ITG Jazz Improvisation Competition Finalists, June 15, 19876/2 - ITG Jazz Improvisation Competition Finalists, June 15, 1987

7 - ITG Mock Orchestra Audition Competition Finalists, June 16, 1987

8 - Lecture: Barry Green "The Inner Game of Music", June 16, 1987

9 - Lecture: Ramon Parcells "Ends and Means", June 16, 1987

10 - MISSING - Possibly same concert as Tape # 4, June 16 (?), 1987

11 - Concert: The Miller Brass Ensemble, June 16, 1987

12 - Afterglow: Jam Session with the Western Jazz Quartet, June 16, 198713 - ITG General Meeting, June 17, 1987

14 - Lecture: Craig B. Parker "Herbert L. Clarke:" His Life and Works, with Personal Remembrances" by Dr. Leonard B. Smith (2 copies), June 17, 1987

15 - Recital: Geoffrey Payne, June 17, 1987

16 - Lecture/Recital: Jon Faddis "The Evolution of Jazz Trumpet Styles", May 17, 1987

17 - Concert: A Festival of Trumpets, June 17, 1987

18 - Afterglow: Jon Faddis with the Western Michigan University Jazz Orchestra, June 17, 1987

19 - ITG Solo Performance Competition Finalists, June 18, 1987

20 - Lecture/Recital: John McNeil "Where Do You Begin? - Where Do You Go?" June 18, 1987

21 - Recital/Lecture: Friedman Immer, June 18, 1987

22 - Concert: The Japan Bass Soloists, June 18, 1987

23 - MISSING - Concert: The Jazz Ambassadors of the US Army, Field Band, June 18, 1987

24 - Afterglow: John McNeil with the Western Michigan University Jazz Orchestra, June 18, 1987

ITG Annual Conference, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, May 18-21, 1988

ProgramFormat: Cassette

1A - Opening Session (2 copies), May 18, 1988

1B - Prelude: University North Texas Trumpet Ensemble - Texas Brass Ensemble (2 copies), May 18, 1988

2 - Concert: The Texas Brass Ensemble (2 copies), May 18, 1988

3 - Concert: Crispian Steele-Perkins Baroque Trumpet - Prelude: Emporia State University Ensemble (2 copies), May 18, 1988

4 - Lecture: The Dallas Symphony Orchestra Trumpet Section "The Contemporary Orchestral Trumpet Section" (2 copies), May 18, 1988

Series 9 - Audio/Visual Materials-Box 14 - I.T.G. Recordings from 1988

ITG Annual Conference, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, May 18-21, 1988 (Continued)

5 - Lecture/Recital: Richard Bikemeier "The F Trumpet and its Last Virtuoso: Walter Morrow" (2 copies), May 18, 1988

6 - Concert: Anthony Plog (2 copies), May 18, 1988

7 - Student Mock Orchestra Audition (2 copies), May 19, 1988

8 - Concert: Mark Gould - Prelude: The McNeese University Trumpet Ensemble (2 copies), May 19, 1988

9 - Concert: John Dewitt (Trumpet) and William Niel (Organ), May 19 (2 copies), 1988

10 - Lecture/Demonstration: David Monette "Instrument Design and Sound Concept" - Prelude: The Lamar University Trumpet Ensemble (2 copies), May 19, 1988

11 - Lecture Demonstration: Sam Zambito "Akai-Steiner Electronic Value Instrument (EVI)", May 19 (2 copies), 1988

12 - Concert: Chicago Chamber Brass, May 19, 1988

13 - Student Jazz Improvisation Contest, Part 1, May 19 (2 copies), 1988

14 - Student Jazz Improvisation Contest, Part 2, May 19 (2 copies), 1988

15 - Lecture/Recital: Kenji Tamiya and Hiroki Yamashiro, Part 1 - Prelude: The University of Southwestern Louisiana, May 20 (2 copies), 1988

16 - Kenji: Tamiya and Hiroki Yamashito, Part 2, May 20 (2 copies), 1988

17 - Concert: The Dallas Brass, May 20 (2 copies), 1988

18 - Concert: The North Texas One O'clock Lab Band, Part 1 (2 copies), May 20, 1988

19 - Concert: The North Texas One O'clock Lab Band, Part 2 (2 copies), May 20, 1988

20 - Student Solo Competition, May 21 (2 copies), 1988

21 - Masterclass: Vincent Cichowicz "Preparing for Orchestral Auditions" - The All North Texas Region High School Trumpet Ensemble (2 copies), May 21, 1988

Series 9 - Audio/Visual Materials-Box 15 - I.T.G. Recordings from 1988-1989 ITG Annual Conference, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, May 18-21, 1988 (Concluded)

22 - Jon Faddis, Part 1 - Prelude: The Washington State University Trumpet Ensemble (2copies), May 21, 1988

23 - Jon Faddis, Part 2 - Prelude: The Washington State University Trumpet Ensemble (2 copies), May 21, 1988

24 - Concert: Festival of Trumpets, Part 1 (2 copies), May 21, 1988

25 - Concert: Festival of Trumpets, Part 2 (2 copies), May 21, 1988

26 - MISSING - Grand Concert, Part 1, May 21, 1988

27 - Grand Concert, Part 2 (2 copies), May 21, 1988

28 - Prelude Music: Emporia State University Trumpet Ensemble - Washington State University Trumpet Ensemble - Leon Rapier Memorial Tribute (2 copies), May 21, 1988

ITG Annual Conference, University of California - Santa Barbara, August 10-13, 1989

ProgramFormat: Cassettes

1 - Concert: University of Minnesota Brass Choir, August 10, 1989

2 - Master Class: Eric Aubier, August 10, 1989

3 - Symposium: Keith Snell, August 10, 1989

4 - Concert: Montreal symphony Trumpet Section, August 10, 1989

5 - Concert: Clay Jenkins "Rings", August 10, 1989

6 - Concert: Trumpets 5, August 10, 1989

7 - Concert: Stephen Burns/Santa Barbara Chamber Orchestra, August 10, 1989

8 - Concert: Bill Watrons Band, August 10, 1989

9 - Concert: Terry Everson, August 11, 1989

10 - Master Class: Arturo Sandoval, August 11, 1989

11 - Lecture/Recital: Fine Arts - Brass Quintet, August 11, 1989

12 - Concert: Friedmann Immer with the Los Angeles Baroque Orchestra, August 11, 1989

13A - Jazz Improvisation Competition, August 11, 198913B - Jazz Improvisation Competition, August 11, 1989

14 - Symposium: The Trumpet and the Computer, August 12, 1989

15 - Symposium: Custom Mouthpieces, August 12, 1989

MISSING or Not Recorded - Lecture/Master Class: Arnold Jacobs, August 12, 1989

16A - Lecture/Recital: Malcom McNab, August 12, 198916B - Lecture/Recital: Malcom McNab, August 12, 1989

17-1 - Concert: Eric Aubier, August 12, 198917-2 - Concert: Eric Aubier, August 12, 198917-3 - Concert: Eric Aubier, August 12, 1989

Series 9 - Audio/Visual Materials-Box 16 - I.T.G. Recordings from 1989-1990

ITG Annual Conference, University of California - Santa Barbara, August 10-13, 1989 (Concluded)

18-1 - Late Night Jazz - Steve Elliot & Roger Ingram Big Band (Tape I), August 12, 198918-2 - Late Night Jazz - Steve Elliot & Roger Ingram Big Band (Tape II), August 12, 1989

19 - Lecture/Recital: Jose Hernandez, August 13, 1989

20 - Concert: Brussels Trumpet Choir, August 13, 1989

21 - Mock Orchestra Audition Competition, August 13, 1989

22A - Concert: Festival of Trumpets, August 13, 198922B - Concert: Festival of Trumpets, August 13, 1989

23A - Concert: Arturo Sandoval, August 13, 198923B - Concert: Arturo Sandoval, August 13, 1989

ITG Annual Conference, University of Maryland at College Park, June 6-9, 1990

1 - Opening Ceremonies - Emerson and Brian Head, Trumpet and Cassical Guitar, June 6, 1990

2 - Masterclass: Clifford P. Lillya, June 6, 1990

3 - Lecture/Recital: Ben Neill - "Mutantrumpet with Interactive Electronics and Percussion" & "Prelude" with the Northeast Missouri State University Trumpets, June 6, 1990

4 - Lecture/Recital: Allen Vizzutti and "Prelude" with the Kansas State University Trumpet Emsemble, June 6, 1990

5 - Historical Presentation: Don Smithers (I) - "The arduous search for an historically vaold embouchure, and other quixotic quests", June 6, 1990

6 - Late Night Jazz - U.S. Army Blues, Maurice Williams, Director and Allen Vizzute, Guest Soloist, June 6, 1990

7 - General Meeting with Officers & Board of Directors, June 7, 1990

8 - Medical Panel - "Enhancing performance potential through physical and psychological wellness", moderated by Leon J. Whitsell, M.D. with Michael B. Ragan, and David Sternbck, June 7, 1990

9 - Masterclass/Recital: Pierre Thibaud (Masterclass), June 7, 1990

10 - Masterclass/Recital: Pierre Thibaud (Recital), June 7, 1990

11 - Recital: Chris Gekker, June 7, 1990

12 - Concert: United States Army Brass Band, Brass Quintet, and Herald Trumpets, June 7, 1990

13 - Historical Presentation - Don Smithers (II) - "The learning of a true art of clarion trumpet playing", June 7, 1990

[Missing or not recorded] - Concert: New York Trumpet Ensemble, June 7, 1990

[Missing or not recorded] - Late Night Jazz: Jazz Improvisation Cempetition Finals, June 7, 1990

14 - Mock Orchestra Audition Competition Finals, June 8, 1990

15 - Pedagogy Panel, June 8, 1990

16 - Masterclass: Lloyd Geisler, June 8, 1990

17 - Jazz Presentation: Lew Soloff, June 8, 1990

18 - Recital: Kang-Il Lee, June 8, 1990

19 - Historical Presentation: Don Smithers, "Appropriate observatiosn on the need for historically honest prefromances of music composed before 1750", June 8, 1990

20 - Recital: Ole Edvard Antonsen, June 8, 1990

[Missing or not recorded] - Late Night Jazz: United States Navy Commodores, June 8, 1990

21 - Student Solo Competition Finals, June 9, 1990

22 - Trumpet Sections of the Baltimore and National Symphony Orchestras, June 9, 1990

23 - Masterclass: Raymond Crisara, June 9, 1990

24 - Festival of Trumpets, June 9, 1990

25 - Prelude Ensembles, June 1990[This tape contains the Preludes performed by various groups thoughout the 1990 ITG Conference.]

Series 9 - Audio/Visual Materials-Box 17 - I.T.G. Recordings from 1990-1991

ITG Annual Conference, University of Maryland at College Park, June 6-9, 1990 (concluded)

26 - Nyte - "Baroque" Half, June 199027 - Nyte - "Stride Half, June 1990[The above two tapes are marked "ITG 1990" but are not listed in the 1990 Conference Program.]

ITG Annual Conference, Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge, May 22-25, 1991

1 - Opening Ceremony - Louisiana Trumpet Ensemble, May 22, 1991

2 - Recital: Roger Bilger, May 22, 1991

3 - Lecture/Recital: H.M. Lewis, "How the Cornet Became the Trumpet, May 22, 1991

[Missing or not recorded] - Clinic: Wynton Marsalis, May 22, 1991

4 - Concert: Bobby Shew, May 22, 1991

5 - Mock Orchestra Audition Competition Finals, May 23, 1991

6 - ITG General Meeting with Officers and Board of Directors, May 23, 1991

7 - Clinic: Bobby Shew, May 23, 1991

8 - Lecture/Recital: Dimartino/Robinson Trumpet & Organ Duo, May 23, 1991

9 - Concert: Gabriele Cassone & Antonio Frige, May 23, 1991

10 - Clinic: Fred Sautter, "Venetian Brass Music", May 24, 1991

[Missing or not recorded] - Clinic/Recital: James Thompson, May 24, 1991

11 - Recital: Sam Zambito, May 24, 1991

12 - Recital: Robert Birch, May 24, 1991

13 - Concert: The Brass Ring, May 24, 1991

14 - Jazz Improvisation Competition Finals, May 24, 1991

15 - Student Solo Competition Finals, May 25, 1991

16 - Recital: Jouko Harjanne, Winner of the 1990 Ellsworth Smith International Trumpet Solo Competition, May 25, 1991

17 - Panel Discussion: "The Ernest Williams School of Music", May 25, 1991

18 - Lecture: Eddie Edwards, "The Life of Louis Armstrong", May 25, 1991

19 - Festival of Trumpets, May 25, 1991

20 - Dallas Brass (Part I), May 25, 199121 - Dallas Brass (Part II), May 25, 1991

22 - Trumpet Preludes Wednesday & Thursday, May 22 & 23, 1991

23 - Roger Voisin[This cassette is labelled "91" but nothing related to Voisin is mentioned in the program for the 1991 ITG Conference.]

ITG Annual Student Solo Competition entries for the 1991 Conference

The following 18 cassettes are apparently tapes sent in by contestants in the Student Solo Competition Finals. They were pre-recorded and results announced during the 1991 annual conference. The judges presumably assigned the numbers.

#1 - Thomas Wilson (Finalist)#2 - Redger Lee#3 - Michelle Keminski#4 - Michelle Keminski#5 - Derrick Williams#6 - Unidentified#7 - [MISSING]#8 - Brian Dalton#9 - Christoperh Gnagey#10 - Amy Johnson

Series 9 - Audio/Visual Materials-Box 18 - I.T.G. Recordings from 1991-1993

ITG Annual Conference, Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge, May 22-25, 1991 (concluded)

ITG Annual Student Solo Competition entries for the 1991 Conference (concluded)

#11 - David Ware#12 - Stacy Simpson#13 - Karen Donnely#14 - David Ware#15 - [MISSING]#16 - David Herzog#17 - Unidentified#18 - Robert Klug#19 - Matthew Ball#20 - Kristin Umbarger

International Trumpet Guild Conference 1992, Rotterdam, Holland, June 24-27, 1992

[Processor's note - There is no detailed listing of the contents of these cassettes.]

KL Zaal - Band 1 De Doelan, June 24, 1992

Kl Zaal - Band 2 De Doelan, June 24, 1992

Kl Zaal - Band 3 De Doelan, June 24, 1992

KL Zaal - Band 1-2 De Doelan, June 25, 1992

KL Zaal - Band 2-2 De Doelan, June 25, 1992

KL Zaal - Band 3-2 De Doelan, June 25, 1992

Kl Zaal - Band 3-1 De Doelan, June 26, 1992

KL Zaal - Band 3-2 De Doelan, June 26, 1992

Trumpet Special, June 1992 - Presented by: Kaas Van der Hout

Andre & Dokschityer with Rotterdam Phi., 1992 ITG conference

Ellsworth Smith Trumpet Competition (ESTC) October, 1992

[Processor's note-The numbering and sequence of these tapes is confused, but was left as found.]

Tape 1 - Round I - Concerto in E-flat Major by Haydn, October 31, 1992

Contestants:1. Amy Gilreath2. Jeffrey Work3. Michelle Kaminski4. Frank Pulcini

Tape 2 - Round I - Concerto in E Major by Haydn, 9:00 am, October 31, 1992


1. Jens Lindeman2. Stanley Curtis3. Garth Greenup4. Christopher Krummel

Tape 3 - Round 2 - Polyphony by Charles Whittenberg, October 31, 1992


Side A:1. Amy Gilreath2. Jeffrey Work3. Michelle Kaminski4. Frank Pulcini5. Jens Lindermann6. Stanley Curtis7. Garth Greenup

Side B:1. Christopher Krummel

Tape 4 - Round 3 -Inkantation, Threne & Dance by A. Desenclos, 8:00pm, October 31, 1992


Side A:1. Amy Gilreath2. Jeffrey Work

Side B:1. Michelle Kaminski2. Frank Pucini [?]

Tape 5 - Round 3 -Inkantation, Threne & Dance by A. Desenclos, 8:00pm, October 31, 1992


Side A:1. Jens Lindermann2. Stanley Curtis

Side B:1. Garth Greenup2. Christopher Krummel

Tape 6 - [Missing]

Tape 9 - Semi-final RoundTelemann, 9am, October 31, 1992

Tape 7 - Final Round - Concerto by Oskar Bohme

Side A:1. Jeffrey Work2. Michelle Kaminski

Side B:1. Jens Lindermann2. Garth Greenup

Tape III - Final Round - Concerto by Gregson


Side A:1. Jeffrey Work2. Michelle Kaminski

Side B:1. Jens Lindermann2. Garth Greenup

Tape ? - Final Round - Concerto by Zwilich & Legend by Enesco

Side A:1. Jeffrey Work2. Michelle Kaminski3. Jens Lindermann4. Garth Greenup

International Trumpet Guild Conference 1993, University of Akron, Ohio, May 19-22, 1993


Format: Cassettes

1 - Paragon Brass Quintet, May 19, 1993

2 - Lecture: Barbara Conable, "The Alexander Tchnique", May 19, 1993

3 - Recital/Lecture: Michael Sachs

4 - After Hours Reception and Recital: Jack Schantz Jazz Quintet, May 19, 1993

5 - ITG Mock Orchestral Competition Finals, May 20, 1993

6 - Recital: Kenji Tamiya, May 20, 1993

Series 9 - Audio/Visual Materials-Box 19 - I.T.G. Recordings from 1993-1995

International Trumpet Guild Conference 1993, University of Akron, Ohio, May 19-22, 1993 (concluded)

7 - Orchestral Question-and-Answer Session: Bernard Adelstein, Armando Ghitalla, William Vacchiano, May 20, 1993

8 - Concert: Cleveland Jazz Orchestra, May 20, 1993

9 - Late Night Concert: The Whole Noyse, May 20, 1993

10 - ITG Jazz Finals, May 21, 1993

11 - ITG Premieres Recital: The Academy Brass, The Chestnut Brass Company, Terry Everson, Raymond Mase, May 21, 1993

12 - Recital: Jens Lindemann, May 21, 1993

13 - Orchestral Exerpts Lecture/Demonstration/Masterclass: Arno Lange, Joachim Pliquett, Rainer Auerbach, May 21, 1993

14 - Concert: Brass Band of Columbus with Brian Bowman & Phillip McCann, soloists, May 21, 1993

15 - Late Night Concert: The Air Force Night Flight with Allen Vizzutte, soloist, May 21, 1993

16 - ITG Solo Performance Competition Finals, May 22, 1993

17 - Festival of Trumpets, May 22, 1993

18 - Recital: Indianapolis Brass Choir, May 22, 1993

19 - Clinic: Arturo Sandoval, May 22, 1993

20 - Reception and the Dodworth Saxhorn Band, May 22, 1993

21 - Late Night Concert: The Air Force Airmen of Note with Arturo Sandoval, soloist, May 22, 1993

International Trumpet Guild Conference, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, June 15-18, 1994


Cassettes [all in Dolby B]

1 - Opening Concert: University of Illinois Alumni Brass Ensemble, dedicated to the memory of Haskell Sexton, June 15, 1994

2 - Ray Sasaki, "Teaching jass to the Legit Trumpet Player", June 15, 1994

3 - The United States Air Force Band of the Rockies, The Falcolnaires, June 15, 1994

4 - Panel Discussion: Playing Trumpet in the 90s, with C. Burnette Dillon, Bobby Shew, and Marvin Stamm with Ronald Modell, moderator, June 16, 1994

5 - Concert: U.S. Army Brass Quintet, June 16, 1994

6 - Concert: Trompeten Consort Friedmann Immer, June 16, 1994

7 - Scott Thompson - Winner of the Carmine Caruso International Jazz Contest, June 16, 1994

8 - Student Mock Orchestra Competition, June 17, 1994

9 - Recital: James Thompson, June 17, 1994

10 - Student Jazz Competition, June 17, 1994

11 - USAF Air Mobility Command Band, June 17, 1994

12 - U.S. Navy Commodores (I), June 17, 199413 - U.S. Navy Commodores (II), June 17, 1994

14 - University of Illinois Jazz Band (I), June 17, 199415 - University of Illinois Jazz Band (II), June 17, 1994

16 - Student Soloist Competition Finalists, June 18, 1994

17 - Laurie Frink, "The Carmine Caruso Teaching Method", June 18, 1994

18 - Recital: Lee Thornberg, June 18, 1994

19 - Festival of Trumpets, June 18, 1994

Series 9 - Audio/Visual Materials-Box 20 - I.T.G. Recordings from 1994-1995 & Undated

International Trumpet Guild Conference, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, June 15-18, 1994 (Concluded)

20 - Rhythm and Brass (I), June 18, 199421 - Rhythm and Brass (II), June 18, 1994

22 - Bobby Lewis and Forefront, June 18, 1994

International Brass Fest at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, May 29-June 3, 1995


Format: Mini-cassettes

1 - ITG Meeting-9:00 am, May 30, 1995

2 - Ellsworth Smith Competition Winner-1:45pm, May 30, 1995

3 - Mock Orchestra Auditions Competiton-9:00am, May 31, 1995

4 - Clinic: Arturo Sandoval-1:45pm, May 31, 1995

5 - Lecture: Ermtraud Tarr Kruger, "Performance Power: Transforming Stress into Creative Energy", 3:45pm, May 31, 1995

6 - Concert: Indiana University Big Band with Arturo Sandoval-8pm, May 31, 1995

7 - Solo Competition Finals, 9am, June 1, 1995

8 - Philip Smith, 1:45pm, June ,1 1995

9 - Clinic: Allen Vituzi, 9am, June 2, 1995

10 - Jazz Imporvisation Contest-1:45pm, June 2, 1995

11 - Lecture/Demonstration - Timojei Dokschitzer-3:55pm, June 2, 1995

12 - Trumpet Session: Timojei Dokschitzer-9am, June 3, 1995

13 - Concert: Brass Band of Battle Creek-11:15 am, June 3, 1995

14 - Concert: Brass Band of Columbus-1:55pm, June 3, 1995

Miscellaneous CassettesThese are either unidentified or partially identified. They have been assigned an arbitrary number with whatever information is available.

M-1 - Andrew Allphon-BYU, nd

M-2 - Solo Competition #10, nd

M-3 - Tape 1, Side 1, nd

M-4 - Tape 2, Side 1, nd

M-5 - Fabio Brun, nd

M-6 - Dorival Puccini, Jr., nd

M-7 - ITA [sic] Composition Competition, nd

M-8 - David Samson. Simple Lives for Orchestra. Colonial Symphony. 1. Trumpet Concerton Mvts. 1 & 3; 2. Distant Voices - Brass Quintet (ABQ), nd

M-9 - Kelly Watkins, Concerto (Arutunian) & Fantasy for Trumpet (Arnold), nd

M-10 - Mark Allen, Fantasy for Trumpet (Arnold) & Trumpet Concerto (Haydn), nd

M-11 - Brad Addinton, Fantasy for Bb Trumpet & Concerto in D (Torelli), nd

M-12 - Timothy Harkam, Fantasy for Trumpet (Arnold) & Concerto for Trumpet (Arutunian), nd

M-13 - Ashley Hall, Fantasy for Trumpet (Arnold) & Concertpiece No. 1 (Vassily Brandt)

M-14 - Ho, chung-Mom, Fantasy for Trumpet (Arnold) & Concerto (H. Tomasi Clive)

M-15—Nathanial Strawbridge, Concerto (Arutunian) & Fantasy for Trumpet (Arnold), nd

M-16 - Darryl Ferguson, Fantasy for Trumpet (Arnold) & Quatre variations sur un theme de Domenico Scarlatti (Bitsch), nd

M-17 - ITG Solo Competition - Bryan Crisp, Fantasy for Trumpet (Arnold) & Concertino for Trumpet & Orchestra (Ennio Porrino), nd

M 18 - James Davis, Fantasy for Trumpet (Arnold) & Concerto for Trumpet (Arutunian), nd

M-19 - Lisa Edelman, Fantasy for Trumpet (Arnold) & Sonota for Trumpet & Piano (Hubeau), nd

M-20 -Parodie V for Brass Quintet, Psuedonym: Suzanne Dwyer, nd

M-21 - Robbie LePage, Fantasy for Trumpet (Arnold) & Intrada (Arthur Honegger), nd

Series 9 - Audio/Visual Materials-Box 21 - I.T.G. Recordings from 1998

International Trumpet Guild Conference, University of Kentucky, May 27-30, 1998


Format: CDs

CD 1 - University of Kentucky Trumpet Ensemble, Terry Eveson & the University of Kentucky Faculty Quintet (9am), May 27, 1998

CD 2 - St-Louis Symphony Trumpets (10:45am), May 27, 1998

CD 3 - Lecture: H.M. Lewis, "A Few of My Favorite Things: Antique Cornets and Their Music" (1:45pm), May 27, 1998

CD 4 - Recital: Gabriele Cassone & Schuster Robinson (3:45pm), May 27, 1998

CD 5 - Concert: Vince DiMartino big Band (10pm), May 27, 1998

CD 6 - Mock Orchestra Audition Finals (9am), May 28, 1998

CD 7 - Recital: Pastiche (10:45am), May 28, 1998

CD 8 - Lecture: Richard Illman (1:45am), May 28, 1998

CD 9 - Concert: Lexington Brass Band (7:30pm), May 28, 1998

CD 10 - Concert: United States Air Force - Airman of Note (10pm), May 28, 1998

CD 11 - Student Solo Competition (8:45am), May 29, 1998

CD 12 - Recital: Gabor Boldoczki (14:45am), May 29, 1998

CD 13 - Lecture: Britton Theurer, "Beyond Interpretation: Composing and Improvising in the Applied Studio and on Stage" (1:45pm), May 29, 1998

CD 14 - Lecture: Paul Rethke (3:45pm), May 29, 1998

CD 15 - Recital: Luur-Metalls Spanish Brass Quintet (7:30pm), May 29, 1998

CD 16 - Concert: Rob Parton's Jazztech Big Band (10pm), May 29, 1998

CD 17 - Lecture: "Care and Feeding of a Regional ITG Chapter" with Larry Johansen, John Almeida, Delon G. Lyren, Mark A. Barron and David Grasmick (9:30am), May 30, 1998

CD 18 - Concert: New Music Concert (9:30am), May 30, 1998

CD 19 - Student Jazz Improvisation Competition (11:15am), May 30, 1998

CD 20 - Festival of Trumpets (2:30pm), May 30, 1998CD 21 - Festival of Trumpets Extras (2:30pm), May 30, 1998

CD 22 - Jack Daniel's Silver Cornet Band (8pm), May 30, 1998

CD 23 - Preludes I, May 1998CD 24 - Preludes II, May 1998

Series 9 - Audio/Visual Materials-Box 22 - I.T.G. Recordings from 1999

International Trumpet Guild Conference, University of Richmond, Virginia, May 19-22, 1999


Format: CDs

CD 1 -Recital: The Itarratan Quintet & Prelude by the West Virginia Trumpet Ensemble, Directed by John Winkles (10:45am), May 19, 1999

CD 2 - Recital: Tim Morrison & Prelude by the University of Kansas Trumpet Ensemble, Directed by Chris Moore, (10:45am), May 20, 1999

CD 3 -Orchestral Excerpt Demonstation & Prelude by Bob Birch, soloist, and the Competition Contest Ensemble. The music played included the year's composition competition winner's piece, "Three Portraits for Trumpet, Mezzo and Piano" by Francisco Zacares Fort. (3:45pm), May 20, 1999

CD 4 - Concert: Richmond on the James Brass Band with Vince DiMartino and Christina Stewart-Bowden & Prelude by the Truman State University Ensemble (7:30pm), May 20, 1999

CD 5 - Prelude by the Conservatoire Superiur de Musique de Lyon Trumpet Ensemble & the Army Blues Jazz Ensemble with Clark Terry (part 1 of 2) (10pm), May 20, 1999

CD 6 - Army Blues Jazz Ensemble with Clark Terry (part 2 of 2) (10pm), May 20, 1999

CD 7 - Solo Competition Finals (8:45am), May 21, 1999This CD was engineered by Matt Mc Cabe on May 13, 2000.

CD 8 - Concert: Eastman Brass Quintet & Prelude by the James Madison Trumpet Ensemble (3:45pm), May 21, 1999

CD 9 - May 21 - Prelude by the Michigan State University Trumpet Ensemnle (10:45am) and the Ohio State Trumpet Ensemble (7:30pm), May 21, 1999This CD has only the preludes played at these times.

CD 10 - Concert: Rhythm and Blues (disk 1 of 2) (8pm), May 22, 1999CD 11 - Concert: Rhythm and Blues, (disk 2 of 2) (8pm), May 22, 1999

[NOT PRESENT] - ITG 2000 Conference, Purchase College, State University of New York, May 24-27, 2000

ITG 2001 Conference, University of Evansville, May 23-26, 2001

ProgramFormat: CD

CD 1 - Opening Concert (1pm), May 23, 2001

CD 2 - Trumpet Prelude: Southwest Missouri State University Trumpet Ensemble & Recital: Sonus Brass & (3:30pm), May 23, 2001

CD 3A - Concert: Dirty Dozen Brass Band (8pm) (disk 1 of 2), May 23, 2001CD 3B - Concert: Dirty Dozen Brass Band (8pm) (disk 2 of 2), May 23, 2001

CD 4 - Student Mock Orchestral Competition (8:30am), May 24, 2001

CD 5 - Trumpet Prelude: Ohio University Trumpet Ensemble & Lecture/Recital - H.M. Lewis, "How the Cornet Became a Trumpet: The Music and Instruments of a Bygone Era" & (11:30am), May 24, 2001

CD 6 - Trumpet Prelude: University of South Carolina Trumpet Ensemble & Recital: David Gurrier, Ellsworth Competition Winner (1:30pm), May 24, 2001

CD 7 - Trumpet Prelude: Eastern Kentucky University Trumpet Ensemble Recital & Recital: Boosey & Hawkes Commissions Collection & (1:30pm), May 24, 2001

CD 8A - Concert: Genkin Philharmonic (disk 1 of 2) (3pm), May 24, 2001CD 8B - Concert: Genkin Philharmonic (disk 2 of 2) (3pm), May 24, 2001

CD 9 - Seminar: Symphony Auditions Seminar (4:30pm), May 24, 2001

CD 10A Trumpet Prelude: University of Texas at Arlington Trumpet Ensemble & Concert & Recital: Atlantic Brass Quintet Concert (disk 1 of 2) (8pm), May 24, 2001CD 10B - Recital: Atlantic Brass Quintet Concert, (disk 2 of 2) (8pm), May 24, 2001

CD 11A - Master Class: Tiger Okoshi (part 1 of 2) (10am), May 25, 2001CD 11B - Master Class: Tiger Okoshi (part 2 of 2) (10am), May 25, 2001

CD 12 - Trumpet Prelude: Texas State University Trumpet Ensemble & Recital: Philippe Litzler (1:30 pm), May 25, 2001

CD 13 - Lecture/Recital: David Baldwin (3 pm), May 25, 2001

CD 14 - Concert: Ingrid Jensen (3 pm), May 25, 2001

CD 15A - Brass Prelude: Centenial Brass & Concert: Chicago Brass Choir (part 1 of 2), (4:30 pm), May 25, 2001CD 15B - Concert: Chicago Brass Choir (part 2 of 2), (4:30 pm), May 25, 2001

CD 16A - Trumpet Prelude: University of Northern Colorado Trumpet Choir & Concert: Tiger Okoshi (part 1 of 2) (8 pm), May 25, 2001CD 16B - Concert: Tiger Okoshi (part 2 of 2) (8 pm), May 25, 2001

CD 17 - Competition: Jazz Improvisation (10 pm), May 25, 2001

CD 18 - Competition: Solo Performance (8:30 am), May 26, 2001

CD 19A - Trumpet Prelude: Louisiana State University Trumpet Ensemble & Recital/Lecture: Max and Giuliano Sommerhalder (part 1 of 2) (11:30 am), May 26, 2001CD 19B - Recital/Lecture: ITG 2001 - Max and Giuliano Sommerhalder (part 2 of 2) (11:30 am), May 26, 2001

CD 20A - Festival of Trumpets (part 1 of 2) (1:30 pm), May 26, 2001CD 20B - Festival of Trumpets (part 2 of 2) (1:30 pm), May 26, 2001

CD 21A - Trumpet Prelude: Ithaca Youth Trumpet Troupe & Recital: Paul Merkelo (part 1 of 2) (3 pm), May 26, 2001CD 21B -Recital: Paul Merkelo (part 2 of 2) (3 pm), May 26, 2001

[Not Present] - ITG 2002 Annual Conference, Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester, England, July 2-6, 2002

Series 9 - Audio/Visual Materials-Box 23 - I.T.G. Recordings, 2003

International Trumpet Guild Annual Conference, Fuel Your Soul, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX, May 21-24, 2003

ProgramFormat: CDs

CD 1 - Youth Day Concert: The TCU Wind Ensemble with Allen Vizzutti, the Stoneback Sisters, and Jon Lewis, soloists, (7 pm) May 20, 2003

CD 2 - Youth Day Concert: The TCU Jazz Ensemble with Allen Vizzutti, soloist, (7 pm) May 20, 2003

CD 3 - Opening Concert: Air Force Band of the West with the Stoneback Sisters, soloist & the Texas Christian University Wind Ensemble, Jon Lewis, Soloist (9 am) May 21, 2003

CD 4 - Recital: Jens Lindemann, 3 pm, May 21, 2003

CD 5 - Concert: Washington Symphony Brass, 7:30 pm, May 21, 2003

CD 6 - Concert: Jazz Monsters Big Band #2 - George Graham, soloist, 10 pm, May 21, 2003

CD 7 - Concert: Army Brass Quintet (part 1 of 2), 10 pm, May 22, 2003CD 8 - Concert: Army Brass Quintet (part 2 of 2), 10 pm, May 22, 2003

CD 9 - Recital: Ivano Ascari, 1 pm, May 22, 2003

CD 10 - Concert: Phil Driscoll, 10 pm, May 22, 2003

CD 11 - Lecture/Recital: Scotty Barnhart - "History of Jazz Trumpet: Evolution of a Language", 1 pm, May 22, 2003

CD 12 - Concert: Ensemble de Trompettes de Lyon (part 1 of 2), 7 pm May 23, 2003

CD 13 - Concert: Ensemble de Trompettes de Lyon (part 2 of 2), 7 pm May 23, 2003

CD 14 - Concert: United States Air Force Jazz Band of the West "Dimensions in Blue", Carl Saunders, soloist, 10 pm May 23, 2003

CD 15 - Recital: Ibrahim Maalouf, 1 pm May 24, 2003

[NOT PRESENT] - ITG 2004 Annual Conference, University of Denver, Colorado, June 15-19, 2004

2005 International Trumpet Guild Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, June 21-24, 2005

Program and List in black CaseFormat: CDs

CD 1 - Opening Ceremony - Tuba workshop - Festival of Trumpet Rehearsal, Camera 3, R1, June 21, 2005

CD 2 - Opening Ceremony - Tuba Workshop - Festival of Trumpets Rehersal - Master Class: ZhunghaiI Dai, June 21, Camera I, R2, June 21, 2005

CD 3 - Master Class: Zhonghail Dai - Recital: Louis Araya, June 21, Camera 1, R3, June 21, 2005

CD 4 - Recital: Luis Araya - Master Class: Pierre Dutot, Camera 1, R4 (Does not Work Well), June 21, 2005

CD 5 - Master Class: Pierre Dutot - Recital: Edward & Irmtraud Tarr, Camera 1, R5, June 21, 2005

CD 6 - Recital: Edward & Irmtraud Tarr, Camera 1, R6, June 21, 2005

CD 7 - Master Class: Malaysia Philharmonic Trumpet Session, Camera 2, R.1, June 21, 2005

CD 8 - Lecture: Michael Arndt, "The Extraordinary Roger Voisin: His Life and Contributions to Trumpet Performance and Pedagogy" (part 1), Camera 3, R2, June 21, 2005

CD 9 - Lecture: ITG 2005 - Michael Arndt, "The Extraordinary Roger Voisin: His Life and Contributions to Trumpet Performance and Pedagogy" (part 2) - Prelude: Centre Trumpets of Centre College, Vince DiMartino, Director, Camera 3, R3, June 21, 2005

CD 10 - Master Class: Malasia Philharmonic Orchestra Trumpet Section - Clinic: Irmtraud Tarr, Camera 2, R2, June 21, 2005

CD 11 - Prelude: Centre Trumpets of Centre College, Vince DiMartino, Director - Prelude: Texas Christian University Trumpet Ensemble (?), Camera 1, R7, June 21, 2005

CD 12 - Prelude: Centre Trumpets of Centre College, Vince DiMartino, Director - Performance: Hexagon Brass, Camera 1, R8, June 21, 2005

CD 13 - Performance: Hexagon Brass, Camera 3, R4, June 21, 2005

CD 14 - Performance: Hexagon Brass - Performance: Tiger Okoshi, Camera 1, R9, June 21, 2005

CD 15 - Performance: Tiger Okoshi - Jam Session, Camera 1, R10, June 21, 2005

CD 16 - Recital: New Works for Trumpet (part 1), Camera 1, R1, June 22, 2005

CD 17 - Recital: New Works for Trumpet Recital (part 2) - Recital: Naohiro Tsuken and Friends (part 1), Camera 1, R2, June 22, 2005

CD 18 - Recital: Naohiro Tsuken and Friends (part 2), Camera 1, R3, June 22, 2005

CD 19 - Clinic: Irmtraud Tarr, "Controlling Stage Fright", Camera 2, R3, June 22, 2005The CD is mis-dated as "June 21"

CD 20 - Panel Discussion: Composing for Trumpet in the New Millennium, Camera 1, R4, June 22, 2005

CD 21 - Recital: Laurie Gargan Recital, Camera 1, R5, June 22, 2005

CD 22 - Clinic: Kelly Rossum, "Free Jazz and the Trumpet" (part 1), Camera 1, R6, June 22, 2005

CD 23 - Clinic: Kelly Rossum, "Free Jazz and the Trumpet" (part 2) - Recital: Eric Berlin and Eduardo Landro, Camera 1, R7, June 22, 2005

CD 24 - Recital: Eric Berlin and Eduardo Landro - Performance: Dave Douglas Concert, Camera 1, R8June 22, 2005

CD 25 - Presentation: "Internet Trumpet Resources", Michael Anderson, Camera 2, R4, June 22, 2005

CD 26 - Performance: Various Clips - Dave Douglas Concert (Various Clips), Camera 3, R5, June 22, 2005

CD 27 - Performance: Dave Douglas Concert, Camera 1, R9, June 22, 2005

CD 28 - Performance: Dave Douglas Concert - Jim West Warm-Up Class, Camera 3, R6, June 22, 2005

CD 29 - Performance: Brandt Brass, "Dreaming under the Birch-Tree" (part 1), R10, June 22, 2005

CD 30 - Performance: Brandt Brass, "Dreaming under the Birch-Tree" (part 2), Camera 1, R11, June 22, 2005

CD 31 - Warm-up: Rich Illman & Jo Martinez "Trumpet Yoga" - ITG Solo Competition Finals - Presentation: Ray Vasquez Presentation (Beginning), Camera 2, R5, June 23, 2005

CD 32 - Performance/Lecture: Douglas Hedwig Concert/Lecture, "The Posthorn and Mail-trumpet in Art Music of the 18th and 19th Centuries", Camera 1, R1, June 23, 2005

CD 33 - Clinic: Tiger Okoshi, "Listen, Listen, Listen and Play Talking Trumpet, Camera 1, R2, June 23, 2005

CD 34 - Recital: Luis Engelle with Michael Decker, guitar, Camera 1, R3, June 23, 2005

CD 35 - Recital: Paul Merkelo (part 1), Camera 1, R4, June 23, 2005

CD 36 - Recital: Paul Merkelo (part 2), Camera 1, R5, June 23, 2005 - Presentation: Brian Evans, "A Singer's Approach to Trumpet Playing" (part 1), Camera 1, R5, June 23, 2005

CD 37 - Presention: ITG 2005 - Brian Evans, "A Singer's Approach to Trumpet Playing" (part 2) - Recital: Western Brass Quintet, Camera 1, R6 (This is Blank), June 23, 2005

CD 38 - Recital: Western Brass Quintet, Camera 1, R7, June 23, 2005

CD 39 - Clinic: Ray Vasquez, "The Benefits of Drum Corps in Trumpet Playing" [This clinic was presented at 3 pm on June 23, 2005] - Jazz Improvisation Competition - Recital: Rhythm & Brass, Camera 2, R6, June 24, 2005

CD 40 - ITG Business Meeting, Camera 3, R7, June 24, 2005

41 - Warm Up: Rich Illman & Jo Martinez, "Trumpet Yoga" - Master Class: Fredaline Parin and Vanich Potavanich, "Developing Musicality", Camera 1, R1, June 24, 2005

CD 42 - Clinic: John Thomas", How to Approach Lead Trumpet Playhing in a Jazz Ensemble" (part 1), Camera 3, R8, June 24, 2005

CD 43 - Clinic: John Thomas", How to Approach Lead Trumpet Playhing in a Jazz Ensemble" (part 2) - Festival of Trumpets, Camera 3, R9, June 24, 2005

CD 44 - Clinic: David Hickman, "Smart Practice" (part 1), Camera 1, R2, June 24, 2005

CD 45 - Clinic: David Hickman, "Smart Practice" (part 2) - Concert: Rhythm & Brass (part 1), Camera 1, R3, June 24, 2005

CD 46 - Concert: Concert: Rhythm & Brass (part 2) - Festival of Trumpets, June 24, Camera 1, R4

CD 47 - Festival of Trumpets, Camera 1, R5, June 24, 2005

CD 48 - Festival of Trumpets, Camera 1, R6, June 24, 2005

CD 49 - Festival of Trumpets, Camera 3, R10, June 21-24, 2005

CD 50 - Festival of Trumpets, Camera 2, R7 (Roaming Camera), June 24, 2005

CD 51 - Festival of Trumpets - Cocktail Reception & Banquet, Camera 2, R8, June 24, 2005

CD 52 - ITG Awards Banquet - Recital: Jens Lindermen (part 1), Camera 1, R7, June 24, 2005

CD 54 - Recital: Jen Lindermen (part 2) - Performance: Pat Harlison (part 1), Camera 1, R8, June 24, 2005

ITG 2005 - Performance: Pat Harlison (part 2), Camera 1, R9, June 24, 2005

International Trumpet Guild Annual Conference, Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ, June 6-10, 2006

ProgramFormat: CD

New Catalog:

CDX 461 - Prelude/Performance: Rowan University Trumpet Ensemble - Rowan University Wind Ensemble (Opening Ceremony Performance) (1), June 6, 2006

CDX 462 - Prelude/Performance: Rowan University Trumpet Ensemble - Rowan University Wind Ensemble (2), June 6, 2006

CDX 463 - Clinic: Rich Illman, "Trumpet Yoga", June 7, 2006

CDX 464 - Clinic: The United States Army Herald Trumpets, "Ruffles & Flourishes: Fanfares for Presidents and World Events", June 7, 2006

CDX 465 - ITG Orchestra Audition Competition Finals, June 7, 2006

CDX 466 - Clinic: Liesl Whitaker, "Perspectives on Lead Trumpet and a Military Career" (1), June 7

CDX 467 - Clinic: Liesl Whitaker, "Perspectives on Lead Trumpet and a Military Career" (2), June 7

CDX 468 - Clinic: Carole Nowicke and John Almeida, "The Antiphonal Music of Gabrieli; A Celebration and Retrospective of the 1968 Recording", June 7, 2006

CDX 469 - Prelude/Performance: Cincinnati Conservatory Trumpet Ensemble/David Bilger, June 7, 2006

CDX 470 - Performance: Trumpets East (1), June 7, 2006

CDX 471 - Performance: Trumpets East (2), June 7, 2006

CDX 472 - Youth solo Competition II: Senior Division (Ages 14-18) (1), June 7, 2006

CDX 473 - Youth Solo competition II: Senior Division (ages 14-18) (2), June 7, 2006

CDX 474 - Prelude/Performance: East Tennessee State University Trumpet Ensemble/Barbara Butler, June 7, 2006

CDX 475 - Performance: Randy Brecker, June 7, 2006

Series 9 - Audio/Visual Materials-Box 24 - I.T.G. Recordings from 2006 (continued)

International Trumpet Guild Annual Conference, Rowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey, June 6-10, 2006 (continued)

CDX 476 - Performance: Matt Shulman Trio, June 7, 2006

CDX 477 - Performance: Brass Band Spectacular: Rhapsody in Brass (1), June 7, 2006

CDX 478 - Performance: Brass Band Spectacular: Rhapsody in Brass (2), June 7, 2006

CDX 479 - Clinic: Robert Earley "The Job of Orchestral Second Trumpet... and the Audition to Get There" (1), June 7, 2006

CDX 480 - clinic: Robert Earley "The Job of Orchestral Second Trumpet...and the Audition to Get there" (2), June 7, 2006

CDX 481 - Prelude/Performance: Middle Tennessee State University Trumpet Ensemble/Mnozil Brass (1), June 7, 2006

CDX 482 - Prelude/Performance: Middle Tennessee State University Trumpet Ensemble/Mnozil Brass (2), June 7, 2006

CDX 483 - ITG Youth Competition I: Junior Division (Under 14), June 8, 2006

CDX 484 - Clinic: Barbara Butler, "Barbara Butler on Confidence - Do You Have What it Takes?" (1), June 8, 2006

CDX 485 - Clinic Barbara Butler, "Barbara Butler on Confidence - Do You Have What it Takes?" (2), June 8, 2006

CDX 486 - Prelude/Performance: Murray State University Trumpet Ensemble/Michael Tunnel and Arthur Vanderhoeft, Corro da Caccia (1), June 8, 2006

CDX 487 - Prelude/Performance: Murray State University Trumpet Ensemble/Michael Tunnel and Arthur Vanderhoeft, Corro da Caccia (2), June 8, 2006

CDX 488 - Performance: Christopher Gekker and Eric Ewazen, June 8, 2006

CDX 489 - Clinic: Kevin Eisensmith/Donald Robertson, "Scratch Pads and Pop-Ups: A Cognitive Science Approach to Performance Anxiety" (1), June 8, 2006

CDX 490 - Clinic: Kevin Eisensmith/Donald Robertson, "Scratch Pads and Pop-Ups: A Cognitive Science Approach to Performance Anxiety" (2), June 8, 2006

CDX 491 - Performance: Amanda Pepping, June 8, 2006

CDX 492 - Prelude/Performance: California State University Long Beach Trumpet Ensemble/The American Brass Quintet (1), June 8, 2006

CDX 493 - Prelude/Performance: California State University Long Beach Trumpet Ensemble/The American Brass Quintet (2), June 8, 2006

CDX 494 - New Music Chamber Concert, June 8, 2006

CDX 495 - Prelude/Performance: Towson University/Bravo Brass, June 8, 2006

CDX 496 - Clinic: George Rabbai, "Jazz Articulations and Phrasings Using Standard Trumpet Exercises", June 8, 2006

CDX 497 - Clinic: Susan Slaughter, "Trumpet Technique and Problem Solving", June 8, 2006

CDX 498 - Prelude/Performance: The Dominant 7/NSU/Arturo Sandoval (1), June 8, 2006

CDX 499 - Prelude/Performance: the Dominant 7/NSU/Arturo Sandoval (2), June 8, 2006

CDX 500 - Prelude/Performance: University of Tennessee Knoxville Trumpet Ensemble/Monarch Brass (1), June 8, 2006

CDX 501 - Prelude/Performance: University of Tennessee Knoxville Trumpet Ensemble/Monarch Brass (2), June 8, 2006

CDX 502 - ITG Solo Competition Finals (1), June 9, 2006

CDX 503 - ITG Solo Competition Finals (2), June 9, 2006

CDX 504 - Clinic: Daniel Kelly, "The Morceaux de Concours of Jean Baptiste Laurent Arban, 1869-1889", June 9, 2006

CDX 505 - Performance: Del Lyren, June 9, 2006

CDX 506 - Performance: Barry Bauguess, June 9, 2006

CDX 507 - Award Winners Concert, June 9, 2006

CDX 508 - Clinic: R. Dale Olson, "The Equilibrium Concept of Trumpet Performance" (1), June 9, 2006

CDX 509 - Clinic: R. Dale Olson, "The Equilibrium Concept of Trumpet Performance" (2), June 9, 2006

CDX 510 - Clinic: Patrick Hession, "A Hession Session: The Trumpet is a Soprano Instrument", June 9, 2006

CDX 511 - Prelude/Clinic: North Dakota State University Trumpet Ensemble/Synergy Brass Quintet, June 9, 2006

CDX 512 - Orchestra Seminar: Michael Sachs (1), June 9, 2006

CDX 513 - Orchestra Seminar: Michael Sachs (2), June 9, 2006

CDX 514 - Clinic: Jerome Callet "Trumpet Secrets of the Legendary Trumpet Virtuosos" (1), June 9, 2006

CDX 515 - Clinic: Jerome Callet "Trumpet Secrets of the Legendary Trumpet Virtuosos" (2), June 9, 2006

Series 9 - Audio/Visual Materials-Box 25 - I.T.G. Recordings from 2006 (concluded)-2007

International Trumpet Guild Annual Conference, Rowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey, June 6-10, 2006

CDX 516 - Prelude/Performance: Gary Mortenson/Ibrahim Maalouf "Fanny Trip"/Ibrahim Maalouf (1), June 9, 2006

CDX 517 - Prelude/Performance: Gary Mortenson/Ibrahim Maalouf "Fanny Trip'/Ibrahim Maalouf (2), June 9, 2006

CDX 518 - Prelude/Performance: Indiana University of Pennsylvania Trumpet Ensemble/Freelance Brass (1), June 9, 2006

CDX 519 - Prelude/Performance: Indiana University of Pennsylvania Trumpet Ensemble/Freelance Brass (2), June 9, 2006

CDX 520 - Clinic: Scott Whitener and Travis Heath, "Playing the Trumpet in the High Register" (1), June 9, 2006

CDX 521 - Clinic: Scott Whitener and Travis Heath, "Playing the Trumpet in the High Register" (2), June 9, 2006

CDX 522 - Performance: Aaron Smith, June 9, 2006

CDX 523 - Performance: The Alliance Brass Ensemble, June 9, 2006

CDX 524 - Prelude/Performance: Ensemble de Trumpets de Lisboa/Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia (1), June 9, 2006

CDX 525 - Prelude/Performance: Ensemble de Trumpets de Lisboa/Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia (20, June 9, 2006

CDX 526 - ITG Jazz Solo Competition (1), June 10, 2006

CDX 527 - ITG Jazz Solo Competition (2), June 10, 2006

CDX 528 - Performance: Zhonghui Dai, June 10, 2006

CDX 529 - Performance: Bala Brass, June 10, 2006

CDX 530 - Clinic: Frank Kaderabek, "Tonguing and Articulation: My Perspectives After 42 Years in the Business", June 10, 2006

CDX 531 - Clinic: Tim Leasure, "Trumpet Mechanics: Tips for Solving Common Playing Problems" (1), June 10, 2006

CDX 532 - Clinic: Tim Leasure, "Trumpet Mechanics: Tips for Solving Common Playing Problems" (2), June 10, 2006

CDX 533 - New Music Solo Recital (1), June 10, 2006

CDX 534 - New Music Solo Recital (1), June 10, 2006

CDX 535 - Performance & Clinic: Rodney Mack, June 10, 2006

CDX 536 - Clinic: Brian Shook, "William A. Vacchiano: His Life and Influence on Trumpet Pedagogy and Performance" (1), June 10, 2006

CDX 537 - Clinic: Brian Shook, "William A. Vacchiano: His Life and Influence on Trumpet Pedagogy and Performance" (2), June 10, 2006

CDX 538 - Festival of Trumpets (1), June 10, 2006

CDX 539 - Festival of Trumpets (2), June 10, 2006

CDX 540 - Prelude/Performance: Philadelphia University of the Arts/ITG Conference Big Band Featuring Sean Jones and George Rabbai (1), June 10, 2006

CDX 541 - Prelude/Performance: Philadelphia University of the Arts/ITG Conference Big Band Featuring Sean Jones and George Rabbai (2), June 10, 2006

International Trumpet Guild Annual Conference, University of Massachusets-Amherst, May 29-June 2, 2007

ProgramFormat: CDs

ITG 7001 - Opening Night Ceremony & Concert: The United State Coast Guard Band, 2 CDs, May 29, 2007

ITG 7002 - Greg Gissart, May 29, 2007

ITG 7003 - Recital: New Works, May 30, 2007

ITG 7004 - Competition: Orchestral Excerpts, May 30, 2007

ITG 7005 - Lecture/Demonstration: Kim Dunnick -- The Comeback Hour: "Reclaiming the chops: how to build & maintain your embouchure chops after 20 year hiatus", May 30, 2007

ITG 7006 - Prelude Concert by the University of Maine Trumpet Ensemble & Recital: Luur Metalls - Spanish Brass, May 30, 2007

ITG 7007 - Prelude Concert by the Rhode Island College Trumpet Ensemble & Lecture: Manny Laureano, "Playing in Character", May 30, 2007

ITG 7008 - Tribute to Roger Voisin, hosted by James Thompson, May 30, 2007ITG 7009 - Presentation: Dave Sheeta, "A. Reinhardt Retrospective", May 30, 2007

ITG 7010 - Prelude Concert by the Grand Valley State University Trumpet Ensemble & Concert: The Jeff Holmes Big Band, May 30, 2007

ITG 7011 - Recital: Ingrid Jensen, May 30, 2007

ITG 7012 - Prelude Concert by The Lindenwoond University Trumpet Ensemble & Master Class: Charles Schlueter, "Demonstration of orchestral repertoire with emphasis on auditions, interpretation and style", May 31, 2007

Series 9 - Audio/Visual Materials-Box 26 - I.T.G. Recordings from 2007 (concluded)-2008

International Trumpet Guild Annual Conference, University of Massachusets-Amherst, May 29-June 2, 2007 (concluded)

ITG 7013 - Prelude Concert by the Mahidol University Trumpet Ensemble & Concert: James Stephenson Collaboration, May 31, 2007

ITG 7014 - ITG Solo Competition Finals, May 31, 2007

ITG 7015 - Prelude Concert by the Troy University Trumpet Ensemble & Recital: James Thompson & Hans Bohn, May 31, 2007

ITG 7016 - Prelude Concert by the Loyola Trumpet Ensemble & Masterclass: Wayne Bergerac, May 31, 2007

ITG 7017 - Prelude Concert by the Virginia Commonwealth University Trumpet Ensemble & Recital: Rex Richardson, May 31, 2007

ITG 2018 - Prelude Concert by the Pittsburg State University Trumpet Ensemble & Orchestral Audition Roundtable, May 31, 2007

ITG 7019 - Prelude Concert by the Texas State Trumpet Ensemble & Concert: The Washington Symphonic Brass, May 31, 2007

ITG 7020 - Concert: Mike Vax, 1 Disk, May 31, 2007

ITG 7021 - Lecture: John Henes, "The Alexander Technique for Trumpeters", June 1, 2007

ITG 7022 - Competition: Jazz Solo Competition, June 1, 2007

ITG 7023 - Prelude Concert by the Escola Superior de Musica de Lisboa Trumpet Ensemble & Recital: Ware Reese, June 1 2007

ITG 7024 - Prelude Concert by the Yale Trumpets & Recital: Crispian Steele/Perkins (The recital does not appear to have been recorded. All pieces from the program have been struck through), June 1, 2007

ITG 7025 - Prelude Concert by the New England Conservatory Trumpet Ensemble & Recital: Chris Martin, June 1, 2007

ITG 7026 - Tribute to Walter Chestuut, Hosted by Linda Harnum & James Snedecor, June 1, 2007

ITG 7027 - Prelude Concert by the Drake University Trumpet Ensemble & Youth Competition: Junior Division, May 29, 2007

ITG 7028 - Prelude Concert by the Boston University Trumpet Ensemble & Concert: The New England Brass Band, June 1, 2007

ITG 7029 - Prelude Concert by the University of Coloradfo Jazz Trumpet Quartet & Recital: Brad Goode, June 1, 2007

ITG 7030 - Youth Competition: Senior Division, June 1, 2007

ITG 7031 - Tribute to Vincent Cicbowicz, hosted by Frank Kaderabek, June 2, 2007

ITG 7032 - Prelude Concert by the Boston Youth Symphony Trumpet Ensemble & Masterclass: Chris Martin, "Expending Dynamics: What I've Learned in the CSO", June 2, 2007

ITG 7033 - Lecture: Chase Sanborn, "Jazz Tactics", June 2, 2007

ITG 7034 - Prelude Concert by the University of Northern Colorado Trumpet Ensemble & Lecture/Recital: Gordon Goodwin's Big Phat Band, June 2, 2007

International Trumpet Guild Annual Conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada, June 1-5, 2008

ProgramFormat: DVDs

The audio files of the DVD recordings are all stereo, 44.1kHz/16-bit .wav files are named with the following convention:

ITG_Venue_YYYY-MM-DD Track info tranck number.wav(eg: ITG_EHT_2008-06-02_24.PRIME TIME WITH DOC_17.wav.

There are nine (9) DVDs containing the .wav files from 4 different venues and are organized in the following groupings:

ITG 2008 - Eric Harvie Theater (EHT) 1 of 2 - Archive Audio Recording files 44. 1k H2/16-bitITG 2008 - Eric Harvie Theater (EHT) 2 of 2

ITG 2008 - Max Bell auditorium (MBA) - I of 2ITG 2008 - Max Bell auditorium (MBA) - 2 of 2

ITG 2008 - Margaret Greenham Theater (MGT) - 1 of 2ITG 2008 - Margaret Greenham Theater (MGT) - 2 of 2

ITG 2008 - Rolson Recital Hall & the Club (RRH) - 1 of 3ITG 2008 - Rolson Recital Hall & the Club - 2 of 3ITG 2008 - Rolson Recital Hall & the club - 3 of 3

There is also a tenth DVD titles: ITG 2008 - READ ME! Documentation Files Conference Program Info

Series 9 - Audio/Visual Materials-Box 27 - I.T.G. Recordings from 2009-2010

International Trumpet Guild Annual Conference, Messiah Collge-Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, May 26-30, 2009

ProgramFormat: DVDs

These are arranged by event number. Not every event was recorded.

Event 1 - Opening Ceremonies - A Night of World Premieres, May 26, 2009

Event 6 - Recital: Meridian Arts Ensemble, May 27, 2009

Event 8 - Concert: Steven Burns and Fritz Damrow, May 27, 2009

Event 9 - Jazz Concert: Ambrose Akinmusire, May 27, 2009

Event 10 - Recital: Celebraton of Military Soloists, May 27, 2009

Event 12 - Recital: Charles Lazarus Quartet, May 27, 2009

Event 13 - Recital: New Works #1, May 27, 2009

Event 14 - Concert: Classic Rock for Brass - Washington Symphonic Brass, May 27, 2009

Event 15 - Competition: Jazz Improv Finals, May 27, 2009

Event 17 - U.S. Army Herald Trumpets - Ruffles and Flourishes: Fanfares for Presidents and World Events, May 28, 2009

Event 19 (part 1) - University Professors Spotlight, May 28, 2009Event 19 (part 2) - University Professors Spotlight, May 28, 2009

Event 20 - Concert: Kathryn James-Adduci and Tristram Williams, May 28, 2009

Event 21 - Competition: Orchestral Excerpt Finals, May 28, 2009

Event 22 - Concert: Keystone Wind Ensemble, May 28, 2009

Event 23 - Jazz Concerts: Players to be Named Later, May 28, 2009

Event 24 - Recital: New Works #2, May 28, 2009

Event 25 - Concert: Jeff Nevin and Mariachi Champaña, May 28, 2009

Event 30 - Competition: Youth - Senior Division (Semi-finals B), May 29, 2009

Event 32 - Recital: Gabriele Cassone and Ruben Simeo, May 29, 2009

Event 34 - Concert: New York Philharmonic Brass Quintet, May 29, 2009

Event 35 - Recital: Ellsworth Smith 20th Anniversay with Terry Everson (1988) and Lukasz Gothszalk (2008), May 29, 2009

Event 37 (disk 1) - Competition: ITG Solo Finals, May 29, 2009Event 37 (disk 2) - Competition: ITG Solo Finals, May 29, 2009

Event 38 - Recital: Chamber Music Extravaganza - The Aries Trio and the Di Martino/Osland/Dailey Trio, May 29, 2009

Event 39 (disk 1) - Concert: Terell Stafford and Tim Warfield - U.S. Army Blues, May 29, 2009

Event 39 (disk 2) - Concert: Terell Stafford and Tim Warfield - U.S. Army Blues, May 29, 2009

Event 42 - Competition: Senior/Junior Finals, May 30, 2009

Event 45 - Recital: Christopher Martin and Michael Martin, May 30, 2009

Event 49 - Recital: East Meets West (Joseph Bowman, Thailand; Dai Zhonghui, China; Ahn Hee-Chan, South Korea; Gail Novak, Piano), May 30, 2009

Event 51 (Disk 1) - Concert: Nicholas Payton Quintet, May 30, 2009Event 51 (Disk 2) - Concert: Nicholas Payton Quintet, May 30, 2009

International Trumpet Guild Annual Conference (35th), Sydney Conservatorium of Music, Australia, July 6-10, 2010

ProgramDVDs (PAL)

These disks are in rough order by date. July 10th sessions were not recorded due to failure of the Conservatorium equipment, but some recordings have been crearted byusing delegate recordings.

DVD 1 - July 6 Sessions - MP3 Recordings, Photos and Extra Videos, July 6, 2010

DVD 2 - Track 1-Gala Concert July 6, Beginning to Trumpet Mambo - Track 2-Dom Longhurst U - 14s Winner - Track 3-Sophie Spencer U - 14s Runner Up - La Gala Conclusion - DVD - PAL, July 6, 2010

DVD 3 - Gala Brass Spectacular - MPEG Recordings - PAL Format, July 7, 2010

DVD 4 - July 7, 8, and 9 sessions - MP3 Recordings, July 7-9, 2010

DVD 5 - July 9 Gala Les Trompettes de Lyons - July 10, Jules Levy Session (Partial) - July 10, Gala (Ralph Pyl Big Band) - MPEG Recordings PAL format, July 9-10, 2010

DVD 6 - July 10 Sessions - MP3s - July 8 Gala Rhythms and Brass - MPEG Recordings - PAL Format, July 8, 10, 2010

DVD 7 - Festival of Trumpets/Awards Ceremony, Part 1 - MPEG Recordings - PAL format, July 10, 2010DVD 8- Festival of Trumpets/Awards Ceremony, Part 2, 2010

DVD 9 - Festival of Trumpets and Awards Ceremony, City Recital Hall, DVD (PAL), July 10, 2010

International Trumpet Guild Annual Conference, Bemidji State University, Minneapolis, Minnisota, May 24-28, 2011

ProgramFormat: CD-Rs

ITG 2011 - Tuesday, May 24, 2011ITG 2011 - Wednesday, May 25, 2011ITG 2011 - Thursday, Part 1, May 26, 2011ITG 2011 - Thursday, Part 2, May 26, 2011ITG 2011 - Friday, Part 1, May 27, 2011ITG 2011 - Friday, Part 2, May 27, 2011ITG 2011 - Saturday, May 28, 2011

Series 9 - Audio/Visual Materials-Box 28 - Miscellaneous Mixed Media

This box contains mainly A/V material relating to the recording and production of the ITG-produced album titled Cornet Solos: Herbert L. Clarke with the Sousa Band & the Victor Orchestra. This album was distributed by Crystal Records in 1979. Items in the box include:

Cornet Solos Herbert L. Clarke with the Sousa Band and the Victor Orchestra, 2 copies of the LP, 1979

Herbert L. Clarke Recording (Original), Side I (Tape)Herbert L. Clarke Recording (Original), Side II (Tape)Herbert L. Clarke Protection Copy, Side I, (Tape)• Rondo Caprice• Russian Fantasia• Valse Brillante• Showers of Gold• Killarney• La Veta CapriceHerbert L. Clark Protection Copy, Side II, (Tape)• Caprice Brillante• Southern Cross• Carnival of Venice• Ah! Cupid• Stars in a Velvety Sky• Bride of the Waves

"Killarney" played by Herbert L. Clarke, ndNotes on the box say:Killarney 3'18"15 IPS Dolby BHalf Track StereoTail OutHerbert L. Clark (Deleted from original master)Property of ITG

Virtuoso Profile: Solo Performances on Nine Wind Instruments (LP), 1980

Allen Vizzutti playing "Zig-Zag" and "Skyrocket", 33 1/3 rpm (2 Copies) w one jacket, 1981

Series 9 - Audio/Visual Materials-Box 29 - Miscellaneous Mixed Media

These items are either unidentified or partially identified. They are listed by medium, but not arranged.

Flash Drives:

Flash Drive with a note saying "These are new commissioned works" addressed to "Judy" from Dr. Caitlin (?) Jones. ndFlash Drive labelled "Trumpet Columbus State", 2012 (?)


Envelope labelled "ITG - Slides of Student Winners from 1990 ITG Conference"


Trumpet Competition, Tape 1, November 4, 1995ITG DAT 3 USAF, nd

Zip File:

(M.G. F.O.T.) [Festival of Trumpets]Earle of Oxford Marche, Wm. Byrd-arr. G Pascuzzi (Finale 97 MAC), July 13, 2000


Eastwind Variations - 1. Practice Track - 2. Perf. Track - 3. Demo Track (2 Copies), ndEastwind Variations - Data Files (2 Copies), nd

Music of Dana Wilson, 1-3 Trumpet Concerto (Leader Lieder) (James Thompson, trumpet; Eastman Wind Ensemble), nd

The Carmine Caruso International Jazz Trumpet Solo Competition Retrospective, 1993/2003The 1998 Carmine Caruso International Jazz Trumpet Solo Competition Gala concert, March 28, 1998The 2009 Carmine Caruso International Jazz Trumpet Solo Competition, October 10, 2009 Disc 1 of 2The 2009 Carmine Caruso International Jazz Trumpet Solo Competition, October 10, 2009 Disc 2 of 2Caruso Tape 2, Dub

Terry Everson, trumpet with Susan Nowicki, Piano, 1984

ITG Presents David Baldwin Trumpet and Cornet: The Etudes of Theo Charlier and Marcel Charlier (pamphlet), 1983ITG Presents David Baldwin - Theo Charier's Etudes, 1980ITG Presents David Baldwin - Marcel Bitsch's Etudes, 1990

Trumpet Experience with Jouko Harjanne, 1994

The Legendary Trumpet Virtuosity of Rafael Mendez (1906-1981), volume 1, 1995

ITG presents Cornet Solos by Pioneer American Recording Artists Made Prior to 1906, 1995

ITG Presents David Baldwin, Trumpet and Conret, The Lost Etude of Theo Charlier, 1996

Theo Charlier Etudes Pour Trompette, Pierre Thibaud, 1996

The Art of Transcription: Music for Trumpet and Organ, 1997

Russian Treasures, Timofei Dokshizer, 1998

Contest Solos for Young Trumpeters, Philip Smith, trumpet, Joseph Turrin, piano, 2000-2001

An American Portrait, James Thompson, trumpet and Rebecca Wilt, piano, 2002-2003

Trumpet Players and Trumpet Music of Ukraine (2 copies), 2003-2004

European Cornet and Trumpet Soloists (CD 2), 1899-1950, 2005

Trumpet in Transition Robert Nagel, 2006-2007

The Legendary New York Brass Quintet, Volume 1, Bach and Before, Archival sound document of mostly live performances (1971-1984), 2006

The Legendary New York Brass Quintet, Volume 2, Romantic Age Brass, Historic sound document of live performances (1980-1984), 2007

The Roads They've Taken: Featuring the Winners of the ITG Jazz Improvisation Competition, 1979-2008, 2009

Music for Trumpet and Guitar: Richard Carson Steuart and Friends, 2010

Concert and Contest Pieces for Trumpet: Judith Saxton with Allison Gagnon, piano, 2011

Woody Shaw: Field Recordings of a Jazz Master, 2012

From the Cantatas of Johann Sebastian Bach: Arias for Trumpet and Voice, 2014


Unidentified cassette tapes labelled 1-10

Bobby Lewis - Chicago 4; Maurice Andre - Master Class

Lecture: Dizzy Gilespie - Panel Discussion

Irish Fantasia for Solo Trumpet & Trumpet Ensemble - H. Gunter

Edna Chandler White, Recorded for ITG Archives August 8, 1990

Floppy Disks:

International Trumpet Guild Archive Recordings Index (10 floppy disks with unknown software)

Series 10 - Archives

Discussions of an ITG archives began with the Projects Committee in 1980. It was first established within the Dalton Center Music Library at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, MI in January of 1983, where it remained until 2014 when it was transferred to the Columbus State University archives, housed at the Schwob Library, in Columbus, Georgia.

Series 10 - Archives-Box 1

Folder 1 - Correspondence from the Projects Committee and other sources, 1980-2014

Folder 2 - Pre-cataloging notes for the Bach and Gil special collections, 1980s

Folder 3 - Recordings Listings, 1975-1983, 2003

Folder 4 - Research Library Holdings as of May, 1990, with updated disk current to June 1994

Series 5 - Correspondence

Bach Collection (SC1)-Box 1 - Index Cards

This is a card file index to the sheet music collection of Vincent Bach (VB). Each index card has the following information: VB number; title; Composer, Duration (usually not noted); Arranger (if any); Country (usually not noted); Publisher (which usually included name of publisher, place of publication and year of copyright); and Remarks (if any). There are from one to three sets of cards for each section, one numeric, another alphabetical by name of composer and a third alphabetical by title of work.

The card index is divided into XX sections: BB - Band Arrangements; BE - Etude Books; BM - Miscellaneous Music (only one set of 6 cards; BO - Orchestral Music; BP - Piano Accompaniment; BQ - Quartets.

The sheet music is arranged in VB numeric order. The envelope for each piece has a pre-printed list of the parts and numbers of each instrument scored.

Bach Collection (SC1)-Box 2 - BB: Band Arrangements, Numerical Order

BB-1 - "Concert-Fantasie on a Theme" by Hayden - W. Popp, op. 365; Cranz, Hamburg

BB-2 - "Fantasie concertante" - Th. Hoch; Ruhle & Wendling, Leipzig - Remarks: piano-director in BP-73

BB-3 - "Carnival of Venice" - H.L. Clarke; Carl Fischer, N.Y., copyright 1912

BB-4 - "Bad'ner Mad'lin" - K. Komzak; Fisher, N.Y., Copyright 1910 - Remarks: Girl of Baden

BB-5 - "The Pearl of the Ocean" - C. Otterer - Arranger: Th. Hoch; Fischer, N.Y., copyright 1902

BB-6 - "Fantasie Brillante" - Th. Hoch, op. 18; Ruhle & Wendling, Leipzig - Remarks: Erinnerung and Prag, piano-director in BP-73

BB-7 - "Slavische Fantasie" - C. Hohne; Bote & Bock, Berlin

BB-8 - "Fantaisie" - F. Thomé; Evette & Schaeffer, Paris

BB-9 - "Thema und Variationen" - Eckhard; Philipp & Son, Berlin

BB-10 - "Behut Dich Gott" - V.E. Nesslor; Schuberth & Co., Leipzig - Remarks: from Der Trompeter Von Sakkingen

BB-11 - "Romance in F Minor" - P. Tchaikovsky - Arranger: Safranek; Fischer, N.Y., Copyright 1919

BB-12 - "Calvary" - P. Rodney - Arranger: Laurendeau; Fischer, N.Y., Copyright 1908

BB-12 - "Goodbye" - Tosti - Arranger: Laurendeau; Fischer N.Y., Copyright 1908

BB-13 - "Young Werner's Parting Song" - V.E. Nessler - Arranger: Lake; Fischer, N.Y., Copyright 1919

BB-14 - "Si tu M'Aimais" - L. Denza - manuscript

BB-15 - "Solveig's Song" - E. Grieg - Arranger: Safranek; Fisher, N.Y., Copyright 1915 - Remarks: from Second Peer Gynt Suite

BB-16 - "Love, Here Is My Heart" - L. Silesu; Feist, N.Y., copyright: 1915

BB-17 - "Vilja-Lied" - F. Lehár - Arranger: Dostal; Doblinger, Leipzig - Remarks: and Das Lied Von Dummen Reiter

BB-18 - "Inflammatus" - Rossini - Arranger: Wannemacher, Rev. Newcombe; Fischer, N.Y., copyright 1912

BB-19 - "Ficilita" - J. Hartmann; J.W. Pepper & Son, Philadelphia, Pa.

BB-20 - "Nightingale Song" - C. Zeller; Bosworth & Co., Leipzig - Remarks: Wie Mein Ahnl Zwanzig Jahr

BB-21 - "Der Liebestraum" - Hoch, op. 17; Ruhle & Wendling, Leipzig - Remarks: The Dream of Love, Fantasie, piano-director in BP-73

BB-22 - "Edelweiss Von Semmering" - Th. Hoch, op. 24; Ruhle & Wendling, Leipzig - Remarks: Alpine Melodies, piano-director in BP-73

BB-23 - "Nachklange Aus Dem Zillerthal" - Th. Hoch, op. 16; Ruhle & Wendling, Leipzig - Remarks: Alpine Echos, piano-director in BP-73

BB-24 - "The Lost Chord" - A. Sullivan; Bosworth & Co., copyright 1892

BB-25 - "Second Hungarian Rhapsody" - Liszt; Arranger: Tobani; Fischer, N.Y., copyright 1896

BB-26 - "Maritana" - Th. Moses - Arranger: Tobani, op. 383; Fischer, N.Y., copyright 1900 - Remarks: From W.V. Wallace's Opera of the Same Name

BB-27 - "Humoreske" - Tchaikovsky, op. 10, no. 2 - Arranger: Lake - Publisher: Fischer, N.Y., copyright 1923

BB-28 - "Suite Bohemian" - J. Ord Hume; Boosey & Co, copyright 1910 - Remarks: 1. The Appeal, 2. The Caravan, 3. The Tarantella

BB-28 - "Divine Redeemer" - Gounod - Arranger: Barwood; Boosey & Co., copyright 1910 [Processor's note - There are two index cards number BB28. This one was not present in 2015]

BB-29 - "Der Postillon" - F. Mair, op. 87 - manuscript - Remarks: Check in chorus Library - VB Chorus I, chorus and solo Cornet with German March Books [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BB-30 - "German Band" - Vincent Bach - manuscript - Remarks: Novelty Number

BB-31 - "Hearts and Flowers" - Tobani - Arranger: Lake - Publisher: manuscript [processor's note - Carl Fischer, New York, nd]

BB-32 - "Heigh-Ho March" - F. Churchill; Arranger: Becker, Words by Morey - Publisher: Irving Berlin, N.Y., Copyright 1938 - Remarks: From Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

BB-33 - "A Girl in Every Port" - Paul Yoder; Feist, N.Y., copyright 1924

BB-34 - "Die Post" - H. Schaffer; Eberle & Co., Wien - Remarks: Check in Chorus Library VB Chorus - 2 with German March Books Solo in BP-1. [processor's note - Also included in BB-34 is a composition headed: Vincent Bach, cornet-Virtuoso. The twenty parts are: Violine I (#2); Violine I (#3); ViolineI1 (#4); Violine II (#5); Violine II (#6); Viola (#7); Cello (#8); Basso (#9); Flauti (#10); Obo I (#11); Clarinetto I (#12); Clarinetto II (#13); Fagotti (#14); Corno I & II (#15); Corno III & IV (#16); Trombi (#17); Trombone I & II (#18); Trombone Basso (#19); Tamburo (#20). These 20 items are in Box 3]

BB-35 - "Die Alpenfee" - Ed. Kremser; Robitschek, Wien - Remarks: Check in chorus Library VB Chorus - 3 with German March Books [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BB-36 - "Band Collection" - Rall, Nevin, Bartlett, Gounod, Offenbach; manuscript - Remarks: "Mother Machree" by Rall, "The Rosary" by Nevin, "A Dream" by Bartlett, "Serenade" by Gounod, "Barcarole" by Offenbach [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

Bach Collection (SC1)-Box 3 - BE - Etude Books & BM - Miscellaneous Music, Numerical Order

BE-1 - "40 Etudes" - W. Wurm; Rahter, Leipzig [processor's note - This was not present as of 2015]

BE-2 - "20 Etudes" - G. Wurm ;-Rahter, Leipzig [processor's note - This was not present as of 2015]

BE-3 - "62 Daily Exercises" - E. Paudert; Benjamin, Leipzig, copyright 1931 [processor's note - This was not present as of 2015]

BE-4 - "Little Studies" - G. Donderer; Rahter, Leipzig, copyright 1936 [processor's note - This was not present as of 2015]

BE-5 - "24 Etudes" - E. Paudert; Benjamin, Leipzig, copyright 1931 [processor's note - This was not present as of 2015]

BE-6 - "Daily Drills & Technical Studies for Trumpet" - M. Schlossberg; Hill & Co., copyright 1937 [processor's note - This was not present as of 2015]

BE-7 - "Method of Transposition" - L. Liesering; Benjamin, Leipzig, copyright 1909 - Remarks: 2 Volumes [processor's note - Volume 2 was not present as of 2015]

BE-8 - "Etudes Pratiques" - R. Laurent; Leduc, Paris, copyright 1923 [processor's note - This was not present as of 2015]

BE-9 - "Common Sense" - W.A. Thieck; Bechler, Milwaukee, copyright 1928 [processor's note - This was not present as of 2015]

BE-10 - "The Wizard Lip & Finger Drills" - W. Lewis; Virtuoso Music School, Buffalo, N.Y., copyright 1912

BE-11 - "36 Celebrated Studies for cornet" - Editor, F. Goldman; Fischer, N.Y., Copyright 1890 [processor's note - The folder is present but the contents were not present as of 2015]

BE-12 - "Top Tones" - W. Smith; Fischer, N.Y., Copyright 1936

BE-13 - "Favorite Trumpet & Cornet Studies & Duets" - Saint Jacome, op. 28; Fischer, N.Y., Copyright 1893

BE-14 - "First and Second Year" - Arban - Arranger: Prescoot; Fischer, N.Y., Copyright 1936

BE-15 - "Advance Studies for Trumpet and cornet" - A. Harris; Harris, Lynn, Mass., Copyright 1930 [processor's note - This was not present as of 2015]

BE-16 - "Daily Drill for building a Proper Embouchure on Trumpet and Cornet" by N. Kubli (manuscript). 1939 [Processor's note - This is filed in the over-sized music box at the end of the collection.]

BE-17 - "40 Etuden" - F. Werner; Hammermusiken, Wiesbaden - Remarks: Two Volumes

BE-18 - "20 Selected Easy Duets" - J. Kuffner; Rahter, Leipzig

BE19 - "100 Original Warm-Ups" - Ch. Colin; Gornston, N.Y., copyright 1940 [processor's note - This was not present as of 2015]

BE20 - "10 Famous Etudes" - A.H. Schaefer; Fillmore, Cincinnati, Copyright 1934 - Remarks: 10 Famous Kreutzer Violin Etudes [processor's note - This was not present as of 2015]

BE-21 & BE-22 - "10 Characteristische Etuden" - F. Blaha; Zimmermann, Leipzig - Remarks: two volumes

Series 5 - Correspondence

BM-1 - "Green Book I Collection" - Remarks: Eleven Solo Arrangements - piano scores

BM-2 - "Green Book II Collection" - Remarks: 17 Solo Arrangements - piano scores

BM-3 - "Russische Romanzen Collection" - Remarks: 19 Solo Arrangements - piano scores

BM-4 - "English song Collection" - Remarks: 32 Solo Arrangements - piano scores [processor's note - This item was not present as of 2015.]

BM-5 - "Salut Do amour" - G. [sic] Elgar - Remarks: One Full Score [processor's note - This is a typo. The work is by E. Elgar.]

BM-6 - "Trojka" - Remarks: Full Score Only

BM-7 - "Marche Slave" - P. Tchaikovsky, op. 31 - Arranger: Chas J. Roberts; Fischer, N.Y., Copyright 1911 - Remarks: piano-director Score Only

BM-8 - "Militarmusic, Si tu M'Aimais" - Denza; manuscript - Remarks: Full Score Only

BM-9 - [This is a folder not included in the card filed but stamped "BM-9". It contains an assortment of scores in Russian, German and English]

Bach Collection (SC1)-Box 4 - BO - Orchestra Arrangements Numerical Order

BO-1 - "Standchen am Morgen" - E. Wolff; Ruhle & Wendling, Leipzig

BO-2 - "Star of England" -A. Lamotte; LaFleur & Son, London

BO-3 - "Rosen, Tulpen, Nelken" - P. Lincke; Apollo-Verlag, Berlin

BO-4 - "Da Burgei Ihr Jodler" - C. Millocker; Roder, Leipzig

BO-5 - "Mattinata" - R. Leonca Vallo - Arranger: Von A. Wilke; Reohr, Berlin, Copyright 1904 - Remarks: From Der Fruhling

BO-6 - "Komm' Komm' Held Meiner Traume" - O. Strauss; Doblinger, Leipzig, Copyright 1908 - Remarks: From Der Tapfere Soldat

BO-7 - "Irmelin Rose" - W. Peterson - Arranger: Berger; Lundquist, Stockholm

BO-8 - "Si Tu M'Aimais" - Denza; Learborough, Copyright 1912Both this title and the next are in Folder 8.

BO-8 - "Ewig Will Ich Dir Gehoren" - E. v. Pfeilschiffer; LearboroughBoth this title and the one before are in Folder 8.

BO-9 - "Nur Di' Allani Hab' I' Gern!" - Wottitz; Eberle & Co.

BO-10 - "Aus Der Jugendzeit" - Radecke; manuscript

BO-11 - "Auf Der Wacht" - P. Dierig; Benjamin, Hamburg

BO-12 - "The Rosary" - E. Nevin - Arranger: Text, R. Rogers; Schirmer, Copyright 1903

BO-13 - "Mother Machree" - Olcott & Ball; Witmark & Sons, Copyright 1910

BO-14 - "Macushla" - D. MacMurrough; Boosey & Co., N.Y., copyright 1912

BO-15 - "Wie Mein Ahnl Zwanzig Jahr" - C. Zellar; Schirmer, N.Y., Copyright 1891 - Remarks: Nightingale song from Der Vogelhandler

BO-16 - "Come Sing to Me" - Jack Thompson; Enoch & Sons, Toronto, Copyright 1909

BO-17 - "In an Old Fashioned Town" - W. Squire; Boosey & Co., Copyright 1914

BO-18 - "Thema und Variation Uber Ungarische Melodien" - Eckhard; Schroeder, Berlin

BO-19 - "Fantasie Concertante" - Th. Hoch; Ruhle & Wendling, Leipzig - Remarks: piano-director in BP-73

BO-20 - "Slavische Fantasie" - C. Hohne; Roder, Leipzig

BO-21 - "Konzert-Fantasie" - G. Cords; Schmidt, Heilbronn

BO-22 - "Theme & Variations on Schnsuchtwalzer" - Staub - Arranger: Garn; manuscript

BO-23 - Composers: Bohm, Gotze, Bubuque, v. Suppe, Denza - Manuscript - Remarks: "Still wie Die Nacht" by C. Bohm, "O Schone Zeit" by C. Gotze, "Tiefes Leid" by Bubuque, "Had Ich Nur Deine Liebe" by F. v. Suppe, "Si tu M'Aimais" by Denza

BO-24 - "Facilita" - J. Hartmann - Arranger: Ed. F. Goldman; Fischer, N.Y., Copyright 1911 - Remarks: Air with Variations

BO-25 - "La Nonchalance" - F. Sabathil; Oertel, Hannover - Remarks: Konzert Polka

BO-26 - "Inflammatus" - Rossini - Arranger: Wannemacher, rev. Newcombe;Fischer, N.Y., Copyright 1912

BO-27 - "Nordische Fantasie" - Th. Hoch, op. 20; Stern & Co., N.Y., Ruhle & Wendling, Leipzig - Remarks: piano-director in BP-73

BO-28 - "Good-Bye" - Tosti - Arranger: Words by Melville; Ricordi, London, Copyright 1903 (Originally Copyright 1885, Schirmer)

BO-29 - "Moska" - Decker - Arranger: Schenk; Schroeder, Berlin

Bach Collection (SC1)-Box 5 - BO - Orchestra Arrangements Numerical Order (Continued)

BO-30 - "Serenade" - C. Gounod - Arranger: Bela; Sohne, Mainz - Remarks: from Berceuse [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-31 - "Sing me to sleep" - Greene - Arranger: Words by Bingham; Philips & Page, London, copyright 1902 [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-32 - "Somewhere a voice is Calling" - Tate - Arranger: Words by Newton; Lowe & Brydone, London [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-33 - "O Dry Those Years" - Del Riego; Chappell & Co., London, Copyright 1913 [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-33 - "I'll Sing Thee Songs of Araby" - Clay; Chappell & Co., London, Copyright 1913 - Remarks: From Cantata - Lalla Rookh [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-34 - "Because" - G. D'Hardelot - Arranger: Moore; Chappell & Co., London, Copyright 1902 [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-34 - "My Dreams" - Tosti - Arranger: Words by Weatherly; Chappell & Co., Copyright 1893 [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-35 - "I Hear You Calling Me" - C. Marshall - Arranger: Words by Harford; Boosey, Copyright 1908 [processor's note - not present as of 2015]BO-36 - "Mondlied" - B. Granichstaedten; Weinberger, Leipzig, Copyright 1908 - Remarks: From Operette - Bub Oder Madel [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-37 - "Ma Curly-Headed Baby" - G. Clutsam; manusscript

BO-38 - "Love, Here is my Heart" - Silesu - Arranger: Words by Ross; Feist, Inc., N.Y., Copyright 1915 [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-39 - "The Better Land" - F. Cowen - Arranger: Marriott; Boosey & Co., London [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-39 - "The Lost Chord" - A. Sullivan - Arranger: Marriott; Boosey & Co., London [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-40 - "Singvolgelchen Aus Dem Thuringer-Wald" - Th. Hoch, op. 22 - Arranger: Hartmann; Ruhle & Wendling, Leipzig - Remarks: piano-director in BP-73 [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-41 - "Carnival of Venice" - H.L. Clarke; manuscript - Remarks: Cornet solo for Small Orch. [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-42 - "Carnival of Venice" - H.L. Clarke; manuscript [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-43 - "Down in the Forest (spring)" -L. Ronald - Arranger: Words by Simpson; Enoch & Sons, Copyright 1906 [processor's note - not present as of 2015]BO-43 - "Ma Curly Headed Baby" - Clutsam; Hatzfeld, Leipzig, Copyright 1900 [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-44 - "Concert Fantasie" - K. Komzak; manuscript [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-45 - "Nachklange aus dem Zillerthal" - Th. Hoch, op. 16; Ruhle & Wendling, Leipzig - Remarks: Alpine Echos, piano-director in BP-73 [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-46 - "Aria" - C. Gounod; manuscript - Remarks: From Der Tribut von Zamora [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-47 - "Aria" - Mendelssohn; manuscript - Remarks: a.v. Opera Sommernachtstraum [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-48 - "Gefunden (Fantasia)" - R. Kietzer, op. 73 - Publisher: Zimmermann, Leipzig [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-49 - "Klange aus Steiermark" - Th. Hoch, op. 21; Ruhle & Wendling, Leipzig - Remarks: piano-director in BP-73 [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-50 - "Galopp" - Panoch - manuscript [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-51 - "Let the Bright Seraphim" - G.F. Handel; Ditson Co., N.Y. - Remarks: From Samson, for "D" Trpt. [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-52 - "Last Rose of Summer" - v. Flotow; Aug, Cranz, Leipzig - Remarks: From Martha (Volks-Lied) [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-53 - "Little Grey Home in the West" - H. Lohr - Arranger: Words by Eardley-Wilmot; Chappell & Co., London, Copyright 1911 [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-54 - "Concertstuck" - W. Popp, op. 365; Cranz, Hamburg - Remarks: Concert Fantasie on a Theme by Hayden [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-55 - "Une Perle de l'Ocean" - C. Otterer - Arranger: ed. Th. Hoch; Ruhle & Wendling, Leipzig - Remarks: Fantasie for cornet, Solo in Bp-14 [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-56 - "Fantasie Brillante" - Th. Hoch, op.18; Ruhle & Wendling, Leipzig - Remarks: Recollections of Prague, piano-director in Bp-73 [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-57 - "Der Liebestraum" - T. Hoch, op. 17; Ruhle & Wendling, Leipzig - Remarks: Fantasie, Piano-Director in BP-73 [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-58 - "Alpine Melodies" - Th. Hoch, op. 24; Ruhle & Wendling, Leipzig - Remarks: Edelweiss Vom Semmering, piano-director in BP-73 [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-59 - "Beruhmtes Largo" - G. F. Handel; W. Benicke, Leipzig, Copyright 1946 [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-60 - "O Divine Redeemer" - Ch. Gounod; Philips & Page, London - Remarks: From St. Cecelia [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BO-61 - "Russian Dances", manuscript - Remarks: Parts & Scores for 12 Dances

BO-62 - "Orchestral Collection I" - manuscript - Remarks: "Solveig's Song" by Grieg, "Errherzog Johonn Lied" by Takseh, "Abendstimmung" by Panoch, "Record-Galopp" by Panoch, "Samson et Delilah" by Saint-Saens

BO63 - "Orchestral Collection II" - manuscript - Remarks: "Samson et Delilah" by Saint Saens, "Die Post Im Walde" by Schaffer, "Sei Gegrubt Du Mein Schones Sorrent" by Waldmann, "An Der Weser" by Pressel, "Schlosser, die im Monde Liegen" by Lincke, "Es War Simmal" by Lincke, "Behut Dich Gott Es War Zu Schon Gervesen" by Nessler

Bach Collection (SC1)-Box 6 - BP Piano Accompaniment, Arrangement, Numerical Order

BP-1 - "Capriccio Brillante" - H. Bellstedt; Frank Simon, Middletown, Ohio - Remarks: Carnival de Naples

BP-3 - "Melodia Appassionata" - G. Cords; Fischer, N.Y., copyright 1905

BP-4 - "Premier Solo" - G. Pares; Andrieu, Paris - Remarks: Concours du conservatoire 1897

BP-5 - "Legende Heroique" - J. Mouquet, op. 27; Evette & Schaeffer, Paris [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BP-6 - "Troisieme Solo de Concours" - F. Andrieu, op. 163; Andrieu, Paris

BP-7 - "Solo de Concert" - P. Rougnon; Evette & Schaeffer

BP-8 - "Caprice" - A. Luigini; Andrieu, Paris

BP-9 - "Fantasie" - F. Thome; Evette & SchaefferBP-10 - "Solo de Cornet" - G. Hue - Arranger: Mellet - Publisher: Evette & Schaeffer

BP-11 - "La Belle Americaine" - J. Hartmann; Wright & Round, Liverpool - Remarks: 2 Copies

BP-12 - "In Old Berlin" - Th. Hoch, op. 26; Ruhle & Wendling, Leipzig, copyright 1926

BP-13 - "Des Zigneuners Traum" - F. Silbers; Ruhle & Wendling, Leipzig, copyright 1913

BP-14 - "Une Perle de l'Ocean" - Th. Hoch; Ruhle & Wendling, Leipzig, copyright 1928 - Remarks: Orch. Accomp. In BO-55

BP-15 - "Edelweiss Von Semmering" - Th. Hoch, op.24; Wuhle & Wendling, Leipzig, copyright 1928

BP-16 - "Berceuse" - G. Gords, op. 35; Schroeder, Berlin

BP-17 - "Marlborough" - Arban; Publisher: L. Billadot, Paris

BP-18 - "Ungarische Rhapsodie # 2" - P. Wiggert, op. 27 - Arranger: Herbst; Ruhle & Wendling, copyright 1928

BP-19 - "Ballet Scene" - Oskar Bohme, op. 31; Zimmermann, Leipzig, copyright 1907

BP-20 - "La Napolitaine" - O. Bohme, op. 25; Zimmermann, Leipzig, Remarks: 2 Copies

BP-21 - "Alexis" - J. Hartmann; Boosey & Co., London

BP-22 - "Carnaval de Venice" - Arban; Hawkes & Sons, London

BP-23 - "Carnival of Venice" - H.L. Clarke; Witmark, N.Y., copyright 1912, 1938

BP-24 - "Andante Et Polonaise" - Composer: F. Andrieu - Publisher: Andrieu, Paris

BP-25 - "Fantaisie Melodique" - P. JeanJean; Evette & Schaeffer, Paris

BP-26 - "Divertissement" - F. Andrieu; Andrieu, Paris

BP-27 - "Cantabile et Scherzetto" - P. Gaubert; Evette & Schaeffer, Paris, copyright 1909

BP-28 - "Solo pour Trompette" - E. Pessard, op. 105; Evette & Schaeffer, Paris

BP-29 - "Cinquieme Solo de Concours" - H. Maury; Andrieu, Paris, copyright 1920

BP30 - "Invocation" - Composer: J. Donjon - Publisher: Evette & Schaeffer, Paris

BP-31 - "Valse Edna" - F. Siegrist - Arranger: McCabe; Mills, N.Y., copyright 1924

BP-32 - "Annie Laurie" - M.L. Lake; Fischer, N.Y

BP-33 - "Ein Vogel" - J. Hartmann, Arranger: rev. Newcombe; Manus

BP-34 - "Grand Fantasia (Robin Adair)" - J. Hartmann - Arranger: H. Prendiville; Fischer, N.Y., copyright 1891

BP-35 - "Flight of the Bumble Bee" - Rimsky-Korsakoff - Arranger: Mendez-Koff; Mendez, copyright 1949, Los Angeles

BP-36 - "Du Du Liegst Mir Im Herzen" - H.L. Clarke; Witmark & Sons, N.Y., Copyright 1912

BP-37 - "A Soldier's Dream" - W. Rogers - Arranger: Seredy; Fischer, N.Y., copyright 1936

BP-38 - "Whirlwind Polka" - J. Levy - Arranger: Laurendeau; Fischer, N.Y., copyright 1891

BP-39 - "Hungarian Melodies" - V. Bach; Bach, N.Y., copyright 1927

BP-40 - "Wiegenlied" - W. Brandt, op. 14 - Publisher: Zimmermann, Leipzig

BP-41 - "Fantasia di Concerto" - Ed. Boccalari; Fischer, N.Y., copyright 1906

BP-42 - "The Southern Cross" - H.L. Clarke; Witmark & Sons, N.Y., copyright 1912

BP-43 - "The Debutante" - H.L. Clarke; Fischer, N.Y., copyright 1912

BP-44 - "De Beriot's Seventh Air" - J. Hartmann - Arranger: Rev. Goldman; Fischer, N.Y., copyright 1907

BP-45 - "Showers of Gold" - H.L. Clarke, Fischer, N.Y., copyright 1912

BP-46 - "Prelude et Ballade" - G. Balay; Evette & Schaeffer, Paris

BP-47 - "Alexis" - J. Hartmann; J.W. Pepper, Philadelphia, Pa

BP-48 - "Mia" - J. Hartmann; Smith & Co., London - Remarks: Mia Farrow

BP-49 - "Weber's Last Waltz" - W. Rimmer; Wright & Round, Liverpool

BP-50 - "Favourite" - J. Hartmann; Hammond & Julliens, London - Remarks: About Hartmann's Lady Friend, a Tone Poem

BP-51 - "Introduction, Thema und Variationen" - B. Richter; Ruhle & Wendling, Leipzig [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BP-52 - "Berceuse" - O. Bohme, op. 7; Zimmermann, Leipzig

BP-53 - "Fantasie Heroique" - H. Gottwald, op. 25; Manus

BP-54 - "Fantaisie" - F. Thome; Evette & Schaeffer, Paris

BP-55 - "From the Shores of the Mighty Pacific" - H.L. Clarke; Probably Witmark & Sons

BP-56 - "Konzert Des-Dur" - P. Wiggert, op. 50; Ruhle & Wendling, Leipzig, Copyright 1928 [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BP-57 - "Poemes Slovaques" - G. Mellin; manusript - Remarks: Ech Raspacholl, Danse Slovaque [processor's note - not present as of 2015]

BP-58 - "Variations en Re Bemol" - H. Busser, op. 55; Evette & Schaeffer, Paris

BP59 - "Nocturno von John Field" - R. Hofmann; Pickenhahn, Leipzig

BP-60 - "Divertissement" - F. Andrieu, op. 317; Andrieu, Leipzig, Copyright 1923

BP-61 - "Sonate" - T. Hansen, op. 18; Hansen, Leipzig

BP-62 - "Morceau de Concours" - N. Daneau; Metronome, Bruxelles

BP-63 - "Morceau de Concours" - A. Savard; Evette & Schaeffer, Paris

BP-64 - "Morceau de Concert" - J.G. Pennequin; Evette & Schaeffer, Paris

BP-65 - "Legende Heroique" - J. Mouquet; Evette & Schaeffer, Paris

BP-66 - "4 Tunes by 4 Composers" - Mendelssohn, Perfolese, Beethoven, Mozart - Arranger: Hofmann; Boder, Leipzig - Remarks: "Lied Ohne Worte # 19" by Mendelssohn, "Siciliana" by G. Pergolese, "Die Ehre Gottes in Der Natur" by L.V. Beethoven, "Wiengenlied" by W. A. Mozart

BP-67 - "La Nonchalance" - F. Labatbil

BP-68 - "Pagliacci" - R. Leoncavallo; Schirmer, Boston, Copyright 1906

BP-69 - "Solo de Trompettes en Fa" - A. Chapuis; Evette & Schaeffer, Paris

BP-70 - "3rd Solo de Concours" - H. Maury; Noel, Paris

BP-71 - "Choral" - G. Marty; Joanin & Co., Paris

BP-72 - "Legende de Larmor" - A. Georges; Enoch & Sons, London

BP-73 - "16 Celebrated Solos" - Theo. Hoch; Fischer, N.Y., Copyright 1900 - Remarks: Piano Score

Bp-74 - "Home circle Series-Lyric Album"; Fischer, N.Y., Copyright 1910 - Remarks: Piano Score, Vol. I

BP-75 - "Home Circle Series-Encore Folio"; Fischer, N.Y., Copyright 1908 - Remarks: Piano Score

BP-76 - "Da Capo Album" - Arranger: Rev. Goldman;Fischer, N.Y. - Remarks: Piano ScoreBP-77 - "Twelve Celebrated Fantasies and Airs Varies" - Arban; Fischer, N.Y., Copyright 1912 - Remarks: Piano Score

BP-78 - "The Operatic Bouquet" - Paul de Ville - Publisher: Fischer, N.Y. - Remarks: Piano Score and Cornet Score

BP-79 - "Blafers Lieblinge" - B. Kutsch

BP-80 - "Solo-Buch Fur Trompet"; Rahter, Leipzig - Remarks: 3 Books, Band I, Band II, Band III

BP-Addition-1 "Solo de Trompette" - G. Alary; Evette & Schaeffer, Paris, Copyright 1900

BP-Addition-2 "Allegro de Concours" - Aug. De Boeck; Schott Freres, Bruxelles, Belgium

BP-Addition-3 "Capriccioso" - Paul JeanJean; Andrieu Freres, Paris

Bach Collection (SC1) - Box 7 - BQ - Quartet Arrangement Numerical

BQ-1 - "Post Im Walde" - Schafer, manuscript - Contains: BP-1; Also Check in BQ-43; Also contains:BP-2 - "Die Post Im Walde" - A. Schaffer - Arranger: Molenaar; Molenaar, Wormerreer - Remarks: Accomp. For Solo for in Encore Books BB-34, BO63, BQ1

BQ-2 - "Sopran-Cornet-Quartets - Arranger: Th. Hoch; Standard, N.Y. - Remarks: "Largo"-Handel, "Knights Farewell"-Kinnel, "Palms"-Faure, "Traumerei"-Schumann, "Cavalleria Rusticana"-Mascagni, "Gavotte"-Louis XIII, and "Adagio"-Gounod, "Misère"-Verdi (2 Cornets, Alto, and Baritone)

BQ-3 - "Excelsior Brass Quartette Album" - Arranger: de Ville; Fischer, N.Y., copyright 1898 - Remarks: "America", "Prayer from Freischutz", "Russian", "The Watch on the Rhine", "Evening Song", "Hunters Farewell", "When Evenings Twilight", "Greeting", "Serenade", "Star Spangled Banner", "The Tear", "The Chapel", "Campanola-Lang", "My Soul to God", "My Heart to Thee", "Marseillaise Hymn", "Priests March", "Shepherd's Sunday Song", "Summer Song", "Joyous Wanderer", "Adagio Religioso", "Sophien March", " Worship of God", "Festival March", "Festival Polonaise", "Think of Me", "Recitative and Adagio"

BQ-4 - "Excelsior Brass Quartette Album" - Arranger: de Ville; Fischer, N.Y., copyright 1898 - Remarks: "Longing", "Kelvin Grove", "Jack O'Hazeldean", "From Schubert's String Quartette", "Salley in Our Alley", "Good Night", "Good Night Beloved", "Hail Columbia", "The Bridge", "Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep", "Before the Gate's a Fountain", "The Battle Prayer", "Best of All", "Kathleen Mavourneen", "Evening Hymn", "Hence", "Now Away", "In Yonder Shady Valley", "The Old Oaken Bucket", "Bedouin's Love Song", "O Hemlock Tree", "Sleep", "My Darling", "Morning Greeting", "John Anderson", "My Old Kentucky Home", "Love's Old Sweet song", "Alice Where Art Thou?", "The Lost Chord", "Long Long Ago", "When The Swallows Homeward Fly", "Where Strength and Prowess", "German Students Song", "The Return of Spring", "Excelsior", 2 cornets, trb., baritone

BQ-5 - "Organ and Brass Quartet Collection" - Arranger: Lake; Fischer, N.Y., copyright 1916 - Remarks: "Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming", "On the River's Brink, Impromptu # 2", "Auld Lang Syne", "Killarney", "All Those Enearing Young Charms", "Drink to Me Only", "Sweet and Low", "Where is my Wand'ring, Boy Tonight", "Achieved is the Glorious Work", "Christmas Sounds", "The Lowley" "Rsoebud", "The Alpine Rose", 2 Cornets, 2 Baritones, Organ

BQ-6 - "Heft Collection I" - Arranger: Mischke; Schmidt, Heilbronn - Remarks: "Am Meer" by Shubert, "Cavatine aus Freischuts", "Chor Der Turkischen Schaarwache", "Chor aus Ded Tod Jesu", 2 cornets, Alto, Trb

BQ-7 - "Heft collection II" - Arranger: Mischke; Schmidt, Heilbronn - Remarks: "Chor aus Der Tod Jesu", "An Den Fruhling", "Herstblick", "Zur Nacht", "Trink Chor", 2 Cornets, Alto, Trombone

BQ-8 - "Heft Collection III" - Arranger: Mischke; Schmidt, Heilbronn - Remarks: "Schlummerlied v. Marx", "Jagerchor aus Euryanthe", "Cantabile", 2 Cornets, Alto, and Trombone

BQ-9 - "Heft Collection IV" - Arranger: Mischke - Publisher: Schmidt, Heilbronn - Remarks: Nun Danket Alle Gott, Wie Schon Leuchtet der Morgenstern, Lobe Den Herrn Den Machtigen Konig, Was Gott thut das ist Wohlgethan, Auferstehn ja Auferstehn Wirst Du, Wie Schon Leutchet Der Mogenstern Festmarsch, 2 Cornets, alto, Trombone

BQ-10 - "Sacred Brass Quartet Album" - Arranger: Prendiville; Ditson, copyright 1908 - Remarks: "With Me", "Jesus Will Give His Beloved Sleep", "Flee as a Bird", "Onward Christian Soldiers", "Brightly Gleams Our Banner", "Angels Roll the Rock Away", "Adeste Fideles", "Nearer My God to Thee", "Jerusalem the Golden", "God that Madest Earth and Heaven", "Sweet Hour of Prayer", "Over"

BQ-11 - "Hoch Collection I" - Arranger: Hoch; Fischer, N.Y. - Remarks: "The Day of the Lord", "The Return", "The Chapel", "The True German Heart", "In Spring-Time", "Nearer My God to Thee", "Hunters Joy", "The Stars", 2 Cornets, Alto Baritone

BQ-12 - "Hoch Collection IV" - Arranger: Hoch; Schott, N.Y., copyright 1888 - Remarks: "Pilgrim Chorus", "At Night", "Hunter's Farewell", "Nachtgedanken", "Parade March", Es Ist Bestimnt In Gottes Rath", "By the Sea", "Wiener Welt-Ausstellungs Marsch", 2 cornets, Alto, Baritone

BQ-13 - "Hoch Collection III" - Arranger: Hoch; Schott, N.Y., copyright 1892 - Remarks: "Harp Once Thro" Tara's Halls", "The Minstrel-Boy", The Last Rose of Summer", "The Cruiskeen Lawn", "The Exile of Erin", "The Emigrant", "In the Morning of Life", "Let Erin Remember the Days of Old", "Kathleen Mavourneen", 2 Cornets, Alto, Baritone, Organ

BQ-14 - "Hoch Collection IV" - Arranger: Hoch; Schott, N.Y., copyright 1895 - Remarks: "Hunters Galop", "Suabian Maid", "Karnthner Volkslied", "Old Folks at Home", "A Pretty Girl", "Rheinlied", "In Old Madrid", "Little Darling Dream of Me", 2 Cornets, Alto, Baritone, Organ

BQ-15 - "Marchen" -K. Komzak, op. 135 - Arranger: Dietzel; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, Baritone

BQ-16 - "#1 Volksliedchen" - K. Komzak - Arranger: V. Bach; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Alto, Baritone

BQ-17 - "Solvejgs Song" - E. Grieg; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-18 - "Old Folks at Home" - Foster - Arranger: Dietzel; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-18 - "Humeriske" - Publishe; manuscript: Manus. Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-19 - "Wiegenlied (Lullaby)" - J. Brahms; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and TromboneBQ-19 - "Das Einsame Roeslein"; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-20 - "Jagers Abschied von Walde" - Mendelssohn; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-20 - "Verlassen" - Komhat; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-21 - "Czardas" - F. Doppler - Arranger: V. Bach; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Alto Trombone from Ilka

BQ-22 - "Einleitung v. Jagdfanfare" -Unger; manuscript - Remarks: Introduction and Huntingfanfare, 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-23 - "Schafers Lonntags Lied" -Kreutzer; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-24 - "Gebet Uner Mutter" - Abt; manuscript- Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-25 - "Hymne" - von Sachsen; manscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horne, and trombone

BQ-25 - "Spinn Spinn" - Hugo Jungst; manuscript - 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-26 - "Waldandacht" - Abt; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-27 - "Noch Siud Die Tage Der Rosen" - Bumgartner; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-28 - "Fantasie Brillante" - Arban; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-29 - "Die Trane" - Witt; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-29 - "In Mai" - Jurguis; manuscript - Remarks: 2 trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-30 - "Gruisse Aus Der Heimat" -Kramer; manscript - 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-30 - "Liebesgedauken" -Franz; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-31 - "Allegro and Andantino" -Gluck; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-32 - "Lied Au Den Abendstern" -Wagner; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-33 -"Sonatine" -Kuhlau - Arranger: Dietzel; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-34 - "Allegro Giusto" -Marcheri - Arranger: Dietzel; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-35 - "Carnival of Venice" - Arranger: Dietzel; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-36 - "Jagdfanfare" -Schmidt ; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-37 - "Carry Me Back to Old Virginey" - Foster - Arranger: Dietzel; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-37 - "Drink to Me Only" - Arranger: Dietzel; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-38 - "O Sole Mio" - Arranger: Dietze; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-38 - "Die Ehre Gottes" - Composer: Beethoven - Arranger: Dietzel - Publisher: Manus - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-39 - "Auf Der Wacht" - Diering; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and trombone

BQ-40 - "Hungarian March" - Shubert - Arranger: Dietzel; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and trombone

BQ-40 - "O Tannenbaum" - Arranger: Dietzel; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-41 - "Rigoletto Fantasie" - Verdi - Arranger: Dietzel; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-42—"Das Treue Deutsche Herg" - Otto; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ- 42 - "Marguiret Reiders Morgengesang" - Wohlgemuth; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-43 - "Die Post Im Walde" - Schaffer - manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-44 - "Columbia Fantasie Polka" - Rollinson; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and trombone

BQ-45 - "Air Varie Lancelito" - Haase - Arranger: Dietzel; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-46 - "Presto" - F. Werner; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-47 - "Allegretto Quasi Allegro" - Werner; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-48 - "Polacca" - Wagner; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-49 - "My Ideal" - Tosti; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-50 - "Feh Grusse Dich" -Hartel; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-51 - "Lizzie Polka" -Hartmann; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-52 - "Hab'Ich Nur Deine Liebe" -Luppe; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-52 - "Stille Nacht"; manuscript- Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

BQ-53 - "Gebet Aus Lohengrin" - Wagner ; manuscript - Remarks: 2 Trumpets, Horn, and Trombone

Scores from the Library of Vincent Bach and Gilbert Mitchell

Oboe (BB34): "Mother Machree" E. Rall - "The Rosary" E. Nevin - "A Dream" Bartlett - "Serenade" GonnodBassoons (BB34): "Mother Machree" E. Rall - "The Rosary" E. Nevin - "A Dream" Bartlett - "Serenade" Gonnod1st solo Clarinet in Bb (BB34): "Mother Machree" E. Rall - "A Dream" Bartlett - "Serenade" Gonnod"Barcarole" J. Offenbach1st Clarinet in Bb (BB34): "Mother Machree" E. Rall - "A Dream" Bartlett - "Serenade" Gonnod - "Barcarole" OffenbachClarinet 2 & 3 in Bb (BB34): "Mother Machree" E. Rall - "The rosary" E. Nevin - "A Dream" Bartlett - "Serenade" Gonnod - "Barcarole" Offenbach2nd & 3rd Clarinet in Bb (BB34): "Mother Machree" E. Rall - "A Dream" Bartlett - "Serenade" Gonnod - "Barcarole" OffenbachFlute (BB34): "Mother Machree" E. Rall - "The Rosary" E. Nevin - "A Dream" Bartlett - "Serenade" Gonnod - "Barcarole" Offenbach2nd & 3rd Cornet in Bb (BB34): "Mother Machree" E. Rall - "The Rosary" E. Nevin - "A Dream" Bartlett - "Serenade" Gonnod - "Barcarole" OffenbachCorno 1 & 2 Alto (BB34): "Mother Machree" E. Rall - "A Dream" Bartlett - "Serenade" Gonnod - "Barcarole" OffenbachCorno 3 & 4 in Eb (Alto) (BB34): "Mother Machree" E. Rall - "The Rosary" E. Nevin - "A Dream" Bartlett - "Serenade" Gonnod - "Barcarole" OffenbachTrombone 1 & 2 (BB34): "Mother Machree" E. Rall - "The Rosary" E. Nevin - "A Dream" Bartlett - "Serenade" Gonnod - "Barcarole" Offenbach3rd Trombone (Bass Trombone) (BB34): "Mother Machree" E. Rall - "The Rosary" E. Nevin - "A Dream" Bartlett - "Serenade" Gonnod - "Barcarole" OffenbachBaritone (BB34): "Mother Machree" E Rall - "The Rosary" E. Nevin - "A Dream" Bartlett - "Serenade" Gonnod - "Barcarole" OffenbachBasses (BB34): "Mother Machree" E. Rall - "The Rosary" E. Nevin - "A Dream" Bartlett - "Serenade" Gonnod - "Barcarole" OffenbachDrums (BB34): "Mother Machree" E. Rall - "The Rosary" E. Nevin - "A Dream" Bartlett - "Barcarole" Offenbach2nd & 3rd Cornet in Bb (BB34): Empty1st Clarinet in Bb (BB34): Empty1st & solo Clarinet in Bb (BB34): Empty1st solo Cornet in bb (BB34): Empty

Series 5 - Correspondence

The material in these two boxes consists of musical scores, song books and other items donated by Gilbert H. Mitchell (LCol. Retired), to the International Trumpet Guild. Other Mitchell material is housed in the University of Maryland Archives. Their finding aid on him says, in part, "As a cornettist, conductor and educator, Gilbert H. Mitchell, Jr. (b. 1925) has been involved with numerous ensembles. His career began in 1943, at the age of 18, when he substituted with the Radio City Music Hall Symphony Orchestra and began to work with Leopold Stokowski and the New York City Symphony. Drafted into the Army in 1946, he began an illustrious career as a cornettist and conductor with the United States Army Band "Pershing's Own." He co-founded the Army Herald Trumpets and coordinated music for the state funeral of President John F. Kennedy." The materials in this series are extremely fragile and need to be re-foldered.

Gil Mitchell Collection (SC 2)-Box 1

The Gloria Trumpeters Scores

The Gloria Trumpeters were a trumpet quartet lead by Mrs. Katherine Rankin Williams. The other members were Daisy Ancock, Roberta Hogan and Cody Roberts. Their music is in an envelope from LCol. Gilbert H. Mitchell addressed to Professor Stephen G. Jones of the School of Music of Western Michigan University. The music includes:

"Hallelujah Chorus" Handel

"Unfold Ye Portals": 1st Cornet, 2nd cornet, 1st Trombone, 2nd Trombone,

"Coronation March" Meyerbeer: 1st cornet, 2nd cornet, 3rd Cornet, 4th cornet

"The chorales from the Passion of Our Lord According to Saint Matthew Set for Music by John Sebastian Bach": 1st Trumpet, 2nd Trumpet, 3rd Trumpet, Bass Trumpet

"America the Beautiful": 1st cornet, 2nd cornet, 1st Trombone, 2nd Trombone

"The Robin sings in the Apple Tree" MacDowell - "Thy Beaming Eyes" MacDowell - "Bay State Commandery" W.F. Burrell - "Polonaise in D Major" Beethoven -

"Ballet Music from Rosamunde" Shubert: 1st cornet, 2nd Cornet, 3rd cornet, 4th cornet

"Liebestraume" Franz Liszt: 1st cornet, 2nd cornet, 3rd cornet, 4th cornet

"Parade of the Tin Soldiers" Jessel: 1st cornet, 2nd cornet, 3rd cornet, 4th cornet

"To a Wild rose" MacDowell: 1st cornet, 2nd cornet, 3rd cornet, 4th cornet

"Swedish Coronation March" Svendsen

Katherine Williams Manuscripts

Other items in the Mitchell material includes:

A Musician Merely, by Gil Mitchell, 1999 This is a copy of Mitchell self-published autobiography.

"The Ernest S. Williams Modern Method for Trumpet or cornet", copyright: MCMXXXVI, MCMXXXVII

"The Secret of Technique-Preservation for Trumpeters and cornetists" by Ernest S. Williams, Copyright 1946

"Ideal collection of Famous Cornet solos" Written by Levy-Liberati-Emerson-Hartmann-Bennett, and Others

"Concerto # 6, Allegro, andante Mesto, Allegro Assai, for Cornet or Trumpet and Piano" by Ernest S. Williams, Copyright MCMXXXVIII

"Famous Cornet solos With Piano Accompaniment" by Ernest S. Williams and Walter M. Smith, Copyright MCMXXXVI (2 copies)

"Concert # 5, Allegro Moderato, Largo, Allegro Ma Non Troppo, for Cornet, Trumpet, Bassoon, Cello, Baritone or Euphonium and Piano" by Ernest S. Williams, Copyright 1938

"Modern Method for Trumpet and cornet" by Ernest S. Williams

"Hurry, Hurry" Solo for Trumpet or cornet in Bb, by Marinus Komst, 1955

"Carnival of Venice, Fantasia Brillante", Solo for Bb cornet (Trumpet), Baritone, (or Euphonium) or Eb Alto Saxophone with Piano Accompaniment, by Del Staigers, Copyright MCMXXVIII

"Willow Echoes" Solo for Cornet by Frank Simon, Copyright 1920

"Hungarian Melodies" Cornet (or Baritone) solo by Vincent Bach, Copyright MCMXXIX

"Third concertino Solo for Cornet or trumpet with Piano accompaniment" by Ernest S. Williams, Copyright MCMXLI

"Fascination Solo for Cornet or Trumpet with Piano Accompaniment" by Ernest S. Williams, Copyright MCMXXXVIII

"Sonata for Piano and Trumpet or cornet" by Ernest S. Williams, Copyright MCMXLII

"Contempora Suite" by Gordon Young, Copyright 1956

"Weihnachts - Album", Edition Wernthal # 351

"Brass Quartet or Choir...Presentation" by William Costello, Playable...with 4 Trumpets, co/1936

"Polnisches Lied" von Carl Burow fur Pianoforte, Arrangiert von Richard Thiele

"Handolinenstandchen" Aus Der Komischen Oper Der Zaukonig, Music von Bernh Triebel

"The Ernest S. Williams Modern Method for Transposition" by Ernest S. Williams, co/MCMXXXVIII

"Tonstucke fur cornet-a-Pistons" von Adolf Garn

"Introduction und Polka op. 5 Notturno op. 6" Fur Cornet a Pistons mit Orchester oder Pianoforte, von Adolf Garn, 1898

"Tonstucke fur cornet-a-Pistons" von Adolf Garn, "Standchen", 5-4-1898

"Fantasie und Variationen uber ein Originalthema fur Cornet a Piston, mit Begleitung des Pianoforte", by Carl Hohne, 1899

"The Victory" by William Jaeger in "original cornet Solos with Piano Accompaniment" by William Jaeger, co/MDCCCXCVIII

"Fantasie" by Robert Kietzer, Cornet a Pistons mit Piano, Hern Wilhem Wurm Solist Sr. Majestat des Kaisers von Russland

"Klange aus Russland, Russian Airs" von Rob Kietzer, fur Cornet a Pistons, co/1891

"The Eclipse Polka" by Hermann Koenig, Composed and Dedicated to Augustus B. Hankey

"The Rataplan Polka" by Hermann Koenig

"O Maria romance" by Carl Kolling in Solo-Piecen fur Cornet a Piston, aus dem Concert Repertoire des Piston-Virtuosen Theod. Hoch

"Fantasie uber das Amerikanische Volkslied Yankee doodle fur Cornet a Pistons" by Johan D. Kok

"Heimathsklange, Fantasie uber das Lied: Hoch von Dachstein fur Cornet a Piston" von Wilhem Finsterbusch

"Fantasien fur Cornet a Piston" von J. Kosleck, "Concert-Arie", 5-3-1998

"Der Rattenfanger" by Robert Engelhardt

"Unter dem Lindenbaum" von F. Eberle op.7

"Gladys Polka" Cornet Solo with Piano Accompaniment by Walter Emerson, co/1891

"Thema and Variationen uber Ungarische Melodien" by Eckhard

"Ungarische Variationen, Solo Trompete in B" by C. Eghardt

"Elegie" by A. Dargomischsky in Uebertragungen fur Cornet a Pistons mit Begleitung des Pianoforte von Wilhelm Wurm

"L'Elegante Polka" by Damare in Select Solos for Wind Instruments with Piano Accompaniment

"Grand Fantasie Old folks at Home" by J.O. Casey in Artistic Cornet solos with Accompaniment for Piano Forte

"Beim Mutterlein" by S. Breu in Werke fur Cornet a Piston, 4-22-1898

"Brown Autograph Polka for Solo Cornet and Piano" by J.O. Casey, co/1886

"The Meadow Lark, Polka Brillante" by J.O. Brockenshire, co/1898

"Ich Mocht'so Gern Dein Eigen Sein" by Johann Brandl, 6-14-1998

"Fantasie uber das Trinklied Im Tiefen Lekker" by F. Kroepsch

"Der Wirthin Tochterlein, the Landlady's Little Daughter, Ballade" by C. Kreutzer in Werke fur Cornet a Piston mit Pianoforte

"Das Mailufter" by W. Finsterbusch in Le Cornet au Salon

"Abschied" by Ch. Frehde in Trancriptions und Compositionen fur das Cornet, co/October 18, 1898

"Am Neckar, am Rhein" by Chr. Frehde in Werke fur cornet a Piston, 1898

"Am Wasserfall" by Ch. Frehde in Transcriptions und Compositionen fur das Cornet

"Erwachen des Fruhlings" by Ch. Frehde in Transcriptions und Compositionen fur das Cornet

"Grand Polka di Bravura" by Ch. Frehde in Solo Piecen fur Cornet a Piston

"Gott Grufs Dich, Deutscher Rhein" by Ch. Frehde in Transcriptions und Compositionen fur das Cornet

"Nicht fur Jeden" by Carl Hohn, 1899

"Romance, Vor der Gottes Au" by Ch. Frehde in Transcriptions und Compositionen fur das Cornet, 1898

"Excelsior, Polka Brillant" by Edouardo Frewin

"Fantasie" by Adolf Garn in Tonstucke for cornet a Pistons, 5-4-98

"Notturno op.6" by Adolf Garn in Introduction und Polka fur cornet a Pistons mit Orchester oder Pianoforte

"Die Laubertrompete, Schutzen-Polka" by J. Val. Hamm

"Grand Fantasia Polka Stella" by R. B. Hall in Select Cornet Solos and Encore Pieces with Piano Accompaniment, co/1889

"O Schone Zeit, O Sel'ge Zeit" by Carl Gotze in Ausgewahlte Werke fur cornet a Pistons Oder B Trompete, November 4, 1998

"Grand Fantasie Fatherland" by J. Hartmann in Arbuckle's Solos for Cornet a Piston with Piano Accompaniment, 11-26-1897

"An Die Trompeter Cavatine" by E. Hasselmann in Ausgewahlte Werke fur Cornet a Pistons oder Trompete

"Cavatine # 2" by E. Hasselmann in Solo-Cuch fur Trompete, Cornet a Pistons

"Le Secret, Polka Brillante" by John Hazel in The artists Repertoire for the Cornet with Piano Accompaniment, co/MDCCCXCIII

"Kaiserlob 7te Cavatine" by Carl Kruger in Ausgewahlte Werke fur cornet a Pistons Oder B Trompete

"Bravour-Arie" by E. Hasselmann in Ausgewahlte Werke fur Cornet a Pistons Oder Trompete

"Erinnerung an Wien Cavatine # 8" by E. Hasselmann in "Ausgewahlte Werke fur Cornet a Pistons Oder Trompete"

Gil Mitchell Collection (SC 2) - Box 2

"Le Retour du Printemps" by Olivier Lebierre, Concert-Polka fur Cornet a Pistons

"Star of England Polka" by Antony Lamotte

"Album de Salon" pour Cornet a Pistons avec Accompagnement de Piano, Heirich Wahls

"The Villette Polka" with cornet Accompaniment by Alfred Boulicourt

"Im Norden im Suden" by M. Bergson, Cornet a Piston in B Solo

"The Staccato Polka for Cornet & Piano" by Bonnisseau

"Liebesleid (Love's sorrow)" by Fritz Kreisler, Arrangement for Brass Instruments with Piano Accompaniment by Erik Leidzen, co/1945

"My Old Kentucky Home" by Edwin Franko Goldman for bb Cornet or Trumpet/Baritone with Piano Accompaniment, co/MCMXIV

"Album de Salon pour cornet a Pistons avec Accompagnement de Piano, Heinrich Wahls

"Albumblatt, Lied Ohne Worte fur solo-Trompete" by Otto Girschner in Solo-Piecen fur Cornet a Piston, 1899

"Stern von Helgoland, Serenade" by Ferdinand Sabathil in "Solostucke, Schul-und Studien-Werke"

"Schone Erinnerung Polka fur Piston-Solo" by Ferdinand Sabathil

"Arie a.d. op. Der Barbier v. Sevilla" by Rossini in "Sammlung Ausgewahlter Soli's fur Cornet a Piston Oder Trompete", 1899

"Air Varie" by P. rode in "Werke fur Cornet a Piston"

"Il Canto Italiano" by Gustavo Rossari in Cornet Solos with Piano Accompaniment, co/1883

"Die Post im Walde" von H. Schaffer fur Cornet mit Begleitung des Pianoforte

"Albumblatt" Album Leaf, by W. Schonicke

"Der Flotte Ulan Polka" by H. Scheele

"Auld Lang Sygne, Grand Fantasia" by John Hartmann in Select Cornet Solos with Piano Accompaniment

"Fascination" Solo for Cornet or Trumpet with Piano Accompaniment by Ernest S. Williams, co/MCMXXXVIII

"Osseo Fantasia" by Ernest S. Williams in Little classics for cornet or Trumpet, co/1946

"The Adirondacks Polka" by Ernest S. Williams in Little Classics for cornet or Trumpet with Piano Accompaniment, co/MCMXLVI

"The Catskills Polka" by Ernest S. Williams in Little Classics for Cornet or Trumpet with Piano Accompaniment, co/MCMXLVI (2 copies)

"Wanatuska March" by Ernest S. Williams in Little Classics for cornet or Trumpet with Piano Accompaniment, co/MCMXLVI (2 copies)

"Chemung Rondino" by Ernest S. Williams in Little Classics for cornet or Trumpet with Piano Accompaniment, co/MCMXLVI

"Chenango Schottisch" by Ernest S. Williams in Little Classics for Cornet or Trumpet with Piano Accompaniment, co/MCMLXVI (2 copies)

"Temecula Waltz" by Ernest S. Williams in Little Classics for Cornet or Trumpet with Piano Accompaniment, co/MCMXLVI

"The Adirondacks Polka" by Ernest S. Williams in Little Classics for Cornet or Trumpet with Piano Accompaniment, co/MCMXLVI

"Concertone" by Ernest S. Williams in Little Classics for Cornet or Trumpet with Piano Accompaniment, co/MCMXLVI

"Winema Waltz" by Ernest S. Williams in Little Classics for Cornet or Trumpet with Piano Accompaniment, co/MCMXLVI

"Mitena Waltz" by Ernest S. Williams in Little Classics for Cornet or Trumpet with Piano Accompaniment, co/MCMXLVI (2 copies)

"Du Hast was Liebes in den Augen" by C. Stolberg in Der Trompeter

"Arie a.d. Oper: Die Puritaner" by V. Bellini in Werke fur Cornet a Piston

"German Fantasia" by Herman Bellstedt, Jr in Selected Compositions for Cornet and Piano, co/MCMVIII

"Serenade (Berceuse)" by Ch. Gounod pour cornet a Piston ou Bugle avec Accompagnement d'Orchestre ou de Piano, 1900

"Fruhlingszeit" by Reinhold Becker

"Sweet Sixteen Waltz" by R. Aronson in Select Solos for Cornet with Piano, co/MDCCCLXXX

"Noch Sind Die Tage der Rosen" by W. Baumgartner in Le Cornet au Salon

"Love me and the World is Mine" by E.R. Ball in The Witmark Popular Publications for Cornet and Piano, co/MCMVI

"Am Golf von Mexico" by Theodor Hoch

"Der Liebestraum Fantasie op. 17" by Th. Hoch in Solo-Piecen fur Cornet a Piston

"Fantasie" by Th. Hoch in Solo-Piecen fur Cornet a Piston

"In Old Berlin, Grosse Fantasie op.26" by Th. Hoch in Solo Piecen fir Cornet a Piston

"Fantasie Concertante" by Th. Hoch in Solo-Piecen fur Cornet a Piston

"Edelweiss vom Semmering" by Th. Hoch in Solo-Piecen fur Cornet a Piston,

"Gebet aus Lurline" by Ch. Frehde in Transcriptions und Compositionen fur das Cornet

"Grusse aus der Neuen Welt" by Th. Hoch in Solo Piecen fur Cornet a Piston

"Nachklange aus dem Zillerthal" by Th. Hoch in Solo Piecen fur Cornet a Piston

"Alexandra" by J. Levy, Original Melody for Cornet & Piano

"Variationen fur Piston in B" by W. Levermann in Solo-Piecen fur Cornet a Piston

"Das Heimweh" by W. Levermann

"Serenade Espagnole" by W. Levermann I Werke fur cornet a Piston

"Singvogelchen aus dem Thuringer-Wald, Fantasie" by Th. Hoch in Solo-Piecen fur cornet a Piston

"Superbo" by A.E. Warren in Solos for the Cornet with Accompaniment for the Piano, co/MDCCCXCV

""Sei Nicht Bos" by Carl Zeller, co/1894

"Hoch dem Kunstler Polka Brillant" by H. Weiss in Solo-Piecen fur cornet a Piston

"Adonis Polka" by George Wiegand in Arbuckle's solos for Cornet a Piston with Pianoforte Accompaniment, co/1877

"The Carnival of Venice" by J. Levy in Solo-Piecen fur Cornet a Piston

"The blue Bells of Scotland" by J. Levy, Arranged for Cornet and Piano

"Onteora" by Ernest S. Williams in Famous Cornet Solos with Piano Accompaniment, co/MCMXXXVI

"In Dixie" by Ernest S. Williams, co/1941

"Auld Lang Syne" by Walter B. Rogers, co/1936 (2 copies)

"Prelude and Scherzo" by Ernest S. Williams, Solo for Cornet or Trumpet with Piano Accompaniment, co/MCMXLI

"Miramar" by Ernest S. Williams, Solo for Cornet or Trumpet with Piano Accompaniment, co/MCMXLI

"Song my Prayer" by W.H. Squire, Cornet solo in Boosey's Military Journal, co/1920

"When the Swallows Homeward fly" by J. Levy, for cornet and Piano

"Russian Melody" by J. Levy, with Variations for cornet and Piano

"The Harp that Once Thro Taras Halls" by J. Levy, Arranged for cornet and Piano

"The Heart Bow'd Down" by M.W. Balfe, Solo cornet, Baritone, trombone and Saxophone, co/1889 (On envelop: Alfred Czarnecki)

"Willow Echoes" by frank Simon, Cornet Solo Published with Piano, Band and Orchestra Accompaniment, co/1920 (On envelop: Agnes Kinney, 3/9/24)

"The Lost Chord" by Arthur Sullivan, Solo for cornet, Baritone or Trombone, co/MCMXX (On envelop: Evelyn Irving, 3/30/29)

"The Three Bluejackets" by Ernest S. Williams, Trumpet or cornet Trio, co/ MCMXLII (On envelop: Frances Bernacki)

"Alpine Fantasy" Trio for Horns and Saxophones, by Erik Leidzen, co/1949 (2 copies)

"The Four Horsemen" Horn Quartet with Band or Piano Accompaniment, by David Bennett, co/MCMXLVIII

"Solitude" Ensemble Works for wind Instruments, by Carl bush, co/MCMXXXIV

"Evening Promenade" Ensemble Works for Wind Instruments, by Carl Bush, co/MCMXXXIV

"Symphony March Hall of Fame" Trumpet or Cornet Quartet, by Ernest S. Williams, co/MCMXXXVII (2 copies)

"Bolero" Trumpet or Cornet Quartet, by Ernest S. Williams, co/MCMXXXVII

"Silver Threads Among the Gold" Brass Quartette, by Danks, Arranged by George F. Briegel, co/MCMXXXI

"Hungarian Melodies" by Vincent Bach, co/MCMXXIX

"My Regards" Solo for cornet, Alto or Tenor Sax, Baritone or Trombone, or Xylophone, by Edward Llewellyn

"Gottlicher Wille. Lied Ohne Worte" by Chr. Frehde

"Gypsy Love Song" from "The fortune Teller", by Victor Herbert

"Sehnsucht" by v. Jos. Gung'l

"Der Erlkonig" Solo: Cornet a Piston in B, Troma in B, and Tenorhorn in B, by Fr. Schubert

"The Artists Cornet album # 1" Containing Celebrated Cornet Solos by Arban, Hartmann, Levy, and Other, co/1892

"The Artists Cornet Album # 2" Containing Celebrated Cornet solos by Arban, Hartmann, Levy and Other Eminent composers, co/1892

"The Artists Cornet Album # 3" Containing Celebrated Cornet solos by Arban, Hartmann, Levy, and Other, co/1892

"Ich Liebe Dich Wie Nichts auf Dieser Erden" by Paul Heinig

"Twelve Technical Studies for Cornet" by Herman Bellstedt, jr, co/MCMVI

"Werke Fur cornet a Piston"

"Gymnastics of the Cornetist Daily Exercises" by J.B. Arban, Professor at the Conservatory of Paris, co/1889

"Grofse Schule" fur Cornet a Piston und Trompete, by Julius Kosleck

"Embouchure Drills for the Cornet" Forty Progressive Exercises for Strengthening and Developing the Lips, by Emil Kuntzsch, co/MCMVII

"Six Studies for the cornet a Piston" by J. Levy

"Twelve Studies for the Cornet a Pistons" by J. Forestier

"La Mia Sperenza" by A. Liberati in Classic Cornet Solos with Piano Accompaniment

"Remembrance of Switzerland' by A. Liberati in Classic Cornet Solos with Piano Accompaniment, co/1884

"Canzona Napolitana" by A. Liberati in Classic Cornet solos with Piano Accompaniment, co/1881

"Werke fur Cornet a Piston, Trompete oder Flugelhorn"

"Uebungen fur B Trompete zur Erlangung Grosserer Fertigkeit im Gebrauche der Ventile" by v. M. Carl

"Intermezzo Sinfonico" aus der Oper: Cavallaria Rusticana, cornet a Pistons in B, by P. Mascagni

"The Cornet Polka" by Arban, composed and Performed at M. Jullien's Concerts

"Fantasie uber Da Streiten Sich die Leut' Herum" by Albert Neibig (2 copies)

"Romanze aus der Oper: Dinorah" by Meyerbeer

"Vieille Chanson" by F. de Suppe in Transcriptions Brillantes pour cornet a Pistons avec Accompagnement de Piano par Guill. Popp

"Romanze" solo fur Posaune, Tenorhorn od. Cornet a Piston, by A. Parlow

"Ewig Dein, Mein Susses Lieb!" by M. Peuschel in Der Trompeter

"Diploma Polka" by J.S. Cox in Arbuckle's Solos for Cornet a Piston with Pianoforte Accompaniment

"My Lodging's on the cold Ground" and "Gaily the Troubadour" Popular Airs in Cornet and Piano

"Three Star Polka" for cornet and Piano, by E.M. Bagley, co/1884

"Liebesbotschaft" Polka fur Cornet a Pistons, by J. Resch

"Die Schone Berlinerin" Concert Polka, by Th. Adam

"Une Perle de L'Ocean" Fantasie for Piston, by C. Otterer

"Lizzie Polka" for Piston with Piano, by John Hartmann, co/1898

"The Warrior Dream" by D.S. MeCosh in Solos & Fantasie for the Cornet with an Accompaniment for the Piano (4 copies)

"The Reception Polka" Cornet solo, by J.O. Casey, co/1894

"Thuringer Volkslied" Arr. Von Theodor Hoch

"Nearer My God to Thee" Amerikanisches Volkslied, Cornet a Piston, Arr. V. Th. Hoch

"O! Sagt's Ihr, Dass Ich Sie Liebe" Arr. V. Th. Hoch

"Standchen" fur Cornet a Piston m. Pianof.-Begleitung, von C. Latann

"Des Maschen's Klage" Lied von Fr. Shubert, Arr. V. Th. Hoch

"Romanze" for Cornet a Piston, Oder Tenor-Posaune, by J. Kosleck in Fantasie fur cornet a Piston

"Gottlicher Wille" Cornet solo in B, by Chr. Frehde

"O du Mein Holder Tannhauser" aus R. Wagner's Tannhauser fur Cornet a Piston und clavier von J. Koslek

"Variation Brillantes" Cornet a Pistons in B Solo, by Fr. Hering

"Abschieds-Standchen" B Trompete, by W. Herfurth

"If Only You Were Mine" from the singing girl, by Victor Herbert, co/MDCCCC

"Adagio Religioso" by Adolf Garn

"Superbo" by A.E. Warren in Solos for the Cornet with Accompaniment for the piano, co/MDCCCXCV (2 copies)

"Le Postillon Amoureux" Polka de concert pour la Trompette en Fa ou cornet a Pistons en cib, by Edm. Neumann

"Auf der Alp!' Grosse Fantasie fur cornet a Piston, by J. Kosleck

"Concertino fur Cornet a Pistons" Cornet a Pistons Solo, by H. Blattermann

"Zwei Seelen und ein Gedanke" Concert Polka, by Hermann, Plfug

"Caprice et Variations" pour Saxhorn ou Cornet a Pistons avec Accompagnement de Piano, by J.B. Arban

"Clover Leaf" Polka Cornet and Piano, by J.O. Casey, co/1886

"Gruss An's Herzliebchen" Polka for Piston and Pianoforte, by v. W. Bohme

"Still Ruht der See" by Richard Hofmann

"Largo" Aria, by G.F. Handel in Kompositionen und Ubertragungen fur cornet A Pistons

"Annie Laurie a la Moderne" Cornet solo or cornet Trio with Piano Accompaniment, by Cuyler Hershey Leonard, co/MCMXL

"The Triumvirate" Trumpet or cornet Trio with Piano Accompaniment, by Ernest S. Williams, co/MCMXXXVII

"Orion" Trio for Cornet or Trumpet with Piano Accompaniment, by Ernest S. Williams, co/MCMXXXVII

"Doubting Lovers" by E. Lassen in Whites of Cornet Duets with Piano accompaniment, co/1890

"Die Perlen" Concert-Polka, by H. Kling

"The Two Brass Men" Polka, by Lamy in Select Solos for the Cornet with Piano

"Reverie" by Claude Debussy - "Emma-Polka" fur Cornet a Piston in B, by W. Schleidt

"Had I but Known" by H. Wakefield smith, co/MCMVII

"Die Teufelszunge" Bravour-Polka, by H. Schmidt

"Souvenir de Geneve" Concert-Polka Brillante, by Paul Seelmann

"Liebesgestandniss" Lied fur Cornet a Piston Oder Posaune, by Julius Schreck

"The surf Polka" by F. Steinhauser in Arbuckle's Solos for Cornet a Piston with Pianoforte Accompaniment, co/1880

"Kirchen" Arie aus Stradella, by bearb. Von Ad. Stiegler

"Fransesca Polka" Solo for Cornet, Trombone or Baritone, by W.E. Strong

"Mandolinen Serenade" by Louis Varney, co/1899

"Superbo" Solos for the cornet with Piano Accompaniment, by A.E.Warren, co/MDCCCXCV (4 copies)

"Introduction, Thema und Variationen" cornet a Piston in B, by Berthold Richter

"Gypsy Love Song" from the Fortune Teller, Cornet Solo, by Victor Herbert, co/MDCCCC

"Das Grab auf Der Haide"Ballade, by W. Heiser in Transcriptions und Compositionen fur das Cornet

"O Lieb Sei Mein!" by W. Heiser in Lieder-Garten

"Das Mutterherz" cornet a Pistons in B, by Carl Hennig, co/1899

Series 5 - Correspondence

According to an article published in the New Amberola Graphic, No. 64 in April of 1988, Edna Chandler White was born in 1891, and received her first cornet lesson on her seventh birthday. She made her Carnagie Hall debut at the age of 9, playing a solo piece by Rossini. She entered the Julliard at age 13 and graduated at the age of 15, but under New York state laws of the time one had to be 16 to receive a bachelor's degree. She had to wait 80 years for Julliard to send her a diploma. She went on to become one the first female stars of vaudeville. The title of her autobiography is The Night the Camel Sang: A True Romance of Vaudeville, published in 1990. A fuller biography is available on the blog archives of Susan Fleet.

Edna Chandler White (SC3) - Box 1

"Suite for Trumpet and Orchestra" Edna White A.S.C.A.P. Piano Reduction by S.L. Schaffner, 1983


"Suite for Trumpet and Orchestra" Edna White Chandler, A.S.C.A.P., Orchestration by Steven Schaffner

"Suite for Solo Trumpet with Symphony" by Edna White Chandler, Arranged by Steven L. Schaffner

"On Taming the Devil's Tongue" by Edna White, Pointers for today's Aspiring Virtuoso

"On Taming the Devil's Tongue" by Edna White, Pointers for today's Aspiring Virtuoso & Artist's Edition Cassette, 1982

"A Premier Year" Forty First Season the Pioneer Valley Symphony, 1980

"My America" by Douglas & Edna White Chandler, 1967

"Suite for Trumpet and Orchestra" by Edna White, A.S.C.A.P. 1979, Study copy of conductor's Score

Newspaper Greenfield Recorder, Greenfield Massachusetts, July 21, 1984, "Another High Note" Trumpeter Chandler Receives Juilliard Diploma

"Suite for Trumpet and Orchestra" by Edna White, Orchestral Score Masters (Revised Version)

"Trumpet Suite, Piano accompaniment", Original of Piano Reduction of Schaffner's Arrangement of Suite Cond., 1979 (Suite for Trumpet & Orchestra) 2 copies

"Suite for Trumpet & Orchestra": Orchestra Set (Revised Set):2 flutes I & II2 Oboes I & II2 Clarinets I & II2 Bassoons I & II2 Horns I & II2 Horns III & IV2 Trumpets I & II1 Trumpet I2 Trombones I & II1 Trombone III1 Tuba2 Percussions1 Timpani1 Harp6 violins I6 violins II5 Violas5 Cellos4 Bass

Edna Chandler White (SC3) - Box 2 (Oversized)

"Suite for Solo B Flat Trumpet and Symphony", Conductor's Score

This is the original MS Suite for Trumpet & Orchestra Bb, co/1979, Edna White Chandler, conductor's Score. The Orchestra Parts (See 1983 Revision by composer) are in Box 1 of this series.

Oversized Sheet Music Box The contents of this box are filed by the original series, box and folder numbers, with the exception of the last three items, which were not filed in another place.

Series 6 - Committees - Commissions & Recordings - Sheet Music

Box 3 - Folder 1 - "Trumpet Triptych" by Samuel Adler, 1979Box 3 - Folder 6 - "Concerto for Trumpet and Wind Orchestra" by Bernhard Heiden, 1981Box 3 - Folder 8 - "Incontri for 24 Trumpets in 4 Groups" by Benno Ammann, 1984

Box 4 - Folder 6 - "Concerto for Trumpet and Orchestra" by William Schmidt, VI, 1986Box 4 - Folder 10 - "Praise the Trumpet" by Bernard Van Beurden, 1991Box 4 - Folder 12 - "The Silk House Tattoo / The Silk House Antiphonies" by Harrison Birtwistle, 1998

Series 6 - Committees - Competitions - Compositions - Sheet Music

Box 8 - Folder 2 - "Movement for Trumpets and Organ" by James Dowdy, 1st Prize Winner, 1987

Box 8 - Folder 11 - "Trio Italiano for Trumpet, Horn and Trombone" by Mary Jeanne Appledorm, 2nd Prize Winner, 1996

Box 8 - Folder 12 - "Quintet for Trumpet in C and String Quartet" by James M. Brannigan, 1st Prize Winner, 1997

MC 236 - Special Collection 1 - Vincent Bach - BE-16 - N.Kubli "Daily Drill for building a proper embouchure on Trumpet and Cornet" by N. Kubli, 1939

Item 1 - Layout for Special Suppliment to ITG Journal, May 1987 This supplement consisted of the music for Mel Broiles' composition, "Blazing Trumpets", 1987Item 2 - Sheet Music for "Direction. 'Moskwa' Romanze fur Tromba-solo" von Decker-Schenk, stamped "Vincent Bach, Cornet Virt6uoso".Item 3 - Transparency of the ITG Trumpet Logo

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