vii |
1 |
"The History of Public Education in Georgia
by Eugene P. Walker, DeKalb County School System and Georgia State Senate |
"'Until Calm Reflection Should Take the Place of Wild Impulse': George E. Pickett and
the Hanging at Kinston, North Carolina, February 1964
by Leslie Jill Gordon-Burr, University of Georgia |
19 |
"Unassuming Valor: Sergeant William H. Carney and the Awarding of the Medal of Honor
by Curtis A. Mauldin, West Georgia College |
46 |
"Critical Pedagogy: Briefs as a Social Science Instructional Tool
by Marva Strickland, Dekalb College |
81 |
"Using Film to Teach the Vietnam War
by Richard F. Welch, Kennesaw State College |
98 |
"Teaching the Vietnam War, a Critique
by Robert L. Patterson, Armstrong State College |
115 |
"The Challenge of a Memoir in Biographical Research: Eugene Bullard's All Blood Runs
by Craig Lloyd, Columbus College |
126 |
"The Rise and Fall of Convict Labor in the Central Georgia Lumber Industry
by Mary Ellen Wilson, Middle Georgia College |
146 |
"Thomas Lee Bailey, a Small Town Editor in Middle Georgia During the Age of Progressivism
by Bernadette K. Loftin, Emerita, Middle Georgia College |
174 |
"Renaissance Humanism and Free Will: Embracing the Risks of Freedom
by Ann T. Engram, Darton College |
195 |
"John Locke as an Effective Defender of Liberty
by Isaiah Azariah, Albany State College |
214 |
"A Japanophile's Approach to Aggression: William Castle and the Manchurian Crisis
by Barney J. Rickman, III, Valdosta State College |
222 |
"Marx and Hicks on the Economic Stages of Human History: Explanations of the Strange
Rise of an Economiclly Dynamic Society
by Daniel Klenbort, Morehouse College |
224 |
"A Critique of the Articles by Rickman and Klenbort
by Edward S. Krebs, Georgia State University |
245 |
"Resources and Strategies for Teaching About the Middle East, Panel Summary
by Robert Claxton, West Georgia College |
248 |
"The Great Gold Rush Revival: Georgia's Second Gold Rush
by David Williams, Valdosta State College |
253 |
"Incorporating Vietnam into a World History Course
by Sylvia Krebs, DeKalb College |
255 |
"American Methodists and Alcohol
by Raymond P. Cowan, DeKalb College |
256 |
Martin I. Elzy, Jimmy Carter Library |
258 |
Richard B. Russell Memorial Library |
259 |
Jimmy Carter Library |
265 |
268 |
Linda Piper, University of Georgia |
Officers of the Georgia Association of Historians |