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The Geri Davis Art Scholarship - Columbus State University

Department of Art

Study art in a community of creative learners.

The Geri Davis Art Scholarship

Geri Davis, smiling in a camp chair on the sidewalk with easels and art supplies nearby
Geri Davis

Geri Davis was a wonderful artist and beloved teacher of the arts. She has taught at St. Ann Pacceli Catholic School for many years shaping their talents. Among her students is the world renowned Amy Sherald. She initiated several workshops for the community and personally invited dozens of students to participate at her own expense. She also attended the CSU Department of Art’s many visiting artist workshops including Silverpoint Drawing, Oil Paint Making, Printmaking, Drawn to Horses, Drawn to Movement, and Drawn to Landscapes.

She has been an integral part of Friends Of Art since the beginning and has been a wonderful advisor to all in the Department of Art. We wish to honor her kindness and artistic spirit with “The Geri Davis Art Scholarship.” This scholarship will fund students to participate in workshops all around the world. Examples include: The New York Academy of the Arts summer program, Anderson Ranch Art Center, Penland School of the Crafts, Arrowmont School of Arts and Craft, and Bartlett Center Master Workshops, among others.

a painting of flowers
Painting by Geri Davis

How to Donate

If you wish to give to the Geri Davis Art Scholarship, you may use this link or mail a check. Checks should be made payable to "CSU Friends of Art" with "Geri Davis Art Scholarship" as the memo. Completed checks should be sent to:

CSU Department of Art
4225 University Avenue
Columbus GA, 31907

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