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Petty Cash Purchases - Columbus State University

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Office of Student Accounts

Picking Up and Returning Petty Cash

For organizations or departments who need petty cash to make small purchases of $200 or less which cannot be made by check or through ePro, please follow these steps to ensure that you are served as quickly as possible.

  • Obtain all signatures on the Kuali form for Students, or the Kuali form for Faculty/Staff. This includes departmental permission and signature, as well as a signature from the Purchasing Office in Richards Hall. If no one is available to sign in the Purchasing Office, please visit the Office of the Vice President for Business and Finance in Richards Hall for signature. We cannot issue your cash without a signed PO.
  • Please do not visit the Office of Student Accounts office to pick up funds until you have received an email that funds are ready.
  • Hours of Opening: 12:30pm - 1:30pm
    When you arrive, please sign in on the Enrollment Services tablet note Petty Cash in comment and wait to be called.
  • After you have made your purchase, you will need to return your receipt and any leftover cash to the Office of Student Accounts by 4pm the next business day.

If you have any questions, please email

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