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Executive College - Columbus State University

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Command College

Executive College

The Executive College is in association with Columbus State University Justice Administration Outreach and provides a program of study that goes beyond what is currently available in executive and management development courses, serving as a “graduate school” for executives. To meet the present and future training and educational needs of executives, the Executive College offers a study program that is distinctive, flexible, and comprehensive.

Program Design:

The Executive College brings together the leading thinkers in corporate and public management to provide executives with intense training in the best available management theory and practice, to render innovative solutions to organizational problems and to address important issues in managing their organizations effectively.

The program consist of seven core modules and five electives for a total of twelve modules.

Seven Core Module Topics:

  1. Effective Leadership
  2. Human Resource Management and Development
  3. Fiscal Management and Finance
  4. Legal Issues and Trends in Administration
  5. Strategic Planning and Policy Development in the 21st Century
  6. Dealing with Organizational and Management Realities
  7. Independent Research Project

Application and Appointment Procedures

Must currently be middle or upper fulltime management position in an organization with significant responsibilities in the areas of management of personnel, interpretation of policies, or supervision of other crucial organizational functions.

To apply, submit the following:

  • Completed enrollment application
  • Resume outlining in detail both educational training and professional experience.
  • Nomination from the head of the employing organization. (If the head of the organization is applying, the person to whom they report to in the chain of command must provide the nomination.)
  • Student must meet appropriate degree admission requirements for CSU.
  • A Letter of Recommendation is required for ranks below Captain.
  • Copy of POST training records


If applicant has a bachelors degree, he/she will enroll in the Master of Public Safety Administration degree program.

If applicant does not have a bachelors degree, he/she will not be eligible for the Master's program.

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