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V. Use of Information Technologies - Columbus State University

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College of Education and Health Professions

V. Use of Information Technologies

Quality Assurance System
Educator Preparation Programs

V. Use of Information Technologies CAEP: Cross-Cutting Theme for Technology, Standards 1.5, 3.3, 3.4, A.1.1, A.2.1, A.2.2, A.3.4

The unit uses several technology resources to collect and analyze data. These include: 1) Banner Student Information System (SIS) / Unit Data Dashboard, 2) the Georgia Professional Standards Commission’s Preparation Approval Annual Report (PAAR), 3) Title II data that is collected through the Georgia Professional Standards Commission's Traditional Program Management System (TPMS), 4) University Systems of Georgia (USG) BANNER "Z" System, 5) Tk20 -Watermark Assessment Solutions, 6) Georgia Professional Standards Commissions Online Data Resources, 7) Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators (GACE) portal, 8) the U.S. Department of Education Institutional and Program Report Card (IPRC), Taskstream Accountability Management System (AMS) -Watermark, and 9) Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) Annual Report/Accreditation Information Management System (AIMS). 

The Tk20 (Watermark) Assessment Solutions system is used to maintain most of the locally generated data on the key and course critical assessments for initial and advanced candidates. Each semester, faculty and university supervisors enter the Model of Appropriate Practice (MAP)/Graduate Model of Accomplished Practice (GMAP) and Dispositions (key assessments) ratings for candidates as well as course based critical assessment scores.  Summary data for all assessments in Tk20 (Watermark) can be accessed. For example, the summary MAP ratings for particular courses during a given term can be examined. Summary data allows for monitoring and supporting individual candidates as well as for accessing data sets to monitor and make needed changes in programs and units. 

Additionally, Banner SIS is used to provide faculty access to data on individual candidates, such as transcripts, schedules, test scores, profiles, and other information, as well as aggregated data based on requested queries. Faculty and students can access these data to monitor academic progress and for participation in advisement.

The Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) requires the submission of data through the Preparation Approval Annual Report (PAAR). PAAR collects and stores descriptive information about the preparing institution and professional education unit and also about each educator preparation program. The Associate Dean for Assessment and Accreditation is responsible for coordinating, collecting, analyzing, and submitting the required information for the PAAR Report. That information is provided to faculty and administrators through the university intranet. Additionally, some of the PAAR data as well as aggregated data are made available to faculty, administrators, and the public through the unit and program Annual Facts and Figures Reference Data Publications that are published on the college’s web page. These data assist in program and unit reviews.

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