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VI. Procedures for Data Collection, Analysis, and Use - Columbus State University

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College of Education and Health Professions

VI. Procedures for Data Collection, Analysis, and Use

Quality Assurance System Educator Preparation Programs

VI. Procedures for Data Collection, Analysis, and Use CAEP: Standard 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.3, 4.4, Advanced

Data collected at the various transition points are compiled, analyzed, and used to monitor student progress throughout the  program and support continuous improvement. Using results from the key assessment outlined in Part IV of the Quality Assurance System, the Associate Dean for Assessment and Accreditation leads a team [the COEHP Assessment Council] in collecting, analyzing, and reporting aggregate candidate data from program coordinators, the Center for Quality Teaching and Learning, Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness, Georgia Professional Standards Commission, and University Student Information System (SIS)/Unit Data Dashboard.  This activity typically occurs in May, June, August, September, and October for the previous academic year; an ongoing college-wide activity that sustains a culture of continuous assessment and improvement throughout the college.

Program coordinators use these data for the Annual Program Reports. In these reports, faculty document program outcomes aligned with the institution’s purpose, assessment methods and criteria, assessment results (both key and course based critical assessments), and use of results. Data are shared with program faculty and the Program Advisory Council during the following academic year and used to guide decisions about the program.

Aggregate data for the unit and each program are compiled annually by the Associate Dean for Assessment and Accreditation and the COEHP Assessment Council. These data are presented in the COEHP Facts and Figures Reference Data Publications (FFRDP). The FFRDPs are available online at Department Fact Books.

Information in the FFRDP is reviewed and discussed by faculty during unit , department, and program data meetings. The facts and figures data are considered in planning and decision making, at both the program and unit levels, during the following year. In addition, the facts and figures data are shared with our partners (e.g., area superintendents, principals, teachers, and human resource directors).

A summary of the plan for assessing initial candidates at each of the key transition points is provided in the table below. The table also summarizes the process for collecting, aggregating, and analyzing data. Reference Chapter IV Transition Points (Gates) for more detailed information as well as information for assessing advanced (M.Ed. and Ed.S.) candidates and doctoral candidates at key transition points.

Transition Point Data Source Party Responsible for Collecting Data Party Responsible for Aggregating Data Party Responsible for Analyzing Data Parties to Whom Reports Are Provided
Admission to Teacher Education

Core Completion (bachelor's degree candidates only)

Grade in EDUC 2130 (bachelor's degree candidates only)

Minimum 2.5 GPA; cohort average 3.0 for CAEP admission criteria

Pass or exempt GACE Program Admission Assessment OR CAEP cohort national average criteria for SAT, ACT, etc.

Cleared Criminal Background Check

Take the GACE Ethics Exam - Score Not Consequential at this point

CAEP cohort average 3.0, CAEP Standard 3.2

University Student Information System (SIS)

Center for Quality Teaching and Learning

University Student Information System (SIS)

Center for Quality Teaching and Learning

Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness

Associate Dean for Assessment and Accreditation

Program Coordinators and Program Advisory Councils (program level)

Educator Preparation Faculty (unit level)

Associate Dean for Assessment and Accreditation

U.S. Department of Education

Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)

Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC)

U.S. News and World Report

Associate Dean for Assessment and Accreditation

Entry into Student Teaching

Minimum 2.5 GPA

C or better in professional courses

Coursework completion

MAP Evaluations

Dispositions Evaluations

University Student Information System (SIS)

Center for Quality Teaching and Learning

Program Coordinators

University Student Information System (SIS)

Center for Quality Teaching and Learning

Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness

Associate Dean for Assessment and Accreditation

Program Coordinators and Program Advisory Councils (program level)

Educator Preparation Faculty (unit level)

Associate Dean for Assessment and Accreditation

U.S. Department of Education

Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)

Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC)

Associate Dean for Assessment and Accreditation

Exit from Initial Program


MAP Evaluations

Dispositions Evaluations

Teacher Performance Assessment --edTPA

Student Teaching Survey

GACE Content Tests (passing scores required to recommend for certification but not required for program completion)

GACE Ethics Exam (passing scores required to recommend for certification but not required for program completion)

University Student Information System (SIS)

Center for Quality Teaching and Learning

Student Teaching Coordinator

Associate Dean for Assessment and Accreditation

University Student Information System (SIS)

Center for Quality Teaching and Learning

Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness

Associate Dean for Assessment and Accreditation

Program Coordinators and Program Advisory Councils (program level)

Educator Preparation Faculty (unit level)

Associate Dean for Assessment and Accreditation

U.S. Department of Education

Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)

Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC)

Associate Dean for Assessment and Accreditation


Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) Alumni Survey

Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) Employer Survey

Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC)

Associate Dean for Assessment and Accreditation

Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC)

Associate Dean for Assessment and Accreditation

Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC)

Educator Preparation Faculty

Associate Dean for Assessment and Accreditation

Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)

U.S. Department of Education

GaPSC PPEM Portal Access to Survey(s) Results: Dean, Associate Deans, Department Chair and Program Coordinator

Ways Data are Used/Time Frame

The Associate Dean for Assessment and Accreditation collects, analyzes, and reports aggregate (unit) candidate data from program coordinators, the Center for Quality Teaching and Learning, Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness, University System of Georgia, Georgia Professional Standards Commission, U.S. Department of Education, and the University Student Information System (SIS). This quality assurance activity typically occurs in May, June, August, and September for the previous academic year.

Regional SACS Reporting: Program coordinators use these data for the Annual Program Reports. In the program reports, faculty document program outcomes aligned with the institution's purpose, assessment methods and criteria, assessment results (both key and course critical assessments), and use of results.

Aggregate data for the unit and each program are compiled annually, or as needed, by the COEHP Assessment Council. The council is chaired by the Associate Dean for Assessment and Accreditation for analyses, trends, and reporting purposes and presented in the COEHP Facts and Figures Reference Data Publications. The publications are available online at Department Fact Books

Information in the Facts and Figures Reference Data Publications are reviewed and discussed by faculty during program, department, and the unit meetings AND considered in planning and decision making, at both the program and unit levels, during the following year.



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