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Conferences - Columbus State University

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Department of History, Geography, and Philosophy


Students studying History and Geography at Columbus State have a number of opportunities to present research at regional and national conferences. Both undergraduate and graduate students can take advantage of funding opportunities that the university provides via Student Research and Creative Endeavor grants, and professors will work closely to prepare students for the experience of presenting research to a wide audience.

Southeastern Division of the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting

A student presents a poster at the 2016 SEDAAG conferenceFor a number of years, Dr. Rees and Dr. Huff take undergraduate students studying geography at Columbus State to the annual meeting of the Southeastern Division of the Association of American Geographers (SEDAAG). The annual meeting's location rotates, but it is traditionally held in November of each year. It is attended by undergraduate, graduate, and faculty geographers from across the southeastern US, and also by those from other disciplines who are using the tools or skills of geographers for research within their own fields.

Presenting a poster at SEDAAG is a great opportunity for you to gain presentation experience and to have your research seen by a much wider audience.

Do you have an interesting project you've been working on in one of Dr. Rees' cultural or community geography classes? Has Dr. Spears made you very interested in a unique political ecology project that you'd like to pursue? Did the GIS skills you learned from Dr. Huff help you visualize a project from a history class that is worth presenting? SEDAAG is the place!

This page will be updated with additional information when the call for papers for the Fall 2018 conference is released.

Columbus State University Graduate Conference

The Dr. Gregory P. Domin Graduate Conference takes place each Fall semester at Columbus State, and allows our graduate students as well as graduate students from institutions throughout the region to give presentations on research at various stages of completion.

It is an excellent opportunity for students who are hoping to "workshop" early drafts of their thesis or, for those close to completing the degree, a chance to practice their presentation in preparation for their thesis defense.

More information can be found directly on the graduate school website.

This page will be updated with additional information when the call for papers for the Fall 2018 conference is released.

Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society Regional/National Conferences Dr. Ellisor and two students at a Phi Alpha Theta induction ceremony

The national history honor society, Phi Alpha Theta, hosts conferences for undergraduate and graduate students at both the state and national level. Each state holds an annual conference that's host institution rotates each year, while the national conference occurs every two years and allows students with exceptional research projects an ideal opportunity to present their work to a large specialist audience

The 2018 regional conference will be held at Georgia Tech during the Spring semester, with a date still to be determined.

The 2018 national conference will be held in New Orleans between January 3-6, 2018. Information on the national conference can be found here. Please contact Dr. Ellisor or Dr. Lynch if you have an interest in attending a future Phi Alpha Theta conference.

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