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Vocal Arts Prospective Students - Columbus State University

The Joyce and Henry Schwob School of Music

Vocal Arts Prospective Students

This page is designed to assist students interested in attending the Schwob School of Music as a vocal student. Below are helpful links outlining audition dates, audition requirements, and frequently asked questions. If a student wishes to schedule a visit or is having trouble completing on-line forms for auditions, they should contact the Schwob School of Music's Enrollment Coordinator, Mrs. Debra Tommey.

Campus Visit Information Spring 2025

  • Monday, January 13, 2025
  • Monday, February 10, 2025
  • Monday, March 10, 2025
  • Monday, April 21, 2025

Note: For scheduling a campus visit, please select one of the dates above and e-mail Dr. Joshua May at to let us know which date works best for you to attend our student shadow day experience at the Schwob School of Music with our students and faculty. Prospective students will get to meet our current students to attend classes, have a free trial lesson with a voice faculty member, tour of our facilities, and be part of our ensembles for the day. If one of these dates doesn‘t work for you, please let us know in your e-mail.

Audition Information 2024–2025vocal-into the woods

Audition Dates

  • Friday, January 24, 2025
  • Saturday, January 25, 2025
  • Friday, February 21, 2025
  • Saturday, March 1, 2025
  • Friday, March 14, 2025

Note: For Fall 2024 entrance, Spring 2025 entrance, or special audition times due to conflict, please email Dr. Joshua May at

Audition Requirements


BA, BM Vocal Performance Track, BM in Music Education:

  • Two contrasting art songs or one art song and one musical theater song.
  • Be prepared to sing major and minor scales, sight read a single line melody, and chant/count a rhythmic pattern.
  • You may bring a pianist or an accompanist will be provided for you at a fee.
  • Transfer students are REQUIRED to include a repertory list of all songs studied at the college level.

BM in Performance Musical Theatre Track:

  • One full length song in the Musical Theatre genre.
  • One cut of a contrasting song in the Musical Theatre genre between 30-60 seconds.
  • One 30-60 second monolog.
    • The song cut and monolog should not exceed 90 seconds.
  • Be prepared to sing major and minor scales, sight read a single line melody, and chant/count a rhythmic pattern.
  • Dance call submitted electronically to
  • Musical Theatre Choreography
  • Performance Resume
  • Headshot
  • You may bring a pianist or an accompanist will be provided for you at a fee.

Graduate Students and Artist Diploma: Students should prepare an audition that includes English, Italian, German and French. Along with the performance of the songs listed below, prospective students will also be asked to sight-read basic melodies in major and minor keys and chant/count rhythmic patterns. Students pursuing the MM in Vocal Performance and the Artist Diploma should bring a repertoire list and a performance resumé.

  1. Early English or Early Italian art song/aria
  2. German Lied
  3. French mélodie
  4. operatic aria
  5. 20th or 21st Century English Art Song

Musical Theatre Performance Certificate (MTC) Requirements

Application Documents

Apply to Columbus State University. Deadline is 4 weeks prior to your audition.

Sign up for a music audition through the Schwob School of Music website.

Honors Program Honors Scholarship and Admission Application Deadline for Scholarship application can be found on the Honors College webpage.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to audition?
Yes. Every music student MUST audition to be accepted into the music department. If you do not audition, you will not be able to take lessons or any music major course.

Am I allowed to schedule an audition if I am only conditionally accepted to Columbus State University?
It is best if you apply to the University at least 4 weeks prior to your audition date. You may schedule an audition as long as your materials are on file with the University Admissions and you have received a conditional acceptance. Most students will be conditionally accepted pending their final GPA and transcripts from their high school. If you have questions regarding your acceptance, please contact our Enrollment Coordinator, Mrs. Debra Tommey at 706-649-7224.

Where should I live?
All freshman are now required to live on campus unless they are a nontraditional student or live within a certain radius of the campus. It is best for music students to live in the RiverPark Housing. The dorms on RiverPark Campus are only one block from the music building, where a music student will be spending most of his/her day. Most music students will have only one or two classes on the main campus each semester either in the morning or evening hours. There is a shuttle that runs between campuses that makes traveling between campuses easy. The shuttle even has WIFI!

IMPERATIVE: Once you know you will be attending CSU, it is very important that you reserve a room on the RiverPark Campus as early as possible. Demand is growing for dorms on the downtown campus and some music students have been unable to secure one for their freshman year.

When should I visit?
It is best to visit when classes are in session so that you are able to see current students and classes in action. You will be able to attend classes with our current students, sit in on ensemble rehearsals, explore our campus with a guided tour, and have a trial lesson with one of our voice faculty members. We can schedule this visit with you and your family to come to campus. We encourage you to visit on a Monday, Wednesday, or Friday for the 2024 spring semester.

Who do I contact about scheduling a visit?
Please contact the voice area coordinator, Dr. Joshua May, via e-mail to schedule you campus visit.

When will I know if I am accepted into the Vocal Area?
Letters regarding your audition results should be received in mid April after our scheduled audition days are completed.

Will I be eligible for a Music Scholarship?
Students auditioning on or before April are automatically eligible for a music scholarship that would begin in the Fall of the following year. The last audition date for scholarship consideration is clearly marked in the Audition Dates above. If a student cannot attend our published audition dates, they should contact Dr. Joshua May at to schedule an audition time. Any audition heard after our last listed date for scholarship consideration will not be eligible for a scholarship.

When will I know if I received a music Scholarship?
Students will be notified of scholarship funds offered to them usually by mid April.  A letter with a contract will be sent outlining scholarships to each student's home address.

With whom will I study voice?
Students will be able to express their preference for a voice teacher when they receive their admission contracts in the mail in April. Students may rank the instructors with whom they would most like to study and return the preference card in the mail. Assignments will be made keeping student preference in mind. However, the vocal area cannot guarantee an incoming student he/she will work with a particular instructor because each instructor only has so many open slots to fill each year.

Do you have questions that were not answered here?
Contact Dr. Joshua May, voice area coordinator.

Ask Cody

Ask Cody