RN to BSN Online Program
Why choose Columbus State University's RN to BSN Online Program? This program is designed
for the registered nurse to complete a degree conveniently and efficiently while continuing
a career.
- Accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE)
- No commuting to campus
- 100% employment rate for graduates
- Asynchronous classes
- Highly qualified faculty members with various nursing backgrounds who facilitate learning
- The baccalaureate degree program in nursing is approved by the Georgia Board of Nursing. The baccalaureate degree program in nursing is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 655 K Street, NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001, 202-887-6791.
- Ranked among the top regional universities in the South by U.S. News & World Report with special recognition of its online programs in the College of Education and Health Professions
Student Handbook (see Resources page)
Accelerated and Convenient
- Can be completed in just 12 months
- Small, interactive classes offered in 8 week sessions
- Multiple admission windows per year
- Full or part-time enrollment options
- 100% online instruction in asynchronous format
- Community clinicals in your geographical area
Unmatched Student Support Services
- Embedded student success coaches
- Free online tutoring
- Dedicated RN student faculty advisor
RN to BSN Program Admission Requirements:
To be eligible for admission to the RN to BSN program at Columbus State University, students must:
- be admitted to Columbus State University.
- hold a valid nursing license in the state they plan to complete clinicals.
- have a minimum 2.5 GPA on all nursing prerequisite courses.
- be on good academic standing with all previously attended nursing programs.
How to Get Started:
Thank you for your interest in the online RN-BSN program. Here is what you need to
- Submit your application for admission to Columbus State University.
Be sure to select RN to BSN as your intended major. - Complete the RN-BSN Supplemental Information application.
*A Columbus State University application for admission must be completed prior to this step. - Submit all official transcripts to:
Columbus State University
Attention: Enrollment Services
4225 University Avenue
Columbus, Georgia 31907-5645 - Once accepted to CSU, email rnbsn@columbusstate.edu to set up an appointment with the RN to BSN advisor.
We look forward to helping you reach your academic goals!
Who is accepted into the RN-BSN Program?
The RN-BSN program track is designated only for Registered Nurses who are completing
a Bachelor of Science Degree (BSN) in Nursing.
What are the eligibility requirements for admission?
Candidates must hold a current valid Nursing License, overall grade point average
of 2.5, and be on good academic standing at all previous nursing programs attended.
The nursing grade point average is calculated in the School of Nursing and based only
on the required core courses. If your GPA is between 2.0 and 2.49, conditional admission
may be requested for the first session. The student must make a C or higher in the
courses during this session. Introduction to Statistics is a prerequisite for NURS
3195 Evidence Based Nursing. This prerequisite can be taken while in the program.
How do I apply to Columbus State University?
You can apply online to the RN-BSN program at Columbus State University. When applying, be sure to select
"RN-BSN" as your major. Please see our Apply Now section for detailed steps to admission.
Send official transcripts from all previously attended institutions as soon as possible.
What is the RN-BSN application deadline?
We accept three times per year (Fall, Spring and Summer). Please see the RN-BSN academic
calendar for specific dates.
Do I need a current Nursing License to be admitted?
You must have a current unrestricted license in the state you plan to complete your
clinicals as a Registered Nurse to enroll in the RN-BSN program. If the license is
limited or restricted, the potential applicant must disclose the terms of the consent
order and any restriction on practice as a condition of admission. The RN-BSN Admissions
and Progression Committee will review these students on an individual basis.
Do I need to be currently working in the nursing field to be eligible for this program?
Pre-admission testing is not required if the Registered Nurse has 1000 hours of clinical
nursing practice in the last 3 years. Registered nurses who have been professionally
inactive for four or more years will be required to validate nursing knowledge prior
to acceptance and enrollment in nursing coursework. Validation testing may include
standardized exams and/or clinical competencies and the student is responsible for
the cost of the test. The RN-BSN Admissions and Progression Committee will review
these students on an individual basis.
What if I graduated out of the country?
Candidates who are international graduates are required to have transcripts evaluated
such as by Josef Silny & Sons, Western Educational Services (WES), or Education Credential
Evaluators (ECE).
Transfer student - Currently, any transfer student that attended an unaccredited school would initiate
an appeal process in order for courses to transfer to Columbus State University. This
involves obtaining: syllabuses, course descriptions, and CVs from all instructors,
for each course a student wishes to appeal.
What would make me ineligible to enroll in the RN-BSN program?
Patterns of withdrawal from courses/schools, grades of D's and F's and retaking courses
several times and failing grades in science courses. Candidates that have been dismissed
from another nursing program, since graduating from their ASN program, for any reason
are ineligible for admission to the RN-BSN program.
Program Information
7 Year Policy – RN to BSN nursing courses expire after 7 years and you will need to earn your degree within a 7 year time frame.
Is the RN-BSN program full or part-time?
RN-BSN courses are offered in 7-week sessions, and students may attend either full
or part-time. Students will work with the nursing advisor to design a schedule that
best fits their needs.
Am I ever required to be on campus?
No. The RN-BSN program is completely online and a student can complete the entire
program from his/her own geographical location.
Do I have to be online at a certain time for class?
No. Classes in the RN-BSN program are asynchronous. In some courses, you may work
ahead of schedule to complete your module work at your convenience.
What textbooks are needed for the program?
Open Educational Resources (OERs) are used in all RN-BSN online courses, which are
digital textbooks available inside the course at no cost to the student.
How will I complete the clinical requirements for the program?
All clinical requirements are completed in NURS 4698 Senior Project. Students collaborate
with the faculty facilitator for that course to choose appropriate facilities to complete
the clinical assignments in this course. Projects and assignments are required to
complete the clinical course.
What is the Georgia RN-BSN Articulation Model?
Columbus State University supports the Georgia RN-BSN Articulation Model. The purpose
of this model is to facilitate the educational mobility of registered nurses who elect
to pursue a baccalaureate degree in nursing. RN-BSN students are awarded 32 nursing
credit hours after successfully passing the first nursing clinical course, NURS 3197
Professional Nursing Practice.
How are tests administered in the online courses?
All evaluation of learning are done via electronic submissions and/or testing in the
course management system.
What are the computer requirements for the RN-BSN online program?
Each student enrolled at Columbus State University is required to have ready access
throughout the semester to a notebook or desktop computer that meets faculty-approved
hardware and software requirements for the student's academic program. In addition,
each nursing student is required to have a webcam and a headset that has a microphone.
Also, each student is responsible for monitoring the Columbus State University issued
email address on a regular basis for official program communications from faculty
and administrators.
Specific computer skills required for this course include a mastery of basic computer
skills and software applications; online skills including basic proficiency with web
browsers, website navigation, search engines, and email communication. Attachment
of documents to the course assignment drop box, discussion pages, and email is a required
skill; and, basic familiarity with the Desire 2 Learn course management system.
Is this program authorized outside of Georgia?
Online nursing programs must seek State Authorization and Board of Nursing authorization
to offer programs in states outside of Georgia. It is important to verify authorization
status for your state prior to enrolling in the program or if you plan to relocate
while enrolled in the RN to BSN program.
Please visit the State Authorizations and Approvals[BROKEN LINK] page to see if this program is approved to be offered in your state. For questions
regarding state authorizations, please contact the CSU State Authorizations office
at state_authorization@columbusstate.edu.
What about joining ROTC at Columbus State University?
ROTC Website
Registration and Degree Requirements
How do I get my transcript unofficially reviewed?
Go to https://emajor.usg.edu/future-students/unofficial-transcript and submit for a FREE transcript evaluation. This is an unofficial evaluation provided
by USG eCampus to assist prospective students in choosing their educational paths.
All applicants will be required to submit official transcripts to their chosen institution
as part of the formal admission process, and an official transfer evaluation will
be conducted at that time.
How do I make an appointment with the RN-BSN nursing advisor?
In person or by phone advising appointments should be made online through the MyCSU
portal. Directions for scheduling appointments through the Accudemia option in MyCSU
will be sent to all students following acceptance into the program. For email advisement,
please email rnbsn@columbusstate.edu or call (706) 507-8560.
What students are exempt from taking the physical education classes?
Students 40 or over, students who have served in the military for one year or longer
and post-baccalaureate students are exempt from the wellness requirement (PHED 1205/1206)
and any one hour PEDS course. Military students are responsible for submitting their
DD 214 if discharged from active duty. If the student is active-duty they would need
to submit their ARTS transcripts to Admissions.
Do I need to take two science courses?
RN-BSN students are required to have taken Human Anatomy 1 & 2 and Microbiology (Area
F courses) with a grade of C or better and are also required to take two science sequenced
lab courses to satisfy Area D.
I already have one degree; does that mean I have to take fewer courses than other
RN-BSN, Post Baccalaureate students are considered to have met the core with the exception
of Area D science-sequence courses and all of Area F. Area D courses include: Biology
1 and 2 (see your advisor for more information), CHEM 1151 and 1152 and the labs,
CHEM 1211 and 1212 and the labs, or a Physics sequence per Georgia Board of Regents
Requirement. Area F includes BIOL 2221K and 2222K(A&P 1&2), BIOL 2225K (Micro), STAT
1401 (with a grade of C or better), and PSYC 1101.
Will all students have to meet CSU's General University Requirements?
- Yes, this includes the legislative requirement. An act of the General Assembly of
the State of Georgia requires that all candidates for degrees possess and demonstrate
knowledge of US History, Georgia History, US Constitution and Georgia Constitution.
Courses that satisfy these requirements are HIST 2111 or HIST 2112 and POLS 1101.
US History taken in Georgia satisfies the US/GA History general university requirements.
US History taken in Alabama (for example) satisfies only the US History requirement
and a student must successfully test on Georgia history.
RN-BSN post-baccalaureate students who did not take US History or American Government as part of their BS/BA degree will need to take the US/GA History and US/GA Constitution proficiency tests.
In addition, every undergraduate student must take the Outcomes Assessment/Senior Survey during their final semester.
Is Columbus State University's RN-BSN program accredited?
Yes, The Bachelor of Science in Nursing program is accredited by the Georgia Board
of Nursing and is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).
Columbus State University is accredited by the Southern Commission of Colleges and
Schools (SACS).
Does the nursing program I graduated from have to be accredited?
Yes, by the National League of Nursing (NLN); now Accreditation Commission for Education
in Nursing (ACEN).
What if my nursing program was not accredited by the NLN/ACEN?
CSU offers an exam for students that graduated from a Non-ACEN (Non-NLN) Accredited RN program. The RN-BSN exam is ONLY for students who did not graduate from an accredited NLN/ACEN
school. This exam is required to satisfy the Georgia Board of Nursing Articulation
Agreement for entrance into the RN-BSN program. This is not a General University Requirement
Test. Before registering for this exam, you must be accepted to CSU and have met with
the RN-BSN advisor. You may register for the RN-BSN exam on the CSU testing website. There is a fee associated with this exam.
Tuition and Fees
What is the tuition for the RN-BSN online program?
Tuition for RN-BSN courses through eMajor is $199 per credit hour. Institution fees are required and will affect the total
cost. Prerequisite courses may be required and will also affect the total cost.
Are there any additional fees that I will have to pay?
In addition to tuition, there are additional fees that will be assessed for the RN-BSN
program. Please see the RN-BSN tuition and fees page for a complete list of current
Are there out of state fees associated with this program?
The RN-BSN online nursing courses do not have out of state fees attached.
How do I apply for financial aid?
Please see the CSU Financial Aid website.
How do I pay for my classes once I register?
Payments should be made in MyCSU. Once logged into the MyCSU portal, go to the financial
and records tab at the top to view and pay invoices. Check your invoice to ensure
it has a zero balance.
USG eMajor
What is USG eMajor?
USG eMajor partners with public institutions to provide quality, affordable, high-demand
post-secondary degrees and credentials that address the workplace needs of Georgia
and beyond. CSU and USG eMajor began a partnership in Spring 2019, and due to this,
students have access to additional support services!
Where do I log in to access my courses?
RN to BSN students will access their courses through GoVIEW, accessible here: go.view.usg.edu
Clinical Requirements
NURS 4698 Senior Project is offered three times per year. Prior to taking this course the following requirements must be met three (3) months prior to the start date of the course.
Start Dates and Deadlines for NURS 4698 Senior Project:
- Fall Term 2 (October) clinical requirements must be submitted by July 15
- Spring Term 2 (March) clinical requirements must be submitted by December 15
- Summer Session (June) clinical requirements must be submitted by March 15
Employees at Wellstar Hospital
Your facility must have your request in earlier than the advertised times in the RN to BSN program. Please contact son_clinicals@columbusstate.edu ASAP to ensure your placement.
- If you plan to take NURS 4698 Senior Project in the Fall- requests must be made in April
- If you plan to take NURS 4698 Senior Project in the Spring - requests must be made in September
- If you plan to take NURS 4698 Senior Project in the Summer- requests must be made in February
RN-BSN Pre-Clinical Requirements:
- Verification of professional employment. You can turn in a photocopy of your name badge or paycheck stub (mark out all confidential information).
- Verification of unencumbered RN license - If the license is limited or restricted, the potential applicant must disclose the terms of the consent order and any restriction on practice, as a condition of admission. The RN-BSN Admissions and Progression Committee will review these students on an individual basis.
- Complete Clinical Planning Forms A and B (typing the form is appreciated except for signatures).
- Preceptor Requirements: A Registered Nurse with a BSN and/or three (3) or more years’ experience as an ADN. Your preceptor is referred to as your “Clinical Supervisor” in your Clinical Planning Forms.
- If CSU does not have a current contract with the facility you have chosen, a new contract will need to be obtained. If a contract is needed, our Clinical Placement Coordinator (Mrs. Jessica Bauer) will contact the student from the email son_clinicals@columbusstate.edu to initiate an Applied Learning Experience agreement or Affiliation Agreement prior to the clinical start date (sometimes this may take 6 -12 months to obtain).
- The School of Nursing under the directions of the Clinical Placement Coordinator will file all contracts and ensure appropriate signatures and dates prior to your start date.
- All students will have a background check prior to entering clinicals using the school designated vendor. All students will be drug tested prior to entering clinicals using the school-designated vendor.
Frequently Asked Questions
- May I complete NURS 4698 Senior Project where I work? The School of Nursing does not prohibit students from completing clinical practice experiences at their place of work as long as it is appropriate to the expected student learning and program outcomes. You cannot complete your clinical hours on the floor/unit where you work but you can stay at the facility. Your school assignments should not be completed during your scheduled work hours.
- Who may sign the clinical form A and B? The Clinical Supervisor must be a Registered Nurse. This person will sign the form agreeing to help the student complete his/her clinical goals and activities/projects for the class. The clinical supervisor will know each time the student is in the facility and will help facilitate networking and/or space for you to accomplish leadership projects, assignments, or teaching.
- Can I complete my clinical outside the state of Georgia? States expect that institutions obtain approval before enrolling students in their state. The requirements as to which activities require authorization vary greatly from state-to-state. Please turn in your Clinical Supervisor Form A and B for us to check the state where you plan to complete NURS 4698 Senior Project. It is the student’s responsibility to let us know if you move out of state while in the program.
- I live in Alabama and plan to complete my clinicals in Georgia. Please complete the clinical form A and B.
- I live in Alabama and plan to complete my clinicals in Alabama. Alabama requires the SON to turn in information (located on the clinical form A and B) on each Alabama resident who is completing his/her clinicals in Alabama 30 days prior to clinicals starting. Just complete the forms and get them in by the due date.
- I live outside the United States. The RN to BSN program includes practicums, clinicals or other forms of field experiences
as part of the mandatory program requirements. You will not be able to participate
in any field experiences outside of the United States in order to complete these requirements.
Participation in field experiences in the U.S. (outside of Georgia) is limited to
states where CSU has authorization to operate. If a student does not work and live
in the state of Georgia, they may contact state_authorization@columbusstate.edu
- o The State Authorization office will approve foreign nursing clinical placements,
taking place outside of the U.S., for students located overseas on U.S. Military bases.
Three conditions must be met in order for these clinical placements to be approved:
- The student must be active-duty military, or the spouse or dependent of someone who is active-duty military and must be physically living on a U.S. Military base.
- The student must conduct all clinical work at a facility that is located on a U.S. Military base.
- The student must hold an appropriate, unencumbered RN license to legally practice nursing at a U.S. Military facility.
- o The State Authorization office will approve foreign nursing clinical placements,
taking place outside of the U.S., for students located overseas on U.S. Military bases.
Three conditions must be met in order for these clinical placements to be approved:
- What immunizations will I need?
Hep B- 3 series vaccine OR a positive titer
MMR- 2 vaccines OR a positive titer
Varicella- 2 vaccines OR a positive titer
TDap- within lifetime, TD Booster within 10 years
PPD- negative, less than one year old
If positive, chest x-ray within program year, no less than 2 years old with TB Questionnaire showing student is free of symptoms
Physical Exam- must be performed using CSU approved form
Flu Vaccine or Declination Documentation
Health Insurance Verification or Declination
BLS for the Healthcare Provider- must be AHA course, ACLS also accepted
Columbus State University does not require the Covid-19 vaccine, but it is possible the requested clinical site may require the vaccine - Is the RN-BSN program accredited? Columbus State University nursing programs are nationally accredited by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing- Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), following the AACN Essentials, and have the approval of the Georgia Board of Nursing. Columbus State University is regionally accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Commission on Colleges.
- Do I need to take time off work? You will need to spend 48 hours of your clinical time with your clinical supervisor. The remaining clinical hours will be met in class through assignments and projects. On the days you are spending time with your clinical supervisor, you are not allowed to use as work hours.
- Is there a dress code? Yes. Clinical attire: When going to your clinical sites you are required to be in professional
business attire, with a lab jacket (short or long), and a name badge (name should
read first and last name, Columbus State University RN-BSN Student). Apparel that
is not acceptable in a healthcare environment includes blue jeans, t-shirts, shorts,
short skirts, athletic, camouflage, capri-length pants, tank tops, crop tops, low
cut blouses, baseball caps, jelly shoes, beach type shoes, and/or high heels. Apparel
that is “see through”, low cut, too short, “skintight”, or excessively baggy, is torn,
patched, or discolored in an irregular manner, exhibits slogans, advertising, etc.
are also not acceptable. Nails Nail length is important because even after careful
handwashing, Health care workers (HCWs) often harbor substantial numbers of potential
pathogens in the subungual spaces. Numerous studies have documented that subungual
areas of the hand harbor high concentrations of bacteria, most frequently coagulase-negative
staphylococci, gram-negative rods (including Pseudomonas spp.), corynebacteria, and
yeasts. Natural nail tips should be kept to 1⁄4 inch in length. No fingernail polish
allowed. A growing body of evidence suggests that wearing artificial nails may contribute
to transmission of certain healthcare associated pathogens. Healthcare workers who
wear artificial nails are more likely to harbor gram-negative pathogens on their fingertips
than are those who have natural nails, both before and after handwashing. Therefore,
artificial nails should not be worn when having direct contact with high-risk patients.
CDC Hand Hygiene
False Eyelashes or extensions No false eyelashes or extensions will be allowed due to the risk of infection. - Why is the deadline so early? We must have an Affiliation Agreement (Contract) on file with the facility you select. This is why it is important for you to turn in form A and B completely filled out by the due date because of a possible 6-12 month waiting period if a contract is needed.
- What type of assignments will I complete in NURS 4698, Sr. Project? Initiating and participating in a quality improvement (QI) project often allow you to achieve incremental and measurable changes which make a real difference to patients' experience in the hospital/agency setting. Quality improvement projects allow clinicians/students, working within a team, to identify an issue and implement interventions that can result in true improvements in quality. The purpose of the Quality Improvement (QI) Project Plan is to provide a formal ongoing process by which the organization and stakeholders utilize objective measures to monitor and evaluate the quality of services, both clinical and operational, provided to the patients. Due to time constraints (8-week class) you will not actually carry out the project but have it ready in place to carry out if desired by the agency at a later date (on your own time - not a part of this course). You will select a QI topic, complete a fishbone diagram, literature search, write a change project proposal, develop a power point slide presentation on your project and keep an accurate clinical activity log.
Last Updated 8/23/21 AH/JB/BG/MC
- Graduates will provide safe, patient-centered care in a variety of settings.
- Graduates will function as leaders within the nursing roles of provider of care, manager of care, and member of the profession.
- Graduates will use sound evidence to make appropriate clinical decisions about health care.
- Graduates will integrate informatics into nursing practice in a variety of settings.
- Graduates will apply the quality improvement process to ensure patient safety and to meet desired clinical outcomes.
- Graduates will collaborate with members of the interdisciplinary health care team to improve patient outcomes.
*Please always include your student ID number with any correspondence.
The RN-BSN Advisement part of the website is to be used as a guideline only. You must be advised by a RN-BSN advisor for an official evaluation. New students should apply to Columbus State University (CSU) and request all official transcripts to be mailed to Enrollment Services. Courses are not evaluated until all transcripts are received. Once your courses are evaluated and you have been notified of your admission to the RN-BSN program, please email pace_rnbsn@columbusstate.edu to request an advisement appointment.
All new RN-BSN students are also required to complete the eMajor New Student Introduction Quiz before registering for their first course.
RN to BSN Curriculum Schema
Core Academic Requirements
The RN to BSN Degree Progress Worksheet (PDF) provides a listing of core classes required to enter the RN-BSN program.
You may have courses that are transferable but are not shown on this list. Almost all courses from SACS accredited schools will transfer to CSU. Please utilize the CSU Transfer Equivalency Lookup to see if your school and courses are transferable.
Residency Hours
31 hours are required to be taken at Columbus State University for residency. The RN-BSN program is 28 hours. An additional three hours are required for graduation.
Additional Questions
For Financial Aid information, please contact the Financial Aid Department at sfs@columbusstate.edu
Phone: (706) 507-8800
Fax: (706) 568-2230
Visit the academic catalog website for the latest course descriptions.
For students who are working on an Associate Degree in Nursing at Columbus Technical College and want to pursue a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing at Columbus State University.
We have a partnership! On May 31, 2023, Columbus State University and Columbus Technical College signed an academic pathways articulation agreement.
For current semester dates, please see the USG's eMajor calendar.
Total cost includes $199/credit hour tuition rate for RN-BSN courses only. Prerequisite courses and institutional fees may be required and will affect the total cost. Columbus State will utilize open educational resources (OER), which are digital textbooks available inside the course at no cost to the student.
Email: rnbsn@columbusstate.edu
Phone: 706-507-8560
Fax: 706-565-1490
School of Nursing
Frank D. Brown Hall
4225 University Avenue
Columbus, GA 31907-5645
- Submit your application for admission to Columbus State University.
Be sure to select RN to BSN as your intended major. - Complete the RN-BSN Supplemental Information application.
*A Columbus State University application for admission must be completed prior to this step. - Submit all official transcripts to:
Columbus State University
Attention: Enrollment Services
4225 University Avenue
Columbus, Georgia 31907-5645 - Once accepted to CSU, email rnbsn@columbusstate.edu to set up an appointment with the RN to BSN advisor.
- Complete the eMajor Introduction Quiz using your Columbus State student email address.