Clubs and Organizations
The School of Policy, Justice and Public Safety is host to three honor societies: Pi Sigma Alpha, Pi Alpha Alpha, and Alpha Phi Sigma. Students who meet the appropriate requirements are also eligible to join Phi Kappa Phi, an interdisciplinary honor society.
Additionally, SPJPS hosts Phi Alpha Delta, a pre-law fraternity that is open to any student interested in becoming a lawyer, regardless of their current degree program. Lambda Alpha Epsilon, a Criminal Justice Club is currently available but inactive. If there is enough interest, we can reactivate.
Honor Societies
Pi Sigma Alpha (Political Science)
Pi Sigma Alpha is the national honor society for undergraduate and graduate students of political science, with over 440 chapters established in colleges and universities throughout the United States. The purpose of Pi Sigma Alpha is to stimulate scholarship and interest in the subject of government by providing tangible recognition to students who have excelled in the field. Membership in this society is a prized distinction, marking the student who has been accepted for membership as an outstanding student in the discipline. Besides the distinction per se, members are eligible for certain privileges.
Admission criteria for Pi Sigma Alpha:
- Junior, Senior, Graduate Status
- Minimum of 10 POLS hours exclusive of POLS 1101 and POLS 2101
- 10 Semester Hours
- Upper 1/3 of class in general scholarship
- Grade of B or better in all POLS courses
- Local Chapter requirements
The Pi Sigma Alpha Chapter on the Columbus State University campus is Upsilon Sigma. Eligibility for membership requires meeting standards that, by unanimous decision of the charter members, are more rigorous than the national standards.
Admission criteria for Upsilon Sigma:
- Junior, Senior, Graduate Status
- 12 Semester Hours in POLS, exclusive of POLS 1101 and of POLS 2101
- POLS 2101
- At least one 3000-level POLS course
- Combined GPA of 2.75
- Columbus State University GPA of 3.00
- Columbus State University POLS GPA of 3.60
For more information about Pi Sigma Alpha contact:
Dr. Patrice Kerner
Pi Alpha Alpha (Public Administration)
Pi Alpha Alpha is the national honor society formed to recognize and promote excellence in the study and practice of public affairs and administration. In its constitution, the organization dedicates itself to:
- encourage and recognize outstanding scholarship and accomplishment in public affairs and administration
- promote the advancement of education and practice in the art and science of public affairs and administration, and
- foster integrity, professionalism, and creative performance in the conduct of governmental and related public service activities.
PAA membership identifies those with the highest performance levels in educational programs preparing them for public service careers. PAA honorary membership identifies those whose careers have best advanced the ideals of "integrity, professionalism, and creative performance" in public service.
The mission of PAA is advanced through the national organization and through the work of local Pi Alpha Alpha chapters established by collegiate programs in public affairs and administration which are affiliated with the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration.
Pi Alpha Alpha is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies, the coordinating agency for collegiate honor societies that are dedicated to maintaining high standards for the recognition and promotion of academic excellence in higher education.
For more information about Pi Alpha Alpha contact:
Dr. Patrice Kerner
Alpha Phi Sigma (Criminal Justice)
The Alpha Phi Sigma, Criminal Justice, Honor Society is affiliated with the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. It‘s purpose is to recognize the scholarly achievement in the field of Criminal Justice. The society provides grants, scholarships, conferences and competitions. Eligibility for membership requires:
- Completed at least 46 credit hours for a bachelor program
- rank no lower than the highest 35 percent of their class, and
- a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2.
- a minimum of 12 credit hours in Criminal Justice (CRJU)
- a minimum GPA of 3.2.
For more information about Pi Alpha Alpha contact:
Dr. Patrice Kerner
Phi Alpha Delta (Pre-Law Club)
The School of Policy, Justice and Public Safety proudly hosts a pre-law chapter of the national organization Phi Alpha Delta. This organization meets regularly to discuss critical issues in the field of law, studying for LSAT prep, interviewing and applying for various law schools, and having guest speakers to assist in learning about the profession. You do not need to be a student within SPJPS to join, any student with an interest in law school is welcome to join. For more information, look at our upcoming activities and officers on CSUInvolve or contact the club advisor Dr. Patrice Kerner.
For more information about Pi Alpha Alpha contact:
Dr. Patrice Kerner