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Funding Your Gift - Columbus State University

Office of University Advancement

Funding Your Gift

Most donors make gifts and pledge payments via online giving, check or credit card. Others take advantage of tax savings that come from giving appreciated stocks, shares of mutual funds or property. Donors contribute gifts-in-kind, such as works of art, antique furnishings or rare books and manuscripts for the library. A growing number of alumni and friends incorporate gifts into their financial and estate plans.


Checks should be made out to the CSU Foundation and mailed to:

Columbus State University Foundation
4225 University Ave.
Columbus, Ga. 31907

The check's memo line can be used to designate a gift. Unrestricted gifts go to meet the most urgent needs. To make a memorial or honorary gift by cash or check, attach a note that includes the name of the honoree or the person to be remembered, plus the contact name and address (family, for memorials). Columbus State will notify the individual or the deceased honoree's family of your gift

Credit or debit card:

CSU's secure online e-giving form makes it possible to make credit card donations quickly.  CSU takes seriously the responsibility of handling sensitive personal financial information, limits access to such information and doesn't routinely store credit card information on campus computers.

Stocks or securities:

Electronic transfer is the most popular and efficient way to transfer securities to CSU. If a broker holds the stock, notify the broker that you wish to make a gift of securities to the CSU Foundation. Your broker will then need written authorization before they can make the transfer. The broker will need to know the name of the stock to transfer, the number of shares and if the gift is designated for any particular program.

Stock Transfer information:
DTC Number 0226
Account Number: 01A-002747 (Synovus Securities)
For the benefit of Columbus State University Foundation, Inc.

Stock certificates may also be delivered by mail or hand to:

Office of Development
Richards Hall 104
4225 University Avenue
Columbus, GA 31907

Please do not mail endorsed certificates. Once the certificate is endorsed, it is legal tender and may be exchanged by anyone.


CSU gladly accepts gifts of tangible personal property that the university would otherwise need to purchase. Some donations may have to be approved by a subcommittee of the CSU Foundationā€˜s Board of Trustees. Gifts that do not require prior approval include televisions, stereos and computer hardware.

Matching gifts:

It's possible for CSU to double or even triple your donation if your employer offers a matching gift program. Some require forms to be completed by the employee; others have automated programs that may only require a phone call. Most corporations have guidelines that non-profit organizations must meet before a donation can be matched. Check with your company's Human Resources Department for more information. Mail your form, along with your contribution to the Office of Development at the above address.

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