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BUSA - Business Administration - Columbus State University

Hurricane Helene Campus Updates (9/25/2024)

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BUSA - Business Administration

BUSA 2106. The Environment of Business (3-0-3) An introduction to the legal, regulatory, political, social, ethical, cultural, environmental, and technological issues which form the context for business.

BUSA 3111. Statistical Applications for Business Decisions 1 (3-0-3) Prerequisite: MATH 1125. Topics include descriptive and inferential statistics, probability estimation and hypothesis testing, simple regression and correlation.

BUSA 3112. Statistical Applications for Business Decisions 2 (3-0-3) Prerequisite: BUSA 3111. Topics include analysis of variance, multiple correlation and regression, analysis of frequencies, non-parametrics, index numbers, time series and forecasting, sampling, and decision analysis.

BUSA 3126. Business Law (3-0-3) Prerequisite: BUSA 2106. Topics include law of contracts, Uniform Commercial Code, secured transactions, agencies, partnerships, corporations, bankruptcy, trade regulation, and labor law. Includes a statutory overview of government regulation.

BUSA 3135. Introduction to International Business (3-0-3)Prerequisite: ECON 2105. Explores the basic concepts and critical issues involved in business operations in the international sector. It examines the impact of trade among nations evaluating the effect of the international environment on product offerings, production decisions, marketing, and financial management.

BUSA 3145. Contemporary Issues in Business (3-0-3) Focuses upon those issues that confront business majors as they enter and progress in their business careers. Major areas of study will include: career decisions, being effective in a business environment, ethical dilemmas, total quality management, and international management. Case studies are used.

BUSA 3165. Business Ethics (3-0-3) Prerequisite: Junior standing. Discussion of ethics concepts, frameworks, and issues. Analysis of classical and recent cases involving ethical decisions and actions.

BUSA 4698. Internship (3 hours)  Prerequisite: Approval of Department Chair. Placement is restricted and can not entail an individual's current employment assignment. Substantial written proposal and final report are required. Nine hours work per week is required. Credit may be applied only as an elective. (S/U grading.)

BUSA 4899. Independent Study (3 hours) Prerequisite: Senior standing. Independent study in a selected area of business administration. Study will be directed by a faculty member representing chosen area of specialization. Candidate must present a minimum 1500-word written proposal through the instructor to the office of the Dean for approval.

BUSA 6127. Legal and Social Environment of Business (3-0-3) An analysis of the complexities involving the business community in today's environment with the emphasis on the legal and social environments.

BUSA 6899. Independent Study (3 hours) Independent study in an area of business administration. Study will be directed by a faculty member representing chosen area of specialization. Candidates must present a minimum 1500-word proposal through the instructor to the office of the Dean for approval.

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