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CHEM - Chemistry - Columbus State University

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CHEM - Chemistry

CHEM 1105. Industrial Chemistry and Technology (3-0-3) Focuses on the industrial application of chemicals from the manufacturer down to the consumer. Topics include: Nature of matter, properties of compounds and mixtures, binary chemical reactions, engineering of reactions and descriptive look at the properties of major industrial chemicals such as fertilizers, plastics, medicine, food additives, textiles, ceramics and composite. The course utilizes Internet literature search.

CHEM 1151. Survey of Chemistry 1 (3-0-3) Co-requisite: CHEM 1151L. First course in a two-semester sequence covering elementary principles of general, organic and biochemistry designed for allied health profession majors. Topics to be covered include elements and compounds, chemical equations, nomenclature, and molecular geometry.

CHEM 1151L. Survey of Chemistry 1 Lab (0-2-1) Co-requisite: CHEM 1151. Lab exercises supplement the lecture material of CHEM 1151.

CHEM 1152. Survey of Chemistry 2 (3-0-3) Prerequisite: CHEM 1151 and CHEM 1151L; Co-requisite: CHEM 1152L. Second course in a two-semester sequence covering elementary principles of general, organic and biochemistry designed for allied health profession majors.

CHEM 1152L. Survey of Chemistry 2 Lab (0-2-1) Prerequisites: CHEM 1151 and CHEM 1151L; Co-requisite: CHEM 1152. Lab exercises supplement the lecture material of CHEM 1152.

CHEM 1211. Principles of Chemistry 1 (3-0-3) Co-requisite: CHEM 1211L. First course in a two-semester sequence covering the fundamental principles and applications of chemistry designed for science majors. Topics to be covered include composition of matter, stoichiometry, periodic relations, and nomenclature.

CHEM 1211L. Principles of Chemistry 1 Lab (0-3-1) Co-requisite: CHEM 1211. Verification of the laws of conservation of matter and definite composition, determination of atomic weight and molecular weight, enthalpy of formation, computerized periodic table, molecular geometry, behavior of gases, molecular weight from freezing point depression, and acid-base titration with computer simulations and determinations.

CHEM 1212. Principles of Chemistry 2 (3-0-3) Prerequisite: CHEM 1211 and CHEM 1211L; Co-requisite: CHEM 1212L. Second course in a two-semester sequence covering the fundamental principles and applications of chemistry designed for science majors.

CHEM 1212L. Principles of Chemistry 2 Lab (0-3-1) Prerequisite: CHEM 1211 and CHEM 1211L; Co-requisite: CHEM 1212. Thermodynamics, chemical equilibria and solubility product using spectrophotometry. Chemical kinetics-gas evolution, redox titration, electrode potentials, descriptive chemistry of thiosulfate and of iodine, and qualitative analysis of selected cations.

CHEM 2115. Quantitative Chemical Analysis (3-0-3) Prerequisites: CHEM 1212 and CHEM 1212L; Co-requisite: CHEM 2315. Basic statistical methods for data analysis. General treatment of aqueous solution equilibria, including solubility acid-base, metal chelation, redox, and phase equilibria. Applications of equilibrium principles in chemical analysis, biological systems, and environmental chemistry.

CHEM 2315. Quantitative Chemical Analysis Lab (0-3-1) Prerequisites: CHEM 1212 and CHEM 1212L; Co-requisite: CHEM 2115. Laboratory course emphasizing wet chemical methods of analysis. Experiments include precipitation, acid-base, metal chelation, and redox titrations, non-aqueous titrations, gravimetry, ion-exchange equilibria.

CHEM 3111. Organic Chemistry 1 (3-0-3) Prerequisites: CHEM 1212, CHEM 1212L; Co-requisite: CHEM 3311. Introduction to modern organic chemical theory and practice: topics include covalent bonding models, thermodynamics and kinetics of organic reactions, systematic nomenclature, conformational analysis, chirality, reaction mechanisms and functional group interconversions.

CHEM 3112. Organic Chemistry 2 (3-0-3) Prerequisites: CHEM 3111, CHEM 3311, Co-requisite: CHEM 3312. A continuation of CHEM 3111 with added emphasis on synthetic methodology, utilization of MO theory in reaction mechanisms and introduction to interpretation of spectral data as an aid in the elucidation of organic molecular structure. Also, various special topics will be covered.

CHEM 3135. Inorganic Chemistry (3-0-3) Prerequisites: CHEM 1212 and CHEM 1212L; Co-requisite: CHEM 3335. Principles and special topics in modern inorganic chemistry, including molecular orbital theory, coordination chemistry, crystal field theory, stereochemistry, transition and inner transition metals, and non-aqueous solvents.

CHEM 3141. Biochemistry 1 (3-0-3) Prerequisites: CHEM 3112 and CHEM 3312 with a grade of C or higher. An introduction to various classes of biochemically significant molecules, detailed investigation of catabolic and anabolic reactions, photosynthesis and the utilization of biochemical literature.

CHEM 3142. Biochemistry 2 (3-0-3) Prerequisite: CHEM 3141. A continuation of CHEM 3141 with emphasis on nucleic acid chemistry to include detailed study of replication, transcription and translation at the molecular level, genetic regulation and the basic tools associated with molecular biology.

CHEM 3311. Organic Chemistry 1 Lab (0-3-1) Prerequisites: CHEM 1212 and CHEM 1212L; Co-requisite: CHEM 3111. Introduction to modern micro scale laboratory techniques and application to micro scale synthesis of organic molecules.

CHEM 3312.Organic Chemistry 2 Lab (0-3-1) Prerequisites: CHEM 3111 and CHEM 3311; Co-requisite: CHEM 3112. A continuation of CHEM 3311 with added emphasis on multi-step reactions, chromatographic techniques, the obtention and employment of spectral data and access/utilization of the scientific literature.

CHEM 3335.Inorganic Chemistry Lab (0-3-1) Prerequisites: CHEM 1212 and CHEM 1212L; Co-requisite: CHEM 3135. Laboratory experiments emphasizing inorganic compounds synthesis, including purification and analysis of coordination compounds, complex ions and salts.

CHEM 3345. Biochemistry Lab (0-3-1) Prerequisites: CHEM 3112 and CHEM 3312; Co-requisite: CHEM 3141. In depth treatment of enzyme purification and kinetics, molecular biological experimental techniques and computer-assisted structural analysis.

CHEM 4111. Physical Chemistry 1 (3-0-3) Prerequisites: CHEM 2115, CHEM 2315, MATH 1132, PHYS 2212 and PHYS 2312, Co-requisite: CHEM 4311. Topics include kinetic theory of gases, first, second, and third laws of thermodynamics; chemical potential, chemical equilibrium, and chemical kinetics.

CHEM 4112. Physical Chemistry 2 (3-0-3) Prerequisites: CHEM 4111 and CHEM 4311; Co-requisite: 4312. Topics include quantum theory, atomic structure; electronic, vibrational, and rotational spectroscopy; macro molecules, phase equilibria and photo chemistry.

CHEM 4175. Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis (3-0-3) Prerequisites: CHEM 2115, CHEM 2315 and MATH 1132; Co-requisite: CHEM 4375. Theory and applications of modern chemical instrumentation. Topics covered include electronics and signal processing, chromatography, optics and optical instruments, fluorescence spectroscopy, infrared and Raman spectroscopy, atomic spectroscopies, mass spectrometry, XRF, NMR, electrochemical methods.

CHEM 4311. Physical Chemistry 1 Lab (0-3-1) Prerequisites: CHEM 2115, CHEM 2315, MATH 1132, PHYS 2212 and PHYS 2312, Co-requisite: CHEM 4111. Laboratory experiments emphasizing thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium, chemical potential, kinetic theory of gases and chemical kinetics.

CHEM 4312. Physical Chemistry 2 Lab (0-3-1) Prerequisites: CHEM 4111 and CHEM 4311; Co-requisite: CHEM 4112. Laboratory experiments emphasizing ideal solutions, one component systems, phase equilibria, chemical kinetics and photochemistry, atomic structure, electronic, vibrational and rotational spectroscopy and macro molecules.

CHEM 4375. Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis Lab (0-6-2) Prerequisites: CHEM 2115, CHEM 2315 and MATH 1132; Co-requisite: CHEM 4175. Experimental studies of modern chemical instrumentation. Experiments include basic electronics, UV-Vis spectroscopy, fluorometry, FTIR, gas chromatography, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, atomic absorption spectroscopy, XRF and nuclear activation analysis, potentiometry, polarography.

CHEM 4795. Senior Seminar 1 (1-6-2) Prerequisite: Approval of department chair. Capstone course for undergraduate chemistry students. A year-long research project will be performed including literature searches, experimental design, laboratory work, and data analysis. The first course will conclude with a presentation of a seminar and completion course will conclude with presentation of a seminar and completion of a paper describing the work.

CHEM 4796. Senior Seminar 2 (1-6-2) Prerequisite: Approval of department chair. Continuation of CHEM 4795. The research problem begun in CHEM 4795 will be continued. The second course concludes with presentation of a seminar and completion of a senior thesis.

CHEM 4899. Independent Study (0-(3-9)-(1-3)) Prerequisite: approval of department chair. Enrollment limited to advanced students judged capable of performing independent study. The program concerns introduction to research problems involving methods and procedures in an area of special interest.

CHEM 5105. Polymer Chemistry (3-0-3) Prerequisites: CHEM 3112, CHEM 4112, and CHEM 4175. An overview of synthetic techniques for production and polymers and techniques for characterization of polymer structure and properties. Includes kinetics and mechanisms of polymer formation reactions and a detailed study of spectroscopic and thermodynamics characterization techniques.

CHEM 5115. Spectroscopic Identification of Organic Compounds (3-0-3) Prerequisites: CHEM 3112, CHEM 4112 and CHEM 4175. Applications of UV-Vis spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to the identification and characterization of organic compound.

CHEM 5125. Spectroscopy and Photo Physics (3-0-3) Prerequisites: CHEM 4112, CHEM 4175, MATH 3107. Theory and experimental application of atomic and molecular spectroscopy to the study of atomic and molecular structure. Photo physics in gas and condensed phases.

CHEM 5555. Selected Topics in Chemistry (1-4) Prerequisite: CHEM 4111. Selected advance topics in Chemistry including environmental chemistry, biological chemistry, and chemistry of materials. May be repeated for credit with different course topic.

CHEM 5565. Advance Topics in Chemistry ((1-3)-0-(1-3)) Prerequisites: CHEM 2115 and CHEM 3111. Special studies of advanced topics in chemistry, including environmental applications, biological chemistry, advanced instrumental techniques, and theoretical methods. May be taken four times for credit for a maximum of five hours.

CHEM 7165. Environmental Organic Chemistry (3-0-3) Principles of organic chemistry applicable to the study and evaluation of environmental conditions including reactions of organic pollutants.

CHEM 7175. Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry (3-0-3) Prerequisite: ENVS 7115. A study of the important physical and chemical processes which are important in atmospheric science. Topics include the atmospheric thermal reservoir, radiation transfer, light absorption and scattering, tropic spheric and stratospheric chemistry, in chemistry.

CHEM 7185. Aquatic Chemistry (3-0-3) Prerequisite: ENVS 7115. Study of chemical structure of lakes/rivers. Analytical procedures in the assessment of water quality applied to analysis of natural/and waste-water treatment.

CHEM 7555. Selected Topics in Environmental Chemistry (1-0-1) Topics to be covered could include atmospheric chemistry, air pollution, aquatic chemistry, water pollution, soil chemistry, and biochemical and environmental interactions.

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