Abbott Turner College of Business Degree Program Course Requirements
For general degree requirements, see the Abbott Turner College of Business and the General Degree Requirements pages.
- BBA Accounting
- BBA Computer Information Systems
- BBA Finance
- BBA General Business
- BBA Management
- BBA Marketing
- MBA Business Administration
Area A Essential Skills - Req. Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
Select one of the following courses:
MATH 1101/1111/1112/1113/1125/1131
*Math 1111/1112/1113 recommended.
Area B Institutional Options Req. Hours: 5
COMM 1110
Select two of the following courses:
ITDS 2726/ITDS 2727/ITDS 2735/ITDS 2745/ITDS 2746/ITDS 2748/ITDS 2749/ITDS
2755/ LEAD 1705/LEAD 1706/LEAD 2705/LEAD 2706/LIBR 1105
Select one of the following courses:
Foreign Language 1002, 2001, or 2002
Note: the extra hour of foreign language may be used as an elective.
Area C Humanities/Fine Arts Req. Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2111/ENGL 2112/ITDS 1145*/ITDS 1155/ PHIL 1105
Select one of the following fine arts courses:
ARTH 1100/ITDS 1145*/MUSC 1100/THEA 1100
*ITDS 1145, though listed under both humanities and fine arts, may be taken only once.
Area D Science/Math/Tech. Req. Hours: 10
Select one science course with a lab; the other course may be lab or non-lab:
ANTH 1145 (no lab); ASTR 1105/1305 (lab optional); ASTR 1106/1305; BIOL 1215 (lab
included); BIOL 1125 (no lab); BIOL 1225 (lab included); CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L;
CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L; ENVS 1105 (no lab); GEOL 1121 (lab included); GEOL
1122 (no lab); GEOL 2225 (lab included); ITDS 1215 (lab included); PHYS 1111/1311;
PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 1125/1325 (lab optional)
Select one of the following courses or a science course from above:
CPSC 1105/MATH 1112/MATH 1113/MATH 1125/MATH 1131/MATH 1132/MATH 1127/MATH 1165/PHIL
*MATH 1125/1131/1132 recommended.
Area E Social Sciences Req. Hours: 12
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Take the following course:
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from the following courses:
ECON 2105/ECON 2106/PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101
*PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101 recommended--ECON courses are required in Area F.
Select one world cultures course from the following courses:
ANTH 1105/ANTH 2105/ANTH 2136/ENGL 2136/GEOG 1101/HIST 1111/HIST 1112/HIST 2116/ITDS
1146/ITDS 1156
Wellness Requirement Req. Hours: 3
PELM 1205
Select any one PEDS course.
Area F Courses Related to MajorReq. Hours: 18
A minimum C grade average is required in the following courses. A minimum C grade
is required in ACCT 2101 and ACCT 2102 for accounting majors.
ACCT 2101 Principles of Accounting 1
ACCT 2102 Principles of Accounting 2
BUSA 2106 The Environment of Business
CISM 2105 Intro to Computer Info Systems
ECON 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 2106 Principles of Microeconomics
Area G BBA Core Req. Hours: 24
A minimum C grade average is required in the following courses:
BUSA 3111 Stat Analysis for Bus Decisions
BUSA 4185 Strategic Management
CISM 3115 Princ of Info Tech Management
ENGL 3158 Organizational Communications
FINC 3105 Managerial Finance
MGMT 3115 Management/Organizational Beh
MGMT 3125 Production/Operations Mgmt
MKTG 3115 Principles of Marketing
Area H Major Course Requirements Req. Hours: 21
A minimum grade of C is required in each of the following courses:
ACCT 3111 Financial Accounting 1
ACCT 3112 Financial Accounting 2
ACCT 3113 Financial Accounting 3
ACCT 3125 Cost Accounting
ACCT 3135 Accounting Information Systems
ACCT 4141 Income Taxation 1
Select one of the following courses:
ACCT 4155 Auditing
ACCT 4156 Internal Auditing
Area I General Electives Req. Hours: 15
A minimum C grade average is required in business courses.
Non-Business Elective 1***/2***/3***/4***
Non-Business Elective 1***/2***/3***/4***
Total Hours Required 123
Area A Essential Skills Req. Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
Select one of the following courses:
MATH 1101/1111/1112/1113/1125/1131
*Math 1111/1112/1113 recommended.
Area B Institutional Options Req. Hours: 5
COMM 1110
Select two of the following courses:
ITDS 2726/ITDS 2727/ITDS 2735/ITDS 2745/ITDS 2746/ITDS 2748/ITDS 2749/ITDS 2755/ LEAD
1705/LEAD 1706/LEAD 2705/LEAD 2706/LIBR 1105
Select one of the following courses:
Foreign Language 1002, 2001, or 2002
Note: the extra hour of foreign language may be used as an elective.
Area C Humanities/Fine Arts Req. Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2111/ENGL 2112/ITDS 1145*/ITDS 1155/ PHIL 1105
Select one of the following fine arts courses:
ARTH 1100/ITDS 1145*/MUSC 1100/THEA 1100
*ITDS 1145, though listed under both humanities and fine arts, may be taken only once.
Area D Science/Math/Tech. Req. Hours: 10
Select one science course with a lab; the other course may be lab or non-lab:
ANTH 1145 (no lab); ASTR 1105/1305 (lab optional); ASTR 1106/1305; BIOL 1215 (lab
included); BIOL 1125 (no lab); BIOL 1225 (lab included); CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L;
CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L; ENVS 1105 (no lab); GEOL 1121 (lab included); GEOL
1122 (no lab); GEOL 2225 (lab included); ITDS 1215 (lab included); PHYS 1111/1311;
PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 1125/1325 (lab optional)
Select one of the following courses or a science course from above:
CPSC 1105/MATH 1112/MATH 1113/MATH 1125/MATH 1131/MATH 1132/MATH 1127/MATH 1165/PHIL
*MATH 1125/1131/1132 recommended.
Area E Social Sciences Req. Hours: 12
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Take the following course:
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from the following courses:
ECON 2105/ECON 2106/PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101
*PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101 recommended--ECON courses are required in Area F.
Select one world cultures course from the following courses:
ANTH 1105/ANTH 2105/ANTH 2136/ENGL 2136/GEOG 1101/HIST 1111/HIST 1112/HIST 2116/ITDS
1146/ITDS 1156
Wellness Requirement Req. Hours: 3
PELM 1205
Select any one PEDS course.
Area F Courses Related to MajorReq. Hours: 18
A minimum C grade average is required in the following courses.
ACCT 2101 Principles of Accounting 1
ACCT 2102 Principles of Accounting 2
BUSA 2106 The Environment of Business
CISM 2105 Intro to Computer Info Systems
ECON 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 2106 Principles of Microeconomics
Area G BBA Core Req. Hours: 24
A minimum C grade average is required in the following courses.
BUSA 3111 Stat Analysis for Bus Decisions
BUSA 4185 Strategic Management
CISM 3115 Princ of Info Tech Management
ENGL 3158 Organizational Communications
FINC 3105 Managerial Finance
MGMT 3115 Management/Organizational Beh
MGMT 3125 Production/Operations Mgmt
MKTG 3115 Principles of Marketing
Area H Major Course Requirements Req. Hours: 21
A minimum grade of C is required in each of the following courses:
CISM 3111 Struct Programming w/ COBOL 1
CISM 3125 Information Systems Analysis
CISM 4135 Database Design
CISM 4145 Data Communications
CISM 4555 Selected Topics in CISM
CISM 3***/4*** Elective
CISM 3***/4*** Elective
Area I General Electives Req. Hours: 15
A minimum C grade average is required in business courses.
Non-Business Elective 1***/2***/3***/4***
Non-Business Elective 1***/2***/3***/4***
Total Hours Required 123
Area A Essential Skills Req. Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
Select one of the following courses:
MATH 1101/1111/1112/1113/1125/1131
*Math 1111/1112/1113 recommended.
Area B Institutional Options Req. Hours: 5
COMM 1110
Select two of the following courses:
ITDS 2726/ITDS 2727/ITDS 2735/ITDS 2745/ITDS 2746/ITDS 2748/ITDS 2749/ITDS 2755/ LEAD
1705/LEAD 1706/LEAD 2705/LEAD 2706/LIBR 1105
Select one of the following courses:
Foreign Language 1002, 2001, or 2002
Note: the extra hour of foreign language may be used as an elective.
Area C Humanities/Fine Arts Req. Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2111/ENGL 2112/ITDS 1145*/ITDS 1155/ PHIL 1105
Select one of the following fine arts courses:
ARTH 1100/ITDS 1145*/MUSC 1100/THEA 1100
*ITDS 1145, though listed under both humanities and fine arts, may be taken only once.
Area D Science/Math/Tech. Req. Hours: 10
Select one science course with a lab; the other course may be lab or non-lab:
ANTH 1145 (no lab); ASTR 1105/1305 (lab optional); ASTR 1106/1305; BIOL 1215 (lab
included); BIOL 1125 (no lab); BIOL 1225 (lab included); CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L;
CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L; ENVS 1105 (no lab); GEOL 1121 (lab included); GEOL
1122 (no lab); GEOL 2225 (lab included); ITDS 1215 (lab included); PHYS 1111/1311;
PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 1125/1325 (lab optional)
Select one of the following courses or a science course from above:
CPSC 1105/MATH 1112/MATH 1113/MATH 1125/MATH 1131/MATH 1132/MATH 1127/MATH 1165/PHIL
*MATH 1125/1131/1132 recommended.
Area E Social Sciences Req. Hours: 12
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Take the following course:
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from the following courses:
ECON 2105/ECON 2106/PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101
*PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101 recommended--ECON courses are required in Area F.
Select one world cultures course from the following courses:
ANTH 1105/ANTH 2105/ANTH 2136/ENGL 2136/GEOG 1101/HIST 1111/HIST 1112/HIST 2116/ITDS
1146/ITDS 1156
Wellness Requirement Req. Hours: 3
PELM 1205
Select any one PEDS course.
Area F Courses Related to MajorReq. Hours: 18
A minimum C grade average is required in the following courses.
ACCT 2101 Principles of Accounting 1
ACCT 2102 Principles of Accounting 2
BUSA 2106 The Environment of Business
CISM 2105 Intro to Computer Info Systems
ECON 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 2106 Principles of Microeconomics
Area G BBA Core Req. Hours: 24
A minimum C grade average is required in the following courses.
BUSA 3111 Stat Analysis for Bus Decisions
BUSA 4185 Strategic Management
CISM 3115 Princ of Info Tech Management
ENGL 3158 Organizational Communications
FINC 3105 Managerial Finance
MGMT 3115 Management/Organizational Beh
MGMT 3125 Production/Operations Mgmt
MKTG 3115 Principles of Marketing
Area H Major Course Requirements Req. Hours: 21
A minimum grade of C is required in each of the following courses:
FINC 3115 Financial Analysis
FINC 3125 Investments
FINC 3146 Real Estate Finance
FINC 4135 Financial Institutions
FINC 4185 Financial Planning and Control
FINC 3***/4*** Elective
FINC 3***/4*** Elective
Area I General Electives Req. Hours: 15
A minimum C grade average is required in business courses.
Non-Business Elective 1***/2***/3***/4***
Non-Business Elective 1***/2***/3***/4***
Total Hours Required 123
Area A Essential Skills Req. Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
Select one of the following courses:
MATH 1101/1111/1112/1113/1125/1131
*Math 1111/1112/1113 recommended.
Area B Institutional Options Req. Hours: 5
COMM 1110
Select two of the following courses:
ITDS 2726/ITDS 2727/ITDS 2735/ITDS 2745/ITDS 2746/ITDS 2748/ITDS 2749/ITDS 2755/ LEAD
1705/LEAD 1706/LEAD 2705/LEAD 2706/LIBR 1105
Select one of the following courses:
Foreign Language 1002, 2001, or 2002
Note: the extra hour of foreign language may be used as an elective.
Area C Humanities/Fine Arts Req. Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2111/ENGL 2112/ITDS 1145*/ITDS 1155/ PHIL 1105
Select one of the following fine arts courses:
ARTH 1100/ITDS 1145*/MUSC 1100/THEA 1100
*ITDS 1145, though listed under both humanities and fine arts, may be taken only once.
Area D Science/Math/Tech. Req. Hours: 10
Select one science course with a lab; the other course may be lab or non-lab:
ANTH 1145 (no lab); ASTR 1105/1305 (lab optional); ASTR 1106/1305; BIOL 1215 (lab
included); BIOL 1125 (no lab); BIOL 1225 (lab included); CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L;
CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L; ENVS 1105 (no lab); GEOL 1121 (lab included); GEOL
1122 (no lab); GEOL 2225 (lab included); ITDS 1215 (lab included); PHYS 1111/1311;
PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 1125/1325 (lab optional)
Select one of the following courses or a science course from above:
CPSC 1105/MATH 1112/MATH 1113/MATH 1125/MATH 1131/MATH 1132/MATH 1127/MATH 1165/PHIL
*MATH 1125/1131/1132 recommended.
Area E Social Sciences Req. Hours: 12
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Take the following course:
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from the following courses:
ECON 2105/ECON 2106/PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101
*PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101 recommended--ECON courses are required in Area F.
Select one world cultures course from the following courses:
ANTH 1105/ANTH 2105/ANTH 2136/ENGL 2136/GEOG 1101/HIST 1111/HIST 1112/HIST 2116/ITDS
1146/ITDS 1156
Wellness Requirement Req. Hours: 3
PELM 1205
Select any one PEDS course.
Area F Courses Related. to MajorReq. Hours: 18
A minimum C grade average is required in the following courses.
ACCT 2101 Principles of Accounting 1
ACCT 2102 Principles of Accounting 2
BUSA 2106 The Environment of Business
CISM 2105 Intro to Computer Info Systems
ECON 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 2106 Principles of Microeconomics
Area G BBA Core Req. Hours: 24
A minimum C grade average is required in the following courses.
BUSA 3111 Stat Analysis for Bus Decisions
BUSA 4185 Strategic Management
CISM 3115 Princ of Info Tech Management
ENGL 3158 Organizational Communications
FINC 3105 Managerial Finance
MGMT 3115 Management/Organizational Beh
MGMT 3125 Production/Operations Mgmt
MKTG 3115 Principles of Marketing
Area H Major Course Requirements Req. Hours: 21
A minimum grade of C is required in each of the following courses:
BUSA 3135 International Business
MGMT 3135 Human Resource Management
MKTG 3135 Consumer Behavior
MGMT 4115 Adv. Organizational Behavior
ACCT/BUSA/CISM/ECON/FINC/MKTG 3***/4*** Elective (other than MGMT)
ACCT/BUSA/CISM/ECON/FINC/MKTG 3***/4*** Elective (other than MGMT)
Area I General Electives Req. Hours: 15
A minimum C grade average is required in business courses.
Non-Business Elective 1***/2***/3***/4***
Non-Business Elective 1***/2***/3***/4***
Total Hours Required 123
Area A Essential Skills - Req. Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
Select one of the following courses:
MATH 1101/1111/1112/1113/1125/1131
*Math 1111/1112/1113 recommended.
Area B Institutional Options Req. Hours: 5
COMM 1110
Select two of the following courses:
ITDS 2726/ITDS 2727/ITDS 2735/ITDS 2745/ITDS 2746/ITDS 2748/ITDS 2749/ITDS 2755/ LEAD
1705/LEAD 1706/LEAD 2705/LEAD 2706/LIBR 1105
Select one of the following courses:
Foreign Language 1002, 2001, or 2002
Note: the extra hour of foreign language may be used as an elective.
Area C Humanities/Fine Arts Req. Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2111/ENGL 2112/ITDS 1145*/ITDS 1155/ PHIL 1105
Select one of the following fine arts courses:
ARTH 1100/ITDS 1145*/MUSC 1100/THEA 1100
*ITDS 1145, though listed under both humanities and fine arts, may be taken only once.
Area D Science/Math/Tech. Req. Hours: 10
Select one science course with a lab; the other course may be lab or non-lab:
ANTH 1145 (no lab); ASTR 1105/1305 (lab optional); ASTR 1106/1305; BIOL 1215 (lab
included); BIOL 1125 (no lab); BIOL 1225 (lab included); CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L;
CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L; ENVS 1105 (no lab); GEOL 1121 (lab included); GEOL
1122 (no lab); GEOL 2225 (lab included); ITDS 1215 (lab included); PHYS 1111/1311;
PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 112 /1325 (lab optional)
Select one of the following courses or a science course from above:
CPSC 1105/MATH 1112/MATH 1113/MATH 1125/MATH 1131/MATH 1132/MATH 1127/MATH 1165/PHIL
*MATH 1125/1131/1132 recommended.
Area E Social Sciences Req. Hours: 12
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Take the following course:
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from the following courses:
ECON 2105/ECON 2106/PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101
*PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101 recommended--ECON courses are required in Area F.
Select one world cultures course from the following courses:
ANTH 1105/ANTH 2105/ANTH 2136/ENGL 2136/GEOG 1101/HIST 1111/HIST 1112/HIST 2116/ITDS
1146/ITDS 1156
Wellness Requirement Req. Hours: 3
PELM 1205
Select any one PEDS course.
Area F Courses Related to MajorReq. Hours: 18
A minimum C grade average is required in the following courses.
ACCT 2101 Principles of Accounting 1
ACCT 2102 Principles of Accounting 2
BUSA 2106 The Environment of Business
CISM 2105 Intro to Computer Info Systems
ECON 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 2106 Principles of Microeconomics
Area G BBA Core Req. Hours: 24
A minimum C grade average is required in the following courses.
BUSA 3111 Stat Analysis for Bus Decisions
BUSA 4185 Strategic Management
CISM 3115 Princ of Info Tech Management
ENGL 3158 Organizational Communications
FINC 3105 Managerial Finance
MGMT 3115 Management/Organizational Beh
MGMT 3125 Production/Operations Mgmt
MKTG 3115 Principles of Marketing
Area H Major Course Req. Req. Hours: 21
A minimum grade of C is required in each of the following courses:
MGMT 3135 Human Resource Management
MGMT 4115 Adv Organizational Behavior
MGMT 4116 International Management
MGMT 4165 Managerial Communication
MGMT 3***/4*** Elective
MGMT 3***/4*** Elective
MGMT 3***/4*** Elective
Area I General Electives Req. Hours: 15
A minimum C grade average is required in business courses.
Non-Business Elective 1***/2***/3***/4***
Non-Business Elective 1***/2***/3***/4***
Total Hours Required 123
Area A Essential Skills Req. Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
Select one of the following courses:
MATH 1101/1111/1112/1113/1125/1131
*Math 1111/1112/1113 recommended.
Area B Institutional Options Req. Hours: 5
COMM 1110
Select two of the following courses:
ITDS 2726/ITDS 2727/ITDS 2735/ITDS 2745/ITDS 2746/ITDS 2748/ITDS 2749/ITDS 2755/ LEAD
1705/LEAD 1706/LEAD 2705/LEAD 2706/LIBR 1105
Select one of the following courses:
Foreign Language 1002, 2001, or 2002
Note: the extra hour of foreign language may be used as an elective.
Area C Humanities/Fine Arts Req. Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2111/ENGL 2112/ITDS 1145*/ITDS 1155/ PHIL 1105
Select one of the following fine arts courses:
ARTH 1100/ITDS 1145*/MUSC 1100/THEA 1100
*ITDS 1145, though listed under both humanities and fine arts, may be taken only once.
Area D Science/Math/Tech. Req. Hours: 10
Select one science course with a lab; the other course may be lab or non-lab:
ANTH 1145 (no lab); ASTR 1105/1305 (lab optional); ASTR 1106/1305; BIOL 1215 (lab
included); BIOL 1125 (no lab); BIOL 1225 (lab included); CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L;
CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L; ENVS 1105 (no lab); GEOL 1121 (lab included); GEOL
1122 (no lab); GEOL 2225 (lab included); ITDS 1215 (lab included); PHYS 1111/1311;
PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 1125/1325 (lab optional)
Select one of the following courses or a science course from above:
CPSC 1105/MATH 1112/MATH 1113/MATH 1125/MATH 1131/MATH 1132/MATH 1127/MATH 1165/PHIL
*MATH 1125/1131/1132 recommended.
Area E Social Sciences Req. Hours: 12
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Take the following course:
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from the following courses:
ECON 2105/ECON 2106/PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101
*PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101 recommended--ECON courses are required in Area F.
Select one world cultures course from the following courses:
ANTH 1105/ANTH 2105/ANTH 2136/ENGL 2136/GEOG 1101/HIST 1111/HIST 1112/HIST 2116/ITDS
1146/ITDS 1156
Wellness Requirement Req. Hours: 3
PELM 1205
Select any one PEDS course.
Area F Courses Related to MajorReq. Hours: 18
A minimum C grade average is required in the following courses.
ACCT 2101 Principles of Accounting 1
ACCT 2102 Principles of Accounting 2
BUSA 2106 The Environment of Business
CISM 2105 Intro to Computer Info Systems
ECON 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 2106 Principles of Microeconomics
Area G BBA Core Req. Hours: 24
A minimum C grade average is required in the following courses.
BUSA 3111 Stat Analysis for Bus Decisions
BUSA 4185 Strategic Management
CISM 3115 Princ of Info Tech Management
ENGL 3158 Organizational Communications
FINC 3105 Managerial Finance
MGMT 3115 Management/Organizational Beh
MGMT 3125 Production/Operations Mgmt
MKTG 3115 Principles of Marketing
Area H Major Course Requirements Req. Hours: 21
A minimum grade of C is required in each of the following courses:
MKTG 3135 Consumer Behavior
MKTG 3136 Advertising and Promotional Strat
MKTG 3137 Personal Selling
MKTG 4135 Marketing Research
MKTG 4185 Marketing Management
MKTG 3***/4*** Elective (advisor approved)
MKTG 3***/4*** Elective (advisor approved)
Area I General Electives Req. Hours: 15
A minimum C grade average is required in business courses.
Non-Business Elective 1***/2***/3***/4***
Non-Business Elective 1***/2***/3***/4***
Total Hours Required 123
ACCT 2101 Principles of Accounting 1
ACCT 2102 Principles of Accounting 2
ECON 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 2106 Principles of Microeconomics
BUSA 3111 Stat Analysis for Bus Decisions
FINC 3105 Managerial Finance
MGMT 3115 Management/Organizational Beh
MGMT 3125 Production/Operations Mgmt
MKTG 3115 Principles of Marketing
MBA 6117 Managerial Accounting
MBA 6145 Managerial Economics
MBA 6188 Professional Communication Skills
MBA 6795 Seminar in Organizational Behavior
MBA 6157 Managerial Finance
MBA 6165 Operations Management
MBA 6176 Marketing Management
MBA 6126 Strategic Management
MBA 6138 Management Information Systems
MBA 6127 Legal and Social Env of Business.
Total Required Hours: 30