College of Arts and Letters Degree Program Course Requirements
For general degree requirements, see the College of Arts and Letters and the General Degree Requirements pages.
Art Department
BSEd Art
MEd Art Education
Communication Department
BA Communication
Criminal Justice Department
Certificate In Criminal Justice
AAS In Criminal Justice
BS Criminal Justice
MPA Justice Administration Option
General Studies
AS General Studies
BS General Studies
History Department
BA History
Language and Literature Department
BA English
BA English - Professional Writing Track
BA French - Teacher Education
BA Spanish - Teacher Education
Schwob School of Music
BA Music
BM Performance - Instrumental Track
BM Performance - Vocal Track
BM Performance - Piano/Organ Track
BM Performance - Piano Pedagogy Track
BM Music Education - Instrumental
BM Music Education - Choral
MM Music Education
Political Science Department
BA Political Science
BS Political Science - Political Behavior/Policy Option
BS Political Science - Pre-Law
MPA General Government Option
MPA Justice Administration Option
Theatre Department
BFA Theatre
BSED Theatre Education
Area A Essential Skills Req. Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
Select one of the following courses:
MATH 1101/1111/1112/1113/1125/1131
Area B Institutional Options Req. Hours: 5
COMM 1110
Select two of the following courses:
ITDS 2726/ITDS 2727/ITDS 2735/ITDS 2745/ITDS 2746/ITDS 2748/ITDS 2749/ITDS 2755/ LEAD
1705/LEAD 1706/LEAD 2705/LEAD 2706/LIBR 1105
Select one of the following courses:
Foreign Language 1002, 2001, or 2002
Note: the extra hour of foreign language may be used as an elective.
Area C Humanities/Fine Arts Req. Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2111/ENGL 2112/ITDS 1145*/ITDS 1155/ PHIL 1105
Select one of the following fine arts courses:
ARTH 1100/ITDS 1145*/MUSC 1100/THEA 1100
*ITDS 1145, though listed under both humanities and fine arts, may be taken only once.
Area D Science/Math/Tech. Req. Hours: 10
Select one science course with a lab; the other course may be lab or non-lab:
ANTH 1145 (no lab); ASTR 1105/1305 (lab optional); ASTR 1106/1305; BIOL 1215 (lab
included); BIOL 1125 (no lab); BIOL 1225 (lab included); CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L;
CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L; ENVS 1105 (no lab); GEOL 1121 (lab included); GEOL
1122 (no lab); GEOL 2225 (lab included); ITDS 1215 (lab included); PHYS 1111/1311;
PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 1125/1325 (lab optional)
Select one of the following courses or a science course from above:
CPSC 1105/MATH 1112/MATH 1113/MATH 1125/MATH 1131/MATH 1132/MATH 1127/MATH 1165/PHIL
Area E Social Sciences Req. Hours: 12
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Take the following course:
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from the following courses:
ECON 2105/ECON 2106/PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101
Select one world cultures course from the following courses:
ANTH 1105/ANTH 2105/ANTH 2136/ENGL 2136/GEOG 1101/HIST 1111/HIST 1112/HIST 2116/ITDS
1146/ITDS 1156
Wellness Requirement Req. Hours: 3
PELM 1205
Select any one PEDS course.
Area F Courses Rel. to Major Req. Hours: 18
ARTH 1126 Art and Artists
ARTH 1127 Art Resources
ARTS 1010 Drawing 1
ARTS 1011 Drawing 2
ARTS 1020 Two-Dimensional Design
ARTS 1030 Three-Dimensional Design
ARTS 1285 Ceramics 1
Area G Prog. Requirements Req. Hours: 33
ARTS 2000 Sophomore Review
ARTS 3000 Junior Review
ARTS 3201 Graphic Design 1
ARTS 3221 Computer Graphics 1
ARTS 3237 Figure Drawing
ARTS 3247 Metals
ARTS 3256 Painting 1
ARTS 3265 Photographic Design 1
ARTS 3288 Sculpture 1
ARTS 4000 Senior Art Exhibit
ARTS 4277 Printmaking 1
Select three courses from the following:
ARTH 2125 Ancient/Non-Western Art
ARTH 2126 European Art/1000-1800
ARTH 3127 Early Modern Art 1800-1945
ARTH 3128 Contemporary Art 1945 to Present
ARTH 3555 Selected Topics in Art History
Area H Program Electives Req. Hours: 27
Select from the following:
ARTH 2125 Ancient/Non-Western Art *
ARTH 2126 European Art/1000-1800 *
ARTH 3127 Early Modern Art 1800-1945 *
ARTH 3128 Contemporary Art 1945 to Present*
ARTH 3555 Selected Topics in Art History *
* Note: If not used in Area G.
ARTS 2285 Ceramics 2
ARTS 3202 Graphic Design 2
ARTS 3222 Computer Graphics 2
ARTS 3275 Abstract Art Concepts
ARTS 3295 Business of Art
ARTS 3555 Selected Topics in Studio Art
ARTS 4201 Graphic Design 3
ARTS 4202 Graphic Design 4
ARTS 4236 Advanced Drawing
ARTS 4256 Painting 2
ARTS 4698 Internship
ARTS 4899 Independent Study
ARTS 5236 Drawing: Advanced Methods
ARTS 5245 Crafts: Advanced Methods
ARTS 5256 Painting: Advanced Methods
ARTS 5265 Photographic Design: Adv Method
ARTS 5277 Printmaking: Advanced Methods
ARTS 5285 Ceramics: Advanced Methods
ARTS 5288 Sculpture: Advanced Methods
Total Hours Required 123
BSEd Art
Area A Essential Skills Req. Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
Select one of the following courses:
MATH 1101/1111/1112/1113/1125/1131
Area B Institutional Options Req. Hours: 5
COMM 1110
Select two of the following courses:
ITDS 2726/ITDS 2727/ITDS 2735/ITDS 2745/ITDS 2746/ITDS 2748/ITDS 2749/ITDS 2755/ LEAD
1705/LEAD 1706/LEAD 2705/LEAD 2706/LIBR 1105
Select one of the following courses:
Foreign Language 1002, 2001, or 2002
Note: the extra hour of foreign language may be used as an elective.
Area C Humanities/Fine Arts Req. Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2111/ENGL 2112/ITDS 1145*/ITDS 1155/ PHIL 1105
Select one of the following fine arts courses:
ARTH 1100/ITDS 1145*/MUSC 1100/THEA 1100
*ITDS 1145, though listed under both humanities and fine arts, may be taken only once.
Area D Science/Math/Tech. Req. Hours: 10
Select one science course with a lab; the other course may be lab or non-lab:
ANTH 1145 (no lab); ASTR 1105/1305 (lab optional); ASTR 1106/1305; BIOL 1215 (lab
included); BIOL 1125 (no lab); BIOL 1225 (lab included); CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L;
CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L; ENVS 1105 (no lab); GEOL 1121 (lab included); GEOL
1122 (no lab); GEOL 2225 (lab included); ITDS 1215 (lab included); PHYS 1111/1311;
PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 1125/1325 (lab optional)
Select one of the following courses or a science course from above:
CPSC 1105/MATH 1112/MATH 1113/MATH 1125/MATH 1131/MATH 1132/MATH 1127/MATH 1165/PHIL
Area E Social Sciences Req. Hours: 12
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Take the following course:
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from the following courses:
ECON 2105/ECON 2106/PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101
Select one world cultures course from the following courses:
ANTH 1105/ANTH 2105/ANTH 2136/ENGL 2136/GEOG 1101/HIST 1111/HIST 1112/HIST 2116/ITDS
1146/ITDS 1156
Wellness Requirement Req. Hours: 3
PELM 1205
Select any one PEDS course.
Area F Courses Rel. to Major Req. Hours: 18
ARTH 1126 Art and Artists
ARTS 1010 Drawing 1
ARTS 1020 Two-Dimensional Design
ARTS 1030 Three-Dimensional Design
EDUF 2116 Human Dev, Motivation, Learning
EDUF 2215 The American Educ. Experience
and Learning
Area G Prog. Requirements Req. Hours: 34
ARTH 1127 Art Resources
ARTH 2126 European Art/1000-1800
ARTH 3128 Contemporary Art 1945 to Present
ARTS 1011 Drawing 2
ARTS 1285 Ceramics 1
ARTS 2000 Sophomore Review
ARTS 3201 Graphic Design 1
ARTS 3237 Figure Drawing
ARTS 3247 Metals
ARTS 3256 Painting 1
ARTS 3288 Sculpture 1
ARTS 4277 Printmaking 1
ARTS 4000 Senior Art Exhibit
Select one of the following two courses:
ARTH 2125 Ancient/Non-Western Art
ARTH 3127 Early Modern Art 1800-1945
Area H Program Electives Req. Hours: 9
Select nine semester hours of upper division courses from the following:
ARTH 3555 Selected Topics in Art History
ARTS 2285 Ceramics 2
ARTS 3202 Graphic Design 2
ARTS 3221 Computer Graphics 1
ARTS 3222 Graphics 2 Computer
ARTS 3265 Photographic Design 1
ARTS 4256 Painting 2
ARTS 4899 Independent Study
ARTS 5265 Method Photographic Design: Adv
ARTS 5277 Printmaking: Advanced Methods
ARTS 5288 Sculpture: Advanced Methods
Area I Professional Core Req. Hours: 23
(Courses in this area require Admission to Teacher Education Program.)
ARTE 3210 Art in Elementary School
ARTE 4210 Art in Middle and High School
ARTE 4485 Student Teaching: Art
ARTE 4795 Seminar in Art Education
EDUF 4115 Classroom Management
SPED 3255 Learning/Behavioral Characteristics of Children/Youth w/ Disabilities/Gifts/Talents
SPED 4255 Instructional Strat for Teaching Children/Youth w/ Disabilities/Gifts/ Talents
Total Hours Required 129
MEd Art Education
Area 1 Professional Core Req. Hours: 8
EDUF 6115 Educational Psychology
EDUF 6215 Research Methods
Area 2 Concentration Req. Hours:
ARTE 6795 Seminar: Concepts in Art Education
ARTE 6796 Seminar: Curriculum in Art Educ
ARTE 6797 Seminar: Research in Art Education
ARTH 5125 Seminar: Research in Hist/Crit/Aest
Select four courses from the following:
ARTS 5236 Drawing: Advanced Methods
ARTS 5245 Crafts: Advanced Methods
ARTS 5256 Painting: Advanced Methods
ARTS 5265 Photographic Design: Adv Methods
ARTS 5277 Printmaking: Advanced Methods
ARTS 5285 Ceramics: Advanced Methods
ARTS 5288 Sculpture: Advanced Methods
ARTS 6236 Drawing
ARTS 6256 Painting
ARTS 6265 Photography
ARTS 6277 Printmaking
ARTS 6285 Ceramics
ARTS 6288 Sculpture
ARTS 6286 Graduate Problem: Studio
Area 3 Electives Req. Hours: 3
Select one course from the following:
ARTE 6186 Graduate Problem: Art Education
ARTH 6185 Graduate Problem: Art History
ARTS 6698 Internship
SPED 5205 Learning/Behavioral Characteristics of Children with Disabilities, Gifts,
and Talents
Total Hours Required 36
BA Communication
Area A Essential Skills Req. Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
Select one of the following courses:
MATH 1101/1111/1112/1113/1125/1131
Area B Institutional Options Req. Hours: 5
COMM 1110
Select two of the following courses:
ITDS 2726/ITDS 2727/ITDS 2735/ITDS 2745/ITDS 2746/ITDS 2748/ITDS 2749/ITDS 2755/ LEAD
1705/LEAD 1706/LEAD 2705/LEAD 2706/LIBR 1105
Select one of the following courses:
Foreign Language 1002, 2001, or 2002
Note: the extra hour of foreign language may be used as an elective.
Area C Humanities/Fine Arts Req. Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2111/ENGL 2112/ITDS 1145*/ITDS 1155/ PHIL 1105
Select one of the following fine arts courses:
ARTH 1100/ITDS 1145*/MUSC 1100/THEA 1100
*ITDS 1145, though listed under both humanities and fine arts, may be taken only once.
Area D Science/Math/Tech. Req. Hours: 10
Select one science course with a lab; the other course may be lab or non-lab:
ANTH 1145 (no lab); ASTR 1105/1305 (lab optional); ASTR 1106/1305; BIOL 1215 (lab
included); BIOL 1125 (no lab); BIOL 1225 (lab included); CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L;
CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L; ENVS 1105 (no lab); GEOL 1121 (lab included); GEOL
1122 (no lab); GEOL 2225 (lab included); ITDS 1215 (lab included); PHYS 1111/1311;
PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 1125/1325 (lab optional)
Select one of the following courses or a science course from above:
CPSC 1105/MATH 1112/MATH 1113/MATH 1125/MATH 1131/MATH 1132/MATH 1127/MATH 1165/PHIL
Area E Social Sciences Req. Hours: 12
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Take the following course:
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from the following courses:
ECON 2105/ECON 2106/PHIL 2135/PSY 1101/SOCI 1101
Select one world cultures course from the following courses:
ANTH 1105/ANTH 2105/ANTH 2136/ENGL 2136/GEOG 1101/HIST 1111/HIST 1112/HIST 2116/ITDS
1146/ITDS 1156
Wellness Requirement Req. Hours: 3
PELM 1205
Select any one PEDS course.
Area F Courses Rel. to Major Req. Hours: 18
COMM 1105 Interpersonal Communication
COMM 1106 Intro to Human Communication
COMM 1136 Group Communication
Foreign Language 1002
Foreign Language 2001
Select three semester hours from Areas A-E of the core.
Area G Prog. Requirements Req. Hours: 6
COMM 4000 Communication Exit Assessment
COMM 4155 Communication Research
COMM 4156 Communication Theories
Area H Program Electives Req. Hours: 24
Select twenty-four hours from the following:
COMM 3116 Business & Professional Speaking
COMM 3117 Networked Communications
COMM 3125 Mass Communication
COMM 3135 Persuasion
COMM 3137 Couples Communication
COMM 3145 Family Communication
COMM 3146 Political Communication
COMM 3147 Intercultural Communication
COMM 4555 Selected Top in Communication
COMM 4698 Internship
COMM 4899 Independent Study
COMM 5139 Dispute Resolution
COMM 5145 Workplace Communications
COMM 5146 Communication Train & Develop
Area I General Electives Req. Hours: 30
Total Hours Required 123
Certificate in Criminal Justice
CRJU 1105 Intro to Criminal Justice
CRJU 1106 Intro to Corrections
CRJU 2105 Criminology
CRJU 2116 Victims of Violence
CRJU 2145 Criminal Law
CRJU 2146 Criminal Procedure
CRJU 2165 Police Organization
Select three additional hours in CRJU courses as approved by the department chair.
Total Hours Required 30
AAS In Criminal Justice
General Education Courses Req. Hours: 24
ENGL 1101 English Composition
ENGL 1102 English Composition 2
COMM 1110 Communication
POLS 1101 American Government
PELM 1205 Concepts of Fitness
Select any one PEDS course
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Select one mathematics course from below:
MATH 1101/MATH 1111/MATH 1112/MATH 1113/MATH 1125/MATH 1131/MATH 1132/MATH 1127/MATH
Select one science course from below (no lab required, unless included in selected
ANTH 1145 (no lab); ASTR 1105/1305 (lab optional); ASTR 1106/1305; BIOL 1215 (lab
included); BIOL 1125 (no lab); BIOL 1225 (lab included); CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L;
CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L; ENVS 1105 (no lab); GEOL 1121 (lab included); GEOL
1122 (no lab); ITDS 1215 (lab included); PHYS 1111/1311; PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 1125/1325
(lab optional)
Program Requirements Req. Hours: 24
CRJU 1105 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CRJU 1106 Introduction to Corrections
CRJU 2105 Criminology
CRJU 2116 Victims of Violence
CRJU 2145 Criminal Law
CRJU 2165 Police Organization
Select two courses from the following:
ACCT 2101 Principles of Accounting 1
ECON 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 2106 Principles of Microeconomics
PHIL 2135 Theories & Issues in Moral Phil
POLS 2101 Introduction to Political Science
PSYC 1101 Intro to General Psychology
SOCI 1101 Introduction to Sociology
General Education Electives Req. Hours: 9
Select nine semester hours from Areas A-E of the core curriculum
General Electives Req. Hours: 6
Total Hours Required 63
BS Criminal Justice
Area A Essential Skills Req. Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
Select one of the following courses:
MATH 1101/1111/1112/1113/1125/1131
Area B Institutional Options Req. Hours: 5
COMM 1110
Select two of the following courses:
ITDS 2726/ITDS 2727/ITDS 2735/ITDS 2745/ITDS 2746/ITDS 2748/ITDS 2749/ITDS 2755/ LEAD
1705/LEAD 1706/LEAD 2705/LEAD 2706/LIBR 1105
Select one of the following courses:
Foreign Language 1002, 2001, or 2002
Note: the extra hour of foreign language may be used as an elective.
Area C Humanities/Fine Arts Req. Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2111/ENGL 2112/ITDS 1145*/ITDS 1155/ PHIL 1105
Select one of the following fine arts courses:
ARTH 1100/ITDS 1145*/MUSC 1100/THEA 1100
*ITDS 1145, though listed under both humanities and fine arts, may be taken only once.
Area D Science/Math/Tech. Req. Hours: 10
Select one science course with a lab; the other course may be lab or non-lab:
ANTH 1145 (no lab); ASTR 1105/1305 (lab optional); ASTR 1106/1305; BIOL 1215 (lab
included); BIOL 1125 (no lab); BIOL 1225 (lab included); CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L;
CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L; ENVS 1105 (no lab); GEOL 1121 (lab included); GEOL
1122 (no lab); GEOL 2225 (lab included); ITDS 1215 (lab included); PHYS 1111/1311;
PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 1125/1325 (lab optional)
Select one of the following courses or a science course from above:
CPSC 1105/MATH 1112/MATH 1113/MATH 1125/MATH 1131/MATH 1132/MATH 1127/MATH 1165/PHIL
Area E Social Sciences Req. Hours: 12
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Take the following course:
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from the following courses:
ECON 2105/ECON 2106/PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101
Select one world cultures course from the following courses:
ANTH 1105/ANTH 2105/ANTH 2136/ENGL 2136/GEOG 1101/HIST 1111/HIST 1112/HIST 2116/ITDS
1146/ITDS 1156
Wellness Requirement Req. Hours: 3
PELM 1205
Select any one PEDS course.
Area F Courses Rel. to Major Req. Hours: 18
CRJU 1105 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CRJU 1106 Introduction to Corrections
CRJU 2105 Criminology
CRJU 2116 Victims of Violence
CRJU 2145 Criminal Law
CRJU 2165 Police Organization
Area G Prog. Requirements Req. Hours: 21
CRJU 2146 Criminal Procedure
CRJU 3125 Community Based Corr (prereq: CRJU1106)
CRJU 3126 Institutional Treat of Crim Offend
CRJU 3136 Ethics
CRJU 3155 Juvenile Delinquency
CRJU 3165 Criminal Investigative Techniques
CJRU 4000 Exit Exam
CRJU 4165 Police Comm Rel (suggested prereq: CRJU2165)
Area H Program Electives Req. Hours: 24
Select nine hours from the following:
CRJU 3115 Deviant Behavior
CRJU 3116 Criminal Behavior
CRJU 3117 Research Meth in Criminal Justice
CRJU 3135 Women in Crime and Justice
CRJU 3145 Jurisprudence
CRJU 4155 Juvenile Justice
Select fifteen hours from the following:
COMM 3135 Persuasion
COMM 3136 Non-Verbal Communication
ENGL 3158 Organizational Communication
ENGL 3159 Technical Writing
POLS 3129 Judicial Process
POLS 3161 American Constitutional Law 1
POLS 3185 Public Administration
PSYC 3125 Abnormal Psychology
SOCI 3117 Race and Ethnic Relations
Area I General Electives Req. Hours: 15
Total Hours Required 123
MPA Justice Administration Option
Area 1 Core Req. Hours: 18
MPAC 7106 Public Administration and Policy
MPAC 7116 Public Personnel Administration
MPAC 7126 Public Budgeting/Financial Admin
MPAC 7136 Research Meth for Administration
MPAC 7146 Organization Theory and Behavior
Select one course from the following two courses:
MPAC 7156 Legal Environment of Admin
COMM 5139 Dispute Resolution
Area 2 Concentration Req. Hours: 18
Select 18 semester hours from the following:
MPAJ 7105 Comparative Criminal Justice
MPAJ 7107 Courts and Judicial Admin
MPAJ 7126 Correctional Practices and Problems
MPAJ 7128 Police Practices and Problems
MPAJ 7158 Labor Law and Civil Rights
MPAJ 7188 Law and Social Control
Area 3 Additional Requirements Req. Hours: 0
MPAC 7000 MPA Comprehensive Exam
Note: Students may choose to substitute MPAC 7137 (Advanced Research Methods) and
MPAC 7999 (Thesis) for MPAC 7000 (MPA Comprehensive Examination) and for two of the
option courses above.
Total Hours Required: 36
AS General Studies
Area A Essential Skills Req. Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
Select one of the following courses:
MATH 1101/1111/1112/1113/1125/1131
Area B Institutional Options Req. Hours: 5
COMM 1110
Select two of the following courses:
ITDS 2726/ITDS 2727/ITDS 2735/ITDS 2745/ITDS 2746/ITDS 2748/ITDS 2749/ITDS 2755/ LEAD
1705/LEAD 1706/LEAD 2705/LEAD 2706/LIBR 1105
Select one of the following courses:
Foreign Language 1002, 2001, or 2002
Note: the extra hour of foreign language may be used as an elective.
Area C Humanities/Fine Arts Req. Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2111/ENGL 2112/ITDS 1145*/ITDS 1155/ PHIL 1105
Select one of the following fine arts courses:
ARTH 1100/ITDS 1145*/MUSC 1100/THEA 1100
*ITDS 1145, though listed under both humanities and fine arts, may be taken only once.
Area D Science/Math/Tech. Req. Hours: 10
Select one science course with a lab; the other course may be lab or non-lab:
ANTH 1145 (no lab); ASTR 1105/1305 (lab optional); ASTR 1106/1305; BIOL 1215 (lab
included); BIOL 1125 (no lab); BIOL 1225 (lab included); CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L;
CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L; ENVS 1105 (no lab); GEOL 1121 (lab included); GEOL
1122 (no lab); GEOL 2225 (lab included); ITDS 1215 (lab included); PHYS 1111/1311;
PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 1125/1325 (lab optional)
Select one of the following courses or a science course from above:
CPSC 1105/MATH 1112/MATH 1113/MATH 1125/MATH 1131/MATH 1132/MATH 1127/MATH 1165/PHIL
Area E Social Sciences Req. Hours: 12
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Take the following course:
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from the following courses:
ECON 2105/ECON 2106/PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101
Select one world cultures course from the following courses:
ANTH 1105/ANTH 2105/ANTH 2136/ENGL 2136/GEOG 1101/HIST 1111/HIST 1112/HIST 2116/ITDS
1146/ITDS 1156
Wellness Requirement Req. Hours: 3
PELM 1205
Select any one PEDS course.
Area F Courses Rel. to Major Req. Hours: 18
Select two courses from each of the following areas:
Fine Arts/Humanities (Area C)
Science/Math/Technology (Area D)
Social Sciences (Area E)
Total Hours Required 63
BS General Studies
Area A Essential Skills Req. Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
Select one of the following courses:
MATH 1101/1111/1112/1113/1125/1131
Area B Institutional Options Req. Hours: 5
COMM 1110
Select two of the following courses:
ITDS 2726/ITDS 2727/ITDS 2735/ITDS 2745/ITDS 2746/ITDS 2748/ITDS 2749/ITDS 2755/ LEAD
1705/LEAD 1706/LEAD 2705/LEAD 2706/LIBR 1105
Select one of the following courses:
Foreign Language 1002, 2001, or 2002
Note: the extra hour of foreign language may be used as an elective.
Area C Humanities/Fine Arts Req. Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2111/ENGL 2112/ITDS 1145*/ITDS 1155/ PHIL 1105
Select one of the following fine arts courses:
ARTH 1100/ITDS 1145*/MUSC 1100/THEA 1100
*ITDS 1145, though listed under both humanities and fine arts, may be taken only once.
Area D Science/Math/Tech. Req. Hours: 10
Select one science course with a lab; the other course may be lab or non-lab:
ANTH 1145 (no lab); ASTR 1105/1305 (lab optional); ASTR 1106/1305; BIOL 1215 (lab
included); BIOL 1125 (no lab); BIOL 1225 (lab included); CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L;
CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L; ENVS 1105 (no lab); GEOL 1121 (lab included); GEOL
1122 (no lab); GEOL 2225 (lab included); ITDS 1215 (lab included); PHYS 1111/1311;
PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 1125/1325 (lab optional)
Select one of the following courses or a science course from above:
CPSC 1105/MATH 1112/MATH 1113/MATH 1125/MATH 1131/MATH 1132/MATH 1127/MATH 1165/PHIL
Area E Social Sciences Req. Hours: 12
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Take the following course:
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from the following courses:
ECON 2105/ECON 2106/PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101
Select one world cultures course from the following courses:
ANTH 1105/ANTH 2105/ANTH 2136/ENGL 2136/GEOG 1101/HIST 1111/HIST 1112/HIST 2116/ITDS
1146/ITDS 1156
Wellness Requirement Req. Hours: 3
PELM 1205
Select any one PEDS course.
Area F Courses Rel. to Major Req. Hours: 18
Select two courses from each of the following areas:
Fine Arts/Humanities (Area C)
Science/Math/Technology (Area D)
Social Sciences (Area E)
Area G Prog. Requirements Req. Hours: 24
(3000-5000 level)
Select an emphasis area from the following (applicable course prefixes in parentheses):
Communication (ENGL, COMM)
Health and Recreation (HESC, PELM)
Mathematics and Computer Science (CPSC, MATH)
Note: ITDS, EURO, and IINS courses may be applicable to certain emphasis areas; however,
prior approval must be obtained by petition from the Academic Standards Committee.
Also, the applicability of all courses accepted in transfer which do not conform to
the above-stated emphasis areas must be determined by the Academic Standards Committee.
Area H Program Electives Req. Hours: 15
(3000-5000 level)
English (ENGL)
History (HIST)
Political Science (POLS)
Psychology (PSYC) or Sociology (SOCI)
Select three semester hours from the following:
Anthropology (ANTH)
Political Science (POLS)
Criminal Justice (CRJU)
European Union (EURO)
Geography (GEOG)
History (HIST)
Psychology (PSYC)
Sociology (SOCI)
Area I General Electives Req. Hours: 21
(1000-5000 level)
Total Hours Required 123
BA History
Area A Essential Skills Req. Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
Select one of the following courses:
MATH 1101/1111/1112/1113/1125/1131
Area B Institutional Options Req. Hours: 5
COMM 1110
Select two of the following courses:
ITDS 2726/ITDS 2727/ITDS 2735/ITDS 2745/ITDS 2746/ITDS 2748/ITDS 2749/ITDS 2755/ LEAD
1705/LEAD 1706/LEAD 2705/LEAD 2706/LIBR 1105
Select one of the following courses:
Foreign Language 1002, 2001, or 2002
Note: the extra hour of foreign language may be used as an elective.
Area C Humanities/Fine Arts Req. Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2111/ENGL 2112/ITDS 1145*/ITDS 1155/ PHIL 1105
Select one of the following fine arts courses:
ARTH 1100/ITDS 1145*/MUSC 1100/THEA 1100
*ITDS 1145, though listed under both humanities and fine arts, may be taken only once.
Area D Science/Math/Tech. Req. Hours: 10
Select one science course with a lab; the other course may be lab or non-lab:
ANTH 1145 (no lab); ASTR 1105/1305 (lab optional); ASTR 1106/1305; BIOL 1215 (lab
included); BIOL 1125 (no lab); BIOL 1225 (lab included); CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L;
CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L; ENVS 1105 (no lab); GEOL 1121 (lab included); GEOL
1122 (no lab); GEOL 2225 (lab included); ITDS 1215 (lab included); PHYS 1111/1311;
PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 1125/1325 (lab optional)
Select one of the following courses or a science course from above:
CPSC 1105/MATH 1112/MATH 1113/MATH 1125/MATH 1131/MATH 1132/MATH 1127/MATH 1165/PHIL
Area E Social Sciences Req. Hours: 12
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Take the following course:
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from the following courses:
ECON 2105/ECON 2106/PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101
Select one world cultures course from the following courses:
ANTH 1105/ANTH 2105/ANTH 2136/ENGL 2136/GEOG 1101/HIST 1111/HIST 1112/HIST 2116/ITDS
1146/ITDS 1156
Wellness Requirement Req. Hours: 3
PELM 1205
Select any one PEDS course.
Area F Courses Rel to Major Req. Hours:18
Foreign Language 1002
Foreign Language 2001
HIST 1111 Survey of World Civilization 1
HIST 1112 Survey of World Civilization 2
Select two courses from the following:
ECON 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics
ENGL 2111 World Literature 1
ENGL 2112 World Literature 2
GEOG 1101 Introduction to Human Geography
HIST 2111 U.S. History to 1877
HIST 2112 U.S. History since 1877
Area G Prog Requirements Req. Hours: 24
HIST 3125 Historical Methods
HIST 4795 Senior Research Seminar
HIST 4000 Baccalaureate Exam. In History
Select two of the following U.S. history courses:
HIST 3105 History of Georgia
HIST 3106 U. S. History since 1945
HIST 3107 American Indian History
HIST 3108 Battles and Leaders of the Civil War
HIST 3115 African American History to 1865
HIST 3116 African American History since 1865
HIST 3117 United States Civil Rights Movement
HIST 3118 U. S. and Vietnam
HIST 3146 American Military History
HIST 3147 American Economic History
HIST 5105 History of Columbus and the Chattahoochee Valley
HIST 5559 Selected Topics in United States History
HIST 5567 Selected Topics in Public History
HIST 5568 Selected Topics in the American South
HIST 5566 Selected Topics in African American History
Select two of the following European history courses:
HIST 3119 Introduction to Russia and Eastern Europe
HIST 3166 Germany since 1815
HIST 5557 Selected Topics in British History
HIST 5565 Selected Topics in Russian History
HIST 5575 Selected Topics in Modern European History
Select two of the following world history / geography courses:
GEOG 3107 World Regional Geography
GEOG 5128 Cultural Geography
HIST 3126 History in Film
HIST 3135 Introduction to Latin American History
HIST 3136 Indigenous Peoples of Latin American
HIST 3137 Latin America and the United States
HIST 3169 History of Women
HIST 5108 History and Politics of the Modern Middle East
HIST 5535 Selected Topics in Latin American History
HIST 5556 Selected Topics in Ancient/Medieval World History
HIST 5558 Selected Topics in Early Modern/Modern World History
HIST 5569 Selected Topics in Asian History
Area H Program Electives Req. Hours: 24
Select six to nine (6-9) hours of HIST 3*** or GEOG 3*** or above not taken in Area
Select fifteen to eighteen (15-18) hours within a specific minor [other than history]
or the European Union Certificate or in courses leading to teacher certification.
Area I General Electives Req. Hours: 12
Total Hours Required 123
BA English
Area A Essential Skills Req. Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
Select one of the following courses:
MATH 1101/1111/1112/1113/1125/1131
Area B Institutional Options Req. Hours: 5
COMM 1110
Select two of the following courses:
ITDS 2726/ITDS 2727/ITDS 2735/ITDS 2745/ITDS 2746/ITDS 2748/ITDS 2749/ITDS 2755/ LEAD
1705/LEAD 1706/LEAD 2705/LEAD 2706/LIBR 1105
Select one of the following courses:
Foreign Language 1002, 2001, or 2002
Note: the extra hour of foreign language may be used as an elective.
Area C Humanities/Fine Arts Req. Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2111/ENGL 2112/ITDS 1145*/ITDS 1155/ PHIL 1105
Select one of the following fine arts courses:
ARTH 1100/ITDS 1145*/MUSC 1100/THEA 1100
*ITDS 1145, though listed under both humanities and fine arts, may be taken only once.
Area D Science/Math/Tech. Req. Hours: 10
Select one science course with a lab; the other course may be lab or non-lab:
ANTH 1145 (no lab); ASTR 1105/1305 (lab optional); ASTR 1106/1305; BIOL 1215 (lab
included); BIOL 1125 (no lab); BIOL 1225 (lab included); CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L;
CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L; ENVS 1105 (no lab); GEOL 1121 (lab included); GEOL
1122 (no lab); GEOL 2225 (lab included); ITDS 1215 (lab included); PHYS 1111/1311;
PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 1125/1325 (lab optional)
Select one of the following courses or a science course from above:
CPSC 1105/MATH 1112/MATH 1113/MATH 1125/MATH 1131/MATH 1132/MATH 1127/MATH 1165/PHIL
Area E Social Sciences Req. Hours: 12
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Take the following course:
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from the following courses:
ECON 2105/ECON 2106/PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101
Select one world cultures course from the following courses:
ANTH 1105/ANTH 2105/ANTH 2136/ENGL 2136/GEOG 1101/HIST 1111/HIST 1112/HIST 2116/ITDS
1146/ITDS 1156
Wellness Requirement Req. Hours: 3
PELM 1205
Select any one PEDS course.
Area F Courses Rel. to Major Req. Hours: 18
ENGL 2145 Introduction to Poetry
ENGL 2146 Introduction to Fiction
Foreign Language 1002
Foreign Language 2001
Foreign Language 2002
Select one course from the following:
ENGL 2111 World Literature 1
ENGL 2112 World Literature 2
ENGL 2147 Introduction to Film
ENGL 2135 Multicultural Literature
Area G Prog. Requirements Req. Hours: 30
ENGL 3111 American Literature 1
ENGL 3112 American Literature 2
ENGL 3157 Advanced Exposition
ENGL 3175 Readings in American Literature
ENGL 3185 Shakespeare
ENGL 4125 Medieval/Renaissance Literature
ENGL 4126 Neoclassical/Romantic British Lit
ENGL 4127 Victorian and Modern Literature
ENGL 4000 Baccalaureate Exam
ENGL 5585 Selected Authors
Area H Program Electives Req. Hours: 12
Select one course from the following:
ENGL 5165 Introduction to Linguistics
ENGL 5166 History of the English Language
Select one course from the following:
ENGL 3115 Studies of the American Novel
ENGL 3125 Studies of the British Novel
Select one course from the following:
ENGL 5145 Literary Criticism
ENGL 5155 Theories of Rhetoric/Composition
ENGL 5167 Grammatical Structure of English
Select one course from the following:
ENGL 3116 African-American Literature
ENGL 3117 American Women Writers
ENGL 3158 Organizational Communication
ENGL 3159 Technical Writing
ENGL 3155 News and Feature Writing
ENGL 3156 Advertising Writing
ENGL 3165 Introduction to Creative Writing
ENGL 3255 The Electronic Writer
ENGL 4698 Internship
ENGL 5535 Selected Readings in World Lit
ENGL 5156 Advanced Creative Writing
ENGL 5168 Teaching English in the Multilingual Classroom
Area I General Electives Req. Hours: 18
Total Hours Required 123
BA English - Professional Writing Track
Area A Essential Skills Req. Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
Select one of the following courses:
MATH 1101/1111/1112/1113/1125/1131
Area B Institutional Options Req. Hours: 5
COMM 1110
Select two of the following courses:
ITDS 2726/ITDS 2727/ITDS 2735/ITDS 2745/ITDS 2746/ITDS 2748/ITDS 2749/ITDS 2755/ LEAD
1705/LEAD 1706/LEAD 2705/LEAD 2706/LIBR 1105
Select one of the following courses:
Foreign Language 1002, 2001, or 2002
Note: the extra hour of foreign language may be used as an elective.
Area C Humanities/Fine Arts Req. Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2111/ENGL 2112/ITDS 1145*/ITDS 1155/ PHIL 1105
Select one of the following fine arts courses:
ARTH 1100/ITDS 1145*/MUSC 1100/THEA 1100
*ITDS 1145, though listed under both humanities and fine arts, may be taken only once.
Area D Science/Math/Tech. Req. Hours: 10
Select one science course with a lab; the other course may be lab or non-lab:
ANTH 1145 (no lab); ASTR 1105/1305 (lab optional); ASTR 1106/1305; BIOL 1215 (lab
included); BIOL 1125 (no lab); BIOL 1225 (lab included); CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L;
CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L; ENVS 1105 (no lab); GEOL 1121 (lab included); GEOL
1122 (no lab); GEOL 2225 (lab included); ITDS 1215 (lab included); PHYS 1111/1311;
PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 1125/1325 (lab optional)
Select one of the following courses or a science course from above:
CPSC 1105/MATH 1112/MATH 1113/MATH 1125/MATH 1131/MATH 1132/MATH 1127/MATH 1165/PHIL
Area E Social Sciences Req. Hours: 12
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Take the following course:
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from the following courses:
ECON 2105/ECON 2106/PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101
Select one world cultures course from the following courses:
ANTH 1105/ANTH 2105/ANTH 2136/ENGL 2136/GEOG 1101/HIST 1111/HIST 1112/HIST 2116/ITDS
1146/ITDS 1156
Wellness Requirement Req. Hours: 3
PELM 1205
Select any one PEDS course.
Area F Courses Rel. to Major Req. Hours: 18
ENGL 2145 Introduction to Poetry
ENGL 2146 Introduction to Fiction
Foreign Language 1002
Foreign Language 2001
Foreign Language 2002
Select one course from the following:
ENGL 2111 World Literature 1
ENGL 2112 World Literature 2
ENGL 2147 Introduction to Film
ENGL 2135 Multicultural Literature
Area G Prog. Requirements Req. Hours: 40
ENGL 3111 American Literature 1
ENGL 3112 American Literature 2
ENGL 3155 News and Feature Writing
ENGL 3156 Advertising Writing
ENGL 3157 Advanced Exposition
ENGL 3158 Organizational Communications
ENGL 3159 Technical Writing
ENGL 3165 Introduction to Creative Writing
ENGL 3185 Shakespeare
ENGL 3255 The Electronic Writer
ENGL 4000 Baccalaureate Exam
ENGL 4698 Internship
ENGL 5146 Scientific Writing
ENGL 5155 Theories of Rhetoric/Composition
Area H Program Electives Req. Hours: 14
Select two courses from the following:
Literature Course (3000 level or above)
Linguistics Course (3000 level or above)
ENGL 3256 Peer Writing Consultation
Select two courses from the following:
ENGL 4125 Medieval and Renaissance Literature
ENGL 4126 Neoclassical and Romantic British Literature
ENGL 4127 Victorian and Modern Literature
Area I Electives Req. Hours: 6
Total Hours Required 123
BA French - Teacher Education
Area A Essential Skills Req. Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
Select one of the following courses:
MATH 1101/1111/1112/1113/1125/1131
Area B Institutional Options Req. Hours: 5
COMM 1110
Select two of the following courses:
ITDS 2726/ITDS 2727/ITDS 2735/ITDS 2745/ITDS 2746/ITDS 2748/ITDS 2749/ITDS 2755/ LEAD
1705/LEAD 1706/LEAD 2705/LEAD 2706/LIBR 1105
Area C Humanities/Fine Arts Req. Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2111/ENGL 2112/ITDS 1145*/ITDS 1155/ PHIL 1105
Select one of the following fine arts courses: ARTH 1100/ITDS 1145*/MUSC 1100/THEA
*ITDS 1145, though listed under both humanities and fine arts, may be taken only once.
Area D Science/Math/Tech. Req. Hours: 10
Select one science course with a lab; the other course may be lab or non-lab:
ANTH 1145 (no lab); ASTR 1105/1305 (lab optional); ASTR 1106/1305; BIOL 1215 (lab
included); BIOL 1125 (no lab); BIOL 1225 (lab included); CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L;
CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L; ENVS 1105 (no lab); GEOL 1121 (lab included); GEOL
1122 (no lab); GEOL 2225 (lab included); ITDS 1215 (lab included); PHYS 1111/1311;
PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 1125/1325 (lab optional)
Select one of the following courses or a science course from above:
CPSC 1105/MATH 1112/MATH 1113/MATH 1125/MATH 1131/MATH 1132/MATH 1127/MATH 1165/PHIL
Area E Social Sciences Req. Hours: 12
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Take the following course:
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from the following courses:
ECON 2105/ECON 2106/PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101
Select one world cultures course from the following courses:
ANTH 1105/ANTH 2105/ANTH 2136/ENGL 2136/GEOG 1101/HIST 1111/HIST 1112/HIST 2116/ITDS
1146/ITDS 1156
Wellness Requirement Req. Hours: 3
PELM 1205
Select any one PEDS course.
Area F Courses Rel. to Major Req. Hours: 18
FREN 2001 Intermediate French 1
FREN 2002 Intermediate French 2
ANTH 1105 Introduction to Anthropology
ENGL 2135 Multicultural Literature
ITDS 1145 Comparative Arts
PHIL 1105 Survey of Philosophical Thought
Area G Prog. Requirements Req. Hours: 64
("C" or better required in each course)
EDCI 3455 Practicum 1
EDCI 4455 Practicum 2
EDSE 4125 Teaching a Modern Foreign Lang
EDSE 4126 Topics in Foreign Lang Meth
EDUF 2116 Human Dev, Motivation, Learning
EDUF 2215 The American Educ Experience
ENGL 5165 Introduction to Linguistics
FREN 3101 French Reading and Composition
FREN 3102 Advanced French Conversation
FREN 3115 Intro to the Francophone World
FREN 3116 Contemporary France
FREN 3165 Phonetics
FREN 4115 Methods of Translation
FREN 4116 Adv Lit of the Francophone World
SPED 3255 Learn/Beh Char of Child/Youth with Disabilities, Gifts, and Talents
The following course must be taken twice on different topics for a maximum of six
FREN 4555 Selected Topics in French
Student Teaching Experience:
EDCI 4485 Student Teaching
EDCI 4795 Student Teaching Seminar
EDUF 4115 Classroom Management
SPED 4255 Instruc. Strat for Teaching Children/Youth w/Disabilities/Gifts
Total Hours Required 127
BA Spanish - Teacher Education
Area A Essential Skills Req. Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
Select one of the following courses:
MATH 1101/1111/1112/1113/1125/1131
Area B Institutional Options Req. Hours: 5
COMM 1110
Select two of the following courses:
ITDS 2726/ITDS 2727/ITDS 2735/ITDS 2745/ITDS 2746/ITDS 2748/ITDS 2749/ITDS 2755/ LEAD
1705/LEAD 1706/LEAD 2705/LEAD 2706/LIBR 1105
Area C Humanities/Fine Arts Req. Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2111/ENGL 2112/ITDS 1145*/ITDS 1155/ PHIL 1105
Select one of the following fine arts courses: ARTH 1100/ITDS 1145*/MUSC 1100/THEA
*ITDS 1145, though listed under both humanities and fine arts, may be taken only once.
Area D Science/Math/Tech. Req. Hours: 10
Select one science course with a lab; the other course may be lab or non-lab:
ANTH 1145 (no lab); ASTR 1105/1305 (lab optional); ASTR 1106/1305; BIOL 1215 (lab
included); BIOL 1125 (no lab); BIOL 1225 (lab included); CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L;
CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L; ENVS 1105 (no lab); GEOL 1121 (lab included); GEOL
1122 (no lab); GEOL 2225 (lab included); ITDS 1215 (lab included); PHYS 1111/1311;
PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 1125/1325 (lab optional)
Select one of the following courses or a science course from above:
CPSC 1105/MATH 1112/MATH 1113/MATH 1125/MATH 1131/MATH 1132/MATH 1127/MATH 1165/PHIL
Area E Social Sciences Req. Hours: 12
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Take the following course:
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from the following courses:
ECON 2105/ECON 2106/PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101
Select one world cultures course from the following courses:
ANTH 1105/ANTH 2105/ANTH 2136/ENGL 2136/GEOG 1101/HIST 1111/HIST 1112/HIST 2116/ITDS
1146/ITDS 1156
Wellness Requirement Req. Hours: 3
PELM 1205
Select any one PEDS course.
Area F Courses Rel. to Major Req. Hours: 18
SPAN 2001 Intermediate Spanish 1
SPAN 2002 Intermediate Spanish 2
Select four courses from the following:
ANTH 1105 Introduction to Anthropology
ENGL 2135 Multicultural Literature
HIST 2116 Multicultural Hist of the Americans
ITDS 1145 Comparative Arts
PHIL 1105 Survey of Philosophical Thought
Area G Prog. Requirements Req. Hours: 64
("C" or better required in each course)
EDCI 3455 Practicum 1
EDCI 4455 Practicum 2
EDSE 4125 Teaching a Modern Foreign Lang
EDSE 4126 Topics in Foreign Lang Meth
EDUF 2116 Human Dev, Motivation, Learning
EDUF 2215 The American Educ Experience
ENGL 5165 Introduction to Linguistics
SPAN 3150 Advanced Conversation
SPAN 3160 Adv Grammar and Composition
SPAN 3165 Phonetics
SPAN 3170 Studies in Civilization: Spain
SPAN 3175 Studies in Civilization: Latin Amer
SPAN 4115 Survey of Spanish Literature
SPAN 4116 Survey of Latin American Lit
SPED 3255 Learn/Beh Char of Child/Youth with Disabilities, Gifts, and Talents
The following course must be taken twice on different topics for a maximum of six
SPAN 5555 Selected Topics in Spanish
Student Teaching Experience:
EDCI 4485 Student Teaching
EDCI 4795 Student Teaching Seminar
EDUF 4115 Classroom Management
SPED 4255 Instruc. Strat for Teaching Children/Youth w/Disabilities/Gifts
Total Hours Required: 127
BA Music
Area A Essential Skills Req. Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
Select one of the following courses:
MATH 1101/1111/1112/1113/1125/1131
Area B Institutional Options Req. Hours: 5
COMM 1110
Select two of the following courses:
ITDS 2726/ITDS 2727/ITDS 2735/ITDS 2745/ITDS 2746/ITDS 2748/ITDS 2749/ITDS 2755/ LEAD
1705/LEAD 1706/LEAD 2705/LEAD 2706/LIBR 1105
Select one of the following courses:
Foreign Language 1002, 2001, or 2002
Note: the extra hour of foreign language may be used as an elective.
Area C Humanities/Fine Arts Req. Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2111/ENGL 2112/ITDS 1145*/ITDS 1155/ PHIL 1105
Select one of the following fine arts courses:
ARTH 1100/ITDS 1145*/MUSC 1100/THEA 1100
*ITDS 1145, though listed under both humanities and fine arts, may be taken only once.
Area D Science/Math/Tech. Req. Hours: 10
Select one science course with a lab; the other course may be lab or non-lab:
ANTH 1145 (no lab); ASTR 1105/1305 (lab optional); ASTR 1106/1305; BIOL 1215 (lab
included); BIOL 1125 (no lab); BIOL 1225 (lab included); CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L;
CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L; ENVS 1105 (no lab); GEOL 1121 (lab included); GEOL
1122 (no lab); GEOL 2225 (lab included); ITDS 1215 (lab included); PHYS 1111/1311;
PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 1125/1325 (lab optional)
Select one of the following courses or a science course from above:
CPSC 1105/MATH 1112/MATH 1113/MATH 1125/MATH 1131/MATH 1132/MATH 1127/MATH 1165/PHIL
Area E Social Sciences Req. Hours: 12
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Take the following course:
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from the following courses:
ECON 2105/ECON 2106/PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101
Select one world cultures course from the following courses:
ANTH 1105/ANTH 2105/ANTH 2136/ENGL 2136/GEOG 1101/HIST 1111/HIST 1112/HIST 2116/ITDS
1146/ITDS 1156
Wellness Requirement Req. Hours: 3
PELM 1205
Select any one PEDS course.
Area F Courses Rel. to Major Req. Hours: 18
MUSA 1211 Applied Music-Major Instru/Voice
MUSA 1212 Applied Music-Major Instru/Voice
MUSA 2211 Applied Music-Major Instru/Voice
MUSA 2212 Applied Music-Major Instru/Voice
MUSA 2313 Keyboard Class 1
MUSA 2314 Keyboard Class 2
MUSC 1215 Music Theory 1
MUSC 1305 Music Fundamentals
MUSC 2201 Music Theory 2
MUSC 2202 Music Theory 3
Take the appropriate course four times:
MUSC 1070 Orchestral Ensemble Activities
MUSC 1080 Wind Ensemble Activities
MUSC 1090 Vocal Ensemble Activities
Area G Prog. Requirements Req. Hours: 38
A minimum grade of C is required in each of the following courses:
MUSA 3000 Piano Proficiency
MUSA 3211 Applied Music
MUSA 3212 Applied Music
MUSA 4211 Applied Music
MUSA 4212 Applied Music
MUSC 1000 Convocation (six semesters)
MUSC 1315 Music Skills 1
MUSC 2301 Music Skills 2
MUSC 2302 Music Skills 3
MUSC 3225 Music History to 1750
MUSC 3226 Music History 1750-1900
MUSC 3227 Music History Twentieth Century
MUSC 4899 Independent Study
MUSE 3201 Basic Conducting
Select one of the following two sequences:
FREN 1002-2001
GERM 1002-2001
Note: Student may substitute two semester hours in electives if one of the above foreign
languages is used for Area B.
Take the appropriate course four times:
MUSC 3070 Orchestral Ensemble Activities
MUSC 3080 Wind Ensemble Activities
MUSC 3090 Vocal Ensemble Activities
Select ten semester hours from the following:
MUSC courses (3000 level or above)
MUSE courses (3000 level or above)
Area H General Electives Req. Hours: 22
Eleven semester hours must be 3000-level or above; a minor or area of concentration
is recommended.
(NOTE: At least 66 semester hours must be earned in disciplines outside of music.
These hours may be earned as general education, foreign language, general electives,
and courses in a minor.)
Total Hours Required 123
BM Performance - Instrumental Track
Area A Essential Skills Req. Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
Select one of the following courses:
MATH 1101/1111/1112/1113/1125/1131
Area B Institutional Options Req. Hours: 5
COMM 1110
Select two of the following courses:
ITDS 2726/ITDS 2727/ITDS 2735/ITDS 2745/ITDS 2746/ITDS 2748/ITDS 2749/ITDS 2755/ LEAD
1705/LEAD 1706/LEAD 2705/LEAD 2706/LIBR 1105
Select one of the following courses:
Foreign Language 1002, 2001, or 2002
Note: the extra hour of foreign language may be used as an elective.
Area C Humanities/Fine Arts Req. Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2111/ENGL 2112/ITDS 1145*/ITDS 1155/ PHIL 1105
Select one of the following fine arts courses:
ARTH 1100/ITDS 1145*/MUSC 1100/THEA 1100
*ITDS 1145, though listed under both humanities and fine arts, may be taken only once.
Area D Science/Math/Tech. Req. Hours: 10
Select one science course with a lab; the other course may be lab or non-lab:
ANTH 1145 (no lab); ASTR 1105/1305 (lab optional); ASTR 1106/1305; BIOL 1215 (lab
included); BIOL 1125 (no lab); BIOL 1225 (lab included); CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L;
CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L; ENVS 1105 (no lab); GEOL 1121 (lab included); GEOL
1122 (no lab); GEOL 2225 (lab included); ITDS 1215 (lab included); PHYS 1111/1311;
PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 1125/1325 (lab optional)
Select one of the following courses or a science course from above:
CPSC 1105/MATH 1112/MATH 1113/MATH 1125/MATH 1131/MATH 1132/MATH 1127/MATH 1165/PHIL
Area E Social Sciences Req. Hours: 12
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Take the following course:
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from the following courses:
ECON 2105/ECON 2106/PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101
Select one world cultures course from the following courses:
ANTH 1105/ANTH 2105/ANTH 2136/ENGL 2136/GEOG 1101/HIST 1111/HIST 1112/HIST
2116/ITDS 1146/ITDS 1156
Wellness Requirement Req. Hours: 3
PELM 1205
Select any one PEDS course.
Area F Courses Rel. to Major Req. Hours: 18
MUSA 1211 Applied Music - Major Instrument
MUSA 1212 Applied Music - Major Instrument
MUSA 2211 Applied Music - Major Instrument
MUSA 2212 Applied Music - Major Instrument
MUSA 2313 Keyboard Class 1
MUSA 2314 Keyboard Class 2
MUSC 1215 Music Theory 1
MUSC 1305 Music Fundamentals
MUSC 2201 Music Theory 2
MUSC 2202 Music Theory 3
Take the appropriate course four times:
MUSC 1070 Orchestral Ensemble Activities
MUSC 1080 Wind Ensemble Activities
MUSC 1090 Vocal Ensemble Activities
Area G Prog. Requirements Req. Hours: 41
A minimum grade of C is required in each of the following courses:
MUSA 3000 Piano Proficiency
MUSA 3221 Applied Music - Major Instrument
MUSA 3222 Applied Music - Major Instrument
MUSA 3305 Half Recital
MUSA 4231 Applied Music - Major Instrument
MUSA 4232 Applied Music - Major Instrument
MUSA 4305 Full Recital
MUSC 1000 Convocation (six semesters)
MUSC 1315 Music Skills 1
MUSC 2301 Music Skills 2
MUSC 2302 Music Skills 3
MUSC 3116 Form and Analysis
MUSC 3117 Instrumentation and Transcription
MUSC 3225 Music History to 1750
MUSC 3226 Music History 1750-1900
MUSC 3227 Music History Twentieth Century
MUSE 3201 Basic Conducting
Take the appropriate course four times:
MUSC 3070 Orchestral Ensemble Activities
MUSC 3080 Wind Ensemble Activities
Select two courses from the following:
MUSC 5217 Brass Literature
MUSC 5219 Jazz History
MUSC 5221 Organ Literature 1
MUSC 5222 Organ Literature 2
MUSC 5225 Development of Opera
MUSC 5226 Flute Literature
MUSC 5227 Guitar Literature
MUSC 5228 Piano Lit Through Classicism
MUSC 5229 Piano Lit:Romantic-Contemp Eras
MUSC 5236 String Literature
MUSC 5237 Symphonic Literature
MUSC 5238 Wind Ensemble Literature
MUSC 5239 Woodwind Literature
MUSC 5246 Percussion Literature
Select four semester hours from the following:
MUSE 3251 Brass Pedagogy 1
MUSE 3252 Brass Pedagogy 2
MUSE 3215 Percussion Pedagogy
MUSE 3216 String Bass Pedagogy
MUSE 3217 Guitar Pedagogy
MUSE 3261 Cello Pedagogy 1
MUSE 3262 Cello Pedagogy 2
MUSE 3271 Woodwind Pedagogy 1
MUSE 3272 Woodwind Pedagogy 2
MUSE 3281 Violin/Viola Pedagogy 1
MUSE 3282 Violin/Viola Pedagogy 2
Area H Program Electives Req. Hours: 19
Select nineteen hours of MUSA, MUSC, MUSE, MUSP courses, at least 8
hours must be 3000 level or above.
Total Hours Required 123
BM Performance - Vocal Track
Area A Essential Skills Req. Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
Select one of the following courses:
MATH 1101/1111/1112/1113/1125/1131
Area B Institutional Options Req. Hours: 5
COMM 1110
Select two of the following courses:
ITDS 2726/ITDS 2727/ITDS 2735/ITDS 2745/ITDS 2746/ITDS 2748/ITDS 2749/ITDS 2755/ LEAD
1705/LEAD 1706/LEAD 2705/LEAD 2706/LIBR 1105
Select one of the following courses:
Foreign Language 1002, 2001, or 2002
Note: the extra hour of foreign language may be used as an elective.
Area C Humanities/Fine Arts Req. Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2111/ENGL 2112/ITDS 1145*/ITDS 1155/ PHIL 1105
Select one of the following fine arts courses:
ARTH 1100/ITDS 1145*/MUSC 1100/THEA 1100
*ITDS 1145, though listed under both humanities and fine arts, may be taken only once.
Area D Science/Math/Tech. Req. Hours: 10
Select one science course with a lab; the other course may be lab or non-lab:
ANTH 1145 (no lab); ASTR 1105/1305 (lab optional); ASTR 1106/1305; BIOL 1215 (lab
included); BIOL 1125 (no lab); BIOL 1225 (lab included); CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L;
CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L; ENVS 1105 (no lab); GEOL 1121 (lab included); GEOL
1122 (no lab); GEOL 2225 (lab included); ITDS 1215 (lab included); PHYS 1111/1311;
PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 1125/1325 (lab optional)
Select one of the following courses or a science course from above:
CPSC 1105/MATH 1112/MATH 1113/MATH 1125/MATH 1131/MATH 1132/MATH 1127/MATH 1165/PHIL
Area E Social Sciences Req. Hours: 12
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Take the following course:
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from the following courses:
ECON 2105/ECON 2106/PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101
Select one world cultures course from the following courses:
ANTH 1105/ANTH 2105/ANTH 2136/ENGL 2136/GEOG 1101/HIST 1111/HIST 1112/HIST 2116/ITDS
1146/ITDS 1156
Wellness Requirement Req. Hours: 3
PELM 1205
Select any one PEDS course.
Area F Courses Rel. to Major Req. Hours: 18
MUSA 1211 Applied Music - Voice
MUSA 1212 Applied Music - Voice
MUSA 2211 Applied Music - Voice
MUSA 2212 Applied Music - Voice
MUSA 2313 Keyboard Class 1
MUSA 2314 Keyboard Class 2
MUSC 1215 Music Theory 1
MUSC 1305 Music Fundamentals
MUSC 2201 Music Theory 2
MUSC 2202 Music Theory 3
Take the following course four times:
MUSC 1090 Vocal Ensemble Activities
Area G Prog. Requirements Req. Hours: 52
A minimum grade of C is required in each of the following courses:
MUSA 1215 Appl Music - Sec. Piano (1st time)
MUSA 1215 Appl Music - Sec. Piano (2nd time)
MUSA 3000 Piano Proficiency
MUSA 3221 Applied Music - Voice
MUSA 3222 Applied Music - Voice
MUSA 3305 Half Recital
MUSA 4231 Applied Music - Voice
MUSA 4232 Applied Music - Voice
MUSA 4305 Full Recital
MUSC 1000 Convocation (six semesters)
MUSC 1315 Music Skills 1
MUSC 2301 Music Skills 2
MUSC 2302 Music Skills 3
MUSC 3225 Music History to 1750
MUSC 3226 Music History 1750-1900
MUSC 3227 Music History Twentieth Century
MUSC 5218 Song Literature
MUSC 5225 Development of Opera
MUSE 3201 Basic Conducting
MUSE 3221 Vocal Pedagogy 1
MUSE 3222 Vocal Pedagogy 2
MUSE 3241 Diction 1
MUSE 3242 Diction 2
MUSC 3090 Vocal Ensem Act (take four times)
Take one of the following two sequences:
FREN 1001/1002 (For students with fewer than two years of high school French)
FREN 1002/2001 (For students with two years of high school French)
Note: Student may substitute two semester hours in music electives if one of the above
foreign languages is used for Area B.
Take one of the following two sequences:
GERM 1001/1002 (for students with fewer than two years of high school German)
GERM 1002/2001 (for students with two years of high school German)
Note: Student may substitute two semester hours in music electives if one of the above
foreign languages is used for Area B.
Area H Program Electives Req. Hours: 8
Select eight hours of MUSA, MUSC, MUSE, MUSP courses, 3000 level or above.
Total Hours Required 123
BM Performance - Piano/Organ Track
Area A Essential Skills Req. Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
Select one of the following courses:
MATH 1101/1111/1112/1113/1125/1131
Area B Institutional Options Req. Hours: 5
COMM 1110
Select two of the following courses:
ITDS 2726/ITDS 2727/ITDS 2735/ITDS 2745/ITDS 2746/ITDS 2748/ITDS 2749/ITDS 2755/ LEAD
1705/LEAD 1706/LEAD 2705/LEAD 2706/LIBR 1105
Select one of the following courses:
Foreign Language 1002, 2001, or 2002
Note: the extra hour of foreign language may be used as an elective.
Area C Humanities/Fine Arts Req. Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2111/ENGL 2112/ITDS 1145*/ITDS 1155/ PHIL 1105
Select one of the following fine arts courses:
ARTH 1100/ITDS 1145*/MUSC 1100/THEA 1100
*ITDS 1145, though listed under both humanities and fine arts, may be taken only once.
Area D Science/Math/Tech. Req. Hours: 10
Select one science course with a lab; the other course may be lab or non-lab:
ANTH 1145 (no lab); ASTR 1105/1305 (lab optional); ASTR 1106/1305; BIOL 1215 (lab
included); BIOL 1125 (no lab); BIOL 1225 (lab included); CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L;
CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L; ENVS 1105 (no lab); GEOL 1121 (lab included); GEOL
1122 (no lab); GEOL 2225 (lab included); ITDS 1215 (lab included); PHYS 1111/1311;
PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 1125/1325 (lab optional)
Select one of the following courses or a science course from above:
CPSC 1105/MATH 1112/MATH 1113/MATH 1125/MATH 1131/MATH 1132/MATH 1127/MATH 1165/PHIL
Area E Social Sciences Req. Hours: 12
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Take the following course:
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from the following courses:
ECON 2105/ECON 2106/PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101
Select one world cultures course from the following courses:
ANTH 1105/ANTH 2105/ANTH 2136/ENGL 2136/GEOG 1101/HIST 1111/HIST 1112/HIST 2116/ITDS
1146/ITDS 1156
Wellness Requirement Req. Hours: 3
PELM 1205
Select any one PEDS course.
Area F Courses Rel. to Major Req. Hours: 18
MUSA 1211 Applied Music-Major Piano/Organ
MUSA 1215 Applied Music-Sec. Piano/Organ
MUSA 1212 Applied Music-Major Piano/Organ
MUSA 1215 Applied Music-Sec. Piano/Organ
MUSA 2211 Applied Music-Major Piano/Organ
MUSA 2212 Applied Music-Major Piano/Organ
MUSC 1215 Music Theory 1
MUSC 1305 Music Fundamentals
MUSC 2201 Music Theory 2
MUSC 2202 Music Theory 3
Take the appropriate course four times:
MUSC 1070 Orchestral Ensemble Activities
MUSC 1080 Wind Ensemble Activities
MUSC 1090 Vocal Ensemble Activities
Area G Prog. Requirements Req. Hours: 46
A minimum grade of C is required in each of the following courses:
MUSA 3000 Piano Proficiency
MUSA 3221 Appl Music Major -Piano/Organ
MUSA 3222 Appl Music Major - Piano/Organ
MUSA 3305 Half Recital
MUSA 4231 Appl Music Major - Piano/Organ
MUSA 4232 Appl Music Major - Piano/Organ
MUSA 4305 Full Recital
MUSC 1000 Convocation (six semesters)
MUSC 1315 Music Skills 1
MUSC 2301 Music Skills 2
MUSC 2302 Music Skills 3
MUSC 3115 Counterpoint
MUSC 3116 Form and Analysis
MUSC 3225 Music History to 1750
MUSC 3226 Music History 1750-1900
MUSC 3227 Music History Twentieth Century
MUSE 3201 Basic Conducting
MUSP 4305 Accompanying (taken four times)
Select two courses from the following:
MUSC 5221 Organ Literature 1, and
MUSC 5222 Organ Literature 2 , or
MUSC 5228 Piano Lit Through Classicism, and
MUSC 5229 Piano Lit Through Contemp Era
Select one group from the following:
GRP1: MUSE 3211 Organ Pedagogy 1
MUSE 3212 Organ Pedagogy 2
GRP2: MUSE 3231 Piano Pedagogy 1
MUSE 3232 Piano Pedagogy 2
Take one of the following:
FREN 1001 (For students with fewer than two years of high school French)
FREN 1002 (For students with two years of high school French)
Note: Student may substitute two semester hours in music electives if one of the above
foreign languages is used for Area B.
Take one of the following:
GERM 1001 (for students with fewer than two years of high school German)
GERM 1002 (for students with two years of high school German)
Note: Student may substitute two semester hours in music electives if one of the above
foreign languages is used for Area B.
Area H Program Electives Req. Hours: 14
Select fourteen hours of MUSA, MUSC, MUSE, MUSP courses, 3000 level or above.
Total Hours Required 123
BM Performance - Piano Pedagogy Track
Area A Essential Skills Req. Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
Select one of the following courses:
MATH 1101/1111/1112/1113/1125/1131
Area B Institutional Options Req. Hours: 5
COMM 1110
Select two of the following courses:
ITDS 2726/ITDS 2727/ITDS 2735/ITDS 2745/ITDS 2746/ITDS 2748/ITDS 2749/ITDS 2755/ LEAD
1705/LEAD 1706/LEAD 2705/LEAD 2706/LIBR 1105
Select one of the following courses:
Foreign Language 1002, 2001, or 2002
Note: the extra hour of foreign language may be used as an elective.
Area C Humanities/Fine Arts Req. Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2111/ENGL 2112/ITDS 1145*/ITDS 1155/ PHIL 1105
Select one of the following fine arts courses:
ARTH 1100/ITDS 1145*/MUSC 1100/THEA 1100
*ITDS 1145, though listed under both humanities and fine arts, may be taken only once.
Area D Science/Math/Tech. Req. Hours: 10
Select one science course with a lab; the other course may be lab or non-lab:
ANTH 1145 (no lab); ASTR 1105/1305 (lab optional); ASTR 1106/1305; BIOL 1215 (lab
included); BIOL 1125 (no lab); BIOL 1225 (lab included); CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L;
CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L; ENVS 1105 (no lab); GEOL 1121 (lab included); GEOL
1122 (no lab); GEOL 2225 (lab included); ITDS 1215 (lab included); PHYS 1111/1311;
PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 1125/1325 (lab optional)
Select one of the following courses or a science course from above:
CPSC 1105/MATH 1112/MATH 1113/MATH 1125/MATH 1131/MATH 1132/MATH 1127/MATH 1165/PHIL
Area E Social Sciences Req. Hours: 12
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Take the following course:
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from the following courses:
ECON 2105/ECON 2106/PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101
Select one world cultures course from the following courses:
ANTH 1105/ANTH 2105/ANTH 2136/ENGL 2136/GEOG 1101/HIST 1111/HIST 1112/HIST 2116/ITDS
1146/ITDS 1156
Wellness Requirement Req. Hours: 3
PELM 1205
Select any one PEDS course.
Area F Courses Rel. to Major Req. Hours: 18
MUSA 1211 Applied Music - Piano
MUSA 1215 Applied Music - Sec. Voice/Instr
MUSA 1212 Applied Music - Piano
MUSA 1215 Applied Music - Sec. Voice/Instr
MUSA 2211 Applied Music - Piano
MUSA 2212 Applied Music - Piano
MUSC 1215 Music Theory 1
MUSC 1305 Music Fundamentals
MUSC 2201 Music Theory 2
MUSC 2202 Music Theory 3
Take the appropriate course four times:
MUSC 1070 Orchestral Ensemble Activities
MUSC 1080 Wind Ensemble Activities
MUSC 1090 Vocal Ensemble Activities
Area G Prog. Requirements Req. Hours: 53
A minimum grade of C is required in each of the following courses:
MUSA 3000 Piano Proficiency
MUSA 3221 Applied Music - Piano
MUSA 3222 Applied Music - Piano
MUSA 3305 Half Recital
MUSA 4231 Applied Music - Piano
MUSA 4232 Applied Music - Piano
MUSA 4305 Full Recital
MUSC 1000 Convocation (six semesters)
MUSC 1315 Music Skills 1
MUSC 2301 Music Skills 2
MUSC 2302 Music Skills 3
MUSC 3115 Counterpoint
MUSC 3116 Form and Analysis
MUSC 3225 Music History to 1750
MUSC 3226 Music History 1750-1900
MUSC 3227 Music History Twentieth Century
MUSC 5228 Piano Lit Through Classicism
MUSC 5229 Piano Lit Through Contemp Era
MUSE 3201 Basic Conducting
MUSE 3231 Piano Pedagogy 1
MUSE 3232 Piano Pedagogy 2
MUSE 4231 Piano Pedagogy 3
MUSE 4232 Piano Pedagogy 4
MUSE 4233 Intern Teaching 1
MUSE 4234 Intern Teaching 2
MUSP 4305 Accompanying (taken four times)
Area H Program Electives Req. Hours: 8
Select eight hours of MUSA, MUSC, MUSE, MUSP courses, 3000 level or above.
Total Hours Required 123
BM Music Education - Instrumental
Area A Essential Skills Req. Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
Select one of the following courses:
MATH 1101/1111/1112/1113/1125/1131
Area B Institutional Options Req. Hours: 5
COMM 1110
Select two of the following courses:
ITDS 2726/ITDS 2727/ITDS 2735/ITDS 2745/ITDS 2746/ITDS 2748/ITDS 2749/ITDS 2755/ LEAD
1705/LEAD 1706/LEAD 2705/LEAD 2706/LIBR 1105
Select one of the following courses:
Foreign Language 1002, 2001, or 2002
Note: the extra hour of foreign language may be used as an elective.
Area C Humanities/Fine Arts Req. Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2111/ENGL 2112/ITDS 1145*/ITDS 1155/ PHIL 1105
Select one of the following fine arts courses:
ARTH 1100/ITDS 1145*/MUSC 1100/THEA 1100
*ITDS 1145, though listed under both humanities and fine arts, may be taken only once.
Area D Science/Math/Tech. Req. Hours: 10
Select one science course with a lab; the other course may be lab or non-lab:
ANTH 1145 (no lab); ASTR 1105/1305 (lab optional); ASTR 1106/1305; BIOL 1215 (lab
included); BIOL 1125 (no lab); BIOL 1225 (lab included); CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L;
CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L; ENVS 1105 (no lab); GEOL 1121 (lab included); GEOL
1122 (no lab); GEOL 2225 (lab included); ITDS 1215 (lab included); PHYS 1111/1311;
PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 1125/1325 (lab optional)
Select one of the following courses or a science course from above:
CPSC 1105/MATH 1112/MATH 1113/MATH 1125/MATH 1131/MATH 1132/MATH 1127/MATH 1165/PHIL
Area E Social Sciences Req. Hours: 12
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Take the following course:
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from:
ECON 2105/ECON 2106/PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101
Select one world cultures course from:
ANTH 1105/ANTH 2105/ANTH 2136/ENGL 2136/GEOG 1101/HIST 1111/HIST 1112/HIST 2116/ITDS
1146/ITDS 1156
Wellness Requirement Req. Hours: 3
PELM 1205
Select any one PEDS course.
Area F Courses Rel. to Major Req. Hours: 18
MUSA 1211 Appl Music-Principal Instru/Voice
MUSA 1212 Appl Music-Principal Instru/Voice
MUSA 2211 Appl Music-Principal Instru/Voice
MUSA 2212 Appl Music-Principal Instru/Voice
MUSA 2313 Keyboard Class 1
MUSA 2314 Keyboard Class 2
MUSC 1305 Music Fundamentals
MUSC 1215 Music Theory 1
MUSC 2201 Music Theory 2
MUSC 2202 Music Theory 3
Take the appropriate course four times:
MUSC 1070/MUSC 1080/MUSC 1090
Area G Prog. Requirements Req. Hours: 41-44
A minimum grade of C is required in each of the following courses:
Winds and Percussion students take 41 hours; String students take 44 hours.
EDUF 2116 Human Dev, Motivation, Learning
EDUF 2215 American Educational Experience
MUSA 3000 Piano Proficiency
MUSA 3305 Half Recital
MUSC 1000 Convocation (six semesters)
MUSC 1315 Music Skills 1
MUSC 2301 Music Skills 2
MUSC 2302 Music Skills 3
MUSC 3225 Music History to 1750
MUSC 3226 Music History 1750-1900
MUSC 3227 Music History Twentieth Century
MUSE 3201 Basic Conducting
MUSE 3202 Intermediate Conducting
MUSE 3206 Transcript Skills for Music Ed
MUSA 1215 Appl Music-Secondary Instrument
MUSA 3211 Appl Music-Principal Instrument
MUSA 3212 Appl Music-Principal Instrument
MUSA 4221 Appl Music-Principal Instrument
MUSE 2205 String Methods
MUSE 2206 Woodwind Methods
MUSE 2207 Brass Methods
MUSE 2208 Percussion Methods
MUSE 3205 Vocal-Choral Methods
Select one of the following sec appl/ens courses:
MUSA 1215 Applied Music (new or continued)
MUSA 1301/1302 Class Voice
MUSC 1090 Vocal Ensemble Activities
Take one of the following two courses *
MUSC 5237 Symphonic Lit (string students)
MUSC 5238 Wind Ensemble Literature (wind/perc students)
Satisfy the following requirement:*
Three sem hrs of MUSC/MUSE elect(string stu)
Take the appropriate course three times:*
MUSC 3070 Orchestral Ensem Act (string stu)
MUSC 3080 Wind Ensem Act (wind/perc stu)
*Note: Guitar and Keyboard students may take courses designated for either string
students or for wind and percussion students.
Area H Prof, Educ. Req. Req. Hours: 25-28
A minimum grade of C is required in each of the following courses:
Winds and Percussion students take 26 hours; string students take 23 hours.
(Courses in this area require Admission to Teacher Education Program.)
EDUF 4205 Integrating Tech for Student Tchrs
EDUF 4115 Classroom Management
MUSE 4205 Elementary School Music Methods
MUSE 4207 Secondary School Instru Methods
MUSE 4208 March Band Tech (wind/perc stu)
MUSE 4485 Student Teaching
SPED 3256 Introduction to the Exceptional Learner
Total Hours Required 132
BM Music Education - Choral
Area A Essential Skills Req. Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
Select one of the following courses:
MATH 1101/1111/1112/1113/1125/1131
Area B Institutional Options Req. Hours: 5
COMM 1110
Select two of the following courses:
ITDS 2726/ITDS 2727/ITDS 2735/ITDS 2745/ITDS 2746/ITDS 2748/ITDS 2749/ITDS 2755/ LEAD
1705/LEAD 1706/LEAD 2705/LEAD 2706/LIBR 1105
Select one of the following courses:
Foreign Language 1002, 2001, or 2002
Note: the extra hour of foreign language may be used as an elective.
Area C Humanities/Fine Arts Req. Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2111/ENGL 2112/ITDS 1145*/ITDS 1155/ PHIL 1105
Select one of the following fine arts courses:
ARTH 1100/ITDS 1145*/MUSC 1100/THEA 1100
*ITDS 1145, though listed under both humanities and fine arts, may be taken only once.
Area D Science/Math/Tech. Req. Hours: 10
Select one science course with a lab; the other course may be lab or non-lab:
ANTH 1145 (no lab); ASTR 1105/1305 (lab optional); ASTR 1106/1305; BIOL 1215 (lab
included); BIOL 1125 (no lab); BIOL 1225 (lab included); CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L;
CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L; ENVS 1105 (no lab); GEOL 1121 (lab included); GEOL
1122 (no lab); GEOL 2225 (lab included); ITDS 1215 (lab included); PHYS 1111/1311;
PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 1125/1325 (lab optional)
Select one of the following courses or a science course from above:
CPSC 1105/MATH 1112/MATH 1113/MATH 1125/MATH 1131/MATH 1132/MATH 1127/MATH 1165/PHIL
Area E Social Sciences Req. Hours: 12
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Take the following course:
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from:
ECON 2105/ECON 2106/PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101
Select one world cultures course from:
ANTH 1105/ANTH 2105/ANTH 2136/ENGL 2136/GEOG 1101/HIST 1111/HIST 1112/HIST 2116/ITDS
1146/ITDS 1156
Wellness Requirement Req. Hours: 3
PELM 1205
Select any one PEDS course.
Area F Courses Rel. to Major Req. Hours: 18
MUSA 1211 Appl Music-Principal Instru/Voice
MUSA 1212 Appl Music-Principal Instru/Voice
MUSA 2211 Appl Music-Principal Instru/Voice
MUSA 2212 Appl Music-Principal Instru/Voice
MUSA 2313 Keyboard Class 1 *
MUSA 2314 Keyboard Class 2 *
MUSC 1305 Music Fundamentals
MUSC 1215 Music Theory 1
MUSC 2201 Music Theory 2
MUSC 2202 Music Theory 3
Take the following course four times:
MUSC 1090
* Note: Students in the Choral-Keyboard Track substitute MUSA 1211 (Appl Music - Secondary
Voice) for MUSA 2313 and MUSA 1212 (Appl Music - Sec Voice) for MUSA 2314.
Area G Prog. Requirements Req. Hours: 44
Choral-Vocal(CH-V); Choral-Guitar (CH-G); Choral-Keyboard (CH-K)
A minimum grade of C is required in each of the following courses:
EDUF 2116 Human Dev, Motivation, Learning
EDUF 2215 American Educational Experience
MUSA 3000 Piano Proficiency
MUSA 3305 Half Recital
MUSC 1000 Convocation (six semesters)
MUSC 1315 Music Skills 1
MUSC 2301 Music Skills 2
MUSC 2302 Music Skills 3
MUSC 3225 Music History to 1750
MUSC 3226 Music History 1750-1900
MUSC 3227 Music History Twentieth Century
MUSE 3201 Basic Conducting
MUSE 3202 Intermediate Conducting
MUSE 3206 Transcript Skills for Music Ed
MUSA 1215 Applied Music - Secondary (Piano for CH-V, Voice for CH-G and CH-K)
MUSA 1215 Applied Music - Secondary (Piano for CH-V, Voice for CH-G and CH-K)
MUSA 3211 Applied Music (Voice-CH-V, Guitar for CH-G, Piano/Organ for CH-K)
MUSA 3222 Applied Music (Voice for CH-V, Guitar for CH-G, Piano/Organ for CH-K)
MUSA 4221 Applied Music (Voice for CH-V, Guitar for CH-G, Piano/Organ for CH-K)
MUSC 5216 Choral Literature
MUSE 2105 Instrumental Methods
MUSE 3221 Vocal Pedagogy 1
MUSE 3222 Vocal Pedagogy 2
MUSE 3241 Diction 1
MUSE 3242 Diction 2
MUSC 3090 Voc Ensem Act (take three times)
Area H Prof, Educ. Req. Req. Hours: 25
A minimum grade of C is required in each of the following courses:
(Courses in this area require Admission to Teacher Education Program.)
EDUF 4205 Integrating Tech for Student Tchrs
EDUF 4115 Classroom Management
MUSE 4205 Elementary School Music Methods
MUSE 4206 Secondary School Choral Methods
MUSE 4485 Student Teaching
SPED 3256 Introduction to the Exceptional Learner
Total Hours Required 132
MM Music Education
Students with an undergraduate music major in an area other than music education must
enroll in the two-year program and complete the following 31 semester hours of course
work prior to enrolling in courses at the 5000 level or above:
EDCI 6225 Foundations of Education
EDUF 4000 Integrating Technology
EDUF 4115 Classroom Management
MUSE 3202 Intermediate Conducting
MUSE 4205 Elementary School Music Methods
MUSE 4485 Student Teaching
Select one of the following courses:
MUSE 4206 Secondary School Choral Methods
MUSE 4207 Secondary School Instrumental Methods
Area 1 Professional Core Req. Hours: 18
EDUF 6115 Ed Psyc: Achievement for Diverse Learners
EDUF 6116 Research Methods & Action Research
MUSC 5115 Music History Survey
MUSC 5140 Music Theory Survey
MUSC 5245 Music Technology
MUSE 6485 Graduate Music Project
MUSE 6795 Seminar in Music Education
Area 2 Prog. Concentration Req. Hours: 14
Conducting Option:
MUSC 6205 Score Analysis
MUSA 6251 Graduate Conducting 1
MUSA 6252 Graduate Conducting 2
Select one of the following courses:
MUSE 6215 Introduction to Vocal Pedagogy
MUSE 6216 Teaching Wind Instruments
MUSE 6217 Teaching String Instruments
Select one of the following courses:
MUSE 6118 Choral Literature Survey
MUSE 6119 Wind Ensemble Literature Survey
MUSE 6120 Orchestral Literature Survey
Select one of the following courses:
MUSC 7070 Orchestral Ensemble Act (twice)
MUSC 7080 Wind Ensemble Activities (twice)
MUSC 7090 Vocal Ensemble Activities (twice)
General Music Options:
MUSE 6125 Teaching Elementary Music
MUSE 6126 Teaching Middle School Music
Select six semester hours of electives in music from the following:
MUSE 6215 Introduction to Vocal Pedagogy
MUSE 6216 Teaching Wind Instruments
MUSE 6217 Teaching String Instruments
MUSE 6118 Choral Literature Survey
MUSE 6119 Wind Ensemble Literature Survey
MUSE 6120 Orchestral Literature Survey
Select one of the following:
MUSC 7070 Orchestra Ensemble Act (twice)
MUSC 7080 Wind Ensemble Activities (twice)
MUSC 7090 Vocal Ensemble Activities (twice)
Area 3 Electives Req. Hours: 5
(SPED 5205, if not taken previously)
Total Hours Required 37
BA Political Science
Area A Essential Skills Req. Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
Select one of the following courses:
MATH 1101/1111/1112/1113/1125/1131
Area B Institutional Options Req. Hours: 5
COMM 1110
Select two of the following courses:
ITDS 2726/ITDS 2727/ITDS 2735/ITDS 2745/ITDS 2746/ITDS 2748/ITDS 2749/ITDS 2755/ LEAD
1705/LEAD 1706/LEAD 2705/LEAD 2706/LIBR 1105
Select one of the following courses:
Foreign Language 1002, 2001, or 2002
Note: the extra hour of foreign language may be used as an elective.
Area C Humanities/Fine Arts Req. Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2111/ENGL 2112/ITDS 1145*/ITDS 1155/ PHIL 1105
Select one of the following fine arts courses:
ARTH 1100/ITDS 1145*/MUSC 1100/THEA 1100
*ITDS 1145, though listed under both humanities and fine arts, may be taken only once.
Area D Science/Math/Tech. Req. Hours: 10
Select one science course with a lab; the other course may be lab or non-lab:
ANTH 1145 (no lab); ASTR 1105/1305 (lab optional); ASTR 1106/1305; BIOL 1215 (lab
included); BIOL 1125 (no lab); BIOL 1225 (lab included); CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L;
CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L; ENVS 1105 (no lab); GEOL 1121 (lab included); GEOL
1122 (no lab); GEOL 2225 (lab included); ITDS 1215 (lab included); PHYS 1111/1311;
PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 1125/1325 (lab optional)
Select one of the following courses or a science course from above:
CPSC 1105/MATH 1112/MATH 1113/MATH 1125/MATH 1131/MATH 1132/MATH 1127/MATH 1165/PHIL
Area E Social Sciences Req. Hours: 12
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Take the following course:
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from the following courses:
ECON 2105/ECON 2106/PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101
Select one world cultures course from the following courses:
ANTH 1105/ANTH 2105/ANTH 2136/ENGL 2136/GEOG 1101/HIST 1111/HIST 1112/HIST 2116/ITDS
1146/ITDS 1156
Wellness Requirement Req. Hours: 3
PELM 1205
Select any one PEDS course.
Area F Courses Rel. to Major Req. Hours: 18
ECON 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics
POLS 2101 Introduction to Political Science
Foreign Language 1002
Foreign Language 2001
Select two 1000/2000-level courses from the following group, no more than one from
each discipline:
Area G Prog. Requirements Req. Hours: 27
POLS 2201 State and Local Government
POLS 3115 Methods of Political Analysis
POLS 3135 History of Political Thought to 1500s
POLS 3136 History of Political Thought from the 1500s to Marx
POLS 3137 American Political Thought
POLS Elective - Area I (American Politics)
POLS Elective - Area III (Comparative/International)
POLS Elective - Area IV (Public Administration)
POLS 4795 Senior Seminar in the American Political Process
POLS 4796 Senior Seminar in Global Affairs
POLS 4797 Senior Seminar in Public Policy
Area H Program Electives Req. Hours: 18
POLS Electives - 3000-4000 level
Area I General Electives Req. Hours: 15
Non-POLS electives - 1000-4000 level
Total Hours Required 123
BS Political Science - Political Behavior/Policy Option
Area A Essential Skills Req. Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
Select one of the following courses:
MATH 1101/1111/1112/1113/1125/1131
Area B Institutional Options Req. Hours: 5
COMM 1110
Select two of the following courses:
ITDS 2726/ITDS 2727/ITDS 2735/ITDS 2745/ITDS 2746/ITDS 2748/ITDS 2749/ITDS 2755/ LEAD
1705/LEAD 1706/LEAD 2705/LEAD 2706/LIBR 1105
Select one of the following courses:
Foreign Language 1002, 2001, or 2002
Note: the extra hour of foreign language may be used as an elective.
Area C Humanities/Fine Arts Req. Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2111/ENGL 2112/ITDS 1145*/ITDS 1155/ PHIL 1105
Select one of the following fine arts courses:
ARTH 1100/ITDS 1145*/MUSC 1100/THEA 1100
*ITDS 1145, though listed under both humanities and fine arts, may be taken only once.
Area D Science/Math/Tech. Req. Hours: 10
Select one science course with a lab; the other course may be lab or non-lab:
ANTH 1145 (no lab); ASTR 1105/1305 (lab optional); ASTR 1106/1305; BIOL 1215 (lab
included); BIOL 1125 (no lab); BIOL 1225 (lab included); CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L;
CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L; ENVS 1105 (no lab); GEOL 1121 (lab included); GEOL
1122 (no lab); GEOL 2225 (lab included); ITDS 1215 (lab included); PHYS 1111/1311;
PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 1125/1325 (lab optional)
Select one of the following courses or a science course from above:
CPSC 1105/MATH 1112/MATH 1113/MATH 1125/MATH 1131/MATH 1132/MATH 1127/MATH 1165/PHIL
Area E Social Sciences Req. Hours: 12
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Take the following course:
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from the following courses:
ECON 2105/ECON 2106/PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101
Select one world cultures course from the following courses:
ANTH 1105/ANTH 2105/ANTH 2136/ENGL 2136/GEOG 1101/HIST 1111/HIST 1112/HIST 2116/ITDS
1146/ITDS 1156
Wellness Requirement Req. Hours: 3
PELM 1205
Select any one PEDS course.
Area F Courses Rel. to Major Req. Hours: 18
ECON 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics
PHIL 2106 Critical Thinking
MATH 1127 Introductory Statistics
POLS 2101 Introduction to Political Science
Select two 1000/2000-level courses from the following group, no more than one from
each discipline:
Area G Prog, Requirements Req. Hours: 27
POLS 2201 State and Local Government
POLS 3115 Methods of Political Analysis
POLS 3126 Political Parties and Interest Groups
POLS 3137 American Political Thought
POLS 4175 Public Policy
POLS 4176 American Foreign Policy
POLS Elective - Area III (Comparative/International)
POLS Elective - Area IV (Public Administration)
POLS 4795 Senior Seminar in the American Political Process
POLS 4796 Senior Seminar in Global Affairs
POLS 4797 Senior Seminar in Public Policy
Area H Program Electives Req. Hours: 18
POLS Electives - 3000-4000 level
Area I General Electives Req. Hours: 15
Non-POLS electives - 1000-4000 level
Total Hours Required 123
BS Political Science - Pre-Law
Area A Essential Skills Req. Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
Select one of the following courses:
MATH 1101/1111/1112/1113/1125/1131
Area B Institutional Options Req. Hours: 5
COMM 1110
Select two of the following courses:
ITDS 2726/ITDS 2727/ITDS 2735/ITDS 2745/ITDS 2746/ITDS 2748/ITDS 2749/ITDS 2755/ LEAD
1705/LEAD 1706/LEAD 2705/LEAD 2706/LIBR 1105
Select one of the following courses:
Foreign Language 1002, 2001, or 2002
Note: the extra hour of foreign language may be used as an elective.
Area C Humanities/Fine Arts Req. Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2111/ENGL 2112/ITDS 1145*/ITDS 1155/ PHIL 1105
Select one of the following fine arts courses:
ARTH 1100/ITDS 1145*/MUSC 1100/THEA 1100
*ITDS 1145, though listed under both humanities and fine arts, may be taken only once.
Area D Science/Math/Tech. Req. Hours: 10
Select one science course with a lab; the other course may be lab or non-lab:
ANTH 1145 (no lab); ASTR 1105/1305 (lab optional); ASTR 1106/1305; BIOL 1215 (lab
included); BIOL 1125 (no lab); BIOL 1225 (lab included); CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L;
CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L; ENVS 1105 (no lab); GEOL 1121 (lab included); GEOL
1122 (no lab) GEOL 2225 (lab included); ITDS 1215 (lab included); PHYS 1111/1311;
PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 1125/1325 (lab optional)
Select one of the following courses or a science course from above:
CPSC 1105/MATH 1112/MATH 1113/MATH 1125/MATH 1131/MATH 1132/MATH 1127/MATH 1165/PHIL
Area E Social Sciences Req. Hours: 12
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Take the following course:
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from the following courses:
ECON 2105/ECON 2106/ HIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101
Select one world cultures course from the following courses:
ANTH 1105/ANTH 2105/ANTH 2136/ENGL 2136/GEOG 1101/HIST 1111/HIST 1112/HIST 2116/ITDS
1146/ITDS 1156
Wellness Requirement Req. Hours: 3
PELM 1205
Select any one PEDS course.
Area F Courses Rel. to Major Req. Hours: 18
ECON 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics
PHIL 2106 Critical Thinking
MATH 1127 Introductory Statistics
POLS 2101 Introduction to Political Science
Select two 1000/2000-level courses from the following group, no more than one from
each discipline:
Area G Prog. Requirementsccccc Req. Hours: 27
POLS 2201 State and Local Government
POLS 3115 Methods of Political Analysis
POLS 3128 The Legislative Process
POLS 3129 Judicial Process
POLS 3137 American Political Thought
POLS 3161 American Constitutional Law 1
POLS 3162 American Constitutional Law 2
POLS 4175 Public Policy
POLS 4795 Senior Seminar in the American Political Process
POLS 4796 Senior Seminar in Global Affairs
POLS 4797 Senior Seminar in Public Policy
Area H Program Electives Req. Hours: 18
POLS Electives - 3000-4000 level
Area I General Electives Req. Hours: 15
Non-POLS electives - 1000-4000 level
Total Hours Required 123
MPA General Government Option
Area 1 Core Req. Hours: 18
MPAC 7106 Public Administration and Policy
MPAC 7116 Public Personnel Administration
MPAC 7126 Public Budgeting/Financial Admin
MPAC 7136 Research Meth for Administration
MPAC 7146 Organization Theory and Behavior
Select one course from the following two courses:
MPAC 7156 Legal Environment of Admin
COMM 5139 Dispute Resolution
Area 2 Concentration Req. Hours: 18
Select 18 semester hours from the following:
MPAC 7899 Independent Study
MPAG 5555 Selected Topics in Administration
MPAG 7698 Internship
POLS 7167 American Pol Process/Policy-making POLS 7177 National Security Policy
POLS 7187 State/Local Gov't/Intergov't Rel
POLS 7197 Comparative Administration
Note: Students may choose to substitute MPAC 7137 (Advanced Research Methods) and
MPAC 7999 (Thesis) for MPAC 7000 (MPA Comprehensive Examination) and for two of the
option courses above.
Area 3 Additional Requirements Req. Hours: 0
MPAC 7000 MPA Comprehensive Exam
Note: Students may choose to substitute MPAC 7137 (Advanced Research Methods) and
MPAC 7999 (Thesis) for MPAC 7000 (MPA Comprehensive Examination) and for two of the
option courses above.
Total Hours Required: 36
BFA Theatre
Area A Essential Skills Req. Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
Select one of the following courses:
MATH 1101/1111/1112/1113/1125/1131
Area B Institutional Options Req. Hours: 5
COMM 1110
Select two of the following courses:
ITDS 2726/ITDS 2727/ITDS 2735/ITDS 2745/ITDS 2746/ITDS 2748/ITDS 2749/ITDS 2755/ LEAD
1705/LEAD 1706/LEAD 2705/LEAD 2706/LIBR 1105
Select one of the following courses:
Foreign Language 1002, 2001, or 2002
Note: the extra hour of foreign language may be used as an elective.
Area C Humanities/Fine Arts Req. Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2111/ENGL 2112/ITDS 1145*/ITDS 1155/ PHIL 1105
Select one of the following fine arts courses:
ARTH 1100/ITDS 1145*/MUSC 1100/THEA 1100
*ITDS 1145, though listed under both humanities and fine arts, may be taken only once.
Area D Science/Math/Tech. Req. Hours: 10
Select one science course with a lab; the other course may be lab or non-lab:
ANTH 1145 (no lab); ASTR 1105/1305 (lab optional); ASTR 1106/1305; BIOL 1215 (lab
included); BIOL 1125 (no lab); BIOL 1225 (lab included); CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L;
CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L; ENVS 1105 (no lab); GEOL 1121 (lab included); GEOL
1122 (no lab); GEOL 2225 (lab included); ITDS 1215 (lab included); PHYS 1111/1311;
PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 1125/1325 (lab optional)
Select one of the following courses or a science course from above:
CPSC 1105/MATH 1112/MATH 1113/MATH 1125/MATH 1131/MATH 1132/MATH 1127/MATH 1165/PHIL
Area E Social Sciences Req. Hours: 12
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Take the following course:
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from the following courses:
ECON 2105/ECON 2106/PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101
Select one world cultures course from the following courses:
ANTH 1105/ANTH 2105/ANTH 2136/ENGL 2136/GEOG 1101/HIST 1111/HIST 1112/HIST 2116/ITDS
1146/ITDS 1156
Wellness Requirement Req. Hours: 3
PELM 1205
Select any one PEDS course.
Area F Courses Rel. to Major Req. Hours: 18
THEA 1175 Script Analysis
THEA 1245 Acting 1
THEA 1355 Basic Design for Theatre
THEA 1365 Stagecraft
THEA 1435 Theatre Practice (taken 3 times)
THEA 2285 Computer Aided Design and Drafting
THEA 2325 Stage Movement
THEA 2355 Stage Makeup
Area G Prog. Requirements Req. Hours: 25
THEA 1000 Theatre Convocation ( for every semester enrolled)
THEA 2285 Computer Aided Design/Drafting 1
THEA 2325 Stage Movement
THEA 2346 Voice Training for the Stage
THEA 2355 Stage Makeup
THEA 3261 Stage Costuming 1: Hist/ Construct
THEA 3267 Scene Design
THEA 3435 Adv Theatre Practice (take 3 times)
THEA 4000 Senior Project in Theatre
THEA 4795 Senior Seminar in Theatre
THEA 5281 Stage Directing 1
Select two courses of the following:
THEA 3175 Theatre History/Literature 1: Primitive-Renaissance
THEA 3176 Theatre History/Literature 2: Renaissance-19th Century
THEA 3177 Theatre History/Literature 3: Departures from Realism
Area H Program Electives Req. Hours: 26
Select 26 semester hours from the following:
THEA 2175 Survey of African-American Thea
THEA 2345 Seminar in Auditions
THEA 3105 Children's Theatre
THEA 3107 Creative Dramatics in the Classrm
THEA 3225 Musical Theatre Performance
THEA 3245 Acting 2
THEA 3246 Playwriting
THEA 3247 Theatre Management
THEA 3262 Stage Costuming 2: Design
THEA 3268 Scene Painting
THEA 3269 Stage Lighting
THEA 4245 Acting 3
THEA 4325 Period Movement for the Stage
THEA 4445 Theatre Performance
THEA 4465 Theatre Production
THEA 4698 Internship
THEA 4899 Individual Study
THEA 5106 Methods of Teaching Theatre
THEA 5282 Stage Directing 2
THEA 5285 Computer Aided Design/Drafting 2
THEA 5575 Selected Topics in Theatre Arts
Area I General Electives Req. Hours: 9
Total Hours Required 123
BSED Theatre Education
Area A Essential Skills Req. Hours: 9
ENGL 1101 (with a grade of "C" or better)
ENGL 1102 (with a grade of "C" or better)
Select one of the following courses:
MATH 1101/1111/1112/1113/1125/1131
Area B Institutional Options Req. Hours: 5
COMM 1110
Select two of the following courses:
ITDS 2726/ITDS 2727/ITDS 2735/ITDS 2745/ITDS 2746/ITDS 2748/ITDS 2749/ITDS 2755/ LEAD
1705/LEAD 1706/LEAD 2705/LEAD 2706/LIBR 1105
Select one of the following courses:
Foreign Language 1002, 2001, or 2002
Note: the extra hour of foreign language may be used as an elective.
Area C Humanities/Fine Arts Req. Hours: 6
Select one of the following humanities courses:
ENGL 2111/ENGL 2112/ITDS 1145*/ITDS 1155/ PHIL 1105
Select one of the following fine arts courses:
ARTH 1100/ITDS 1145*/MUSC 1100/THEA 1100
*ITDS 1145, though listed under both humanities and fine arts, may be taken only once.
Area D Science/Math/Tech. Req. Hours: 10
Select one science course with a lab; the other course may be lab or non-lab:
ANTH 1145 (no lab); ASTR 1105/1305 (lab optional); ASTR 1106/1305; BIOL 1215 (lab
included); BIOL 1125 (no lab); BIOL 1225 (lab included); CHEM 1151/1151L; CHEM 1152/1152L;
CHEM 1211/1211L; CHEM 1212/1212L; ENVS 1105 (no lab); GEOL 1121 (lab included); GEOL
1122 (no lab); GEOL 2225 (lab included); ITDS 1215 (lab included); PHYS 1111/1311;
PHYS 1112/1312; PHYS 1125/1325 (lab optional)
Select one of the following courses or a science course from above:
CPSC 1105/MATH 1112/MATH 1113/MATH 1125/MATH 1131/MATH 1132/MATH 1127/MATH 1165/PHIL
Area E Social Sciences Req. Hours: 12
Select one course from the following two courses:
HIST 2111
HIST 2112
Take the following course:
POLS 1101
Select one behavioral science course from the following courses:
ECON 2105/ECON 2106/PHIL 2135/PSYC 1101/SOCI 1101
Select one world cultures course from the following courses:
ANTH 1105/ANTH 2105/ANTH 2136/ENGL 2136/GEOG 1101/HIST 1111/HIST 1112/HIST 2116/ITDS
1146/ITDS 1156
Wellness Requirement Req. Hours: 3
PELM 1205
Select any one PEDS course.
Area F Courses Rel. to Major Req. Hours: 18
EDUF 2116 Human Dev, Motivation, Learning
EDUF 2215 The American Educ Experience
THEA 1245 Acting 1
THEA 1355 Basic Design for Theatre
THEA 1365 Stagecraft
THEA 1435 Theatre Practice (taken 4 times)
Area G Prog. Requirements Req. Hours: 25
THEA 1000 Theatre Convocation (for every term enrolled, except during student teaching)
THEA 2285 Computer Aided Design/Drafting 1
THEA 2325 Stage Movement
THEA 2346 Voice Training for the Stage
THEA 2355 Stage Makeup
THEA 3261 Stage Costuming 1: Hist/ Construct
THEA 3267 Scene Design
THEA 3435 AdvTheatre Practice (take 2 times)
THEA 4000 Senior Project in Theatre
THEA 4795 Senior Seminar in Theatre
THEA 5281 Stage Directing 1
Select two courses from the following:
THEA 3175 Theatre Hist/Lit 1: Prim-Renaiss
THEA 3176 Thea Hist/Lit 2: Renaiss-19th Cent
THEA 3177 Thea Hist/Lit 3: Depart from Real
Area H Professional Core Req. Hours: 23
(Courses in this area require Admission to Teacher Education Program.)
EDCI 4485 Student Teaching
EDCI 4795 Student Teaching Seminar
EDUF 4115 Classroom Management
SPED 3255 Learning/Behavioral Characteristics of Children/Youth w/ Disabilities/Gifts/Talents
SPED 4255 Instructional Strat for Teaching Children/Youth w/ Disabilities/Gifts/Talents
THEA 5105 Creative Dramatics in the Classrm
THEA 5106 Methods of Teaching Theatre
Area I General Electives Req. Hours: 13
Select three semester hours from the following:
THEA 2175 Survey of African-American Thea
THEA 2345 Seminar in Auditions
THEA 3105 Children's Theatre
THEA 3225 Musical Theatre Performance
THEA 3245 Acting 2
THEA 3246 Playwriting
THEA 3247 Theatre Management
THEA 3262 Stage Costuming 2: Design
THEA 3268 Scene Painting
THEA 3269 Stage Lighting
THEA 4245 Acting 3
THEA 4325 Period Movement for the Stage
THEA 4445 Theatre Performance
THEA 4465 Theatre Production
THEA 4698 Internship
THEA 4899 Independent Study
THEA 5282 Stage Directing 2
THEA 5285 Computer Aided Design/Drafting 2
THEA 5575 Selected Topics in Theatre Arts
Select ten semester hours, level 1000 or above.
Total Hours Required 123