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COUN - Counseling - Columbus State University

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COUN - Counseling

COUN 6000. Portfolio/Exit Exam (0-0-0) Satisfactory grade in this course indicates completion of the exit examination for the MS in Community Counseling or the MEd in School Counseling.

COUN 6105. Psychological Aspects of Substance Abuse (3-0-3) Explains dynamics of substance abuse of alcohol, other drugs, and food. Emphasizes psychological factors, family dynamics, treatment methods, and implications for school, communities, and businesses.

COUN 6115. Ethics and Professional Issues in Counseling (3-0-3) Provides an overview of the breadth and multi-disciplinary nature of counseling as a profession, with a focus on professional ethics, and is designed to acquaint graduate students with organizations, education settings, theories, methods, and services delivery in counseling.

COUN 6116. Lifespan and Career Development (3-0-3) Prerequisites: COUN 6115 and COUN 6225. Co-requisite: COUN 6155. An overview of general human development and major vocational development theories, resources, and occupational information. A lifespan developmental concept emphasized, with a description of career assessment instruments and appropriate counseling strategies.

COUN 6117. Diagnosis in Counseling (2-0-2) Prerequisite: COUN 6115. Co-requisite: COUN 6155. Clinical overview of the processes of diagnosing dysfunctional behaviors and mental states, with application in both school and community settings.

COUN 6155. Counseling Theory (3-0-3) Prerequisite: COUN 6115. Examines major theoretical systems with respect to major assumptions and tenets. Emphasizes convergence, divergence, strengths and weaknesses of theories and their applicability to divergent populations.

COUN 6175. Cultural Perspectives in Counseling (3-0-3) Provides an overview of counseling approaches and research on culturally diverse populations such as Asians, Hispanics, Native Americans, African-Americans. Addresses factors such as behaviors and emotions. Sensitizes the counselor to understand differing world views.

COUN 6185. Gender Issues in Counseling (3-0-3) Emphasizes sex role socialization and male/female roles as they pertain to counseling issues and practices. Exposes students to non-sexist counseling and new models of mental health which transcend sex-biases.

COUN 6187. School Counseling Services (3-0-3) Training in educational settings, educational strategies, program design, and intervention approaches in a school setting. (Elementary, middle, and secondary schools). Integrates theory, practice, and research with focus on the role and function of a school counselor.

COUN 6225. Counseling Skills 1 (2-2-3) An introduction to basic counseling skills, (listening, responding, and problem solving) through role play and application.

COUN 6245. Individual Analysis (2-2-3) Individual assessment techniques aiding self-understanding, career decisions, and other life choices. Social and ethical issues in testing and professional standards for test use.

COUN 6255. Play Therapy (2-2-3) Theory and application of play therapy, with emphasis on the elementary school setting. Issues, specific models, and strategies will be discussed. Observation and participation experiences will be arranged.

COUN 6265. Group Techniques and Procedures (2-2-3) Prerequisite or Co-requisite: COUN 6225. Examines research on group dynamics and process. Presents theory and provides participation in active group experience.

COUN 6405. Applied Practice in Community Counseling (0-6-3) Prerequisites: COUN 6795 and COUN 6796. Application of psychological assessment/change strategies with clients under close supervision in rehabilitation or community-settings. (S/U grading.)

COUN 6415. Applied Practice in School Counseling (0-6-3) Prerequisites: COUN 6795 and COUN 6796. Provides practical supervised application with clients in a school setting. (S/U grading.)

COUN 6555. Selected Topics in Counseling (3-0-3) Research and discussion in special topics. Analysis of issues facing the counseling practitioner in contemporary society. May be taken twice for credit.

COUN 6697. Internship in School Counseling (1-6) Prerequisite: COUN 6415. Provides advanced field experience training for the school counselor trainee in a school setting. May be taken twice for credit. (S/U grading.)

COUN 6698. Internship in Community Counseling (1-6) Prerequisite: COUN 6405. Supervised field placement in community agencies for the purpose of in-depth counseling and consultation with service providers. May be taken twice for credit. (S/U grading.)

COUN 6785. Seminar in Community Counseling (3-0-3) Prerequisites: COUN 6115, COUN 6117, and COUN 6225. Provides a clinical overview of selected issues in the community counseling setting. Integrates theory, research, and practice.

COUN 6786. Seminar in School Counseling (3-0-3) Prerequisites: COUN 6115, COUN 6225, and COUN 6187. Co-requisite: COUN 6117. Provides an overview of selected issues in the school counseling setting. Integrates theory, research, and practice.

COUN 6899. Independent Study (0-6-3) Prerequisite: Departmental approval. Incorporates a specialized independent investigation of a problem in community counseling or in school counseling, proposed by the student and under the direction of a specialist in the field. Relates to one of the core requirements of the degree.

COUN 7165. Counseling Children (3-0-3) Orients students to work with children as a distinct client population. Methods of assessment and counseling with children include developmentally appropriate applications of play therapy, behavioral therapy and family therapy.

COUN 7175. Counseling Supervision Theories and Techniques (3-0-3) Prerequisite: Must hold the M.Ed. School Counseling or the M.S. Community Counseling degree, or have School Counseling certification. An overview of counseling supervision theories and interventions.

COUN 7185. Family Psychopathology (3-0-3) Prerequisite: COUN 6115 or equivalent course work. Normal family processes and the development of dysfunction and psychopathology in marriage and the family.

COUN 7215. Family Therapy Process and Practice (2-2-3) Prerequisite: Consent of department chair. Theories of family dynamics and methods of family psychotherapy. Emphasis on the systems approach.

COUN 7225. Counseling Skills 2: Crisis Intervention (2-3-3) Prerequisites: COUN 6115 and COUN 6225 or equivalent course work. An introduction to crisis intervention, through training and application.

COUN 7275. Advanced Techniques in Marriage and Family Therapy (2-2-3) Prerequisite: COUN 7215. Emphasizes application of approaches and techniques learned in Family Therapy Process and Practice.

COUN 7285. Marriage and Family Assessment (2-2-3) Prerequisite: COUN 7215. Prepares students in marriage and family interviewing genograms, projective techniques for families, other assessment techniques, and evaluation procedures.

COUN 7286. Marriage Systems Theory and Therapy (2-2-3) Prerequisites: COUN 7215 and COUN 7275. Acquaints the student with theories specific to the marital relationship and executive subsystem of families, historic perspective, lifestyles, and lifespan issues.

COUN 7698. Advanced Internship in School Counseling (0-6-3) Prerequisite: COUN 7175. Provides an opportunity for the advanced student to provide counseling supervision for beginning students in a school counseling setting. (S/U grading.)

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