GEOL - Geology
GEOL 1121. Introductory Geo-sciences 1: Physical Geology (3-2-4) This course covers Earth materials and processes.
GEOL 1122. Introductory Geo-sciences 2: Historical Geology (3-0-3) Prerequisite: GEOL 1121 recommended as prerequisite or co-requisite. This course covers geologic time, sedimentary environments, fossils, and Earth history.
GEOL 1321. Introductory Geo-sciences 1: Physical Geology Lab (0-2-1) Equivalent of GEOL 1121 at another institution; Department Chair approval. Laboratory exercises in the topics of GEOL 1121. Intended for students who have had the equivalent of our Physical Geology course but without the lab. Department review of student's course required.
GEOL 2225. The Fossil Record (3-2-4) A survey of the history of life known from the fossil record. Includes principles of paleontology, evolutionary theory, and mass extinction. Field trips other than class time will be scheduled.
GEOL 3215. Igneous and Metamorphic Geology (3-3-4) Prerequisite: GEOL 3266. Tectonic setting, chemical and physical processes, phase relations important to igneous and metamorphic rock formation; classification based on hand sample and thin section study. Field trips other than class time may be scheduled.
GEOL 3235. Sedimentary Geology (3-2-4) Introduction to the description and interpretation of sediments and sedimentary rocks. Topics include: textural analysis of sediments, thin-section description of sedimentary rocks, hydrodynamics of sedimentary transportation, and interpretation of sedimentary structures. Field trips other than during class time may be scheduled.
GEOL 3245. Invertebrate Paleontology (3-3-4) Prerequisites: BIOL 1215 or GEOL 1122. Description, taxonomy, and paleoecology of fossil invertebrates. Laboratory surveys of major fossil groups and instruction in techniques of fossil collection and study. Field trips other than during class time may be scheduled.
GEOL 3265. Stratigraphy and Basin Analysis (3-2-4) Prerequisite: GEOL 3235. An introduction to the study of rock strata and their interpretation. Topics include: stratigraphic relationships, lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic correlation, recognition of depositional environments, and the tectonic evolution of sedimentary basins. Field trips other than during class time may be scheduled.
GEOL 3266. Mineralogy (3-3-4) Prerequisites or Co-requisites: GEOL 1121, CHEM 1211 and CHEM 1211L and PHYS 1111 and PHYS 1311. Symmetry, chemistry, structure, phase relations, physical properties and introduction to optical properties of minerals; identification based on hand samples and thin section study. Field trips other than class time may be scheduled.
GEOL 3275. Mapping and Field Geology (1-5-3) Prerequisite: GEOL 1122. Measuring and recording geologic data using Brunton compass, plane table and alidade, air photos, and topographic maps; using air photos to infer geologic relationships; preparation of short reports based on field work. Extended time in the field will be required.
GEOL 4175. Undergraduate Research (3-0-3) Prerequisite: Permission of Department. Open to students of demonstrated academic ability and capable of performing independent study; planning, conducting and reporting geological or other earth science research. Much time conducting research outside scheduled time required. May be repeated for credit.
GEOL 4275. Structural Geology (3-2-4) Prerequisite: MATH 1112; Prerequisites or Co-requisites: GEOL 3235 and PHYS 1111 and PHYS 1311. Description, dynamics and kinematics of folded and faulted rocks. Anatomy of mountain chains.
GEOL 4795. Senior Geology Seminar (2-0-2) Prerequisite: Senior standing. Various topics in geoscience, selected by instructor, may be repeated for additional credit if topics differ.
GEOL 5115. Geochemistry (3-0-3) Prerequisites: GEOL 3266, CHEM 1212, and CHEM 1212L. An overview of geologically significant chemical systems. Topics include: cycling of elements within the Earth's crust and mantle, composition and evolution of igneous magmas, chemical weathering, formation of chemical sediments, metamorphism, and development of natural resources.
GEOL 5135. Introduction to Oceanography (3-0-3) An overview of the world's oceans, including: geology of ocean basins and oceanic sediments; the physical oceanography of currents, waves, and tides; the chemistry of seawater; and the nature of shorelines and coastal processes.
GEOL 5165. Introduction to Hydrology (3-0-3) Prerequisites: CHEM 1211, CHEM 1211L, and MATH 1132. Study of hydrological systems on and beneath the earth's surface. Topics include: precipitation and evaporation, runoff and stream flow, groundwater infiltration, flownets and flow direction analysis of groundwater, properties of aquifers, regional groundwater flow patterns, and water pollution.
GEOL 5175. Physical Anthropology and Archeology (3-0-3) Prerequisite: Junior standing. A survey of primate and human origins, the paleontological record of human evolution and the study of Paleolithic cultures and the diverse biologies of modern human populations. Course work will include techniques of lithic archeology and focus on North American native prehistory.
GEOL 5215. Geomorphology (3-2-4) Prerequisites: GEOL 1121, CHEM 1212, and CHEM 1212L. Evolution of land forms in various climates and the formation of soils.
GEOL 5255. Environmental Geology (3-2-4) Prerequisite: GEOL 1121. Examination of human interaction with the geologic environment. Geologic hazards such as earthquakes, floods, landslides, and volcanic eruptions will be considered, as well as resources and waste management, and human impacts on the physical environment.
GEOL 5275. Vertebrate Paleontology (3-2-4) Prerequisite: GEOL 1122. History and taxonomy of the vertebrates. Analyses of vertebrate origins, periods of mass extinctions, evolution of body structures and function. Laboratory survey of the taxa and techniques of curating. Field trips other than during class time may be scheduled.
GEOL 5555. Selected Topics in Geology (3-{0-6}-3) Prerequisite: GEOL 1121. Course will encourage students to pursue specific topics in geology to greater depth. These topics might include the details of regional geology through field trips and/or library study. Course may be taken three times for credit.
GEOL 7565. Selected Topics in Environmental Geology (1-0-1) Graduate seminar addressing advanced topics of interest to students pursuing environmental geology specialization. Offered alternate years.