Are you experiencing technical difficulties?
This list addresses the most common technical issues experienced by users.
If these suggestions do not sufficiently answer your question and you need additional help, please visit the GeorgiaVIEW D2L Help Center website.
Viewing Content Problems
If some aspects of your course content are not visible or you are receiving error messages when signing in, please consider:
- Running the browser checker on the CougarVIEW log-in screen. This step will help you to identify if your browser is supported and updated, and will also provide you with information the help desk is likely to ask you if you call for assistance.
- Trying a different browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, etc.) Chrome is CougarVIEW's recommended browser, while IE has some known issues.
Clearing Your Cache
Your internet browser's cache stores certain information about webpages you visit in order for them to load more quickly in the future. You can find instructions on how to clear the cache for your particular browser by visiting the GeorgiaVIEW D2L Help Center article.
Log On Issues
- Are you navigating to the correct Login page? CougarVIEW is accessed via while GoVIEW (formerly GOML) may be accessed via An email with links and appropriate log in credentials was sent to your CSU account. If you haven't checked your CSU email (including the spam folder) lately, please do so.
- CougarVIEW uses the same username structure (lastname_firstname) as used to log in to CougarNET. You will also use the same password for CougarVIEW, CougarNET and Novell logins.
- Have you changed your password or name since the last time you logged in? If so, make sure you are entering your credentials as stated above. If you need a password reset you may do so on the CougarVIEW Login page. If you still cannot log in after following these suggestions, contact the CSU Help Desk at 706-507-8199.
Mobile Access: Course content may be viewable via mobile devices (e.g., tablets, smartphones). However, some content developed by instructors may not be. Course videos using Flash may not be viewable depending on your device. Other functions such as quizzes, web-conferencing (e.g., Wimba) will not work on mobile devices.
Submitting Assignments/Attachments
For instructions on submitting assignments using Dropbox please visit:
For instructions on attaching files please visit Attachments, Editing, Feedback and Printing (PDF).
Upload File Size: While there is no actual limit to the file size that can be uploaded to the Dropbox in CougarVIEW, there are several practical limitations to consider, including the kind of internet connection being used (e.g., wireless vs. LAN-line connection, dialup vs hi-speed cable, and off- vs. on-campus locations) and the possibility that a large file might upload fine but be too large to subsequently download.
The most common difficulty seems to be that the system will "time out" before the upload has been completed. This varies depending on your internet connection and other factors. For this reason, if you experience difficulty uploading larger files, we recommend you attempt to use another computer, connection type or location before calling for assistance.
You may also contact the CSU Help Desk at 706-507-8199 or